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Lazy motherfuckers on this site can’t even use proper grammar when being a snarky asshole. That shit you wrote is barely coherent.


There’s some politics involved. Basically, everyone is rallying behind JPEGXL instead of WebP, but Google refuses to support JPEGXL in Chrome. The reasoning they gave is weak, so it’s assumed that they’re just trying to force the format they invented on everyone because they can.

IIRC, performance of the two formats is similar.


Unprivileged users are stuck with cancer. Life ain’t fair.


In the US at least, I think most people get their phones through their carrier and are stuck on a contract paying it off for ~3 years. I think rich people and enthusiasts/fanboys are the only ones who upgrade every year or buy it unlocked at full price from the manufacturer.


Using a phone that long is risky due to the lack of security updates, especially if you’re using it for work. People not using phones longer is a problem, but the bigger issue is manufacturers killing support so quickly to force people into upgrading.

I recently upgraded after 5 years on an iPhone because it reached the end of its support cycle. I considered another iPhone because 5 years of support is great, but really didn’t feel like paying another $1000+ for what is essentially the same phone I was already using, just with a different body. So I went with a used Pixel 7 on ebay and installed GrapheneOS on it, and I’m very happy with it. I’m getting the same 5 years of support, a more secure OS, and I’m recycling at the same time!


These types of projects are driven by metrics, and teams have some kind of quota/goal that they need to reach by a certain date to keep the project on schedule. Bonuses or job security may be on the line here, and so you may see some desperate employees “going the extra mile” to reach their goals.

Relatedly, Alexa’s voice activation sensitivity is essentially a tunable number. It can be changed to be more sensitive, so that it will activate more easily (e.g. maybe you say “Alex” instead of “Alexa”). The people who control this are likely on the team with that deadline, so the incentives are there to lower this value in order to collect more data by recording personal conversations “accidentally”. Maybe a bad update goes out that causes Alexa to activate randomly, and they quickly fix it after a few days when they collected all the non-Alexa personal conversations they need for their AI.

That’s maybe a bit too deep into the paranoia/tinfoil hat spectrum for some, but history has shown that you can’t give big tech the benefit of the doubt. Especially when you see some of the documents from the Google trial, where executives discuss rolling back new features to improve arbitrary metrics in the short term so that they can get their bonuses for the quarter, even if it hurts consumers.


data portability is the ultimate right and the key to ensure continuing innovation

Interoperability in general is the solution to walled gardens and monopolies that harm competition, consumers, and innovation.


Dexter Morgan is a better hero than Batman ever was


This is not a good way to look at it. Competition is good regardless. It doesn’t matter how good Valve is today, if a viable competitor comes out, Valve will be forced to get better in order to compete.

All we need is some way to guarantee valve doesn’t become public.

This is wrong. Valve can enshittify without going public. If you think that public corporations are the only ones that are greedy/evil/anti-consumer, then you’ve never heard of the “private equity” industry. Look up the recent fight between the FTC and U.S. Anesthesia Partners in Texas for a clear example.

In capitalism, free market forces are what keep tug of war between produces and consumers fair, and competition is the fuel that keeps those free market forces moving. The fact that the Valve of today is both good and a monopoly is just a temporary rounding error/outlier. Over time, Valve will go to shit and consumers will suffer simply because Valve has almost no competition. This isn’t a question, it’s a fact of the mechanism of the economic system they exist in. It’s like gravity; just because you haven’t hit the floor yet doesn’t mean jumping off that building was a good idea.

Epic games, whether you hate them or not, is fighting the good fight. They are doing shitty things (exclusivity, etc), so maybe they aren’t the chosen one who will take challenge Valve, but they are on the right side of that fight. Hoping that Valve will stay great forever is foolish.

…but I will add that I don’t think Epic alone should be trying to take down Valve. Valve is way too entrenched in this market to be taken down with any realistic competition (probably why Epic is resorting to exclusivity deals). The FTC needs to step in and regulate the market. Idk what that would look like, but it’s possible to do it in a way that makes everyone happy. For example (off the top of my head, so probably flawed but whatever) the FTC could enforce interoperability between digital marketplaces so that consumers don’t need to install 30 different launchers to access their purchased libraries. That relatively small change could lower the bar to entry for competitors by a lot, and not be a burden to consumers at the same time. EDIT: and it would not be anything drastic like forcing a break up of Valve.


I think he graduated from the Parker Brothers school of economics.


Found the tankie lol

Unregulated capitalism doesn’t work. I don’t think anyone has ever seriously claimed that it does. The FTC isn’t the only thing keeping the market fair, the free market does that on its own. When a company does a shitty thing, they lose customers and die. That’s true in pretty much every market in the real world, except for a few problematic ones where there are bad actors trying to cheat the system.


I meant that they’re fighting Valve, which is “the good fight”. They’re not the only ones doing it, and they’re definitely not the best ones doing it, but they’re doing it. If they do manage to take a big chunk out of Valve’s marketshare somehow, that will be good for everyone, even people who decide to stay on Steam.


Sure, but

  • Lemmy == Lots of tankies
  • Tankies == Anticapitalist

So I operate on the assumption that anticapitalist people on Lemmy are tankies. It’s not true in all cases ofc, but without more info, I think that’s a safe default.

That dude calling my post “bullshit romanticism of capitalism” gives a bit more confidence that they’re a tankie with a strong case of grassphobia.


logic error on line 2: Beer == Germans

Beer does not equate to Germans, rather Germans equate to Beer. If we fix that error, then it doesn’t fit the original pattern:

  • Germans == Beer
  • Germans == Fascists

That would only work if Beer == Fascists, which of course is not true.

Also, wrong does not equal stupid, rather stupid equals wrong. Which is to say, you comment is wrong, but not necessarily stupid.


A gun owner with a lot of opinions about Mexico. That about tracks.


And Lemmy… stays the same


Computer literacy needs to be a subject treated like math and science in school. It shouldn’t just be one class that older students take one year, but a class that is taken every year and escalates to more advanced topics as they get older.

And if there’s no space in the schedule, then cut back on the science classes. Who even remembers anything they learned in middle school science? Learning about sedimentary rocks and cumulonimbus clouds never helped me, personally.


I think if you were to ask “most people” about which search engine they prefer, they wouldn’t really understand the question. I remember in highschool a teacher asked someone what operating system they have at home, and she replied “I think it’s Microsoft Office”.

Tech people tend to severely overestimate non-tech peoples’ understanding of tech.


DDG isn’t the only alternative to Google. I use Kagi and love it. The results IME are definitely better than Google’s.


Nope. I have some that I used as a kid, and sometimes I reuse them when I can’t think of a new one for some throwaway service.

The idea of having an alternate online persona doesn’t appeal to me at all, nor does the idea of being well known or recognized in general. I don’t go out of my way to remain untraceable or anything cool like that, but switching up usernames every once in a while is easy to do.

Mozilla campaign: Good news and bad news (

Below is the full-text of a Mozilla campaign email I received. Mozilla's consumer buyer's guide Privacy not included reviews apps and consumer electronics to help the general public choose products that better respect their privacy, and occasionally organizes petitions & campaigns to push for privacy regulation and...


An optimistic interpretation is that they feel like they can’t stop data collection without being hurt in the marketplace by competitors who will make more money by continuing to collect data, so they want governmentregulations to level the playing field.

That’s being really charitable though…


It’s the least greasy browser that actually works with the modern web.


In the future, Google will create a chatbot doppelganger of you and use it to recommend products to your friends and family.


Switch to Unifi. It’s enterprise-grade hardware and high quality software at consumer prices. If you know networking, you can set them up without connecting them to the internet while still being able to access them outside your network. If not, you can just use their free web portal to access your cameras. It’s probably easier than Wyze, and it’s certainly more secure.

I don’t normally like to shill brands on the internet, but for these people I make an exception.


Any specific reason for the mixed brands? I went 100% Unifi in my home (cameras and networking equipment) and it’s amazing. Everything just works, and the apps are great. While I haven’t bothered to go through the effort of setting up a VPN so that the NVR is disconnected from the internet, I know it’s doable.


Are you sure? I currently have an online account (because it was easier to give other people access and I too only have these watching my yard), but I remember when I first set it up in my home I was using a local account created in the DVR’s portal (a Cloudkey Gen 2). The web portal is hosted on the cloudkey, you can access it via any web browser, and the cameras will record to it without an internet connection.

I could’ve sworn you could host the camera server without a Unifi DVR, but apparently not. The network stuff can be though. I guess that’s important to keep in mind, although I’d be surprised if they removed the ability to use the DVR without an online account.


Don’t worry about channel creators losing money. It may seem like a dick move, but it’s the right thing to do. When channels see that they aren’t making money on Youtube ad revenue, they’ll be forced to either find another source of income (merch, patreon, alternate site, etc), or quit.

That’s better for you, them, and society as a whole since it reduces the power of a monopoly owned by an evil company.


Despite the issues, and knowing that a different phone would get me a much better value at a lower price, I was going to buy one of these.

…but then I saw it wasn’t available in the US. So I went with a (used) Pixel 7 on ebay instead. Considering this is the 5th iteration and they still don’t have a US variant, I’m not going to get my hopes up. I know Murena sells a US variant of the Fairphone 4, but apparently it uses the same exact modem, so using it in the US will result in connectivity issues.

at least I’m recycling!


Connect a printer and have it just work.


It may sound glib

I prefer KDE, but to each their own.


I don’t think that’s what the person you’re replying to meant, but to answer your question, yes you can via Wine (or Proton, I guess)


33 people who upvoted this (as of writing) now have misinformation in their heads, which they’ll probably spread around the internet thanks to you.


I’m pretty sure bronies have the same origin story.


The real answer is just that it’s a blanket term used by conservatives to refer to liberal ideas. For example, saying that gay marriage should be legal makes you “woke”

Did we kill Linux's killer feature?

A few years ago we were able to upgrade everything (OS and Apps) using a single command. I remember this was something we boasted about when talking to Windows and Mac fans. It was such an amazing feature. Something that users of proprietary systems hadn’t even heard about. We had this on desktops before things like Apple’s...


<span style="color:#323232;">#! /bin/sh
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">set -e
</span><span style="color:#323232;">apt update
</span><span style="color:#323232;">apt upgrade -y
</span><span style="color:#323232;">flatpak update -y

$ sudo update_everything_in_one_command



And the cherry on top is that the article is probably AI generated garbage anyways


Turns out that Reddit is a lot easier to quit than most people claim or realize. I still end up there from web searches occasionally, because some communities just don’t exist in lemmy (also lemmy frankly sucks as a place for finding niche communities due to fragmentation and shitty search tools). But besides that, there’s nothing particularly compelling about reddit anymore.

I wonder where people are going though? They’re definitely not coming here unless they’re an adult male technology/linux nerd.


Sam was the protagonist of the story. Frodo literally did nothing notable in the entire story. He didn’t even throw the fucking ring into the volcano, which was the only job he had. Frodo was a rich asshole climbing Mt. Everest, and Sam was the sherpa who saved his ass but got none of the credit.


That’s fine. Sam didn’t do it for the fame, he just did it for his friend Frodo.


As always, you gotta know both so that you can pick the right tool for the job.


Tenant is dating a black person and you don’t like black people? Kick them out! It’s your property!


Idk what to tell you. If you see neither the flaws in that logic nor the consequences, you’re either too far gone for me to teach you, or you’re just trolling.


prevents cheating.



So it’s cryptobro bullshit


I’ve seen people say that the Murena version uses the exact same modem as the original Fairphone one. This means you’ll get connectivity issues if you use it in the US, which is likely why Fairphone themselves don’t sell in the US.


Stop spamming this shit. Lemmy isn’t that big, and all your posts are showing up multiple times on people’s feeds since everyone is subscribed to multiple communities.


When I deleted my reddit account many years ago, my productivity skyrocketed. It has now dipped considerably since I started using Lemmy, so I’ll probably stop doing that soon.

It’s not just the extra time you get from not using the site; there’s a very real effect on my ability to focus on tasks when I don’t have Reddit/Lemmy as an escape hatch.

I thought that losing my 10yo+ account would hurt, but it turned out that I didn’t give a shit.


Go with Unifi then. They’re pretty much the only network equipment company with good software. The NVR (the computer that records/stores the camera feeds) can be used with or without internet access. If you know how to setup a VPN, you can connect to it without giving it internet access. If you don’t know/want to do that, you can use their free web portal to access it remotely.

Cloud key G2 (NVR) is ~$200 and includes a 1tb HDD, G3 Flex cameras are ~$80 each. If you want to save some money, you can skip the cloudkey and install the software on an existing computer on your network.

All you need for wiring is to pass a single ethernet cable to wherever you want to place the cameras since they use PoE (power over ethernet). You’ll also need a PoE adapter for each camera if you don’t have a router that supports PoE. They also sell really awesome routers and switches with PoE, but if you’re new to PoE be careful and do your research because it can permanently damage incompatible equipment. The older EdgeRouters are an incredible value, but the PoE variants use a non-standard and more dangerous PoE implementation than the newer ones. The EdgeRouter X SFP w/ included power adapter does work fine with G3 Flex cameras though, since that’s exactly the setup I have (I don’t think it’ll work with the Cloudkey G2 tho).

…also yes, I’m a bit of a fanboy.

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