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  • gaael,

    I remember good matchmaking in Warcraft 3 for srandard matches.

    And I also remember having lots of fun on custom servers for CS, Half-Life, D2 etc. and not at all feeling like matchmaking was a required feature.


    Yes I agree, I just wanted to point out that IMO Starcraft 2 was not the first pc game with a good matchmaking system.


    Looks like a nice ARPG, but it seems to integrate an “always online” bullshit requirement, can someone who actually has it confirm or rectify ?


    Thanks !

    Funny thing: on your screenshot, it looks like the Play Offline button is greyed out. But it’s just a visual thing and you can totally click on it, right ?


    Indeed I have, why ?

    Dead NFTs: The Evolving Landscape of the NFT Market (

    TL;DR: The NFT market has drastically declined since its peak in 2021, with most NFT collections having no value. There’s an oversupply of NFTs, leading to a buyer’s market, and environmental concerns due to energy consumption. Top NFTs also struggle to maintain value, and the future of NFTs depends on utility and genuine...


    Thanks for this educational post, TIL I learned something interesting (and sad/infuriating).


    Just finished Firewatch, and I’m a few hours in Outer Wilds. I enjoy having no way to really fail, and discovering the story bit by bit.

    Started Torchlight 2 in coop with a friend living abroad, it’s fun to see a non-blizzard Diablo with a Warcraft 3 aesthetic. Still trying to figure out which mods we want in the long run.

    And almost at the end of It Takes Two in couch coop with a friend, we’ve laughed a lot so far !

    Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous" (

    While Elon’s then-partner Grimes was recording her part in the game as cyborg popstar Lizzy Wizzy, the erratic tech billionaire turned up with an antique firearm to “insist” on being included in the game. “The studio guys were like sweating,” Grimes is quoted as saying. Musk adds “I told them that I was armed but not...


    Off-topic below.

    Btw, I saw some posters here still use the slur “cunt”.

    It’s my understanding that depending on which country you’re from (eg Australia or UK) this slur might not carry a sexist connotation in the mainstream culture, so I don’t think any of you used it with the intent of being sexist.

    Nevertheless, in the feminist circles I belong to, uskng a word that describes the genitalia of AFAB as a slur carries a sexist charge whether it was the intent or not. So we try to create new slur reflexes for ourselves and tend to use other words that do not carry an offensive charge towards a discriminated category.

    Please do not take this as a personal attack or an attempt to tell you how to speak, I just think we can do better as a community if everyone spots the stuff they are the more sensitive to and explains to the others why they see a problem.

    **On-topic.**Elon, please get lost in outer space in one of your stupid rockets.


    You are absolutely right, I should have thought of it. Thanks for the correction !


    Thank your for your very interesting opinion.


    Thank your for your very interesting opinion.


    Thank your for your very interesting opinion.


    You are right, I should not have assumed that.

    And I should actually not have used this description, because vulvas are not exclusive to people Assigned Female At Birth, as another commenter pointed out.


    Off-topic only, has nothing to do with the content related to CP2077 and the muskrat

    So, based on some comments here, it looks like I came across as trying to ban language, to forbid words, to restrict your free speech.

    As stated in my original post, this was and still is not my intention. I have not attacked personally the persones using “cunt”, nor have I said no one should say that.

    I just shared a reflexion, because that’s why I sign up on social media platforms.

    I am happy that some people felt safe enough in this community to explain why they think my views are incorrect, I actually learned some things thanks to you.

    I’m not trying to ban the “cunt” word from language - and if I was, it would be so laughable to think I could have that kind of influence.

    I just believe that the words we use have an effect on people. And I think it’s worth it to sometimes pause and wonder which words we are using and if we can use better ones.

    I’m not going to engage further on this topic in this channel, it’s probably not the most appropriate space.


    This was very informative, thanks !


    I never wondered about the conditions of videogames workers, but I’m really happy that they get better thanks to this movement !


    Thanks for sharing ! Looks like the usual “small white male feeling powerful because he’s the boss” bullshit more than a problem specific to the gaming industry.

    Anyway, unionizing should protect them better from these kind of abuse, which is good :)


    Yeah, I’ve got the same thing with playing previous games in the series. This summer I’ve tried playing BG1 and then BG2 prior to BG3’s release - and I did not go very far (did not like the UI).

    gaael, (edited )

    I have no source for you, just personal experience. In my small circles (irl and online) which are not statistically significant, we usually use :

    • “iel” for third person singular, used the same way as “they” in the singular form
    • "ellui" also used for the third person by someone who wanted the feminin “elle” to come first
    • "ol" is also used for the third person, mostly by people who want to get rid of the binary “il” and “elle” sounds of “iel”
    • “elleux” for the third person plural, used the same way as “they” in its usual sense

    Maybe this wikipedia page could be useful ?

    Just FYI: from my experience as a native French speaker and a French resident, these neopronouns have a hard time existing outside militant and lgbtqi+ circles. Our most popular media (which are right-wing/conservative) regularly paint them as a problem, an attack on the “mothertongue” etc. and I’ve faced violent reactions from people I gave my pronouns to.

    Kudos to you for including them in your signature !

    Edit: typos.


    Happy to help :)

    Iel clearly has the most tractiin, enough to get included in one french dictionary recently.

    “Elleux” does actually replace all uses of 3rd person plural.

    Thanks for your support :)


    Thank you so much for making it :)


    Cryptpad is great but I don’t think it entirely fits OP’s requirements :

    • it’s really private
    • it’s in the cloud, so no self hosting is necessary
    • they have a spreadsheet and a form app

    However, last I checked, there was no way to automatically get the form answers in an already existing spreadsheet.


    Thanks for posting, really interesting read ! I had never thought about it.

    I wonder to which extent the described mechanisms also make it more difficult for men with a higher-than-average-pitched voice and thus contributes to the patriarchal vision of what a man™ should be - in this instance, of how a man should speak.


    My dislike for brave is mostly about its chromium base - chrome being the embrace - extend- extinguish offensive on the web from google.


    Well, I find that really sad.

    Whatever mistake they make, I think people living with constant fear of the threat posed by a totalitarian regime known for its violence against its own people deserve our sympathy.


    Proton has a nice UI and works well (I’ve used it for two years before moving to but as of 6 months back, I was unable to make it work outside their walled garden. You can subscribe to proton calendar with any other calendar app, so you can read your calendar via caldav, but I found no way to edit it other than using their app.

    I would recommand Proton for a lot of reasons, but if having a caldav calendar matrers to you I don’t think Proton is a good option.


    I second that, been using mailbox for the past 6 months and it works like a charm. You also have a todo tool on mailbox that I think synchronizes via Caldav too, but I don’t use it so I don’t know how it compares to todo.txt


    Running on that VM, I really enjoyed Flight of the Amazon Queen a few years back. Warning: it’s an oldie containing lots of sexist moments - I’m not sure I would enjoy it as much today.


    Thanks for posting, this puts words on things I’ve been struggling with for a while now.


    I agree with you on the cause, and that there are few and outdated versions on generalist torrent sites.


    Thank you for the resouce, I will have a look !


    Thank you, I’ll check them out.

    gaael, (edited )

    Thank you, I’ll check them out.


    Thanks ! That’s one step I still have to take - dive into IRC and its ecosystem(s).

    France’s browser-based website blocking proposal sets a disastrous precedent for the open internet (

    In a well-intentioned yet dangerous move to fight online fraud, France is on the verge of forcing browsers to create a dystopian technical capability. Article 6 (para II and III) of the SREN Bill would force browser providers to create the means to mandatorily block websites present on a government provided list. Such a move...

    gaael, (edited )

    It’s not just right now : this president has been here since 2017 and most of the core ministers are the same since then.

    They have been cracking down on civil liberties from the start, but they make it more and more obvious since 2022 (because there is no re-election possible after 2 terms). Using anti-terrorist special legislatilns against environmental and himan rights activists, making demonstrations repression ever more violent…

    At the same time, to guarantee that pseudo-centrist (actually right wing) keep getting elected, they have worked to make the far right more powerful. This way, in every election, they can end up being the “rational” choice.


    Funnily enough, meeting far-right people increased my far-right-ophobia.


    Fun-ish activity : ask goblin to break down one simple task, then to break down the smallest subtask, rinse and repeat ! Got some funny end results - nothing false per-se, but absurd in-length description of a seemingly atomic action.


    Me too, been using it for a few weeks now and it works great for me. That being said, I don’t have that many photos/videos, so I don’t know how it handles large content collections.

    gaael, (edited )

    Really sorry to read this. Thank you and kudos for being able to communicate like you did.

    I hope you manage to take your time and take care of yourself. From my burnout experience, I can say it’s likely we usually underestimate (by a lot) the amount of time and distance we need before coming back.

    Please don’t feel you have to come back next week because you said so, and don’t feel like you owe us anything in terms of communication / visibility - it matters so much less important than giving yourself the healing space and time you need.

    I also hope the admin team finds ways to protect themselves.


    Vote of misconfidence only gets rid of the government (PM and the other ministers), the president stays in place. Macron already theatened the parliament of dissolution (meaning everyone goes home and we do a parliament election) in case of succesful vite of misconfidence. It doesn’t make it impossible but it makes it less likely.


    Yep. Our current constitution was designed by De Gaulle, who was military and not too big on parliament power. From the official presidential website “Élysée” (name of the palace where presidential powet resides in France) : While it is based on the Constitution of 1946, the 1958 Constitution is different, as its purpose was to strengthen executive power and stabilize the government, making it more difficult for the Assembly to overthrow.


    Bought an FP3 for that reason (and because I’d rather be as late as I can to the moronic 5G-party).


    Lots of us wanted neither, we juqt settled for 5 more years of “Macron the dipshit that is covertly racist” to avoid 5 years of “Le Pen the dipshit that is overtly racist”. And we hate every minute of it.


    French resident here. The current government has been abusing anti-terrorist and emergency state legislation for years against environmental ngos. The police repression of any kind of strike and protest has become more and more violent since 2017. They are using the 2024 Olympic games in Paris to establish precedent in mass surveillance and tracking in public spaces. They sell weapons to anti-democratic countries.

    So this does not sound like good news, I would really not feel safer once they get one more tool at their disposal.


    Leigh Bardugo - Six of Crows. Multiple heists, fantasy setting and nice YA vibe.


    Hey OP. Kudos on acknowledging your feelings and expressing them ;)

    TL;DR: your reaction makes a lot of sense, don't stay alone with this, lots of empathy

    Where I speak from : I'm a white and socially cisgendered male, 35 yo, living in France. I had the chance to go to university and to have several educations.

    I have been a climate change and biodiversity collapse educator and activist for 3 years, and I'm currently struggling with crippling adhd, depression and anxiety after a rough burn out.

    I try to base my opinion on the IPCC reports which I regard as the best science consensus provider on climate-related matters (more on the IPCC at the end of the post).

    In my opinion, being terrified by climate change is a very appropriate emotionnal response.

    What scientists say about the amount of suffering climate change already inflicts to hundreds of thousand is hard to fathom, and imagination fails to grasp how much worse it's going to get in the coming decades.

    To my understanding, humanity as a species is not under threat, and we will not all die in 50 years. But a huge amount of people already suffer and die from climate change and it's going to get much much worse. As usual, the less privileged you are (and the less you contribute to climate change), the worse you have it.

    CO2 emissions keep going up when scientist agree that they should be cut in half by 2030 and divided by 3 or 4 by 2050.

    The IPBES (same as IPCC but for biodiversity) current analysis reinforces the "we're in deep shit and we're diving faster and faster" feeling.

    And while individual action is absolutely necessary, it is by large insufficient without structural collective change.

    I also feel terrorized. And so angry. And more sad than I'll ever by able to express. And so fucking frustrated.

    I found that sense of community is what keeps me going. I met some great people in environmental ngos, and getting together to do something about it is a great feeling. Having a drink together and ranting about how hard it is to witness our collective failure makes is really not as bad as doing it bu myself. And crying among friends feels a lot better than crying alone, for me.

    So I wish for you to find people around you who understand the world in the same way you do, who care as much as you do. I wish for you to find safe spaces in which you can stop pretending it's ok, in which you don't need to explain yourself, to have a debate about whether or not climate change is a big deal, in which you can let your emotions flow. I wish for you to find meaning, belonging and even happiness in action.

    Take good care of yourself, the wolrd needs you in good shape !

    Btw, compiling and summarizing together papers about the mechanism and impact of climate change is exactly the job of the IPCC. They take in account thousands of papers from all the fields related to climate change, write a draft an publish it, wait for questions/criticism/corrections to be sent by all the scientists who want to contribute (for several months) and then they correct their draft and publish the final version. I recommand reading at least the key points of the "Summary for policymakers" of the 6th assessment report..

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