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I related ML to Machine Learning, since tons of ML tools hosted in .ml, it turns out that it was just a free domain from Malasia.


And every single one will be met with “I spend 80% of my pc time gaming, my games don’t run in linux as good as windows, end of discussion”.

Also, comparing stuff to windows 11 is quite the low bar, 2 of those points don’t apply to win10 and the 5th can be done with powershell and wsl1.0 afaik pretty fast. the 5th can be done in windows by running a python script too, and let’s be honest, what is the use case of batch file renaming if it’s not for programming? it’s not a common issue.

So basically, it’s about privacy, bloatware and security. Bloatware can be uninstalled if you are a power user, and let’s be honest normal users won’t even dream about using linux.

So yeah. I love it for work but it’s lacking for my entertainment pc.


To make a list: Path of Exile has given me big issues, graphical errors, and weird stuff happening and the game is already demanding enough for emulation inneficiencies to worsen it.

About all of the windows shit on your pc, idk, remove it? You can remove/stop tons of windows services, uninstall all the Microsoft crap, close and disable cortana… You either play indie games that don’t require much optimization or semi old games that have had tons of work by the proton team already done. However, love service games are getting constantly updated and improved, for windows, which breaks the emulation efficiencies and need constant maintenance.

I’ve had issues with Legue of Legends too, and it really sucks when the game closes in the middle of a match.

Voice processing programs like nvidia broadcast have no Linux runtime, and they are a godsend to filter both my shitty microphone and my friends’, and no discords shitty filter doesn’t work that well at all.

“game ready” drivers where nvidia optimizers the drives so that the new hot games run better, don’t exist for Linux.

When you say “all the windows shit”, I can’t really relate since I just open the process manager if anything is running weird, check the services running it, investigate and stop it. I had to do this once or twice in all the years I’ve been using Windows, but strange graphical errors happen quite a lot in Linux. Witcher 3 had some really weird things ha penning when I tried it on Linux.

As a reference, I had a ryzen 1700 and a gtx 1080 when I tested most of those games. 16gb of ram and 500GB of ssd, and games obviously on the ssd.

I could go on, but I think that I’ve already made my point.


Yeah, ofc I’m talking about wine/proton, proton is wine+ and wine is an emulator whose name translates to Wine Is Not an Emulator, funny. PoE is not an old game at all, and it’s quite hardware demanding, the leader of the non casual ARPG market.

Krisp and noisetorch are perfectly good too

Sadly, krisp can’t even compare to the level of noise reduction I get from broadcast/rtxvoice, it completely eliminates annoying sounds (dogs barking, fan noise, random high pitched shouts from annoying friends. I can even even rub my beard to the mic while talking and what others hear is just a slight distortion in my voice. I have not tried noisetorch so I don’t know, but I would be very surprised if they get the level of reduction that I have from nvidia.

The last time I played with linux was about 3ish years ago. I might install linux on my old SSD when I upgrade my pc and get new drives, just to have dual boot to test stuff without fear of breaking anything (it’s nbd to create partitions and to expand a drive and all that stuff, but it feels like working at home), but lutrix and/or proton were already running quite high and mighty when I tried.

There’s other stuff too, although this is quite minor, the propietary programs to control the lighting of my keyboard/mouse are not on linux, and those are VERY important (/s).

it’s not that I’m viscerally against linux, it’s just the reaction i get from the lemmy linux evangelists :sweat_smile:


The 90s were over 30 years ago… :)


We both work from home and don’t get out a lot after work either, so… No. I game, she watches tiktoks or plays with the cats, sometimes we see shows on the TV… Idk, it’s not hard.

I tell her about the new anime girl I’m simping, she tell me about the evil edgy vampire boy she’s simping. It’s great.


They did him dirty too, the current equivalent is the Chad icon.


You mean the French with the white flag and baguette jokes? Spaniards with the lazy/siesta jokes? Italians with the pasta and pizza jokes? South europeans with the poor/debt jokes? Irish with the alcoholism jokes? British with their shitty food cuisine jokes? Swedish and their immigrant policy jokes?

Americans are not special. Each country has their joke topic, yours in a nutshell are about yall being very self centered, and it shows tbh.


I still prefer yyyymmdd for day to day. If year is irrelevant just skip it. If you only use a date format you get used to it and it becomes the most efficient one due to consistency. Sidenote, in my language the default date format is actually yyyymmdd.


I just put the speed limiter to the limit +2 km/h, why +2? Because radars won’t pick that small difference and drivers usually when trying to go to the limit they go a liitle bit faster and it’s annoying to have people pass you all the time.


I started playing Ys origin again, such a simple fun game with instant action and feels good combat.


The thing here is that some medicine doesn’t really heal either. Paracetamol is just a pain suppressant, and ibuprofen partially suppresses it while accelerating blood flow and thus reducing inflammation, which is why it’s used for sore throat, to avoid more friction and let the throat heal by itself.

Aleviating pain is sometimes what your body needs to start focusing on healing itself. It’s not a miracle but it works when it does.

Say8ng that placebo effect doesn’t heal you isn’t really that revealing, plenty medicine doesn’t either and that’s okay, that’s not their objective.


Try alexandrite, it’s a web frontend for any instance that looks great.


As a general recommendation, don’t delete edited content, cross it over so that people can see the original and follow the thought trail while also clearly pointing that you are changing the comment. You can do it like this%

~~cross it over~~

Not many people do, but I still think that it’s considerate for future readers.


Look, I agree that eating meat is morally bad, I accept that. What most extremist vegetarians need to accept is that there’s people that simple don’t care about animals as much as them, I don’t really care about it just like I don’t really care about some bad things happening in the world, I know that it’s morally wrong, and I’ll push for more options for the people that do care, but I won’t restrict my diet or personally try to fix those things, because I don’t care enough.

And this sounds quite rude and I look like an ass, I know, but the reality is that there’s a lot of people that think exactly like this. Hell there’s tons of people that thinks like this about actual humans. You won’t convince those people because in the end, it’s their decision and as bad as eating red meat etc is for the body and global warming etc, so are tons of other stuff that people do.

I really advocate for more vegetarian stuff, I actually enjoy seitan/tofu and dishes with them, but the fact is that I’ll keep consuming meat once in a while, and when you start trying to make every meat consumer your enemy, you also make people from my group, people that actually push for more progress, your enemy, and that’s honestly a bad way to make progress.

This is going to be a generational progress, there’s way more vegetarian teenagers than 40+ people, and every friend group I frequent on my age range 25-35 has at least someone vegetarian, and businesses naturally will offer more options because if they won’t they’ll lose business.

Try not making society your enemy, because if you do you will become the enemy of society.


That’s a good analogy. The difference is that I’ve seen some comments saying that they really like potatoes because X sauce combo feel more polished for them (lol), and that’s cool, but I’ve seen several claiming that potatoes are the superior dish, potatoes have way more combinations, potatoes are way better at everything, nothing can compare to potatoes… Omg you can link settings from the app another reason why it’s the best app! (a custom html link that the app parses followed by an id code to redirect the app to that settings page, cool but kinda unnecessary to me).

And, it reaches a point where I just get pissed. 0 consideration, it’s just hostile. Mind you, I also read people saying that it’s the enemy of Foss yada yada, way less people and with tons of downvote at the bottom of the barrel, fuckem.

I’m just seeing quite the high victim complex from the sync users while belittling others, it feels a tiny bit like (and I’m so sorry for making this comparison) chistianity.

I’m just waiting for the wave to pass but it’s still everywhere.


laughs because it has the same level of protection as other OSs and thus is quite secure in that regard, right?


You do realize that in this very post they explain that if you mount an old linux drive with another user, you can’t delete stuff either until you remove the flags or change the owner of the old drives’ files?

You can do the same in windows, too.

They are not trying to access their own Windows folder, but that of an old drive.


You mention Linux in your comments, but this same thing happens in Linux too! It’s the third time I’m writing this in this comment chain, I’m gonna assume you are a troll since you can’t be this dense. The top comment of this post explains why this also happens in Linux, I mentioned it first and then have you an example. If you can’t ocess that information it’s not my problem. Have a nice day.


but it’s still the best app UX wise, by far

That’s a high claim when tehre’s features I want that other apps do that this doesn’t, great user experience. Just say that you prefer it, stating it as a fact reads extremely arrogant and might be why some other people are getting pissed.


Marking posts as read as you scroll by them for example, this way every time I refresh the page I see no repeat posts.

Another one that I’ve seen mentioned by users in some of these posts is that the “hide” swipe action doesn’t exist, and it does in connect.

Idk, I’m not saying that the app is bad, it’s just that the amount of people claiming that it’s the apex of all creation is way too overbearing.


You just have to actually give a shit about what you personally want, and not what big corporations want you to think.

Cool, you won’t convince anyone like that.


I get it, but then the other dude is just being an asshole, belittling people that find hard the transition.

Either they suck at presenting a good argument about their platform or they are just an asshole that belittles other who find it hard to use their platform. I prefer to think the first one although I know that chances of the second are higher.


I’m at 3 and it’s been quite annoying all these posts about people pushing Sync glory, saying that every other app is basically a buggy garbage (I’m exaggerating). Like, dude, I enjoy the other apps and I am not having bugs, can you enjoy your app without belittling others? Thanks?

Maybe the reason some people are pissy with Sync is because even with their community blocked it’s bloody everywhere on the all feed. Like guys I get it you like it but pls stop.


the huge amount of holier-than-thou rhetoric that’s plastered all over the front page of Lemmy right now

All I’m seeing in the all frontpage is people glorifying Sync while belittling other apps and complaining about those complainers, Like dude, I have the sync community blocked because while I like that it exists, I don’t want to be force feed with that content, and now I still am because it’s being discussed in other communities.

What’s annoying is the way some people talk about the app, stating that it’s the objective best app ever, like zealots. I don’t give two flying fucks about the price but I swear that the alleged complaints of FOSS users may be in part because of the attitude of other users.


I almost finished the first act without long resting once. Idk, it’s not a big deal, it creates opportunity cost.

Given that this is following the dnd 5e ruleset (with some changes from 6e and some homebrew), a change as big as removing long rests would mean that they basically need to completelly rewrite dnd and rebalance everything.

I wanted a game that let me play wacky dnd5e builds and test them out, and this game lets me, it’s awesome.


The meme format is wrong. There even was a nice guide posted some month ago.

Shame. Shaaame on OP. Shame.


Brave is a chromium fork with custom stuff, they can just not implement it if they want.


Did you read the article? Or even the summary. It states that the attack was an Android app names SafeChat that infected the phone and retrieved chat logs, etc.


The people that prefer Windows for gaming are not the people that will have performance issues on an OS basis, their rig is powerful enough to run complex games, the OS based performance loss is negligible in comparison. Hell, I sometimes don’t reboot the work computer for days and it doesn’t freeze at all. The system is on an SSD and there are no hiccups nor disk performance issues. In any case, with current day prices, buying a new m2 stick and new ram is less than 100€ total, and to be honest, I’d rather pay that and be fine for 4-5 years than spend a big part of my free time trying to make witcher 3, baldur’s gate 3, path of exile, tons of steam games and league working perfectly for Linux. It’s just not worth it.

I use WSL for work because coding in a Linux environment is better but I still need access to office tools, because companies work with those tools.

Linux won the servers war, but it still has to do much to win the home/work computer war.


I got quite the good AA by rendering the screen at 4k and letting the graphic card underscale it into the screen’s 1080p resolution. No AA needed, looks fiine.


That’s the thing, my game is running at 60+, and I don’t need more.

In any case new graphic cards AR prepared to run for 4k games, so having a 1080p screen which which I’m content is a godsend performance wise, it let’s me do stuff like this without practical performance losses.


They could have dropped the bombs on the coast or a non populated area as a warning, and act if they didn’t surrender though. That’s a demonstration, dropping it in a city/town was not, that was a masacre.


I never get those, can’t you just block them?


IIRC the reason they don’t do e2e encryption is because you can access the information from the desktop without having access to the phone, you cannot do that with whatsapp, every desktop connection must pass through the phone, and that’s mighty annoying.

Yeah, you need to trust them that they will save the data in their servers in a secure way, but they have not betrayed the users’ trust since they are running, and several people trust them.


Well, the fact that telegram normal/group chats are not encrypted is not true either. I think I know how is signal doing it, and I wish telegram upgraded it’s services, but for now it’s without any kind of doubt the most seamless chat service I have ever used, with the integrations, stickers and all that. I’ll give signal a try though, GL moving all the friend group chats though.


Well, for starters, Signal doesn’t have a web version so I cannot use it in managed pcs, bummer. In any case, I’ll check it out but I highl doubt that the user experience will be even close.


Lmao it’s not. It doesn’t have nearly the same stickers, no animated stickers, no reactions, no instant video messages.

Encryption is not part of the user experience, that’s an underlying security messure that he user doesn’t feel. It’s important but it’s not part of the user experience.


It’s a basic necessity in this day and age.

No, it’s not. It’s important, but it’s not a basic necessity like water and food. That sounded so entitled, damn.

Anyway, you give utmost importance to the features signal offers, I don’t really and…

but again, who gives a shit?

Well, plenty of fucking users, obviously. Wdym who gives a shit? You are literally talking to me complaining about it, I clearly do and I’m not alone in this or else a lot more users would have migrated.

Anyway, You like yours and as stated, I’ll check it out. Have a nice day.


I bet half my reddit karma that it was the loli body type.


They might care in other ways but they don’t care enough not to cheat. It’s that simple.

If you don’t talk about opening the relationship, you are breaking the trust, there’s no excuse around it.


these companies

How is complying with current law, attempting to blockade Cannabis Businesses?


Thats cool and all, but fight about it with the federal government, not individual companies…


That’s my xD, lmao, >:)



What? Of course it should. Imagine if anyone doing ilegal activities were able to listen to police radio. Of course it should be private.

Do people just not use the YouTube subscription feed?

I consistently hear people on YouTube complain that the subscribe button doesn’t do anything for viewers, now that channel notifications are controlled by the bell. But it does do something: it puts the videos from that channel in your subscription feed, which is readily accessible on all versions of YouTube. So why do people...


I swear people does not use the “I dislike this content” or whatever it’s called button from the triple dot panel.


Well, if you never got that far, you really don’t need more than 4 tabs, it’s not like the loot you will drop is worth keeping that much.

In any case, the way I see it is that you can drop 40ish euros when tabs are on sale (every 3 weeks there’s a sale) (or drop 30/60 to get the same points with skins included idc) and get all you will ever need in terms of specialized stash tabs, which is less than what D4 costs, and similar to what D3+expansion+necromancer costs, quite the old game in comparison.

The way I see it, before dropping the 40ish euros to get the honestly quite necessary tabs for endgame, the game plays as a quite extensive free trial.

Also, idk which other ARPGs you have played, but I have not played any free ARPGs with unlimited stash space.

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