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It’s funny you say this when 5E is considered the “simplified” version, and 6E (One DnD) is suspected to be more complex. Pathfinder 1e(basically dnd 3.5E) is way, way more complex and even pathfinder 2e, which is much more simpler than 1e, is more complex than 5e.

In any case, as TTRPGs go, current DND is quite simple. However, it seems that some people who enjoy RPGs just want a simpler experience I guess.


Or, you know, someone called Jesus signed it. There’s a bunch.


We’re ultimately dealing with a pretty simple underlying system: d20 roll high

I highly disagree with this sentiment. You do you, but this is not the general feeling of TTRPG players.


But tell me when it becomes a RPG, it’s basically a video game system ported to tabletop

Uh… tabletop came before videogames…

Anyway, no. An RPG is a Role Playing Game, it’s a game where you take the role of someone, either created by you or given by the game (be it a videogame or not), and you experience the things that happens to that character.

Saying that TTRPGs are video games ported to TT is like saying that Lord of the Rings is a story written within the DnD lore. It’s completely wrong.


So why not lean into it fully and make the GM responsible for the whole balancing

Because they should have fun too? Having to rule and improvise everything makes for a harder job for them, needing to keep track of everything to make it consistent, and it’s also bad for players too, since they don’t really know what to expect.


I read 20 mins ago someone from hexbear complaining that calling Xi Winnie is racist because Winnie is yellow and Xi Chinese. Meanwhile, the meme was born in china, from chinese people. The west just adopted the icon that China’s govenment banned in china, after its own citizens popularized it.

SOOOoo it must be racist yeah /s

Minnesota prison reaches resolution with inmates who refused to return to their cells in heat wave (

A Minnesota prison has “resolved without incident” a situation involving about 100 inmates in one housing unit who would not return to their cells Sunday in what one former inmate there called an act of “self-preservation” amid dangerously high temperatures in the region....


Still, context matters, if it’s basic where people are demanding it, it’s a basic right for them, and anything else doesn’t really add to the convesation.

Yeah there’s tons of places where it’s not a thing, poorer countries, richer colder countries (where it’s gonna be hotter and their households are nowhere near prepared for heat management besides retention, which is what you don’t want for the future), but this is a comment thread about American prisoners deserving what is considered basic in America-


Another possible case no one seems to have mentioned. That the CSS doesn’t do that kind of spacing automatically, and that the user manually put in spaces this creating an invalid date for the lulz.


Oh man I still remember the post that was leaked from russian government webpage on the 25th, a day after russian invaded. It was an absolute hard on about russian imperialism and how they will restore the good old russian empire or something, which included most slavic countries btw. It was taken down in hours but I checked that the addess was correct and legit. No proof of it since it’s been a year already and I saved nothing, so if you don’t believe it ignore me and please don’t spread this since I have no source anymore, but damn if it doesn’t paint a clear picture of russia’s intent on all of this since way before.


Rogue doesn’t get the extra attack, and only has 1 bonus action, so at most it would be 2 attacks, no? Thieves don’t have any kind of extra attack of bonus action or nothing:


You are talking about Baldur’s Gate 3, right? This is the tabletop rpg instance, it would be cool if you at least mentioned that. They did some changes to the classes, the thief gets two bonus actions in BG3 but not in tabletop dnd5e, for example. Also, you would need the crossbow expert feat as the other poster mentioned to even use your bonus action to shoot with the offhand.


I’m also a jackass, I was already sure of it but I wanted to make you admit it :sweatsmile:. Hope you enjoy the gameplay!


The issue si that way more people live in big cities than this ein rural areas. I general humans tend to give more importance to their local issues, and having a proportional vote makes the issues of rural areas go unheard, since the big cities will refer for most of the money to be destined to their issues.

At a glance it makes sense, for most of the money to be deestined to the majority of people but rural areas also need repairs, upgrades, and projects to renovate them, since they are the ones that produce and sustain the big cities (in theory, I know that with globalization it gets a bit muddled). Districts exist to make the voice of those that sustain big cities louder, to make it fairer for them.

However, the travesty that is the US has perverted this notion to create completely manipulated regions for their benefit. I would propose for something like “vote power” to exist, so that each vote gets multiplied with some number that is computed from the population of the region that vote was casted or other significant reasons, and then to add all of those votes.

For example, people living and voting in a small town would have double or triple voting power than those living in a big city. The citi will still get in total way more power, but it would help to balance that difference a bit while not letting those in power to manipulate the districts in their favour. This is vulnerable to those in power to manipulate the vote multipliers, but that is way easier to regulate than imbalanced and weird regions.


It is a way to ensure that everyone gets an equal amount of benefit. As I already wrote, if it were proportional the bit city regions would have way way more voting power than rural areas, and the needs of the rural areas would go unheard, thus them not getting equal benefit.

If by equal you mean proportionate benefit, sure, but in a democracy the minorities get nothing when their ideas clash with the majority, since the majority wins always. Giving them a boost helps balance thing a bit.

I say this again, what US has right now is a travesty of the original idea, there’s other places where this works better. For example, in Spain, the big city regions have more congress seats than regional zones, but it’s not proportional to the population at all, the seat amount is inflated in the rural areas. We don’t have weird ass regions though, the regions are separated in a historical way.


How’d you feel if I check if those tits are real with my gay friend?

This is so weird.


I guess that you are joking, and I disagree with their stupid policy, but it’s not really that weird for policies to be different in the border of a country with inter country borders. It’s not a double standard, they are clearly two well defined different standards.


That’s the thing, no? US has laws against immigrants and acts according to those. Now, the dude didn’t follow it’s own laws and yeah we know that they are corrupt and he won’t get shit, but what I’m saying is that laws about interacting with fellow citizens will always be different than laws interaction with external people


Sure but then I don’t get which double standard you were mentioning with this incident and the issue that the rest of the US has with texas.

I’m not defending this fact at all, I genuinely don’t understand why is there a double standard with Mexico-us policies and non texas us-texas policies, they are different laws, double standards exist where reality works differently with how it should happen.

Are you saying that you should be allowed to shoot texas that try to go to anywhere on the US that is not texas? People jump quite fast to aggressive comments as if I was implying that what happened is remotely okay, I just don’t get how your double standards comment makes sense.


Eh, With games like these a 1TB M2 SSD is kinda required to have, I have one and I’m wanting to have two already tbh.


They are a game reviewer, it’s kinda embarrassing that they don’t hve a decent setup to playtest the games they review.


incomparably slower than most hard drives

Than most Solid State Drives you mean, since Hard Drive Disks have way slower read speeds than USB 3.0/3.1, I even have proof, My partners BG3 game was laggy as hell in her hard drive, but it’s manageable to play in an external SSD connected to USB3.1. The read speed changes from 35MB7s-ish to 500MB/s-ish iirc. it was VERY noticeable. Her laptop is a gaming laptop bought 4 years ago, and the processor/grapphics card works pretty well still, but the 250GB SSD is just not enough to manage windows and all the other games/programs, and the HHD is way too slow, so yeah. In the future changing the SSD to put a bigger one would be the best but for now an external drive works wonders.


Something to take in mind is that yes, they would need to retrain the models from zero, but if they did it in any kind of basic decent method they should have backups and versions of the data they used to train and they would need to retrain everything with a subset of the original data. Then, the optimizations they have already applied to the system should be able to be reapplied in the same manner and the product should be somewhat similar. Another thing would be to design a de training process, where you generate an input from the “must be deleted” input that when trained acts as some sort of “negative input” and the model ends up in the same place it would have ended up if it were not trained with the “must be deleted” data.

I bet you that if governments act harsh enough tech companies will develop some sort of “negative training”.

In the end this is a solvable math optimization problem, what input do I need to feed the already trained model for it to become the equivalent model it would be if trained without the requested data.

We could even create an ML model that computes a “good enough negative input” from several examples, since testing the quality of the results is quite simple, and we can train it with several trained model examples. This model would be fed with a base model, some input data and another base model trained without that data.

All in all, AI companies will tell you that this is very hard because they would essentially be investing hours and development to create a tool that makes their model worse instead of better, so expect a lot of pushback.


A trained AI model is a set of weights that is applied to the given neural network, the difference between two models, one trained without key data and one trained with key data, can be computed and a tool can be created to generate a transformation from model A to model B, or even a good approximation of model B trained with another AI.

It’s not THAT hard actually.


Asking for consent doesn’t kill open source development. Consent is the very reason we have licensed code. MIT, Apache, GPL3… And development is done and code is reused in accordance of those licenses.


I have a bachelors in computer science specialised in data engineering and data science, with a masters in data science, and I have worked for some years in computer vision, training and tweaking models.

Currently specialised in data engineering, but I’d wager I do know about what I’m talking about.

People who “work with AI” most of the time don’t know shit about how it internally works, so I don’t know if that’s a label I’d even use to give an informed opinion about the matter.


a city as remotely accessible as the average American city

You mean, once you get out of your car? Also it’s quite funny how literally the other commenter mentions NYC.


They are made by people in the end


Well, yeah it’s obvious, but when people say that X company or country looks weak/happy/pissed, they are refering to the board of directors or congress that are taking the decisions, naming the country instead of the whole sentence is easier.

You can still find it weird ofc, I was just trying to explain why people do it.


I really don’t get the need of being so passive aggresive with someone trying to hold a conversation. Have a nice day.


I am answering them, although those are in a different thread of comments. I have literally 5 comments from your user in my inbox and all of them have been answered.


sent in the other comment, I couldn’t bother because I had to search for them again, but since you insist.


it’s not really what’s good or not, some devices function weird with some stuff. I’ve had the game open for the whole day or more and the only I ssue I had, before upgrading to 32GB (Had 16) is that the game went to the swap after alt tabbing for some time since it seems like nowadays 16 is nothing if you have 20 tabs open (don’t judge me), discord, telegram, nvidia broadcast (takes 1 gig) and some other shit. In any cast, after switching back it took 2-3 minutes of moving stuff to the ram again and it all worked well.

Now that I have 32 GBs of ram I have had zero issues with the game, I believe it takes something like 6-7GB.

For reference I have a 5800 and a GTX 3080, but this is more of an issue with the API calls they are using and how is the processor runing those calls and how they interact with memory.


Once you get the second romantic scene where you cana sk companions for a kiss, you are blocked for any other origin companion, although some don’t mind sharing you with non origin ones like halsin.


Yeah you get some slack as in I’ll still recommend the game, purchase it, enjoy it and state that it’s great. I’m still going to complain about shitty optimizations so that even more people get to enjoy the game in all it’s glory. It’s painful that my gf’s game lags all the time and that she can’t enjoy the same cutscenes that I do because of performance.


Just as last expansion was the last expansion, so is this one :)


If its the one I know, it sends an online ice cream request through the API, and then cancels the successful ones before they reach the stores. The unsuccessful ones are broken machines, essentially.

A decentralized, blockchain-based messaging network for safer communications (

Researchers from several institutes worldwide recently developed Quarks, a new, decentralized messaging network based on blockchain technology. Their proposed system could overcome the limitations of most commonly used messaging platforms, allowing users to retain control over their personal data and other information they share...


you and everyone can access those encrypted messages. You are the only one that can decrypt them, sure, but as others have already mentioned, the history of encrypted messages is almost as bad as the actual content.


I’m very good at IT and I can assure you that when the clock hits the time, my laptop gets folded and I switch the screens to my games, where I pay no mind to work anymore. I’m a man.

Fuck off with that attitude.


They managed to sound sexist and also insult all IT people because “if you have a personal life you clearly are bad at your job”.

I’m mad as hell. Pissed because of the sexism but mad because how fucking dare he say that programmers can’t be good if they have an actual life? I’ve been very appreciated in all the jobs I’ve done and turns out that being able to give several solutions fast and being reliable is way more important than coding on your free time.

I’m just sorry that they can’t actually be good at their job by investing their work hours into work/training/testing, it is what it is. Yeah there’s people with disabilities that need to invest more than the usual programmer to be good at their job, but that’s how it is and expecting everyone is the same is pathetic.


it’s a term used to belittle women, by implying that they can’t make “important” decisions by themselves while also implying that they must have a man with them to be able to fullfill life.

I believe that the commenter above wrote it as a joke, by roleplaying one of the people the original commenter complained about and giving an extra example.


immediate ethnic cleansing

You mean the removal of the russian population that was occupying crymea? Besides those, I’m sure that there will be a lot of hate for russian speaking people, but tough fucking luck, guess why. Russian could have not invaded crymea and people would not have harboured hate for the ethnicity and language.

“Oh thanks for packing up and leaving, now my territory is destroyed and economy fucked up, thanks!” of course that people will blame tons fo thing in Russia, it’s what I would expect of any oppressed population.


Because it’s part of eastern Ukraine. In any case, I believe that it’s unfortunate that those people are recieving hate but what did you expect from other ukranians since the Crimea invasion? ofc the whole other country is pissed with Russians as a whole! I know that it’s not their fault but it’s hard to control the masses, and this doesn’t even remotely justify a second invasion.

I really don’t get why you say I’m being dishonest when I just disagree with you, it’s like you think I know more than what I’m telling and I’m saying what I am to sway the public opinion in a certain way, and while I’m sure there’s people like that, accusing everyone that disagrees with you of being dishonest really does a disservice to your argument.


No, it’s not.

It’s still the source of the increasing hate Ukranians have for Russia. “Oh geez why do they hate us we just invaded their country lol xD”

No, you very clearly don’t. You have said that you want them to be “removed”.

I said that I want people from crimea removed because those are russians settlers that came to live there after the invasion in 2014, they are not ukranian citizens. If those setters ahd kids and those were born in there, it is what it is, they are still settlers that went to live there illegaly with no citizenship. I think that is unfortunate that Russian ethnic Ukranian citizens living in Donbass are recieving hate, but those people are not going to be removed from their homes, or whatever is left of those cities to be honest.

If you are saying that any person with russian ethnicity is going to be removed from donbass either by murder or exiling them into russia, I disagree. If you mean that they are going to prohibit any russian customs/language and purge the way they liked to leave, and thus cleanse the ethnicity, then I do agree with the fact that they are going to do that, and while it’s unfortunate, I find it quite natural after an invasion. However, if those people have been in favour of the invasion, then they are clearly and unequivocally traitor to the country they want to live in, and it’s on them if the get exiled. Like, it’s not even a question that if you ally with the invading force you are a traitor to your country.


Says the one defending the invading country.


Oh, you are not the original commenter I responded to in this thread, you just jumped to attack me. My bad then, I didn’t realize.

It’s just the way you are so against the Ukranian defense that I assumed your support for the other party was implied, but I guess that you are just against both and your aim is to complain whatever happens. Yay.


This whole thread where you are defending the rights of the settlers to live there. You can’t be that oblivious that what your stance implies.

I any case, it’s clear that your stance is that all western government is bad and you wish for it all to burn down before starting anew because they are in general all evil bad actors. Feel free to correct me if my impression is wrong. I do agree that there are faults, plenty of them, but I fundamentally disagree that it all needs to burn down and I see that we will get nothing from continuing this conversation. Plus, you feel like people can’t be lazy with their responses, everything must have an evil intention against your ideas and if anything said is incorrect (which I did acept was incorrect when pointed) it is done so intentionally with the objective to deceive. There is nothing to be disucussed with someone like this, so I’m just going to stop responding. I’ll read your response if you do but don’t expect another comment.

I wish you genuinely have a nice day.


If you seriously believe that every ethnic Russian living in eastern Ukraine is a “settler”

Just to clarify this point since I did NOT say whay you say I’m saying. I’m guessing that you got confused since I rammed a lot of stuff in the same paragraph, but still.

My statement

I said that I want people from crimea removed because those are russians settlers that came to live there after the invasion in 2014, they are not ukranian citizens.

And as you stated, those are not in easter Ukraine, so idk where you got that notion.


Sure but people see that you are on the phone while the IT people don’t really care what you do and by bosses aren’t checking those logs so idc. it’s about being discreet on some layers.

If I were at home I wouldn’t need to do anything to hide it since I would use my pc but since I’m in the office I have to get creative.

Also, 5hisbpost was 7 days old :)

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