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Who is eating a burger from the top down?

frezik, (edited )

Ex JW here. This is depicting one of the steps in their equivalent to the Rapture. It goes something like this:

  • The UN activates as a full world government, and decides to destroy all religion (if you know the slightest bit about the UN, you can see how absurd this is before we get to anything else)
  • After clearing out everything else, the UN suddenly realizes that Jehovah’s Witnesses are still around
  • They attack JWs (what OP’s picture depicts), but God intervenes to protect them supernaturally
  • Jehovah wins and tosses Satan in a deep pit
  • Earth is transformed over 1000 years into a paradise. Nobody dies, and previous righteous people are resurrected.
  • At the end of that, Satan is let out again for a final judgment of humanity
  • Satan is killed off for good. Any human survivors live forever on a paradise Earth.

Gog of Magog comes from Ezekiel 38. From the New World Translation: "The word of Jehovah again came to me, saying: 2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Maʹgog, the head chieftain of Meʹshech and Tuʹbal, and prophesy against him. 3 Say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “Here I am against you, O Gog, head chieftain of Meʹshech and Tuʹbal. "

Then, the term pops up again in Revelation 20: “7 Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison, 8 and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Maʹgog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea.”

So Gog is basically another term for Satan in this reading. Though Ezekiel seems to be talking about a people from a specific place.

As a side note, “But we can take comfort in knowing…” is a common phrase in their writing, and I get a little twitch every time I read it.


Yup, that’s their whole outline of the end days. Supposed to happen in the lifetime of people alive in 1914, and there’s a whole thing about how they’ve managed to extend that deadline.


I’m guessing no. Driving an LCD vs an OLED is a totally different thing, and the electronics for it are all built into one motherboard. There are other internal changes on top of that, like the bumper circuit boards and the SoC being on a smaller process node, so I don’t expect you can just swap motherboards, either.


Yes. This is exactly the distinction made between personal and private property. The landlord owns it as private property, but it’s the renter that uses it for daily life purposes.


Link talks. The fan theory that he’s mute is unsupportable. Too many instances of him conveying complex information to people he just met (and who wouldn’t know his gesture language). You can try to explain it away, but it will quickly get more complicated than assuming he talks.


Lots of states issue IDs from the DMV with equivalent protection features as a driver’s license, but isn’t a license. Those are good enough.


I’ve actually been working on a similar thing for the SNW uniforms by printing direct to fabric. First tried TPU, but it’s hard to get a consistent pattern of some of the fine details. Some of them come out better than others. Then tried a transparent PLA–the emblems are small enough that the flexibleness of TPU shouldn’t be necessary–but it didn’t stick very well.

So they’re either using a very carefully calibrated 3d printer (and this is the first time I’ve worked with TPU), or it’s a different technique entirely, like a mask.

Full details of SNW uniforms for cosplay, for those who are interested:…


No, it’s not threads. Here’s a closer picture:…/illustrator_command_ops_pattern…

They might use some kind of mask to spray something on. I tried to replicate it by printing TPU to fabric, but TPU can be hard to work with for such fine details and consistency.


There is not. It’s unlikely that FTL technology is possible. With exponential growth, limits will again be hit within our own solar system. On a scale of human history, this would happen quickly.


Regulatory capture is inevitable in capitalism. There is no reigning it in. Any small imbalance in wealth can be leveraged into a much larger imbalance. If politicians start glancing their way, then they will setup institutions to protect their wealth–anything from super PACs to Fox News.


How does that change anything in the face of exponential growth?


I mean, at a certain point, everything in computers comes down to getting stuff from memory and running a bunch of if statements on it.


There’s good inkjets. They cost over $500, sometimes over $1000. They exist and serve a niche.


Some 3D printer companies tried enshittifying, like DaVinci. Fortunately, they got out maneuvered by companies making printers that were almost cheap garbage, but just good enough, like Creality.

A lot of that has to do with open sourcing the designs, and that it doesn’t take a major research arm to design a 3d printer. Getting a 2d printer to align ink to 300dpi is pretty difficult, and even more so with color. 300dpi isn’t even that impressive. That industry is tied up in patents and trade secrets, and it’s difficult for a new competitor to emerge. Conversely, I know people who designed top notch 3d printers out of their personal workshop.


Unfortunately, hitting people in their bank account is the only remediation our system has for this sort of thing. The good news is that these people only care about money, so you can legally hit them where it hurts the most. Bad news is that the real victims only get a fraction of what they should.


They did try. It was that there might be terrorist infrastructure there. They know there’s civilians there, but there might be infrastructure. They’re still looking into it, but they dropped that bomb, anyway.

I’m only barely paraphrasing.


What would it have cost Facebook to come up with a different name?


The kernel will figure something out. There are already lots of companies investing their own development resources into it. Would just need a new leader to emerge. Perhaps it’d be a rotating group of people who are responsible for managing a single release.

Tons of smaller but important projects don’t have this luxury, though.


Plus, for that other 99%, the developers probably tried out a new framework or language or something. They aren’t claiming to “know” something based on watching a YouTube vid. It wasn’t wasted time.


Nah, it’s historically been a special kind of shit. It started life as a Perl templating engine, then grew out to its own language where it repeated all of Perl’s mistakes while adding more of its own. Its community was single-handedly responsible for keeping SQL injection attacks in the OWASP Top 10 list for years. Notice that it’s now bundled with “injection attacks” as a generic label for a wider range of similar issues–SQL injection alone would no longer warrant being there. Its conflation of arrays and hash maps meant it took years to wrestle with algorithmic complexity attacks. Perl kept the two separate, and was able to get a patch out for algorithmic complexity almost immediately (though it turned out to have a few bugs of its own, and a true fix came in a few years later; still faster than PHP solved it).

The web from 1998 through 2010 or so was absolutely riddled with bad PHP programs. “But that’s not the language’s fault”, you say? Doesn’t matter. Community is an important and underappreciated feature of a language, and PHP had a special kind of shit community. It almost seemed designed to suck away the dross from all other communities.

Consider the plugin system for phpBB:

  • Its architecture doesn’t have any kind of hook system for plugins; they’re added by patching the code in place
  • This naturally leads to different plugins interfering with each other
  • Having done that, you might choose one of the patch formats already out there, but phpBB decide to create their own
  • There are, at first, no tools available to automatically patch in plugins, so administrators (often not developers themselves) need to hand edit the source files and modify the database (the plugin format specifies both together)
  • Tools start to emerge over the years to handle it automatically, but they’re buggy and unusable for a long time

Is it PHP’s fault that one major application was implemented so poorly? YES! Its community is a feature, and its community is what brought us to this.

You want to claim that the language has done better since PHP7? Alright, that’s fine. I still don’t care. There are so many better options available, and I don’t have time to keep up with all of them. I’m happy relegating PHP to being a long-tail language where it trails off slowly over the years like COBOL.


Back in the day, the way it integrated with Apache was an evolutionary advantage to PHP. It found a strategy that worked in its environment and it thrived. That environment no longer exists, but PHP holds on vestigially.

We didn’t have AWS or other cheap, virtualized hosting way back when. It was all shared plans where you had a directory of your stuff, and it was there with a hundred other people on the same server and Apache instance. You could run whatever you wanted as a CGI, but that was even worse; it forks off a whole interpreter for the language, parses the code, and then used STDIN/STDOUT to communicate. Even if you implemented it in compiled C code (which had all the other problems you would expect), that fork is still expensive.

Projects like mod_perl and mod_python built an interpreter directly into Apache, but there was a problem with how it worked: it was too sophisticated. They could hook into the entire Apache API. That meant that there was no way to separate your stuff from every other thing on the same shared hosting plan. Any one instance would be able to fool around in all other accounts. That’s untenable, so your choices for those languages were to either get a dedicated plan at well over $100/month, or stick with a $5/month shared plan and put up with it being unscalable.

Enter mod_php. It builds the interpreter into Apache, but that’s all it does. Still have a parsing step, but it doesn’t have to fork. Doesn’t try do anything else. Its fast, and it can be hosted on cheap shared plans.

If you’re a startup at this time, operating on frozen pizza and office chairs from a thrift store, then you could get a cheap plan, develop it under CGI, and hope that you can refactor it later when you can afford a dedicated plan. Oh, and keep in mind that CGI doesn’t lend itself to converting easily to the Apache API or whatever else you’re going to use in the future. Alternatively, you could build it in PHP and it will be fast now and acceptable later.

It’s no great mystery why PHP was chosen at the time. There were limited options, and it was the cheap, get it done now option.


If you’re going to do that, then you also have to have a community that stresses best practices.

In 1999, Perl was leading the world with a tutorial for DBI (its primary database driver interface then and now) that uses placeholders in its very first code example. The community made that the standard, and it was the first hit on “Perl SQL tutorial” on Google for a long time. Perl applications with SQL injection attacks are out there, but have been relatively uncommon.

Notice that the API doesn’t force you to use placeholders. It’s simply strongly encouraged by the community.

Also in 1999, PHP was leading the world in not having a database driver interface through a common API, but rather a thin wrapper over whatever C libraries were used for individual databases. If that database supported placeholders at all (MySQL didn’t, and guess which database was most popular with PHP?), then it often had a different syntax* for every one. (Note that Perl’s DBI uses a translation interface that can implement “?” as a placeholder for you if the underlying DB doesn’t do anything else or uses weird syntax). You could always use a filtering function, and PHP devs would routinely try to write their own rather than use the one that came with the database API that’s already vetted. Either way, there was no widespread community pressure to use safe practices, and PHP led the world in SQL injection vulnerabilities for well over a decade.

*As a side note, I was recently accused by another dev of having a Python app riddled with SQL injection vulnerabilities. In fact, it was well protected, but it was using the psycopg interface to PostgreSQL, and it has a weird placeholder syntax that the other developer wasn’t familiar with. Thanks, psycopg!


I don’t doubt the language has improved. I just don’t see a point when there’s a million other options. In the 90s/early 2000s, you had Perl, Python, Java, and PHP. Ruby was playing around the fringes. There had been some attempts at server side JavaScript, but they weren’t well developed or integrated with the frontend the way it is today.

We’re now spoiled for choice, and I see no reason to give PHP any of my time over Elixir, Rust, Go, or TypeScript.


I’ve been waiting so long for people to realize they should be using the second best language at everything.


Languages don’t die. That’s a misnomer. They have long tails of diminishing use and no junior programmers entering the space. If you’re one of the experts in the language left around, you can make a shit load of money.


Me and my wife, in a hotel after a long day, because we can’t cast YouTube to the TV (which is becoming less common).


My wife and I hatewatch house hunting shows when we’re stuck up in a hotel sometimes.

What sometimes happen is something you can’t hatewatch. One episode of “Love it or List It” had a black family where mom had to do clear the kitchen table to do the office work she brought home, the older teenage boy had a bed too short and his legs hung over the edge, and grandma moved in and had to sleep in the same bed as the younger daughter. I can’t hatewatch that. This family is legit struggling with their current housing arrangements and needs a fix.

Then the next thing comes on, and it’s a white family where their biggest problems are that the house is too far from the golf course and the kids don’t all have their own bathrooms. Thank you, hatewatching gods, I can work with this!


These are the sorts of stories and warning labels that make people want to buy it more.


Are those data points even included in the set?


The US started phasing in roof crush requirements in 2012, which caused manufacturers to put in more metal for the frame. That meant reducing visibility and all but requiring backup cameras.

Why do we need roof crush requirements? Because those SUVs have a high center of gravity.

This has been the way of things. Cars are just plain unsafe, and trying to make them safe also makes them worse at everything else, including being affordable.

Mike Johnson Said Same-Sex Marriage Would Lead to People Marrying Their Pets, Wanted to Sentence Abortion Doctors to “Hard Labor” (

By now you’ve likely heard that Representative Mike Johnson—the congressman Republicans finally elected as the new Speaker of the House after 22 days of chaos—played a significant role in the plot to overturn the 2020 election, a lowlight on his résumé that is obviously deeply concerning for the future of democracy. Also...


Not even pissed. The Lewinsky scandal mostly happened through 1998. Here’s a chart of Clinton’s approval ratings:…/presidential-approval-ratings-b…

Barely any change throughout the year, and even spiked up towards the end of 1998. Americans in general didn’t give a fuck. Only the GOP cared.


I think there’s a distinction to be made between being a fan and being a fanboi. I like AMD, but I also know Bulldozer was a disaster, the GPU division tends to over promise and under deliver, and their marketing and naming is covered in self-inflected wounds. Then there’s people who bought the AMD-branded mountain bike, a cheap Chinese bike with some vinyl AMD logo stickers slapped on with a $300 markup, and I don’t get those people at all.


Output quality is a reason. Even if you have headphone jack, it’s usually built as cheaply as possible. Granted, Bluetooth headsets can be OK these days.

Come to think of it, do Bluetooth headphones only use class D amplifiers? Seems like it’d be hard to fit any kind of decent class AB amp in there. Class D amps have improved a lot in recent years, but you still want to use an AB if you’re serious (not even audiophile nonsense, just somewhat serious).


It’s just dry pasta and cheese-like powder. Yeah, that “cheese” is a lie, but the pasta will naturally be fine for that time period.


Word is a WYSIWYG editor. We don’t talk about it much these days because it’s just how things are done, but it took a long time for the industry to come up with a way to display text on screen with rich formatting and have it come out the same way in print. There was a lot of buzz around it in the late 80s and early 90s.

Word solves a completely different problem than an IDE. Notepad is a raw, minimal tool that could be built on for either WYSIWYG or an IDE.


IIRC, France exports its excess nuclear power in the summer (little need for AC until recently), but imports during the winter (electric heat for the most part). Mostly to and from Germany, which uses some terribly dirty sources. Don’t know if that’s changed in the last few years, though.


And we’re still stuck on IPv4. Going to IPv6 would do a lot more than 1Gbps connections would.

  • Better routing performance
  • No longer designing protocols that jump through hoops to deal with lack of direct addressing

No, stop this. NAT is not a security measure. It was not designed as one, and does not help security at all.


Video calls were all over 1950s futurism articles. These things do get anticipated far ahead of time.

4K Blu-ray discs have a maximum bitrate of 128 Mbps. Most streaming services compress more heavily than that; they’re closer to 30 to 50 Mbps. A 1Gbps feed can easily handle several people streaming 4K video on the same connection provided there’s some quality of service guarantees.

If other tech were there, we could likely stream a fully immersive live VR environment to nearly holodeck-level realism on 1Gbps.

IPv6 is the real blocker. As you say, self-hosting is what could really bring bandwidth usage up. I think some kind of distributed system (something like BitTorrent) is more likely than files hosted on one specific server, at least for publicly available files.


Flip it around and look from the ISP’s point of view. Once fiber is connected to a house, there are few good reasons to use anything else. Whomever is the first to deploy it wins.

Now look at it from a monopoly ISP’s point of view. You’re providing 100Mbps service on some form of copper wire, and you’re quite comfortable leaving things like that. No reason to invest in new equipment beyond regular maintenance cycles. If some outside company tries to start deploying fiber, and if they start to make inroads, you’re going to have to (gasp) spend hundreds of millions on capital outlays to compete with them. Better to spend a few million making sure the city never allows them in.


10Gbps used enterprise equipment is pretty cheap on eBay. Biggest problem I’ve had is getting compatible SFP+ adapters for the NICs.


Because hiding addresses does very little. A gateway firewall does not need NAT to protect devices behind it.

In fact, NAT tends to make things more complicated, and complication is the enemy of security. It’s one extra thing that firewalls have to account for. Firewalls behind NAT also don’t know where traffic is originally coming from, meaning they have one less tool at their disposal. This gets even worse with CGNAT, which sometimes has multiple levels of NAT.

Security is a very common objection to getting rid of NAT, and it’s wrong.


IPv6 has DHCP, but it doesn’t work like that. You generally get a prefix and other details about the network, like the gateway address and DNS, and autoconfiguration based on the MAC address does the rest. It was first hoped that DHCP wouldn’t be needed at all for IPv6, but it turned out to be still useful. There’s some more complications here, but suffice it to say that you shouldn’t try to take your knowledge of IPv4 and try to map it on top of IPv6. They’re separate beasts.

A gateway can block incoming traffic to the whole internal network if you want. It doesn’t need NAT to do that.

frezik, (edited )

For internal communication on IPv4, everything has some unique internal IP. There are blocks reserved for private space. Usually people use 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x. DHCP hands it the address.

If you wanted this to work in the IPv6 world, you are assigned a prefix by your ISP, and everything is inside that prefix. Services still have to discover each other by some mechanism. Perhaps by DHCPv6, or perhaps broadcasting their existence.

Port forwarding is only necessary with NAT. If you have a gateway firewall that blocks incoming new connections by default, then you will need to open the port going to a specific device. Current home networking “routers” combine port forwarding and opening the firewall together as a convenience, but there’s no reason an IPv6 world would need to do that. UPnP can open the port the same way if you want that (though that’s a whole other security issue).

In a home networking “router”, the gateway firewall is already combined in. In fact, I’m putting the “router” in quotes because it’s really a firewall with NAT and some other services like DHCP. It doesn’t typically do things like BGP that we would normally see in a router outside of an edge network like your home. A router out there is an allow-by-default device.

Adding NAT to the gateway firewall makes the code more complicated. For example, here’s a command on Linux that activates NAT for the iptables firewall:

<span style="color:#323232;">iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE

That “MASQUERADE” bit is handled as NAT, and iptables has to implement more code just to do that.

If we wanted to simply drop all new incoming connections, we would do:

<span style="color:#323232;">iptables -P INPUT DROP
</span><span style="color:#323232;">iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

Which tells it to drop packets by default that aren’t otherwise accepted, and then accept packets that are already part of a connection. Even with NAT, we typically want to do this, anyway, so we’re not making things any easier with NAT.

If we want to add a service listening on port 80 for host, we would do:

<span style="color:#323232;">iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

Which works just fine in a NAT-less world. With NAT, we also have to add this:

<span style="color:#323232;">iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
</span><span style="color:#323232;">iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -d -j SNAT --to-source

Which translates the stuff coming in from outside to port 80 to on the same port, and then also translates replies going back the other way. And I might be getting some of the commands wrong, because it’s been a while since I’ve had to configure this.

Suffice it to say, dropping NAT greatly simplifies firewall rules. Your home router is still doing all this (many of them are just Linux iptables these days), but it’s hiding the details from you.

Edit: This doesn’t cover how protocols have been designed to work around NAT, and has resulted in a more centralized Internet that’s easier to spy on. That’s a whole other problem that is hidden from most people.


Rich doesn’t get you out of things, at least not on its own. Being rich gets you good lawyers who tell you not to do things before you do them, and then work with you to find loopholes so you can do what you want, anyway. If you do get prosecuted, good lawyers might get you out of it, or at least work down to a sweet plea deal.

Trump has driven away every good lawyer in the country, almost all of the not so good ones, and is now scratching around for the handful that technically passed the bar exam. Major firms, even one’s run by partners who vote for him, refuse to do business with him. Why would they? He ignores their advice, causes headaches, and then refuses to pay.

Being rich will not save him.


They are significantly safer. Current li-ion in cars have some very bad failure modes; just puncturing them can release a massive, uncontrollable fire that could potentially keep itself going while fully submerged in water. Now, even those are somewhat overblown–they’re pretty well protected in cars–but these problems aren’t universal to all lithium chemistries, much less all batteries in general.

Yes, they can catch fire. No, you don’t need four fire trucks worth of water tanks to put them out. This matters.

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