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Why was this written like this? It makes no sense. I’ll git blame it and ask them what’s going on. Oh it’s me…

Drivers Co-op is doing a kickstarter to expand their Uber alternative thats owned by the drivers. (

I remember seeing this app a couple months ago and being excited about a team finally doing this. They’ve been available in New York City for a while and now they’re trying to raise money to expand to more places. Hopefully they open source the app\server in the future since it would be great to have more co-op apps for the...


Isn’t new York flooded right now?


I just peeked at the docs and right off the bat I don’t like how they have conflicting attributes like hx-get and hx-post. What happens if both are set at the same time? Why not just have hx-method?

Got laid off my first job out of college after three months, Help!

I accepted a position at a start up around three months ago. This company was located in New York and I was located in California. They mentioned that I could work remotely for now but I would eventually have to move out to New York. I was okay with this, as I always dreamed of working in New York....


It will be questioned, but you have a good explanation. The tricky part is explaining it elegantly. Hiring managers kinda glance at resumes so you should add a sentence at the end explaining that you were let off due to internal company reasons. You should also try and get a letter from the company explaining that it wasn’t for performance reasons. Even better would be to get letters of recommendation from your coworkers and manager. Hopefully they’ll be extra nice to you due to your situation, but you need to be proactive about it.

Gen Z, please talk to me: what management works and what does not?

I am an Xer who manages a small but crucial team at my workplace (in an EU country). I had a lady resign last week, and I have another who may be about to resign or I may have to let go due to low engagement. They are both Gen Z. Today it hit me: the five years I’ve been managing this department, the only people I’ve lost...


Loyalty is a two way street and when it comes to jobs the company’s loyalty should come first.


By the end of the meeting you have 10 more questions and no answers and more meetings to discuss the new questions


But they’re both Walt Disney, so does this say that he did character voices while masturbating?


Can you be more specific? I’d like to know what it’s missing.


It used to be called early access. At least it wasn’t a misleading term.


I think you’re misunderstanding what I mean. Early Access is a newer term for getting paid access to a game early. Open beta is an older term but was used for free access to a game early for testing purposes. They used to have different meanings which is why early access was created as a new term to distinguish it from a beta. Calling paid early access a beta is intentionally misleading.


Learn to make your own, then sell them on Etsy, wait, oh no!


Typescript doesn’t have strong typing but static typing still gets you really really far. It means you need to be more careful with your io and avoid dangerous type assertions, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Having used typescript an absolute ton, the only real jank I’ve encountered is from bad library typings that either use it lazily or incorrectly, but for code bases that use it through and through it has been smooth sailing, and having professionally used both traditional static typed languages and dynamically typed languages, I really enjoy typescript’s type inference and structural typing. I think you should give it an honest try before judging it. But that’s just my 2 cents as an industry professional who has used many languages and have been programming for decades for what it’s worth.


I’ve used JavaScript since its creation. I would describe typescript as JavaScript as it should have been. I’ve always actually liked JavaScript’s simplicity, but I’ve never liked its lack of type safety. At its core, JavaScript has a tiny conceptual footprint, and that’s actually pretty refreshing compared to other very complicated languages. But it was plagued with terrible implementations and the inherent messiness of dynamic typing. I’ve watched it evolve over the years and it’s improved beyond my greatest hopes. Between the advent of transpilation, tooling, and typescript, I’m very proud of where the language has gotten to. Having made websites in the 90s and 00s, I feel like people don’t realize how much work has gone into getting the ecosystem in a much better place.


The transpilation that typescript does doesn’t really have anything to do with typescript, it’s just there because typescript wants to support the latest ecmascript features, so transpilation is necessary for that, but technically you could simply strip out the type info and have another transpiler like babel handle the backwards compatibility. I think there are a few minor exceptions to that, like enums. There was even a proposal to add some typescript types to native JavaScript that would be ignored by the interpreter and just act as comments.


I really don’t get how people can feel more productive in JavaScript. With typescript the code practically writes itself. Sometimes when refactoring I’ll change a functions input and output signature and just fix compiler errors until it stops complaining, and the code just works without me having to really even think about what the code is doing.

Any time I’m forced to go back to js I feel like I’m going crazy trying to keep track of what’s in all the variables. With typescript I can use more powerful object structures without having to constantly double check where they came from.


I feel like there’s no typescript drama, just JavaScript drama. Things are pretty happy in the TS community. I’ve been writing js code since it literally first came out. I’m definitely no js hater. In the early days js code bases quickly turned to spaghetti code, but I genuinely think the js community has done miracles turning what was essentially a super simplistic toy language into a seriously good production quality language. I’ve seen first hand how much work has gone into it, and while most of the js community has been great with embracing change for the better, there’s always been the niche of detractors against any change that adds complexity even when it makes coding safer and more productive.

I’ve always had a love hate relationship with JavaScript, but with typescript it’s really been just straight up love. Pretty much all the trouble I have with typescript has been due to external libraries that use types lazily or incorrectly, and even then there are solutions to add safety to your own codebase. Sometimes I run into some trouble with the type system itself, but it’s pretty much always because I’m doing something really complicated that would be hard in any type system. I’ve been working with typescript for years now and my code bases are some of the most solid ones in my company. Typescript is really safe as long as you’re actually using it and not telling the compiler to ignore types through using any or making unsafe assertions.

It makes no difference to me if other people prefer JavaScript. Any important js library will get ts support anyways through definitely typed, and if a library is so sloppy it can’t be typed well then it’s not a good library to use anyways. Having people proudly announce they only want to use JavaScript is also great for hiring. It easily tips me off on who not to hire.


TS is amazingly powerful when it comes to refactoring. I swear it practically writes itself. Half the time by the time I fix all the compiler errors the refactoring is done. I barely need to think about it which means I can spend more time thinking about the best architecture. When people say they don’t see how TS makes you more productive it just makes me think they never refactor their code.


And being able to use more complex object types like discriminated unions without having to constantly look up what’s in them!


Even if you do, you can still use most modern js features with transpilation.


Why would you not want to be using a rendering library? Your code is basically storing your application state in the dom which will turn into a horrible mess as soon as you reach any actual level of complexity. I know first hand. I’m traumatized from having to maintain large jquery code bases in the 00s. No serious professional writes code like this anymore.

Also, your vanilla code isn’t modern. It should look more like this:

<span style="color:#323232;">document.querySelector("#element").classList.toggle("hidden")

I could see not wanting to use a rendering library if you’re building a simple site on top of basic static HTML, but that’s not a serious discussion for industry professionals, and even still, jQuery is such a heavy dependency for saving some characters. If you find yourself using it so much you need the extra convenience then your site is already complicated enough that you should be using a rendering library with state management instead.


Best practices are pretty straight forward in the typescript community. Frankly I think all the serious professionals from the JavaScript community just went to TS so the people left over that didn’t migrate are well…


Maybe I’m just too used to it, but with next.js static site generation I find react to also work really well for simple sites too. If you’re not dealing with state, react is basically just functions that return templated html. IMO it’s pretty sleek for static websites since tsx let’s you do basic templating with functions.


Curious if you’ve used next with react. React itself has a scope rendering design goal and leaves the rest of the app to the community, and next sets up all the stuff around it for you and I think they did a really great job with the defaults they close, and it’s still fully extendable.


I don’t see any practical use case for it as is as anyone wanting to use them would want the full TS feature set anyways, but I could see it being a good step forward for more meaningful features to be added in the future.


I view it more like a powered exoskeleton around a blob fish. IMO static typing is way more valuable than strong typing and I’d take static typing only over strong typing any day if I can only choose one.


To be perfectly frank, I’ve only seen the drama on social media platforms. Outside of this one library Ive hardly seen anyone trying to fight typescript in the professional community.


It can be overkill if you need something simple that doesn’t match next’s defaults, but if the default settings of next work for your use case I found the base project setup very simple to use.


Yes, it’s still a transpiler, I’m not saying it isn’t, but what I mean is that it doesn’t add any functionally specific to the typescript language. There’s a transpiler for TS that doesn’t even do any type checking at all and just does the type stripping and back porting. But of course, that’s not why people use typescript. All the features that are actually important to typescript could be done through a linter instead. If type annotations were added to JavaScript you could get most of typescript’s features with linting rules and just handle back porting in a more standard way.


And he’s blaming the anti defamation league…


Especially when they already have access to your entire email history. If they wanted your phone number for nefarious means it will probably be somewhere in that history already. Your email already requires complete trust in the email provider service, there’s so much more sensitive stuff they already have access to.


There’s also this thing called a phone book which has almost everyone and their number in it. Phone numbers are not sensitive information, period.


Wait until they hear about this thing called a phone book.


Have you people never heard of a phone book? Phone numbers aren’t sensitive information. If they want to scrape your phone number they can legally and trivially do so through public data sources. Google does plenty of sketchy things around privacy, but this isn’t one of them, it’s just about security.

Are short mp4s preferable to gifs for brief animated site elements, or...?

From what I gather, I don’t know that there’s a new norm in this regard yet, besides recognizing that gifs are increasingly old & clunky (despite being fun & amusing), and so I don’t know if mp4s or webms or something else might be better if wanting to keep a site lightweight while still having some animated elements.


A lot of “gifs” are actually served up as mp4s actually


I read that as rapture threat


I was taught java my first semester. I certainly hope no schools teach dynamic languages in the first semester.


Have you tried using an auto formatter? Let’s you write code however and fixes the structure automatically on save. It’s way easier for me to write curly braces then hit ctrl+s than have to select multiple lines manually and tab in and out. I feel the biggest gains I’ve made in productivity came after I learned to embrace tooling.


You can put any type of value in an array in JavaScript. You can have numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, and objects. So what should the default sort function sort by? Sorting by numbers makes sense, but what if it wanted to sort strings instead?

When you don’t know what value is in an array ahead of time you can’t assume how to sort it. When you’re controlling the program you can provide a sort function for the type of values you know will be in it, but when you’re writing the standard default sort function, there’s only one type that you can convert all the other types to safely and simply in the most predictable way, which is strings.


Hear me out, a good portion of Reddit posts are reposts anyways so what if we did a one time import of Reddit community top posts of all time to seed communities so there’s a place people feel more encouraged to post to? I don’t like bot posts generally, but if it’s a one time thing I think I’d like it if the communities here had some extra seed content to browse so you wouldn’t reach the end so quickly like you do now.


Also helps to come out with a game so popular you can bank on it for the next decade


Here’s my hot take as a dev who’s been making websites since before JavaScript and css were invented: modern web development is leaps and bounds better than how it was and the rapidly changing best practices had a big part for how we got there in the time we did. I think the industry is in a great place now and now that it is things have slowed down and the focus is now on stability rather than changing development patterns.


I’ve had a good time with react SSR and SSG particularly when using next.js which does a great job optimizing out of the box, but really SSR and SSG are functionally just glorified string interpolators so anything will do. What matters is ease of use and with the strong community and toolset available to react I’ve had no trouble setting up react for SSR/SSG.

Where things still need improvement is with hybrid apps that take SSR/SSG pages and hydrate them to be ready for the client to take over, but that’s always been a pain point, and while we’re still not where we need to be I do think it’s better than it’s ever been and we’re on the right track to cracking it.

Maybe it’s because I’ve seen how bad things can get that I’m appreciative of what we have. After experiencing frameworkless jQuery spaghetti code, overly complicated monoliths like angular, and overly simplified micro frameworks like backbone, I’m really happy with the frameworks and toolsets we have now, and react’s ecosystem is very mature.

I would say that react is overkill for SSR, but pure SSR is pretty simple so react is also able to handle it just fine and elegantly as react is even easier to use when you’re not dealing with dynamic state, and if you find the need to introduce some hybrid client side functionally, which pretty much always happens eventually, it’s a good thing to be on react.


After experiencing ad hoc inline scripts, frameworkless jQuery spaghetti code, inflexible monoliths like angular, and overly simplistic micro frameworks like backbone, I’m super happy with where we’re at with react and react like frameworks. I really do feel like we’ve hit the sweet spot between power, simplicity, flexibility, and ease of use which is why I’m confident that things aren’t going to be as volatile as the past. React is already 10 years old now and still going strong with no new trends looking to usurp it. I think those old trends were necessary experiments to get to where we are now, and I think the old meme of web dev changing every week is no longer true.


But if they’re recognized it means they aren’t doing a good enough job faking them


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🔥 Discussion 🔥 ES6 Classes. Good or Evil? (

Hello, everyone 👋. I am a newcomer when it comes to JavaScript. I come from an OOP background (C# and Java). I’ve recently learned that ES6 has a class keyword that preforms similarly (but not exactly) to common OOP languages. Normally I would be inclined to use this feature in my projects; however, it came to my attention...


My opinion is you should use it when it’s useful, but not when it’s unnecessary. Their main use case is when you need to couple the functionality of functions to a shared state, and it’s particularly useful when you have multiple interdependent functions that need to be tied to multiple codependent states.

I find it relatively rare when I really need to use a class. Between first class functions and closures and modules and other features, I find JavaScript has a lot of tools to avoid needing classes. Classes add complexity so I only use them when the complexity they add is less than the complexity of the task they’re needed for.


In that case you will love typescript. I’m not sure what other imperative languages have both type inference and structural typing.

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