@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar


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@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Reminds me of the o-ring on the challenger

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

How about this weather?

Don’t underestimate small talk. It lets people take their wall down.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Data analyst here. It really do be like that. You can use stats to prove anything.

Yfw they say data doesn’t lie. Looool

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

If you’re really interested…

Let’s say you want to know how an ad has affected your sales since it was released 3 months ago.

You could put every single sale as a dot on a graph, but it probably wouldn’t mean anything. Even if it showed the dots gradually getting higher on the chart. Was that caused by the ad or does it happen every year at the se time? What other factors could have caused this.

So I’ll pause right there and say you will never know. You will never know all the forces that affect trends. You can get relatively close, but not. Does weather affect your sales? Delivery time? Internet sentiment?

So that’s not very scientific, right? You need to know and control all variables to test an outcome.

Anyway, so you have a graph with dots and it may or may not mean anything. You think, ok what was last year’s sales during these same 3 months?

So you get last year’s data and plot the sales as dots in a different color. Now you have a graph with a ton of dots of two colors, and best case scenario: the dots for this year are higher than last year.

Is it responsible to stop there? If it were me, and my money, I’d want to make sure. So then you’d compare data from two years ago. Now you have a chart with three colors of dots.

Again, best case, this year is higher than that year too. However, as always is the case, the dots are getting difficult to understand, especially for people that don’t know anything about data. You need to make things simple to digest.

So you say “I’ll make an average of each month” and that will show how the averages are getting bigger, compared to previous years. Great!

So you average all the dots by month and plot them on a graph, and it looks great. But there are a few months that don’t prove what you saw in the raw data. For instance, one month, two years ago, you landed a big contract and sold an astronomical number of units. So that month is the biggest one of all.


Ok, no problem, you’ll just remove those two data points, because they are skewing the day. Again, this is best case. Most of the time you will not be sure if these data points are errors in the data or Genuine sales. But anyway…

Luckily there is a method for removing “outliers” it’s called standard deviation, and it’s basically an equation that figures out what is an acceptable outlier and what isn’t.

Again, I’ll pause here to point out how unscientific this is. You are removing data because it doesn’t follow the trend you want to show. And this is a perfectly acceptable practice in data analytics. And I’ll point out something else, what was the affect of those contracts on your normal business sales? Did you make relatively less sales because of it? Is it responsible to completely remove those sales? Is it ethical?

And this is all very minor stuff in analytics. The more detailed the question, the more the data is “cleansed” by equations that get progressively more complicated - the more ethically vague the data is.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I am that uncle. I’m just doing what I have to to survive.

If I could buy a new car I would. I’d get an electric, self-driving pleasure machine, but no way I can afford it.

Maybe when this thing breaks down (it’s already 15 yrs old).

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, I’m not going to spend 6 hours driving a bicycle to work and back.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I have one. It also sucks to ride for an hour, you’re eaither sweating, freezing or some other form of uncomfortable.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

A $200k horror movie that can be out in 3 months. It’s about a serial killer who steals the teeth from his victims.

My script mixes highly defined characters, supernatural cosmic horror, and old world body horror. It’s goes off the rails in terrifying and fun ways.

Ps: I actually have a script ready to go and have no hangups about scabbing.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Lol. I’m not worried about the pinkos, they have no backbone.

I’m also in no way a professional writer.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

No, thanks. Unions make jobs go overseas.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I think op hasn’t heard of web components. Technically it requires js, but still it will replace react and angular and vue soon me thinks.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Lemmy is whatever we make it, except for the communism posts that love communism until they realize workers need representation. I half believe those are Chinese bots or high school kids who are stupid enough to believe the Chinese bots.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Right. Magically, everyone on the Internet has become infatuated with communism out of thin air over the last few years. Must just be my paranoia to surggest influence from a hostile government.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Reddit has actually gotten a lot better since the Exodus. All the political activists have come here.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Works out for me, cheesy Xmas movies are a treasure. Plus, if they’re Hallmark, oh fuck, that’s good.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

This is giving me stress daymares about Spanish in high school.

Still, it’s an interesting point you make.

But then again, with definitive articles you have a bunch of things that are not supposed to convey gender conveying gender. Like a toaster… It would suck to have to remember the gender of a toaster, or, well toasters in general.

erogenouswarzone, (edited )
@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, fuck that. English is bs enough.

Edit: yeah, that “feeling” is knowing it so well, you don’t totally understand it, and also means it’s hard to convey

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s a bummer. The first season was good… Except that bottle episode… Can TV just stop doing bottle episodes?

erogenouswarzone, (edited )
@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Great meme, and I’m sure op knows this, but for anyone else who is curious…

007 in theory means:

  • 00: you have already committed your code to your local code base
  • 7: When you try to merge your code with everyone else’s there are 7 files that others have worked on since you last refreshed your local code base.

To resolve this, you need to go file by file and compare your changes with the changes on the remote code. You need to keep the changes others have made and incorporate your own.

You can use git diff file_name to see the differences.

If you have made small changes, it’s easier to pull and force an overwrite of your local code and make changes again.

However multiple people working on the same files is usually a sign of organizational issues with management. Ie, typically you don’t want multiple people working on the same files at the same time, to avoid stuff like this.

If you’re not sure, ask someone that knows what they’re doing before you follow any advice on Lemmy.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I hear what you’re saying.

First, I hard disagree with you. Overwriting my local version of code is a parachute - not an ideal landing, but better than merging by hand.

Also, my comment was not an attempt to teach everything about git, just to explain what is happening in simple terms, since git requires a lot of experience to understand what those messages mean.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Also, a way to never have to work again!

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I love js. But the date object has always been a total pain. Moment.js is a good package to deal with it, but yeah, it’s currently deprecated, but it would be nice if it or something like it became part of ECMAScript.

I have no idea why it hasn’t yet, except that it might be that js needs to work for everyone, not just the us. So time is not standard.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Speaking of Java RipS. How annoying is it the JS has left Java in the dust as far as looser standards?


Developing in JS: Who gives a fuck about semi-colons?

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

You can also do this by forgetting a WHERE clause. I know this because I ruined a production database in my early years.

Always write your where before your insert, kids.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

If you don’t have apt backups, that is a failure of the process, not yours.

The Talisman - Paul Sérusier (1888) (www.musee-orsay.fr)

Paul Sérusier sojourned in Pont-Aven during the summer of 1888, as Paul Gauguin, whose advice he followed. On his returning to Paris, he showed his young fellow painters, the future “Nabis” (“prophets” in Hebrew), what was to become their “Talisman”. A close observation of the painting allows one to recognise...

Desire and Satisfaction - Jan Toorop (1893) (cdn.mediatheque.epmoo.fr)

Jan Toorop, born in Java in 1858 when it was still a Dutch colony, soon came to Europe and studied at the Amsterdam Academy from 1881 before continuing his studies in Brussels, Paris and London. Receptive to the many aesthetic currents then running through Europe, he soon gave up Naturalism for Neo-Impressionism, before devoting...

The Church at Auvers - Van Gogh (1890) (cdn.mediatheque.epmoo.fr)

After staying in the south of France, in Arles, and then at the psychiatric hospital in Saint-Rémy de Provence, Vincent Van Gogh settled in Auvers-sur-Oise, a village in the outskirts of Paris. His brother Théo, concerned with his health, incited him to see the Doctor Gachet, himself a painter and a friend of numerous artists,...

London, the Houses of Parliament, Sunlight Opening in Fog - Monet (1904) (cdn.mediatheque.epmoo.fr)

The London Houses of Parliament crop up regularly in Monet’s work in 1900. At first the artist observed them from the terrace of St Thomas Hospital, on the opposite bank, near Westminster Bridge. Monet’s London production, which includes views of Charing Cross bridge and Waterloo bridge, is in fact dominated by variations in...

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Microsoft Everything.

Boy, I sure can’t wait till VSCode and GitHub become as annoying as excel to use!

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m also a data analyst, so I sense sarcasm, but in case you’re not:

A big beef is excel can’t handle decimals larger than 6 places iirc. So if you copy/paste, it will delete your data accuracy. Is that not fucking insane? I mean think about that for a second… The most popular data table in the world will delete your data.

There’s a whole laundry list of other things I can complain about, but the bottom line is they bought it from another company, then stopped working on it. It’s Microsoft’s entire business model: Buy it, charge for it, ignore it.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Fuck. That was my interest.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I feel like Creed is this for me. I started really getting into it ironically, now I fucking love it unironically. My music snob friends will not even acknowledge it’s funny. Joke’s on them.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

There are still things I use reddit for, but only because Google sucks so much now. Like if I’m looking for the best something to buy, I’ll add “reddit” at the end so I don’t get pages and pages of ads.

Otherwise, all my previously reddit-based entertainment comes from Lemmy, especially since all the activists seemed to have gone back. Lemmy is now fun again!

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Ned?! Ned Ryerson?!

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I feel like there was a Built to Spill song about that.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

How about a wireless lapdock for my desktop, so I can have the processing power in mobile form.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I do not want a remote desktop client. I do not want another computer. I want a screen and keyboard. Do you see the difference?

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m not sure how to stress this enough… I do not want another computer.

I do not want another computer.

I want a wireless interface to the computer I already have.

  1. Mobile hotspot/ my phone’s hotspot
  2. Bluetooth Mouse/keyboard combo
  3. Wireless Monitor
  4. Something to convert bluetooth connections to wifi.
  5. A laptop case to put it in.

If they can make laptops for $37 they can make this for $1.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, a dumb terminal is exactly what I want, but mobile.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Again I do not want another computer.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m sure you don’t want to hear this, but…

Nit-picking the minutiae of new ideas may make you feel better, but ignoring the core idea will only hurt you and your creativity in the long run.

Instead of finding ways that it won’t work, you could use the same amount of energy to make the idea better.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Ok buddy. I’m sorry to have upset you.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

No, I’m having a good time seeing how many ways you can call me stupid because you feel so butthurt.

erogenouswarzone, (edited )
@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

In my experience, there’s two ends of the developer spectrum.

At one end is uptight. They have all their shit on lockdown and the confidence that comes with that.

The other end is creative. They are developers because they enjoy creating, and development is a rare high-paying but creative outlet. They stumble through everything and get bored with reading too much documentation.

I have seen many cases of both of these, and another, underlying metric is their perception of their own intelligence.

It’s unfortunate, but a lot of them grew up in an environment where they were the smartest person in the room and were rarely challenged. Now, being in an environment with many other smart people, they only feel smart by making others feel less than.

They purposely show off their knowledge and when you give an idea they shit on it and make you feel stupid.

There’s also this thing where if you know a system really well, it’s hard to imagine someone not having the knowledge you have. This is just how memory works because our brains abstract things away and then we can’t recognize when others don’t have that abstraction yet.

This is all normal. Humanity has a lot of work to do to change this, but it’s embedded into how everything works, so it’s not going to happen in our lifetime. You can change you, but you can’t change anything else.

With that being said, here are some things I have learned, being from a similar background as you:

  1. Recognize that you are smart or you wouldn’t be there.
  2. Accept that others will make you feel stupid. The best response is to act like it doesn’t phase you.
  3. Don’t make others feel stupid if you can help it.
  4. Be enthusiastic. Any shortcomings you may have, will be forgiven if you show up with a big smile on your face.
  5. Talk to your managers. Ask them what would make you better at your job, and ruthlessly pursue bettering yourself. This will give you a lot of confidence.
  6. You will lose touch with your old party friends. They will die young, and you will feel sad. When you do get a chance to catch up, talk to them a lot and consider journaling it. This will help a lot when you lose them.
  7. You will feel guilty because you are doing so much better than them. Accept it and move on and try not to brag about your new life.
  8. You will feel out of place because your new friends don’t have the same background as you. Accept it and move on. Nobody else is worried about it.
  9. Your new friends will probably not be as interesting as your old friends, and you will feel yourself becoming less interesting. This is the price we pay for our new life. If you want to stay interesting find a way to be in touch with other creative people: musicians, teachers, English majors.
@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

I hope you don’t. And I’m sorry.

I lost my best friend in February. It fucking sucks.

He was a big partier. Once he hit his late 30s he ballooned to probably over 300. He took a nap one day and had a heart attack in his little attic room of his friend’s house, where he had lived for 10 years. Our big friend group from back in the day is wondering who will go next.

@erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml avatar

Thanks man

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