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@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

So if he doesn’t change course on Gaza they’re going to…vote for Trump? Sure.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

I get it, but I just want to point out that there are multiple forms of gender expression other than cis-binary and trans-to-other-binary.

If someone wants to identify as male while either exercising a feminization kink, or generally performing more feminine than social expectations, that’s totally valid and okay and we should be discouraging anyone who adds to the societal shame pile such an individual already has to deal with.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Ironically, pumpkin spice has absolutely no pumpkin in it. Its just Cinnamon, nutmet, ginger, cloves, and allspice.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

This is the most disingenuous comparison I’ve ever seen lol. You basically took a picture of a babbling Brook at noon and a waterfall at night and are somehow confused why they don’t look the same.

First of all, your still shot is purposefully omitting the movement of the waterfall, the fact that it actually behaves and moves like a spray of liquid and gas particles, you know, like an actual waterfall, rather than just a moving block with a shader texture applied to it.

You also took this picture at dusk, when the plaza is draped in shadow and there is no sunlight directly bouncing off. If you’d even been to a waterfall this tall in such conditions in real life, you’d know they actually look more like this - like a non-descript spray of gas - than the Elex screenshot.

If you were to take a picture of the water in the day time, you know, when there is sunlight to bounce off the water particles, it would look absolutely beautiful. Which is also why nobody goes to waterfalls at night expecting a goddamn vista.

This game isn’t perfect but one thing it is, is absolutely beautiful (with the exception of some well documented and unimportant NPCs). And calling Elex a better looking game than Starfield is the dumbest take I’ve heard yet.

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

The shot wasn’t done at night

I said it was made at dusk, at a point where the sunlight is clearly not hitting the waterfall. Don’t even try to engage if you’re going to purposefully ignore context to try to “win”.

I notice you also ignored the fact that these pictures are taken in completely different lighting conditions. Probably because you know its disingenuous.

Yeah man, that’s called a screenshot. How am I supposed to capture the movement of a texture in a still image?

There are things called GIFs. Not sure if you’ve heard of them.

Also maybe don’t pass off a screenshot as a true representation of a game’s graphical fedelity if you know that a still image is omitting important elements of said fidelity.

Your whole post reads like you somehow need to defend this game at all cost.

Oh here we go, your brain is starting to shove me into the “paid shill” camp because I disagree with you. Fun fun.

I have no problem with fair criticism. In no way is this a perfect game and it’s not for everyone and there’s plenty Beth needs to improve. But when I see shit like this, you’re damn right I’m going to call it out for what it is.

Let’s throw this back on you. This defensive response seems to imply that you absolutely need to shit on a game other people like with out of context and unfair comparisons without any reprisal at all - for shits and giggles.

Well fuck you, bro. Tearing down something for laughs is garden variety toxicity. And if you can’t take the criticism, then don’t start it in the first place.


You apparently edited your post with a picture of a barren moon as evidence that the game is ugly.

Yeah…it’s a barren moon with no life, one biome, and presumably 2 resources, at night, what the fuck do you expect? Light and shadow are both important elements of beautiful landacapes. The absences of light and shadow makes things look dull and featureless, both in real life and in video games. Notice your comparison Elex screenshot has a lot of light in it.

That said, I have gorgeous pictures on barren moons of say, the milky way unrestrained by an atmosphere, or Jupiter rising over the horizon of Io, or a sunrise catching the rings of a nearby planet.

And no, I’m not talking about Neon. Try going to a planet with a variety of biomes other than “craters” that actually has life on it.

Seriously man, why are you trying so hard?

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

You didn’t, this is what you wrote:

Uh huh, and I also said this:

You also took this picture at dusk, when the plaza is draped in shadow and there is no sunlight directly bouncing off. If you’d even been to a waterfall this tall in such conditions in real life, you’d know they actually look more like this

…Which you’re conveniently ignoring because you’d rather argue on semantics and ignore relevant context rather than address the content of my response.

I didn’t specifically took the screenshots at a point in time where the ingame graphics look the worst. I just went on a mission with my companion Sarah just like usual and took this screenshot in the process. Because when I looked at the scene I thought: “Goddammit, that is just the worst graphics I’ve seen in a long time, I have to take a picture here” :D

Wrong. You saw this highly specific situation, thought it looked ugly, took a screenshot, then fired up Elex to find a shot that looks better - with different context and lighting conditions - and then crafted a single image to compare these very different shots of very different games with the explicit purpose of shifting on a game because you have a beef with it.

…for laughs?

I paid a hundred bucks for the Premium edition of the game and as I stated in numerous comments, I actually enjoyed playing the side content, I just didn’t like the main missions and the skill grind.

Okay, good for you? All this explains is why you have a beef with the game. But from my point of you, if you got enjoyment out of it, great.

You clearly do, because you’re snapping right now. I don’t even know why you take this meme so seriously.

Uh huh. Here’s the context of this thread:

  • Nobody:
  • You: Starfield is so ugly that even Elex looks better. Look at this highly specific comparison.
  • Me: No it’s not and here’s why your comparison is wrong.
  • You: Rawr you can’t handle criticism! Why won’t you let me meme?

Who’s snapping at who? I provided you reasons for why your comparison is wrong - which you have not addressed. You didn’t have to respond to me. But you did. And here we are.

I made the effort to prove my point, I even fired up the game again although I’m already finished with it and took screenshots for people that don’t own the game to see what I mean.

No you didn’t. You fired up the game and found another highly specific example - an unpopulated spot of a barren moon with 2 resources at night, because you refuse to address my reasons becausr the only meat for your arguement is to create more disingenuous comparisons.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

God forbid someone comes to a meme community for laughs. 😆

Its more sad than anything that you thought your jpeg was funny.

drop another F-bomb

Cry about it a little more buddy. I’m loving it.

People can make jokes about games they actually like, you know. Maybe you should get out, take a breath of fresh air, calm down in the process and accept the fact that you’re on [email protected] and this whole discussion is totally pointless.

Lol k buddy. I’m responding in between gardening breaks - but sure - whatever helps you justify disengaging.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah you’re right, he’s probably just a complete moron with the reading comprehension of a 5 year old. That’s totally the answer.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Mm the tears of the PC master race taste so good. Keep em coming.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

You’re the one suggesting that clarifying a generalized comparison with a more specific example “confused him”.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Lol responding to critical thinking with non-sequitor insults. Classic basement dweller behavior.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Lol I love that I’ve offended you so much that you took time out of your day to find two of my comments and come up with comment-specific insults. Give me more of your tears. They’re so delicious.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Lol you’re the one who posted the screenshot to complain about it.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

LOL you think I’m a PCMR neckbeard?

  • My PC is old, it’s running a Vega56, not even in the last two generations of graphics cards
  • I’m fine with 30FPS when it makes sense but I’m talking sub-25FPS with shit frame times
  • FFS I run a steam deck docked to my TV more than I use my gaming PC
  • Why do you think I use GeForce Now? So I can play games on high settings and not deal with settings that make my games look like they’re running on an N64


riding Bethesda dick for a shitty game.

Dude, I wish. That dick is big and luscious. But I’m good for a while after this comment. So delicious.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think anybody is shitting on anyone It’s a public forum and we’re all allowed to say what we think How shallow would the discourse be if we were limited to only talking about things positively?

It doesn’t matter what you think. Try posting something positive about starfield - even in the Starfield community. You will get shat on. A lot.

The problem isn’t that negativity doesn’t have a space, its that positivity doesn’t have a space. If someone posts something positive and gets shit on, they’re going to be less likely to post positive things in the future. Or react to negativity with their own positivity. That’s how psychology works. We do a thing and get a shock, we’ll be less likely to do it again.

But more importantly, a lot of negative nancies on the internet love to defend yukking on other’s yums with lofty goals around “discourse” and “free speech”. But they seem to forget that’s not how the real world or human psychology works. This post isn’t looking for “discourse”. OP is just saying " wow this game has cool vistas" maybe hoping for some stories or reinforcement or fun conversations with other fans and you all are responding with “game sucks”. What is this “discourse” supposed to accomplish other than, at best piss off OP, and at worst tear down his enjoyment of the game.

I mean think about it. What if someone were showing off a coat they brought and like with some randos, and you waltz in and are like “that coat’s fucking ugly and you should feel bad about buying it.” What kind of discourse would you expect other than “the hell? Who asked you? Fuck off”.

Sure, we’re all entitled to post and reply what we want, but it won’t stop us from calling you an asshole. You want to shit on a game? Go for it, there’s plenty of hate circlejerks you can join in on.

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Right, because the people who are paid to review the full game over hundreds of hours and have spent, in many cases, years, analyzing their biases and determining the right way to construct objective criticsm and have peer review editors to check their work…

Nah. Randos on the internet who have tendancy to form circlejerks for fake internet points and for minor doses of dopamine and who may or may not have even completed even a tiny portion of the game - that’s what I need to make an informed decision.

EDIT Lol at the coward downvotes with no replies. You know I’m right, you just don’t want to admit it.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Tavern wenches shows more skin than Neon Workers.

The fuck?

People actually bleed in skyrim. Drugs even, I think skooma has better writing tham Aurora.

Uh huh…

SF is just corporate.

Or…maybe just going for a different tone that doesn’t fit your dark gritty sensibilities?

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Overblown and knee jerk.

I’m enjoying the absolute fuck out of this game - hundreds of hours already and no regrets. This game is a lot deeper than anyone gives it credit for, it’s fantastic, and I’m looking forward to more of it.

No Man’s Sky bores the hell out of me and yet I’m having so much fun exploring planets and raiding pirate bases and being surprised by handbuilt content in what I thought would be a procedurally generated dungeon. Not to mention the surprisingly deep side and faction quests. Oh and so many hours playing with the shipbuilder.

I’m sorry you’re not having fun guys. But maybe you should focus on things that are fun for you?

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

The only thing I said about NMS was that it bores me. The story is thin and nonsensical, characters are nonexistent. It’s a great sandbox with impressive technical merit, but that’s not enough to keep me engaged.

Outer Worlds is pretty good but it’s an Obsidian title, for better or worse. The game world is bleak and terrible and it’s not any better at the end. Their writing is good and their characters are fantastic, and I enjoyed my time with the game but once I was done with the story, I couldn’t find much reason to keep playing.

Starfield, on the other hand, is really big and really deep. There is a crap ton of hand-built content - seriously, hundreds of hours in and I’m still struggling to see it all. The four faction quests feel like separate games in themselves. Starship building is awesome. Outpost building is overwhelming and little pointless, but still fun if you like that kind of thing. Yes, there’s a bunch of planets with generated content, but it’s surprisingly varied. There’s a ton of variation in flora and fauna and even the generated dungeons. There’s a few times i went to an abandoned something or other expecting just some pirates or something and ended up with a huge cinematic fight and loads of what seems to be hand-built content. Best of all, you can play the game how you want.

Don’t like planet scanning? You don’t have to. Hate the UC or Freestar Collective, fine you don’t need to do theor quests. Hate the ship builder? There’s plenty you can buy. Hate outpost building? Great, you can ignore it. Want to ignore the main quest and go be a pirate for a while? Go for it. The Crimson Fleet even gives you a couple of companions you can use if you hate how goody goody the Constallation folks are. This game rewards roleplaying choices more than any other beth title I’ve ever played.

Also, no spoilers but the New Game + mode is legitimately innovative. The story actually continues through it in wierd and wonderful ways. This is a game I’ll easily still be playing for years.

But my only advice is that you have to give it some time. It has a slow start and it’ll take a few hours to really start to click. So if you don’t want a game you have to spend a lot of time on, Outer Worlds will be a quick romp.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

There’s literally no evidence they ever considered another tone. They were clearly going for a Star Trek tone, not a space opera.

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, but just because they’re not titillating the desires of teenage boys doesn’t mean they “sold out” or “got more corporate”. They’ve been pretty consistent about presenting their creative vision for the game since the beginning.

Also, you’re premise is wrong. I just shot the hell out of someone iin the game and there were absolutely blood splatters all over the wall and floor. Have you played the game, or are you meming influencers?

That said, I would never consider Beth games to be particularly risque. They’ve always faded out sex scenes. Oblivion and Skyrim aren’t particularly bloody games. Fallout’s bloodiness is more in line with the IP and considerably tame compared to Obsidian’s games.

Maybe you’re thinking of mods. I dunno.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

The blood looks way better than vanilla Skyrim did…

Also you’ve gone from calling the game “corporate” to “tame/sterile” which seems to be an admission that you now understand this was a purposeful and consistent creative choice towards building a “positive sci-fi” world ala Star Trek. A choice they were pretty clear to market and a choice you disagree with. That’s fine. It doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, it just means you weren’t paying attention and bamboozled yourself into thinking this game was ever designed for your sensibilities. Not every game made by a studio will be the same - especially when it’s a new IP. Hell, Tango made Evil Within and Ghostwire then turned around and built Hi-FI Rush.

Oh well. But since it’s a Beth game, you can be rest assured that there will be a ton of mods to help your realize your dream of watching people die and decompose in the most realistic way possible. Heck, there are probably already a bunch that do.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Wait, so first you were complaining it’s not dark enough and now you’re complaining it’s too dark and not utopian enough? Bro…

Also, I said they were trying to capture the tone of a positive sci-fi story like Star Trek, not create star trek fan fiction. The game world shows significant progress towards solving various social, equality, and health issues, but we haven’t quite gotten rid of money, and as such, greed. For this reason, we still have economic disparity, corporate evil, pirates that do evil things for money, and a monopoly banking system that uses it’s power to use an abuse it’s opponents.

Furthermore, there’s plenty of people who have a problem with an overbearing singular government and want to do things their way - thus why the freestar collective and crimson fleet exist.

Its earth + 1, better, but still flawed. Which is honestly, a lot more realistic than star trek ever seemed to be. Perhaps they wanted to show a “missing link” between current humanity and star trek humanity. There’s progress, but there’s still work to do. Which, given the lack of aliens, its probably a good move to make sure humanity still manufactures drama.

Regardless, the theme and tone of the game can be best described as “hopeful and wide-eyed optimism”, which is very different from the distopian unease of Fallout and sweeping fantasy epic of Skyrim and, starfield was very clearly marketed as such from day one.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

They never said “star trek in space” because, first of all, that’s redundant, and second of all, would invite lawsuits. I’m not even necessarily saying that they’re copying star trek in any way.

I’m using Star Trek as an illustration of the positive sci-fi genre and the tone they were putting out in their marketing. No, its not literally star trek - but unlike their other titles that are either distopian sci-fi or a semi-dark epic fantasy, this one has a more positive tone - there’s a sense of hope and compassion that even persists in more distopian areas like the well, cydonia, ryujin, and ebbside. And furthermore, the main story’s focus on the excitement and wonder of exploration, and traversing the unknown, is a love note for Star Trek and all the sci-fi novels strewn about the environment.

And though this clarification is quite separated from it’s context now, I only brought this up to say that this game is far more hopeful and optimistic than their previous games and I feel like their marketing illustrated it quite well. And the reason it matters is beacuse the lack of the “darkness” and “grittiness” you are looking for can be explained by this difference in tone.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

I’d just be waiting for a super mutant raiding party to show up and toss a missile at that house.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Overblown and knee jerk.

I’m enjoying the absolute fuck out of this game - hundreds of hours already and no regrets. This game is a lot deeper than anyone gives it credit for, it’s fantastic, and I’m looking forward to more of it.

No Man’s Sky bores the hell out of me and yet I’m having so much fun exploring planets and raiding pirate bases and being surprised by handbuilt content in what I thought would be a procedurally generated dungeon. Not to mention the surprisingly deep side and faction quests. Oh and so many hours playing with the shipbuilder.

I’m sorry you’re not having fun guys. But maybe you should focus on things that are fun for you?

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

I’m so confused. So the STP are illegal and bad, but they’re under Trump’s control, but then there’s a pro-Trump sticker? And a Yandex email account. So many mixed signals.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

No, obnoxious elitism breeds controversy - or more likely, indifference.

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t forget the hundreds or thousands of dollars it’ll take to wire up your whole house with Ethernet plus the wireless router you’ll need anyway for any device that doesn’t have an ethernet plug

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

To save money, maybe you should eat the rich.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Look, Lauren Boebert gives us enough to make fun of without having to resort to this schoolyard bullshit. It’s pretty cringe to make fun of a woman for having an active and healthy sex life.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Stop. Don’t be an incel.

You want to make fun of her, make fun of her for being a moron, a hypocrite, and a fascist. Making fun of a woman for showing public affection is just gross and we should be better than that.

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

I detest and call out shitty behavior know matter what political alignment a person may hold. It’s called a moral compass. Is this a new concept to you?

And the we I’m refering to is really Lemmy, not necessarily democrats/liberals

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Right, I forgot I was talking to “PM_ME_FEET_PICS”, a paragon of morality.

I’m not defending her behavior in the theater. She was being a nuisance and had every right to be kicked out.

But this meme isn’t making fun of her for being a nuisance. Or of inappropriate sexual conduct in front of minors. Or vaping in a crowded theater.

This meme is making fun of a woman for having a sex life. And that’s fucking gross, no matter who the target is. “How many balls to chin did she take?” Does it fucking matter? Do we need a bj limit for elected officials? Who fucking cares? Yeah, she’s a hypocrite and that needs to be called out, but the critique can’t just stop at “oooh she gives bjs”.

Kennedy took a lot of vag to the face and no one bats an eye. Clinton got a bj in the white house and Monica Lewinsky got the most hate for it. This practice of shaming women for being sexual is gross and stupid and incel-level masogyny that needs to fucking stop.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Speaking of dipshit, read my fucking comment before responding.

I’m not defending her behavior in the theater. She was being a nuisance and had every right to be kicked out.

But this meme isn’t making fun of her for being a nuisance. Or of inappropriate sexual conduct in front of minors. Or vaping in a crowded theater.

This meme is making fun of a woman for having a sex life.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Lol I’m unhinged? The fuck is this shit, bro?

You need to step away from the internet and rethink your life choices. Your behavior is not healthy and you clearly have mental health issues that you desperately need to get looked into.

Let’s me clear - the “sexual conduct in front of minors” was literally this, as far as I can tell:

  1. In a theater that happens to have minors in the audience
  2. Boyfriend grabs her boob
  3. She grabs his crotch.

First of all, no one gives a shit about #2 enough to call out his behavior. Wierd. Second of all, if you’ve never play grabbed in a dark movie theater with your SO, I feel bad for your relationships. Third, it’s not like she whipped his dick out and started rubbing her snatch in the seat.

Was it inappropriate and trashy? Absolutely. Is she a sexual predator or a deviant because of it? No, chill the fuck out dude. Calling her sex life unhealthy is a huge stretch. And the fact that no one is calling the guy a sexual deviant is a little suss.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Lol, Starfield was originally going to be a Sony exclusive. That means Sony was literally going to pay Beth money to deny Xbox gamers access.

MS just made the better offer.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

What’s truly not surprising is Sony fanboys defending the benefits of exclusives up until Xbox has an exclusive they want.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Well there’s the fact that you omitted Sony and Nintendo from your criticism entirly, despite the fact that both companies have bought numerous studios and paid other studios to make games exclusively for their respective platforms for decades, thereby reducing their potential revenue for some benefit that’s clearly obvious to those companies.

And yet, when Microsoft does it…they are just limiting their potential market for no reason and it’s obviously a stupid business move. Sure. Seems a little sus, is all.

Either the entire fucking industry is guilty of this “bad business practice” or maybe there’s a calculated reason for it. Pick one.

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Um…Sony was in talks to pay for Starfield to be a PS exclusive - which would have taken it from PC for a year and from xbox permenantly - until MS bought Beth.

Also, Starfield is a new IP, not an “already existing and widely popular” one…

I’ll also mention that Phil Spencer publically admonished and fought against exclusivity agreements for years. He has said in interviews both private and public that he prefers a world where there are no exclusives. Until the market spoke and declared “exclusives” to be the measuring stick of a platform’s health, thus forcing his hand. And now here we are.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

And here we finally have the primary motivation for this comment.

Well we won’t know for sure on those for a few years. All we have are old FTC docs and no public statements. Regardless, existing games aren’t going anywhere. But even if it happens for future games, well, Sony’s been sowing this harvest for some time.


At least you can still play on PC on day one. Can’t do that with PS exclusives.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Because it works, because I can use ublock on mobile (and a few other cool extensions), and most importantly, because I feel good about using it.

I have Vivaldi installed in case i need a chromium browser but I rarely ever need it.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

And it’s not even that great of a flex too. “My OS lets me sudo commands that will break my system.” Great, so your system lets you accidentally break the system with a fat finger mistake? Why would I want that?

Windows is geared towards a general audience that includes some of the dumbest and least technically literate people to ever walk the earth. And they have to support it. Of course they’re going to limit your permissions.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Did I say I was defending MS’ restrictions on Edge? No. I think it’s dumb, but not for the reason you think.

MS prevents you from uninstalling edge because for some stupid reason a bunch of system processes and their store all require and use edge as a dependency. Removing edge would actually break a lot of things in windows. Is it stupid? Absolutely. But the reason they don’t want to do that is because MS implements a lot of restrictions like this to prevent their end users from breaking windows with stupid mistakes.

But this meme isn’t about allowing people to removing edge. Its trying to flex on the capabilities of linux vs. windows but using the laziest smooth brained way to do that. There are a lot of benefits to linux over windows. But the ability to sudo fuck your bootloader isn’t one of them.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Look I’m not going to defend windows or Microsoft. Personally I doubt its useful at all but it doesn’t really matter. A broken dependency is a broken dependency.

Even if it’s a pet project from a bing exec that’s completely unnecessary - if removing it will break things, an os geared towards a general public should prevent it from being removed.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Oh duh, you’re absolutely right, I forgot about the oft used configuration option of “sudo fuck my boot loader = enabled”

If linuxmemes thinks this meme is humor, it explains a lot.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

I highly recommend Buck Meek.

He’s the guitarist for Big Thief but his solo albums are some of the best country I’ve heard in a long time. And free from the toxicity of modern country (as far as I can tell)

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Thank for your sympathy, friend.

What’s hilarious is that the government recently passed legislation to cap the cost of most formularies of insulin to $35…for medicare recipients. I’ve checked, the vast majority of formularies are participating now.

But if you are reliant on private insurance (because medicare is for seniors), you can fuck right the hell off. You pay what we tell you to. BCBS has not expanded their preferred formulary list beyond this one shitty formulary and I don’t expect them to.

Oh and if you’re like my wife and your insurance only covers a formulary that causes you problems and a demonstratively higher A1C as a result, well you can buy vials out of pocket for $600 - $1000 for a month’s supply.

I’m glad that medicare is as great as it is and have no problem paying into it as a tax-paying citizen, but private insurance is the problem that most of us are dealing with and nobody is doing anything to address it.

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