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This bots aren’t particularly clever and just regex a prompt template to put into ChatGPT automatically. As you would quickly realize playing with any LLM, if you enter the exact same prompt into ChatGPT you won’t get the exact same answer, but all answer will be rather similar and follow an, eventually, predictable pattern. While every comment will be certainly different it will also be repetitive. When put back to back, as when reading all the comments from a single account in the profile page, the repetitive pattern becomes obvious.

dustyData, (edited )

No, nobody owes you anything. Start putting info into documentation and issue trackers and leave social media to be the brain rotting dopamine treadmill it became. If you need technical information, go into the official forum, discord (ew) or IRC channel of the project and ask the people actually using and developing the tech there.


Ain’t that like the Chinese Amazon? probably an AstroTurf campaign.

Cuba uncovers human trafficking of Cubans to fight for Russia in Ukraine (www.reuters.com)

“The Ministry of the Interior…is working on the neutralization and dismantling of a human trafficking network that operates from Russia to incorporate Cuban citizens living there, and even some from Cuba, into the military forces participating in war operations in Ukraine,” the Cuban government statement said....


The weird thing here is that Russian and Cuban propaganda machines are very close together. Like, this is enabled due to the historical political ties of the two countries and the propaganda misinformation entrenched into the Cuban society. Which is allowed and encouraged by the Cuban government. Main reason there are many Cuban nationals living in Russia in the first place. So, the Cuban government reacting to this is, strange and out of character, for once acting in favor of their citizens in a West vs. East scenario is new.


It could mean they make iMessage compatible with RCS for fucking once. Which would actually be a good thing for all Apple users.


So, does that makes Silicon Valley the colon of Earth? Because that makes sense in a way.


It wouldn’t. Have you seen those massive drone light displays? they lose drones during the shows. Nothing indicates that machine learning would fare better. Because reality is way more complex than a computer can simulate. I mean, even in an entirely humanless car network, a single misplaced traffic cone could send the whole system into shutdown. No system is failproof.


Exactly, in a swarm system, losing a drone is fine. A car fully automated network, as CGP suggest, is a swarm system. If they are cars with people inside of it, it isn’t acceptable to lose units, we can’t accept even a single autonomous car randomly losing control into a tree. No matter that humans do that. The system has to be better than humans, not equally bad. Train systems are inherently free from this variation.


The StackOverflow experience.


It’s ok, the company can afford the fee.

Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?

Social media seems to be laughing its ass off about this tragedy, is it because the folks at burning man are perceived as frivolous hippies or something? Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding...


Have you considered that the majority of people can’t afford to go on vacations? Heck, in the US most people aren’t even entitled to vacations by law. If they want to rest they have to stop working altogether and pray they are accepted back at their workplace when they return and to not have any emergency and their meager savings last for the entire short break from the grind.

Really, some people have no notion of privilege.


There are many copycats and smaller local versions of the same idea. The idea that it’s the most unique event in the world is marketing BS form the organizers.

YSK that there are a range of medications that can prevent alcoholics and other addicts from relapsing (quillette.com)

If you or one of your loved ones is struggling with this its worth knowing and worth asking your doctor about. Article mainly discusses generic anticonvulsants that have proven beneficial, but there are others such as Naltrexone that can also be helpful.


Doctors are human, they push their biases, worldviews and fears unto patients, often unawares. It doesn’t help that virtually all societies idolize them as infallible demigods. But they’re just people after all, no smarter or dumber than your average Joe.


I edit in Micro. Which is Nano with Lua plugins. Come at me.


Micro exists. It’s Nano with Lua plugins. Very robust and minimalist. No magic incantations. I actually use it to code simple stuff that I just don’t want to wait a minute for VSCode to spin its wheels.


Yeah, for all of those things, there’s Micro.


I think I read an article no long ago, I can’t seem to find it. But it was a rumor along the lines that the CEO wants to make Microsoft’s main product Azure Web, and that’s why Windows is getting less dev attention. Windows 11 wasn’t even supposed to happen. It was a salvage operation from the pieces of what was 10X, which was intended to be a last attempt to do something innovative with mobile devices, and Sun Valley which was supposed to be its own thing, an UI update over W10. They gambled on dual screens but since that didn’t pan out, sure Windows 11, whatever.


Yeah, it’s kind of point. It shouldn’t have to be but just like Apple, make the non-payed version unnecessarily shit, artificially limited and constrained so people pay for the premium tier.

Tens of thousands at Burning Man told to conserve water and food after heavy rains leave attendees unable to leave Nevada desert (www.cnn.com)

Tens of thousands of people attending the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert are being told to conserve food, water and fuel as they shelter in place in the Black Rock Desert after a heavy rainstorm pummeled the area, festival organizers said....


I’ve always wondered who, this bunch of rich yuppie fucks, think the man being burnt is supposed to represent?


I once had the opposite experience. Calmly and amiably complained about an employee misbehaving, but got asked aside by the manager to talk. She asked me to put the complaint in writing through their system and, looking directly at my eyes, added “Please feel free to be as explicit and emotionally expressive as you want. Don’t refrain from expletives, rudeness and bad words. We would really, really want to understand the extent of your upset over this situation, you know what I mean?” That’s when I realized that she wanted to fire this employee guilt free and was asking me to give her the ammo for the firing squad in front of HR.


Uhh, GitHub is an authoritarian dictatorship. You might write as many PR, RFC or whatever you want. But a repository manager has absolute power and zero duty of care with you. They can just ignore you, reject your proposals and do whatever they want, and you have no power or recourse in the slightest to do anything about it except complain.


That’s what boosts are for. You can see what others boost on their profile as a sort of repost. The like, is not a like, it’s there for feature parity with Xitter. But every app and instance calls it something different, but generally it’s a favorite button. So you have, boost, favorite, and bookmark. Boost are intended to be seen by others, favorites are for the original poster, and bookmarks are private for yourself. I’ve read that quote boosts are coming, but I’m not a fan of the feature. Find it to be really toxic. But we’ll see how it pans out when the feature is implemented.

I Tried Reddit Again and it Sucks Now

I installed the official Reddit app and went on it to see what the old place was looking like now. My inbox was filled with spam. The “home feed” shows subs I never subscribed to. There are so many ads. Between the ads and the the extra subs in the feed, it’s hard to just scroll. I also noted a lot of spam in some of the...


It doesn’t matter that you IP is periodically changed by your ISP. They will always be from sort of the same ranges, as IPs are regionally distributed. That’s what a digital fingerprint is for. The mix of browser configuration, screen size, OS version, IP, and specially if there are tracking markers (referral from other websites when you click on a link directed to reddit). Also, there are tracking cookies, you might delete the reddit cookies but there are still other tracking sites cookies that reddit can use to identify you.


I’m sorry, but I just have to mention that I find funny that the features you chose to illustrate “peak” Windows are all prime Linux features. Including installing Linux itself as a sub-system. At that point might as well cut-out the middle man.


Your impression of Linux might be off by a decade or two.

dustyData, (edited )

I’ve used Linux exclusively in my private life for about 3 years now. Used it on dual-boot for the better part of the decade. The games that are currently non-playable are mostly devs who hate their users and refuse to do the bare minimum to enable Linux anti-cheat. Or have some sort or weird ideological crusade against Linux.

Steam certifies at least 70% (10% verified and 60% readily playable¹) games on their library work by default on Proton. Many of the games I play actually have a native Linux version. Many games that aren’t even certified actually just work either way. And with the advent of more sturdy tooling like Heroic, Lutris and Bottles, the tinkering on those games that don’t work are just simple options on a GUI. Heck, some classical old games that don’t work on Windows anymore still run just fine on Proton. Making the most friendly option for abandonware.

Then there’s the whole emulation scene, of which Linux has the strongest and more streamlined user experience with retroarch and a vast suite of emulation software.

Linux is perhaps the most complete, powerful, flexible and diverse software gaming platform I’ve ever owned.

EDIT: ¹ Of the top 10000 most played games on Steam.


It is, to find and report a bug is time contributed to make the software better. This maintainer is an asshat and probably has never had the luxury of knowing how expensive and time consuming QA really is.


Sure, but that’s the sort of things that is hashed out by lawyers in a private meeting room. Not in the GitHub’s public issue tracker. A simple “Report doesn’t meet criteria” would’ve sufficed. The rant is out of place and it makes him seem hostile.


There are pro-bono FOSS lawyers. There are foundations that help with these things. There are lots of free legal resources made available. If it hurts him so much, then he should just archive and make the repo private, then re-release under a private license, or maybe step back from maintaining a public repo. No piece of software is worth mental health and peace of mind. Nobody is forcing him to participate. I mean, fuck private companies that suck the life out of open source projects. But suffering abuse is never an excuse to dish out abuse. And when it comes to the public sphere, it is a rant in the end. Composure is important in the eye of the public. No one will want to be sympathetic with someone who lashes out in public. It is only hurting him, not the person who received the reply.


Yeah, but OP is not exactly bringing useful context. Whatever the history might be. The public tracker is not the best place to air these kind of grievances.


You really should’ve gotten permission from him to post this. You’re all over this thread basically laughing with emojis at his disgrace. It’s a couple of small developers doing home automation stuff. They don’t need this kind of diss. You should delete this post, and if you really want to say something about open source culture, maybe get permission and actually put effort into anonymizing the image.


I agree, but this is basically shitposting.


I’ve heard it said that “trickle down is an euphemism for funnel up”.


If you ever hung out on reddit’s anarchy chess sub, you’d quickly discover that most grand masters and chess players overall tend to be big cry babies who love drama and throwing fits and tantrums. These are grown men who have tied their personal worth to playing a board game competitively. It’s acutely obvious most of them don’t have a sense of what sportsmanship means.

For an example google the meaning of the “peepee in your Pampers” meme.


It was more like a whimper.


Except, we now know he wasn’t. Carlsen was salty because his ego was bruised by losing to someone he perceived as being beneath him. He wasn’t seeing any 4d chess BS romantic mental projection of the game. He was just mad that he lost. Be aware, it wasn’t that Niemann was unfairly landsliding Carlsen. Quite the opposite, Carlsen had already won two games against Niemann. When he lost the third game he got mad that someone else studied the same obscure opening as him and resigned on the fourth game after a single move. Just an adult tantrum. This is chess, everyone loses at some point or another, no matter how good you are or how large the skill gap with your opponent. Statistically in a large enough amount of games, you will lose some.


I will defer my opinion to that of someone who knows more about chess than me. According to Grand-master Anatoly Karpov’s analysis of the game:

“Carlsen surprisingly played the opening so badly with white that he automatically got into a worse position. Then he showed a strange inability to cope with the difficult situation that arose on the board. Comments that White lost without chances are complete nonsense.

Yes, he played badly, his position was worse, but he didn’t have to lose: if he hadn’t sacrificed a pawn there would have been nothing terrible for him in that position. With more careful play he could have made a draw.”

Maybe Niemann cheated, maybe he didn’t. But the true is that the reason Carlsen quit was because he got flustered. He could’ve, and as a matter of fact had previously, kicked Niemann’s ass with skill. He could’ve made this a draw, keep playing the tournament and still dominate. But he played one bad game and had to throw a hissy fit of historical proportions.


It doesn’t matter whether Niemann has or doesn’t have skill to play whatever. That’s not proof of anything. The point is Carlsen played like a fool and got mad at himself and decided to quit. Then to indirectly accuse Niemann of cheating without basis. And for your information, I don’t have a bias against Carlsen, I hate all chess player equally.


A chess player skewered my dog with a bishop and I can’t get over it. I’ve played chess extensively, easily the most toxic and elitist group of twats I’ve ever met. Bloody chessplayers, they ruined chess.


That’s a broken apologist argument. It’s not “a couple of bad cops”, the problem is systemic. The system is meant to create assholes and protect assholes and to drive out anyone who isn’t an asshole. Blue line and all that. There are no good or bad cops, there are only perpetrators and enablers.


On the contrary. Opinions are subjective individual experience, and will always be rightful in the person’s eyes. Just like an opinion cannot be objectively true. An opinion cannot, by definition, be wrong. It’s their opinion, and they’re entitled to it, and to tell them their subjective experience of reality is incorrect in matters of taste is not only tactless but pointless.


in matters of taste

I addressed this in the comment. If you don’t “like” something. That opinion can’t be wrong or right. You don’t like it, period. Others cannot dictate how one feels about a matter of taste. “This sucks” is an opinion in matter of taste that cannot, by definition, be invalidated by external objective means. For this person, this sucks.


Exactly, that’s 100% my point. It will always be rightful, because it’s theirs.


It only takes like an evening. Go with Linux Mint and essentially you will be using your computer in a half hour. Everything else is the fun of discovering all the cool stuff that Linux does easier and more flexible than Windows.


Is not only improved, but it’s getting better. I find it hard that a controller didn’t work on Linux. Which ones were there? Xbox works plug and play, always had. Linux got Play Station controls to work on them before Windows had a driver for them. Originally those things were paid options on Windows. Third party are pretty much cookie cutter drivers that all have always worked seamlessly on Linux. If you have any lingering doubt, you can read the reviews on the Steam Deck, essentially, if it works on a Steam Deck, it will work on a PC with Linux installed. Steam’s BigScreen mode turns any regular PC into a controller-centric Console like experience.


The terminal is essentially arcane magic, with bash scripting out of the box, this is big if you’re a programmer. Most Linux desktop environments have workspaces and tiling features which make workflow really easy and fluid. Something that Windows is only getting now on W11. Everything is customizable, so you will learn the meaning of the term “ricing”. Which is to make your desktop look as cool as possible, since everything from the fonts and icons to the color of the taskbars and transparency are 100% customizable. There are several rabbit holes you can choose to go into just on aesthetics. But then you have actual productivity stuff like learning your distro’s package manager, backup utilities, etc.

TIL The initial rate in 1866 for messages sent along transatlantic cable was $10 a word, with a ten word minimum. (www.pbs.org)

The initial rate in 1866 for messages sent along the transatlantic cable was ten dollars a word, with a ten word minimum, meaning that a skilled workman of the day would have to set aside ten weeks’ salary in order to send a single message. As a practical matter, this limited cable use to governments (transmissions from the...


People really be underestimating the value of cheap access to antibiotics. We only have had them for like a century, and it tripled average life expectancy and reduced global infant mortality to a tenth. No matter the income level, 100 years ago there would’ve been a fair chance one didn’t make it to puberty.


This is the moment to mention that Rick Astley still makes music and just released a new song, it’s called Never gonna stop. I’m not kidding, also, it’s a banger.

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