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Install F-droid and add the official repository. The UI is very rough. But it all works just as on the desktop.


Only the free malware detection. But they tend to bundle a lot of “clean your registry”, “reclaim unused space”, “pay us to sieve all your private browsing data keep you secure” bloat as well. It shouldn’t be permanently on your system as they can track and funnel data like crazy if you let them.


As someone who has eaten activated charcoal, it just tastes like dirt.


Opening a repository for the first time in months.

Which brainless moron wrote this idiotic code?

Runs blame.

Oh, it was me.


A professor used to say, we don’t write code for the machine. The machine doesn’t need code. It would be just as happy whether we hand carve 1s and 0s on ferromagnetic disks or if we wrote a compiler for emojis. Binary is binary. We write code for the humans. So make it legible.


I never said anything about comments. My professor advocated that the code should tell yourself and other humans what it was making the machine do. Comments should document the design and the architecture. Not explain the code. A well designed and correct code needs few comments.

Weak IP Address Evidence Collapses 'Non-Responsive Movie Pirates' Lawsuit TorrentFreak (torrentfreak.com)

Voltage Holdings has lost its appeal against a 2022 Canada Federal Court decision that denied default judgment against a number of unnamed internet subscribers. Voltage claimed that the internet users, who all received two prior infringement notices, shared the movie ‘Revolt’ on BitTorrent or authorized someone else with...


The fact that they arrived at this by purely legal logic is surprising to me. They never even touched on the fact that IP is not ID. Not all but some ISPs assign IP dynamically, many persons can hold an IP over a relatively short period of time. They sent this letters to the ISPs and considered some imaginary person served a notice. Then they wanted the judge to fail against, imaginary people who they didn’t know who they were. I don’t even know what kind of precedent or case they wanted to make here. Are they going to send the routers to jail?


They never mentioned that the IP they found sharing the pirated movie might as well no longer belong to the current subscriber and that proving the link between the subscriber and the IP would’ve been a major privacy issue. As a subscriber you don’t own the connection, much less the IP address. I guess they just never got to a point where that had to be argued.


Except they get it wrong all the time. People who have never pirated a single thing still receive ISP notices all the time.


That’s not how anything works. If you leave a knife unattended on a counter and a murderer picks it up and kills someone you are not an accessory to murder. Even if it was indeed your knife.


That’s decidedly not how the world works. There are no laws mandating kitchen knives to be locked. And there are no laws mandating to lock down network connections. At all instances a judge would have to determine whether you were aware that a crime was being committed and willfully or by criminal negligence facilitated its occurrence.


From your own sources:

Section 84 of the Canadian Criminal Code

prohibited weapon means

(a) a knife that has a blade that opens automatically by gravity or centrifugal force or by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife, or

Or in other words, legal context matters, and this only applies in Canada, and only to knives who are intended to act as and be used as weapons. Not to kitchen knives. Idiots like you need to start using your head to actually think and not try to construct this stupid gotcha attempts.

Also, the entire section 86 is about firearms and the prohibited weapons is just there so prosecutors and judges can make ad-hoc decisions. So, as the law has proven: no, leaving a kitchen knife on a counter top or using WiFi without passwords do not make you accessory to crimes.


Any Chinese EV kicks the Teslas in build quality. And the Swedish Polestars are luxury EVs on the same price bracket. Tesla is trash.


Well, Polestars are made in China. Just because their brands aren’t massive with marketing in the US doesn’t mean they aren’t good. BYD is by sheer numbers the largest producer of electric vehicles in the world. And they’re regarded as quality and durable vehicles that most reviewers think will take the European market by storm soon since they just installed themselves there. The Seal is considered superior to the Tesla 3 and it’s cheaper. Tesla actually pays to them to use their batteries in Asia. And they provide the platform for Toyota. Again, just because you don’t know about it doesn’t mean it’s not true. Read the room, there’s a reason you’re being downvoted. And it’s not Tesla or Elon hate, you just don’t know enough about the EV market and said something false.


The fact that there’s a competitive Excel scene makes this comment infinitely funnier to me.


Cryptocoins, blockchain, NFTs, AI craze. It’s all the same people who think that the solution to the problems that capitalism has created is technology.


Building dams literally kills whole ecosystems. Reduce biodiversity and razes woodland. They also do tend to take 10+ year of construction, just like nuclear power, while taking several times more materials. Your point is really stupid, nuclear power plants do not cause any more ecological stress than a moderate building in any city. They do consume vasts amounts of water, which can be an ecological issue, but not to the level that a dam creates. Wind turbines, for example, are not recyclable (materials used are too complex and use a lot of plastic) and they disrupt birds population. Just like solar panels, they have a very very short lifespan. Windturbines must be replaced every 5 years or so. So does solar panels but for different reasons. A nuclear power plant can create power for several decades if well maintained.

The thing is, no human intervention in any place is sustainable. Our mere mode of existence is so energy intensive that we are going to destroy the planet’s habitability no matter what we do. The time to change to 100% nuclear was 5 decades ago. The time to stop using fossil fuels was 4 decades ago. The time to change to sustainable energy was 3 decades ago. We lost the train. The planet won’t support us in any form in the long run. Hell, mammals might also be fucked within the next million years. The planet will never ever be the same it was during the past 2 million years. And it’s because of us.


Really well, with the lowest carbon emission dependence index and the cleanest air in Europe? France has also never had a nuclear incident ever. As they are actually one of the rarest events of all the known forms of energy creation. Actually, a joke amongst wind turbine installers is that wind power has killed more people than nuclear power. Because of how frequent incidents with cranes and helicopters are.


Because Greenpeace actively protested to prevent maintenance to some of them, lol. Use your brain, stop zealously repeating catch phrases and actually think critically.

Let me give you some examples, you said:

  • “the country relies on nuclear energy for 70% of its electricity”

And all of that power is provided by 59 moderately sized buildings. 34 of them were built in the 70’s and have been refurbished and maintained to this day, because mad irrational regulation doesn’t let them just tear the damn things down and build newer ones that are more efficient and use recyclable fuel. You won’t find a single wind turbine or solar panel that lasts over 50 years, none.

  • “French electricity group EDF said Thursday that shutdowns of four nuclear reactors would be extended for several weeks because of corrosion problems, potenti…”

Ok, that wasn’t this Thursday, that was some Thursday in 2021. Guess what? it was a design flaw only present on the N4 model. They closed those four, because there are only four of them. And they figured out how to fix them and now they fix them regularly and today all those four reactors are operational. They learned a lot and are now applying the same good practices to all the nuclear reactors to avoid corrosion issues in any of the plants.

  • “France has pledged to reduce its reliance on nuclear power by shutting down 12 nuclear reactors by 2035”

Again, that was in 2014. A policy that originally aimed to reduce nuclear power reactors to 50% of the country’s energy generation by 2025 amid the push of fossil fuel funded anti-nuclear activism. This was delayed in 2019 to 2035. But this year it was completely reversed. They plan to build 6 more instead and potentially expand that to 8 later this year. Because it turns out, they’re really not that much more expensive than other sustainable sources and just as good at reducing fossil dependency now that Russia, the main oil exporter for EU, decided to blow their neighbor to smithereens.


Wow, you’re exceptionally irrational about this. Bye.


and is importing electricity like crazy

False, France has been a net exporter of electricity for over four decades. They had to import electricity, once, in 2022. Because of the corrosion issue that, as I said in another comment, is already solved. Because of the war on Ukraine, just like every single country in Europe. And because, guess what? there was a drought and hydroelectric dams were dry!

Do you do this all day, just go around telling lies? Are you just ignorant, someone brainwashed you or is someone paying you? You are truly irrational about this. Just accept that maybe your worldview is not accurate and update your existence to something other than black and white thinking.


So, this is the stupidity going on over at Xitter eh? Stupid people would believe anything stupid as long as it fits their worldview.


The consortium was forced to include flags, they never wanted to have them in first place, but they were technically already there when they inherited the curating of emoji. They are actively trying to find ways of getting rid of flags altogether. Too much politic flak all the time.


They aren’t. Epic continues to make ever more and more record amounts of money quarter after quarter. Layoffs have nothing to do with revenue in the gaming industry.


Welcome to modern journalism. It’s copy and paste and AI translators all the way.


Lots of animators and indie creators making games today honed their skills as teens programming in Flash as well. Now that the platform is not around kids just jump straight into Unity, or any of the other purpose made apps to animate and make games. Like GameMaker, RPGmaker, Krita, Blender, etc. There’s just a more varied plethora of options than back then. Which means the things they create are more spread out in social media outlets than centralized under a single webpage.


Suppose you are an European citizen and you live in Egypt. Valve used to block you from purchasing a game available in Europe. Despite the fact that you are European and your store settings were set to Europe. That’s geogblocking. Now valve is not allowed to do that according to EU law. They still deny access and discriminate based on geography with plenty of excuses. But they can’t use the IP geolocation anymore. Mind you, they still claimed not guilty despite the fact they were caught red handed and dragged the whole thing up to appeals. Despite the fact they still pretty much still do it for certain games from time to time.

dustyData, (edited )

I used Egypt just as an example, the countries actually involved are Latvia and other EU countries. This is a really old case, it used to be the case that the steam store wouldn’t even open if your were not from the US. There’s a complex web of financial trade agreements and red tape behind making a global digital store with regional pricing available. There’s also a lot of shenanigans that go on to avoid abuse of regional pricing. Steam limits changing your store region to once every 6 months, for example. Which makes it impossible to exploit the regional pricing model. This case is precisely because Steam and the 5 stooges (Bandai Namco, Capcom, Focus Home, Koch Media and ZeniMax) didn’t want to let EU citizens from one country buy a cheaper version of the same game in another EU country. I think the most egregious thing is that Valve claimed not guilty, not by saying they didn’t do it, but that they did it and they were in their right to do so. The EU said, it’s not abusing the store, EU citizens are in their right to use whatever store from any other EU country under the single digital market law.

Unlike the EU, the rest of the world is still geoblocked, and discriminated by Steam. For instance, I can’t buy Elden Ring, I can’t even see their store webpage at all. Regional pricing is a good thing to make games affordable for different markets with different purchase and income levels (fuck Epic store), but it should be based on currency and payment method, not geographical location. This along with Nintendo’s regional blocking and the bullshit that Hollywood does wolrdwide are just anti-consumer manipulation.



You’re correct, I expanded with real details and a source in another comment.


Singular they has existed in English before the times of Shakespeare. It’s not a fad. It’s a bloody grammatical reality.


A mindset from the before (antibiotics) times. Babies used to die quite frequently. So much that in some cultures babies weren’t named until later in their life, not during pregnancy as it’s custom today. So they were kind of an out there thing, that wasn’t baptized and named yet, they were an it. They were “the baby”. No different than a dog or a turtle, they might die without a name, given an unmarked burial. And off to the next pregnancy. Still a tragedy, and people did mourn and suffered the loss. But not to the same degree of modern, western medicalized, pregnancies were almost every single baby born is expected to at least survive to infancy.


People tried to make “dudette” happen for a long time. But it never caught on.


I’ve never seen an ad on a Samsung phone in any place that’s not a store. What are you on about?


I use the OneUI and it’s not bloated at all. It let’s you customize, install and uninstall components at your heart’s content. I use FLOSS alternatives for most of the Google and Samsung defaults and it let’s me uninstall them without issue.


It’s the BS fee. You’re not just paying for the pictures, the water or the food. You are paying for them to put up with yours, your family and guest’s BS for several hours, plus the nightmarish logistical stress of making it all happen flawlessly on time.


This is the opposite of subliminal. It’s almost super-liminal. This people must think that a punch in the face is subtle disagreement.


Most people in the world buys full price from manufacturer. And they are not rich or enthusiasts at all. It’s just in the US the consumerist mindset of paying $1500 over 3 years for a $800 phone is enforced by the carriers. And the ones who go out of that mindset to fanboy, buy $1500 overpriced phones. Most people aren’t buying flagship phones. Mid and low performance phones are perfectly serviceable for the vast majority of people.


I laugh at the stupid titanium thing on the iPhone. It’s such a stupid marketing ploy by Apple. Like, it’s impressive of course, from a manufacturing and engineering point of view, working with titanium is always difficult and challenging. But Jerry Rig Everything disassembled the thing and the titanium is a 1mm veneer around the border of the phone. It has absolutely no structural or protective function at all. The frame is cheap and reliable old aluminum. And the titanium is covered in a disgusting plastic coat that peels and scratches just as easily as any paint over aluminum or plastic. It’s such an obvious scam made to justify overcharging for a boring, dull and standard phone.


I live in a WhatsApp dominated country. Never have I ever been contacted by a recruiter or potential employer via WA, much less so from Signal or Telegram. First contact is either a phone call or an email. At some places I’ve worked on, WA has actually been banned and secure communication for work matters is only allowed via the official ICT managed channels. That was a security sensible company though. Other companies allow WA communication except for confidential information that should only move through company servers.


This is the greatest part about the latest movie, The Batman. At the beginning you do have the depressive rich boy obsessed with revenge, being brutal and cruel to criminals is sort of his point. But as the movie progresses he starts to shift to realize that he shouldn’t be pursuing revenge against the criminals, for it isn’t bringing him any resolution, but instead should be striving to save and protect the victims. The shift is dramatic, specially with the thematic use of Nirvana’s Something In The Way as musical background, and it’s paired in a holistic way with his public face. Bruce Wayne comes out of the shadows to become the philanthropic playboy. Another facade, but one that fulfills just as an important role, by pushing Gotham rich society to charity and financial aid work for the ones in need, that is of course rarely if ever depicted, because it’s not superhero work. But it is important because is the part of the rich boy actually using his fortune to enact positive change in the world that the superhero persona can’t, just like the superhero does things the regular person can’t, capturing crazy criminals and saving people from over-engineered elaborate terrorist ploys.


The picture has a curious history related to Thomas Gainsborough. They were friends and rivals and both extraordinary portray painters. Reynolds purported the argument that blue was one of the most boring and least pretty of colors and that red and yellow and other warmer colors were preferable for painting. The underlying theme was the idea that certain colors, particularly pale, blueish and cold colors, weren’t pleasing as the main palette.

Reynolds had made this picture of Master Thomas Lister, who would later would become the 1st Baron Ribblesdale of Gisburn Park.

Allegedly, as a response to Reynolds, Gainsborough would make the “Boy in blue”. Which some historians considered both a mockery of Reynold’s color theory. Significantly, no one is sure who the boy in blue is, despite the fact that he is portrayed with the classical costume elements of the sons of rich patrons.


What do you mean someone who tries to sell a theory on objective scientific morality has many bad takes?


Bad take. Spotify shafts artists very hard and rips off users frequently. The only reason they haven’t enshittified yet is because they are free from the interest rate mania going on in the US (they are a EU based company) and their actual customers are the music labels, not the final listener. So the final power is in the hands of the music executives not Spotify themselves, unlike with US tech giants that hold all the power against regular citizens. Look at what they want to do with podcasts for a glimpse of their future potential for enshittification.


You’re a bad person. I’m glad that you recognize that. It puts my moral judgment at ease to know that you’re perfectly aware that you are a bad person.


We only use software that has existed before the past decade in this household!

dustyData, (edited )
  1. Stop bothering with dead software.
  2. You can repackage old FOSS source code into any of those containers and install and use it that way. Nothing is stopping you, the tools are free and widely documented. You don’t need to own the FOSS repository to repackage it, and actually a huge chunk of containers are packaged by people not affiliated with the development project of the software.

Exactly, it doesn’t make sense that the devs are left with the transaction fees. But it’s the way it is set up legally speaking right now. That’s why most devs suggest to people to please pirate the game instead of using resellers and risking a scam. They are being kind with users and not banning keys or users, because it’s technically almost impossible and makes no ethical sense.

But by now you’ve proven to be too stupid and/or immoral to understand the point. So I’m going to stop wasting my time with you and stop replying.

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