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Same for Architecture in the '11-'16 time. I recall that it supported all the software, had decent performance for CAD use cases and easy to pirate Adobe Suite. All round, solid system that worked out of the box mostly.

I think that image kind of stuck. Now I see a lot of CompSci students with MacBooks. I understand the desire for compute power, but at the same time I feel they don’t really understand how to use it properly, because of how Apple isolates the user and has such an extensive vendor lock-in strategy.

I feel like, if you can figure out how to make it work with MS Paint on Windows95 (or FreeBSD on potato laptop for CS), then using anything better will put your skillset on steroids.


Ihre Fahrgastrechte im Überblick:

  1. Entschädigung für verspätete Ankunft am Zielbahnhof

Ab 60 Minuten Verspätung am Zielbahnhof Ihrer Fahrkarte erhalten Sie eine Entschädigung von 25 % des Fahrkarten- preises für die einfache Fahrt, ab 120 Minuten 50 %; bei Fahrkarten für die Hin- und Rückfahrt wird die Entschädigung auf der Grundlage des halben Fahrkartenpreises berechnet.

**Zeitfahrkarten (z. B. Wochen- oder Monatskarten, Länder- Tickets, Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket) werden pauschal je Verspätung ab 60 Minuten entschädigt: Im Nahverkehr: 1,50 EUR (2. Klasse), 2,25 EUR (1. Klasse) Im Fernverkehr: 5 EUR (2. Klasse), 7,50 EUR (1. Klasse) BahnCard 100: 10 EUR (2. Klasse), 15 EUR (1. Klasse) Insgesamt werden max. 25 % des Zeitfahrkartenpreises entschädigt.****Zeitkarteninhaber (Ausnahme BahnCard 100) können auch mehrere Verspätungsfälle ab 20 Minuten innerhalb der Geltungsdauer der Zeitkarte zusammenrechnen und gesammelt zur Erstattung oder Entschädigung einreichen.**Entschädigungsbeträge unter 4 Euro werden nicht aus- gezahlt; reichen Sie deshalb Entschädigungsanträge bei Zeitfahrkarten des Nahverkehrs gesammelt ein.

  1. Weiterfahrt mit einem anderen Zug Bei einer zu erwartenden Verspätung von mindestens 20 Minuten am Zielbahnhof Ihrer Fahrkarte können Sie: Bei nächster Gelegenheit oder zu einem späteren Zeit- punkt die Fahrt auf der gleichen Strecke oder auf einer anderen Strecke fortsetzen und dabei auch andere, nicht reservierungspflichtige Züge nutzen (eine ggf. erforderliche Fahrkarte müssen Sie zunächst bezahlen und können Sie sich anschließend erstatten lassen; erheblich ermäßigte Fahrkarten können davon ausgenommen sein). Bei Fahrkarten mit Zugbindung (z. B. Sparpreis) ist diese automatisch aufgehoben.
  2. Erstattung bei Nichtantritt oder Abbruch der Reise wegen Verspätung, Zugausfall oder Anschlussverlust Bei einer zu erwartenden Verspätung von 60 Minuten oder mehr am Zielbahnhof Ihrer Fahrkarte können Sie: Von der Reise zurücktreten und sich den Fahrkartenpreis erstatten lassen oder die Reise abbrechen und sich den Anteil des Fahrkarten- preises für die nicht genutzte Strecke erstatten lassen oder die Reise abbrechen, wenn sie sinnlos geworden ist, zum Ausgangsbahnhof zurückkehren und sich den Fahrkarten- preis erstatten lassen.


Kann sich schon lohnen, wenn’s öfter vorkommt. (Tut es)

Can anyone else feel sensations in their brain?

Last time I checked there aren’t nerve endings in our brain, so it should be impossible to feel sensations in my brain. However, at random times during my life, like seeing the plot twist in Fight Club for example, I’ve felt feelings in my brain. I just felt it again now while doing some intense introspection, and I just...


Crashed into a car with my bike with no helmet (always wear a helmet people!) and lost all memory. My head hurt for a year afterwards when I tried to read something. Years later, the patch is still numb to the touch, and causes a sensation of stinging in one eye, it causes tears if I rub it.


The Putin puppets (AFD, FN, Fidez,…):

  1. Reject push for renewable energy (muh coal, muh diesel)
  2. “Subsidies are fascist”
  3. “Wah, wah, can’t afford my environment destroying car/heater anymore”
  4. “Thanks Obama”



Brauchst nicht vermuten brudi

war Korrespondent Jan-Christoph Kitzler mit einem palästinensischen Mitarbeiter sowie einer deutschen Mitarbeiterin bereits auf dem Rückweg von einem Interview, als sie von israelischen Soldaten südlich der palästinensischen Stadt Hebron gestoppt wurden.


And due to bad study design, this research will answer exactly 0 of these these very legitimate questions.

I made it to Linux! What is your must-have FOSS or Free Software for linux?

Thank you so much, comrades! I am feeling pretty comfortable with linux mint, and now would like some suggestions for some absolutely necessary FOSS or free license software for the OS. So far I have the standard, Firefox, ThunderBird, LibreOffice, yada yada. Thank you again to everyone on the linux comm! sankara-salute


Depends what device you run, but Xournal++ is useful. Otherwise pdftk.


the fact that GS sells shit in this state speaks more about their cocksucker business; the idea that you’re standing up for it - stonkdweeb adherent lol. get a fucking life.

Geez, who hurt you?

I’d argue, as long as there are “cocksuckers” that keep buying from them, regardless of these posts (I’ve seen at least 10 or 20 over the past years), there is very much a market to service. Just capitalisticly speaking.


Reading this wholesome exchange, today I’m going to fight back extra hard against all the bullshit and act better.

Thank you both for reminding us.


I don’t know man, those J6 nutters did kinda demonstrate that it’s surprisingly easy. No one expects the guillotine.


Well damn.

Being the same age as her, I feel kinda bummed out. If only I’d have been born with the good looks and capability to sing I could be among the worlds top 10 CO² producers.

Oh well.

criticism aside, it’s still impressive


It’s my daily driver. It has incredible compatibility and very nice features, for example the rule based filter actions, header matching, which immensely boosts my workflow efficiency. Not to mention the calendars and tasks integration and the great extensibility via the plugin system.

Thunderbird is a great example of community driven awesomeness.

Mike Johnson picked as new GOP speaker nominee just hours after Tom Emmer drops bid (www.cnn.com)

The House GOP picked Rep. Mike Johnson as their latest speaker nominee Tuesday evening, though the Louisiana Republican so far lacks the 217 votes needed to win the gavel – the latest sign that Republicans are still no closer to electing a new speaker three weeks after Kevin McCarthy’s historic ouster....


Megafucked, I mean, how do the hardworking citizens feel about paying $4.44 trillion for these overpaid dunces just to refuse to do their job?


Damn, finally got me to donate to Wikipedia. Years of successful ignorance down the drain - fucking thanks Elon. GUH


Nice debate skills there, buddy. Don’t forget to floss daily!


There’s a textbook case of stage IV learning resistance. Only those who take every opportunity to improve their abilities will not fall victim to self-satisfied complacency and expire their potential in the world.


Tête de Moine

(not a lady, but I am witness to the fascinating effect of more than one lady)


Hungarian leadership seems a little touchy lately. Could it have to do with recent power structure changes in Poland?

We’ll see!


“Fahndung nach dem G.”


While true, that’s not the message here. While chromium is in a lot of things, browsers for everyday use (like banking etc.) is a huge part. You can’t control what services you rely on use as a basis for their software, but you can absolutely not use the software and/or opt for the website instead.

If you can reduce your exposure to that vulnerability by a large fraction by simply switching browsers with equivalent experience, it should absolutely be mentioned. In fact, it could even be seen as an obligation/core purpose of news outlets.

FragDenStaat verklagt den Staat: Bundeskriminalamt BKA verweigert Auskunft über seinen Kaufvertrag zum Staatstrojaner NSO Pegasus (fragdenstaat.de) German

Polen, Ungarn und Spanien haben offiziell zugegeben, Pegasus zu haben, so FragDenStaat, das die Klage zusammen mit netzpolitik.org anstrengt. Der Pegasus-Untersuchungsausschuss nennt weitere Länder. Der Hersteller NSO gab öffentlich zu, dass 14 EU-Staaten Pegasus gekauft haben. Die Staaten dürfen darüber auch reden.


301 genutzt, 300 gebraucht. Ergebnis 409.

Unter’m Strich, find ich das ja 406, aber was weiß ich schon, immerhin, 418.


A Cuban teenager was offered a job doing 'construction work' in Russia. Instead he was sent to fight on the front lines in Ukraine. (www.businessinsider.com)

A Cuban teenager unwittingly found himself on the front lines of the war in Ukraine after accepting a job offer he received on WhatsApp to do “construction work” for the Russian military, according to Time magazine....


It’s good to have this exchange posted here.

We often see how the radical/far right and left cozy up to Russia by claiming this exact equivalence.

  • Turns out, “you’ve been living in a Dreamland, Neo”

Yeah, I think that’s straight up illegal and I would simply refuse to pay.

If they can retroactively change terms, why can’t I, as a bonafide counterparty in that agreement? Maybe something like a 100% discount on runtime fees for days that end with ‘y’.

Otherwise I could simply “retroactively apply” a 100% discount on my lease or new car purchase.

The correct answer and what all studios/devs should do: tell them to retroactively pound sand and ditch Unity for all future projects.


cutting people off from important information just because they live in a geographical region that doesn’t allow secret malware.

I think most disagree with your argument, that you need to tolerate ‘secret malware’ to access important information. That information can’t be THAT important or else it could be found elsewhere, completely without malware.

ZZ plant suddenly got zapped? (lemmy.world)

My zz plant was doing okay. Wasn’t growing as quickly as other describe despite living outside in a shady but bright part of my deck in NC USA. Should be getting plenty light and is protected from rain. Then this morning I find it like this. Each stem has a soft brown spot at the base and has fallen over. I cut them off and...

dust_accelerator, (edited )

My guess is the soil probably not having the correct nutrients/pH. Other suspect is over watering or not enough drainage, but that’s not likely IMO. Maybe repot with adding 50% gardening soil and water sparingly with some rainwater and add some low intensity fertilizer - it should come back with new sprouts.

Best way to propagate is to cut a piece off the root ball with stem and all, as this develops much faster.

Just the stem works too in water, but takes much longer. You leave it in the water and change it regularly until it grows about an inch or two of roots. Then plant it in some proper soil (mix of coco choir and soil worked great for me) and wait about 6 months, watering sparingly, as the root ball develops. Only then will the cutting slowly die off and new leaves will begin to sprout out of the soil. You’ll have to be patient though.

Don’t forget to use fertilizer every few weeks from spring to fall, but a gentle one, I always use standard vegetable fertilizer in a medium dose


Looks great! How did you season the chicken if I may ask? Seems to stay very juicy!


Imagine you want to test your redirect from 80 to 443 when setting up your webserver.

While I think for the normal user this enhances security by defaulting to HTTPS, however this makes no sense for a browser. This should be enforced server side, the browser is for browsing, i.e. viewing. Not controlling and competing with the server software for competency.

Chromium is really leaning into bad code practice with the disregard for “separation of concerns”.


No testing a server side http-to-https upgrade/redirect without reconfiguring your browser. This seems like an unnecessary and bad idea.

This could be easily done better by promoting such server-side configurations as a default.

I mean, why should the browser attempt to correct inappropriately configured servers? Shouldn’t they rather be making PRs to NGINX/Apache/CAs or whatever?

Also: can’t this be exploited to spoof an unavailable HTTPS and coerce an unencrypted connection?


Men du kan dra til Norge også!


Ein Tag wie Gold, In den Adern 100.000 Volt

Max Raabe war’s!

Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed (httptoolkit.com)

Apple has deployed a system called Private Access Tokens that allows web servers to verify if a device is legitimate before granting access. This works by having the browser request a signed token from Apple proving the device is approved. While this currently has limited impact due to Safari’s market share, there are concerns...


I have both my own email server and an additional paid email provider. not expensive and has very nice functionality in terms of sync, aliases, etc.

If they now said I needed some 3rd party bullshit to access their site, I would quit paying them. There are tons of these smaller businesses.

I doubt they will just be like “oh well, guess i’ll die, Daddy Google said so”

What i’m saying is, it doesn’t have to be google OR become a tech wizard. There is a middle path that just costs a dollar.


This is true. However, I don’t see this happening as the website/browser isn’t really the problem with online banking, it’s more often the user.

On another note, how about no access at all, because this is a freaking huge attack surface for (D)DOS. Imagine you just invalidate signatures of all traffic to and from an attestation service. You could almost stop countries from functioning. That’s a serious vulnerability which we can easily do without.


Ist vollkommen egal, was ich studiert habe.

Naja, das macht eben in der Situation genau den Unterschied. Musst ja nicht preisgeben, aber es gibt akademische Grade, die einem 100k aufwärts einbringen. Selten, aber das gibt es - daher kann man das super schlecht pauschalisieren. Kenne Leute die mit akademischen Grad arbeitslos sind. Das ist ein Stück weit freiwillig, also müssten die das zwar nicht, aber trotzdem zeigt es auch, dass da die Nachfrage deutlich schwankt.

Geht aber auch in erster Linie um das Skillset, der Titel ist meist nur beim Einstieg wichtig und danach eher ein nice to have


Nichts davon habe ich gesagt und auch nicht gemeint. Mehr im Sinne von, deine Voraussetzungen sind bestimmt gut genug um mit dem richtigen Plan und optimieren der persönlichen skills viel erreichen zu können.

Aber mit so einer Einstellung wird es wahrscheinlich schwierig - viel Glück trotzdem!


Everyone talks about this like it wouldn’t open a massive attack surface for the mother of DDOS.

Make the attestor slow or take it out, you take down large parts of their business. I don’t know, i wouldn’t put too much stake in a platform/website that could be taken out so completely.


It’s starting to look like a pattern. An ugly, one I might add. Slowly making everything less inclusive, less accessible… Until it’s some radical right-wing brown swamp.

I mean, it’s “only” social media platforms, but pretty much the playbook - “oh that… that’s an accidental side effect… don’t worry!” until key institutions are undermined and then switch to full on fascist regime.

All not because of beliefs this would be best for humanity as a whole, but being in love with the idea of being the one who calls the shots. King of the hill made of feces.

The lack of vision for an enlightened role of humanity in the universe disgusts me.

Sorry for the rant, I might have gone from 0 to 100 pretty quick there, lol. Just pissed at a lot of these kinds of regressive developments lately.


Fever is a tried and tested method in nature to eliminate infections which become too detrimental to the host.

It will be very much that way if we can’t evolve to a symbiotic relationship with our planet.

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