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It’s already happening to some extent (I think still a small extent). I’m reminded of this Ryan Long video making fun of people who follow wars on Twitter. I can say the people who he’s making fun of are definitely real: I’ve met some of them. Their idea of figuring out a war or figuring out which side to support basically comes down to finding pictures of dead babies.

At 1:02 he specifically mentions people using AI for these images, which has definitely been cropping up here and there in Twitter discussions around Israel-Palestine.

Why does open source take up so much memory space on Macos

I have macbook air with M1 chip, I wish I could change to linux but unfortunately I cant so I try to stick as much as possible to using open source on macos. But i cant understand why FOSS apps take up so much space in memory. I’m even getting messages that says that I dont have space left in memory and i must close apps, and...


won’t be useful beyond basic word processing and browsing.

Not even that. For most basic users, web browsing is by far the most resource-intensive thing they’ll ever do, and it’ll only get moreso. If it weren’t for modern web design, most users could honestly probably be okay with 4GB or 8GB of RAM today. For a laugh, I tried using a 512MB Raspberry Pi 1B for all my work for a few days. I could do absolutely everything (mostly developing code and editing office documents) without any problems at all except I couldn’t open a single modern web page and was limited to the “retro” web. One web page used up more resources than all of my work combined. I’m guessing it won’t be too many years before web design has evolved to the point where basic webpages will require several GB of RAM per tab.

(I agree with your overall point, by the way. Soldering in 8GB of RAM these days is criminal just based on its effects on the environment)


The stat command is using statx, which gives you a slightly different struct. statx is the cool new Linux-only system call for stat-ing. Not every filesystem will support the new btime field. (And, as you correctly say, many of those time fields are wrong, anyway)


Last I checked, Signal still hasn’t fixed their giant UX problem, which is that when you first install the app, it announces you to other Signal users on your contact list. This makes it completely unusable for anybody who actually needs, you know, a secure messenger (like a domestic abuse victim).

I mean I use Signal every day and I love it. But it irks me that they’re like “Oh we’re super secure. Unless you’re trying to get help from your abusive husband, in which case, guess what, we just snitched on you to your abusive husband! Good luck with that!”

Polish Hackers Repaired Trains the Manufacturer Artificially Bricked. Now The Train Company Is Threatening Them (www.404media.co)

In one of the coolest and more outrageous repair stories in quite some time, three white-hat hackers helped a regional rail company in southwest Poland unbrick a train that had been artificially rendered inoperable by the train’s manufacturer after an independent maintenance company worked on it. The train’s manufacturer is...


Holy shit. If I understand correctly, the trains were programmed to use their GPS sensors to detect if they were ever physically moved to an independent repair shop. If they detected that they were at an independent repair shop, they were programmed to lock themselves and give strange and nonsensical error codes. Typing in an unlock code at the engineer’s console would allow the trains to start working normally again.

If there were a corporation-sized mirror, I don’t know how NEWAG could look at itself in it.

Is linux good for someone tech illererate.

Now i’ve been considering moving to linux. I don’t have much of a history using a computer and find it tougher to use than my phone. But I also really appreciate the foss movement. I’ve currently got an old laptop running windows 11 I think and it would prolly speed up with linux too. But I’m afraid I’d fuck smth up...

duncesplayed, (edited )

I’m going to reframe the question as “Are computers good for someone tech illiterate?”

I think the answer is “yes, if you have someone that can help you”.

The problem with proprietary systems like Windows or OS X is that that “someone” is a large corporation. And, in fairness, they generally do a good job of looking after tech illiterate people. They ensure that their users don’t have to worry about how to do updates, or figure out what browser they should be using, or what have you.

But (and it’s a big but) they don’t actually care about you. Their interest making sure you have a good experience ends at a dollar sign. If they think what’s best for you is to show you ads and spy on you, that’s what they’ll do. And you’re in a tricky position with them because you kind of have to trust them.

So with Linux you don’t have a corporation looking after you. You do have a community (like this one) to some degree, but there’s a limit to how much we can help you. We’re not there on your computer with you (thankfully, for your privacy’s sake), so to a large degree, you are kind of on your own.

But Linux actually works very well if you have a trusted friend/partner/child/sibling/whoever who can help you out now and then. If you’ve got someone to help you out with it, Linux can actually work very very well for tech illiterate people. The general experience of browsing around, editing documents, editing photos, etc., works very much the same way as it does on Windows or OS X. You will probably be able to do all that without help.

But you might not know which software is best for editing photos. Or you might need help with a specific task (like getting a printer set up) and having someone to fall back on will give you much better experience.


Whenever I’m started anything new, I just go AGPL without even thinking about it. If I later change my mind and think GPL or LGPL or BSD or something would be more appropriate later, I can always change it (though I’ve never found a need to), but you can’t really go the other way. If you start permissive, that’s just out there, forever.


The principled “old” way of adding fancy features to your filesystem was through block-level technologies, like LVM and LUKS. Both of those are filesystem-agnostic, meaning you can use them with any filesystem. They just act as block devices, and you can put any filesystem on top of them.

You want to be able to dynamically grow and shrink partitions without moving them around? LVM has you covered! You want to do RAID? mdadm has you covered! You want to do encryption? LUKS has you covered? You want snapshotting? Uh, well…technically LVM can do that…it’s kind of awkward to manage, though.

Anyway, the point is, all of them can be mixed and matched in any configuration you want. You want a RAID6 where one device is encrypted split up into an ext4 and two XFS partitions where one of the XFS partitions is in RAID10 with another drive for some stupid reason? Do it up, man. Nothing stopping you.

For some reason (I’m actually not sure of the reason), this stagnated. Red Hat’s Strata project has tried to continue pushing in this direction, kind of, but in general, I guess developers just didn’t find this kind of work that sexy. I mentioned LVM can do snapshotting "kind of awkward"ly. Nobody’s done it in as sexy and easy way to do as the cool new COWs.

So, ZFS was an absolute bombshell when it landed in the mid 2000s. It did everything LVM did, but way way way better. It did everything mdadm did, but way way way better. It did everything XFS did, but way way way better. Okay it didn’t do LUKS stuff (yet), but that was promised to be coming. It was Copy-On-Write and B-tree-everywhere. It did everything that (almost) every other block-level and filesystem previously made had ever done, but better. It was just…the best. And it shit all over that block-layer stuff.

But…well…it needed a lot of RAM, and it was licensed in a way such that Linux couldn’t get it right away, and when it did get ZFS support, it wasn’t like native in-the-kernel kind of stuff that people were used to.

But it was so good that it inspired other people to copy it. They looked at ZFS and said “hey why don’t we throw away all this block-level layered stuff? Why don’t we just do every possible thing in one filesystem?”.

And so BtrFS was born. (I don’t know why it’s pronounced “butter” either).

And now we have bcachefs, too.

What’s the difference between them all? Honestly mostly licensing, developer energy, and maturity. ZFS has been around for ages and is the most mature. bcachefs is brand spanking new. BtrFS is in the middle. Technically speaking, all of them either do each other’s features or have each other’s features on their TODO list. LUKS in particular is still very commonly used because encryption is still missing in most (all?) of them, but will be done eventually.


I’m curious about auto-regressive token prediction vs planning. The article just very briefly mentions “planning” and then never explains what it is. As someone who’s not in this area, what’s the definition/mechanism of “planning” here?


I think for most people they won’t care either way.

Some people do legitimately occasionally need to poke around in GRUB before loading the kernel. Setting up certain kernel parameters or looking for something on the filesystem or something like that. For those people, booting directly into the kernel means your ability to “poke around” is now limited by how nice your motherboard’s firmware is. But even for those people, they should always at least have the option of setting up a 2-stage boot.


Yes, it is. ed25519 depends upon discrete log for its security, which Shor’s algorithm can (theoretically, of course, not like it’s ever been done) efficiently solve.

The post-quantum algorithms are in active research right now. I don’t blame anyone for avoiding those at least until we’ve quantum computers big enough to solve baby toy elliptic curves.


YouTube titles, too :(


Seriously, my thought was “I have friends who have Soundclouds that sound worse than this”. But I don’t call my friends’ music “just brutal” or “dreadful in every way”.


The original intention of copyright was the same as that of patents: To encourage the creation of new works by making it possible to monetize them through licensing

Not that it really changes much of your larger point, but that’s not really true. The original intention of copyright comes from the Licensing of the Press Act 1662 and the Statute of Anne 1710 and neither of those was intended to encourage the creation of new works. On the contrary, they were intended to discourage the creation of new works. The problem at the time is that people were printing too many new works, many of which were considered a threat to the monarchy and/or the church. Copyright forced all printers to be registered with the Stationers’ Company initially (a crown-monitored guild) and later the crown itself, to aid in censorship and government control of the press.


I mean…yeah. Just because something is provably the best possible thing, doesn’t mean it’s good. Sorting should be avoided if at all possible. (And in many cases, such as with numbers, you can do better than comparison-based sorts)


If the article had been about that, that would have been an interesting article.


??? Google didn’t display its first ad until 2000. What kind of advertising/marketing company doesn’t display a single ad for 2 years?


Those instructions are from the official docs, and install.sh comes from the source repo. It’s an annoying script (it basically runs apt, npm, make, on your behalf…thanks, I can do that myself), but if you’re trusting the repo source to begin with, I don’t think it’s any less secure.


How is something a crime if you do it once, but not if you do it a million times?

You can dream up other examples of this.

If you’re a DJ performing for a large audience and yell “I want to see you shake it for me!”, that is legal. If you walk up to one specific woman on the street and pull her aside and say “I want to see you shake it for me”, that’s sexual harassment.

If the government announces that the median income of Detroit residents has gone up by 3%, that’s normal. If the government public announces that John Fuckface, 36.2 years old, living at 123 Fake Street, had his income increase by 5% in the previous year, that’s a privacy violation.

The whole point of training the AI is to build a model that can’t reproduce a single work. It may seem superficially strange, but the more works you include, the less capable it is of reproducing one work.


JXL is not proprietary. It’s an open, royalty-free format whose reference implementation is BSD-licensed.


I don’t see one on Civitai (though that doesn’t mean someone hasn’t published one somewhere else). Though if you want 2000s Movie Poster Style (American Pie/Road Trip Ensemble) style, I guess you can do that, at least.


You’re just not cloud-native enough to understand how revolutionary it is to run GNOME on Fedora.


As @BCsven mentioned, the talk about stable distributions is not right at all.

Also, the commands you gave in “secure directories and dotfiles” are not doing anything. sudo chmod 755 ~/.bashrc doesn’t change the ownership of the file: it’s still owned by you. So setting the permissions 755 just makes it writeable by…you. You will still be able to modify it without sudo.

If you want to make your dotfile require root access to change, you would need to augment the chmod with a sudo chown root ~/.bashrc


I’m still bummed I can’t take a vacation to Frisland :(


Subscribed! My daughter is super into beavers. Though I don’t want to get into a conversation about what “fucking” means yet, so maybe I’ll be selective which posts I show her.


Thank you!!


Educator here. This is called “discovery learning”. (The alternative to discovery learning, “direct instruction”, would be if someone had told OP about these permissions before OP got themselves into a pickle)

When discovery learning is successful, it leads to better learning outcomes. Compared to direct instruction, you learn the material more deeply and will have better recall of the material, often for the rest of your life. The downsides to discovery learning are that it’s very time-consuming, very frustrating, and many students will just fail (give up) before learning is completed.

Consider yourself one of the lucky ones, OP.


The last chip was manufactured 3.5 years ago and the last serious user was probably several years before that. Obviously no one’s running Itanium with modern hardware.

But just because the hardware isn’t modern, doesn’t mean the software can’t be modern. Tonnes of people run the most recent Linux kernels on 15 year-old laptops, so why not 10 year-old servers? Itanium is only for the hobbyists these days, but so what? Hobbyists have done a good job of ensuring modern Linux can run on 40 year-old 68k. Itanium can theoretically be done, too. It’s just a question of whether the hobbyist community has enough of the right people that can actually maintain it.

Near-Future file type concept "Digital Memory" (lemmy.world)

This is an idea I’ve been toying with for a bit. There is a ton of media that includes unimportant information that doesn’t need to be stored pixel perfect. Storing large portions of the image data as text will save substantial amounts of storage, and as the reality of on-device image generation becoming commonplace sets in...


after all, people are taking pictures to actually capture the moment

Depending on what you mean by “the moment”, I don’t think that’s really true. Modern cell phone photography doesn’t really give you what the sensors have picked up. You take a picture of your friend with his eyes closed and the phone will change the picture to have his eyes open. You take a blurry picture of the moon and your phone will enhance it to make a better picture of the moon. I mean some people hate it but a lot people do actually like it.

And they like it because they don’t really take pictures for the purpose of posterity. They don’t take a picture of their friend because they need to look back 20 years from now and remember exactly how that one plastic bag 30m in the distance was crumpled. They take the picture because they want to post to Instagram, get some likes from their friends, and maybe look back 20 years from now to remember the general vibe, and if their phone can “enhance” that for them.

If people could record a voice memo and have their phone actually make a really decent Instagram post out of it for them, I 1000% believe people would do it instead of taking an actual picture. Posting pictures is more about socializing than it is about posterity.


Honestly, a colour picker is the last piece of software you should be translating names for. Even everyday colour names don’t have a direct translation. The line between “blue” and “green” is very slightly different than the line between “bleu” and “vert”, and the same goes for any other two languages. If you’re serious about your colour picker accuracy and you want to localize to another language, it would actually be more correct to have a completely different set of colour values, rather than trying to translate them. (Though “Liquid Nyquil” may be perceived the same across languages. I haven’t seen any studies on that one)


Wait, I don’t see that in the article. Who’s he suing now?


No he does actually mention in the middle of that that while code must be free, art is different because art is not software. I guess he’s imagining a situation where a game would have multiple licences (one licence for the code, a different one for the art assets).


More like robbers rob a bank and take hostages. They threaten to kill a hostage, but still don’t get any money. So they threaten to report the bank for not being up to code with an expired fire extinguisher if they don’t get some money.

They know the bank doesn’t give a shit about hostages being killed. But a few pennies for a minor fine is a threat the bankers really understand.


Is it entitlement to expect to get what was advertised from a service you pay for? If they advertise $x/month for 4k and you pay them $x/month and get 720p, that seems like a very legitimate complaint to me.


I love the arrogant confidently incorrect at the end of the blog.

  • The comments in the code are wrong
  • The official documentation is wrong
  • The manpage is wrong
  • Every blog article ever written is wrong
  • Linus Torvalds is wrong
  • Everyone who knows what they’re talking about is wrong
  • No, I don’t know how to read kernel code. Why do you ask? You’re wrong
  • Shut up. You’re wrong

Hm, he and his wife are getting on in years. If they want a son, they should probably get on that right away.


It’s a cool idea and the example they gave actually seemed pretty neat.

I’d (somewhat perversely) love to see this feature tried in a terminal emulator. ANSI does actually define escape codes for switching to alternative fonts (ESC [ 10 m through ESC [ 19 m) though I don’t know of any software or even term drawing library that uses it.


Some of it is incredibly difficult to imagine how to do in a private way, too.

For example, my browser can display AVIF images. If my browser announces in the Accept “hey, I’m able to display AVIF images. Please send me AVIF images if you have them rather than JPEG”, that helps to identify me, since most browser don’t display AVIF, which sucks. But I really want to get AVIF images: they’re efficient. So how do I announce that I want AVIF images without announcing that I want AVIF images?

Some of the other web features were well-intentioned but have just ended up being useless. Like your browser also announces what language you prefer. Like “hey if you a German version of this text, please send it to me in German, thanks”. But for some reason EVERY WEBSITE IGNORES THIS and just says “oh you speak Spanish and English but you’re travelling in Russian right now? HOPE YOU LIKE READING RUSSIAN FUCKER”. So it’s 100% only used for invading privacy now.

Some of the tracking mechanisms never should have been allowed in the first place (like timezone and which fonts I have installed), but some of them (like Accept) I can’t think of how to do in a secure way.


For anyone not wanting to read through that article, here’s the tl;dr:

Apache requires you to note what changes (if they’re “substantial”) you made to the code. Otherwise it’s identical to MIT.

BSD is effectively identical to MIT.


Whoa whoa slow down with this new-fangled fad ideas. Next you’ll try and tell me every user process doesn’t run in ring 0.


Omegle is a bit of a unique case due to their persistent non-action. Most places, if people start grooming children or broadcasting child porn, they’ll start banning offenders at the very lest. Omegle, nah.

At one point, they put a warning splash screen “Careful: there are pedophiles that use this” or something like that, but they took the warning down after a while. And eventually they did officially say that you can’t use the site if you’re a minor, but of course it was just enforced through the honour system.

Those are literally the only two actions they ever took to address criminal content and behaviour.


Awful headline.

Somewhat surprising results, though. They took a fraction of pig blood plasma and injected it into rats over the course of 8 days. Some organs in the older rats showed a lower epigenetic age, and the older rats also performed quicker in cognitive tests. The results are more extreme than they predicted they be (especially the liver and heart), so we’ll see what happens when someone tries to replicate the results.

Any speculation about applicability to humans is just science fiction, of course.


Yup, total bullshit. When I got to:

Kaufman hopes it will “transform how the medical community screens for diabetes”.

I started to lose faith that there was anything of interest there. For those who don’t know, “how the medical community screens for diabetes” currently is to…draw blood. Like, that’s literally it. You fast overnight, go to the doctor’s office, get blood taken, and the next day you learn if you’re diabetic. If your doctor is really fancy, they may do the thing where they take blood once, then ask you to drink some ungodly sickeningly sweet glucose potion and take blood a second time so they can see how your body responds. But that’s about the extent of it.

The authors are making it sound like you currently have to hike through the Himalayas to get a diagnosis now. No, you just take blood. It’s fast. It’s cheap. It’s easy. And it’s just about 100% accurate.

I can see that something like this could come up in some niche situations where someone’s very remote and it’s better than nothing, but “transform how the medical community screens for diabetes” overall is pretty laughable.


I, too, am curious if there’s an advertising bubble. I hope so.

I’ve noticed something about my wife, though. She’s not a “mindless capitalist zombie with the sole goal of owning more stuff”, but she does pay attention to advertising a lot. We need more diapers? Well, it just so happens there’s some new startup app that’s advertising a free first month, so if she signs up for that up, we could get free diapers, and we’d only have to keep the membership for another two months, and they have deals on peanut butter, and we’d get access to their free streaming service and they have Disney, so it’s probably worth it overall.

And so it goes, with a million of these deals. The thing is, each “deal” is so complicated that it’s extremely difficult to know which ones we’re actually saving money on. The cynical would say “you’re never saving money: everything’s rigged”, but that’s clearly not true. Some of these deals clearly do work out for us (and some of them cause the startup to immediately go bankrupt). But most of them aren’t clearly better or worse for us: we’d have to spend several hours going through hypothetical scenarios to do the full CBA, which we don’t do.

I do wonder, on balance, how much it’s costing us. I also wonder how many of these deals are specifically (personally) targeted at my wife because they know what she needs and what her habits are.

Meta’s AI research head wants open source licensing to change (www.theverge.com)

While Meta’s license makes Llama 2 free for many, it’s still a limited license that doesn’t meet all the requirements of the Open Source Initiative (OSI). As outlined in the OSI’s Open Source Definition, open source is more than just sharing some code or research. To be truly open source is to offer free redistribution,...


Facebook is a top 10 contributor to Linux. They are major developers for BtrFS and BPF and have contributed to a number of other kernel subsystems, too. Just Jens Axboe alone is a huge force in Linux.

Outside of Linux, they’ve created some pretty big open source projects, like React and Go Ent.

Honestly, they’ve open sourced almost everything they’ve ever done except for Facebook itself, and are one of the largest open source companies in the world.


They didn’t “try”: they did change the licence. From BSD+Patents to MIT. Hardly scandalous.

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