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keep in mind, CDPR isn’t just a game studio, they own GOG, so not releasing a game doesn’t necessarily get then at 0 income. Although not as big as valve of course, thats like saying valve would be broke if it didn’t release games (and it rarely releases games nowadays)


Its a scale, but they wouldnt make 0, which was the point. Its not solely a game dev studio.

Planning the post-invasion: Returning Ukrainians alone "not sufficient to meet labour market needs of the country for reconstruction and the economic recovery," expert says (news.un.org)

Given the demographic situation in Ukraine even before the full-scale invasion, the country will need an additional 4.5 million workers in the next 10 years to meet labour market needs and economic objectives., says Michael Newson, Senior Programme Coordinator for Migration and Sustainable Development at the International...


The first step would maybe open the doors to the migrants that cross the Mediterranean, whichnas you mention, are Turkish and North African primarily (I believe one of the larger countries involved was Libya?)


Thats the main goal imo. Theyre not teying to compete with the high end devices, all of them will likely download steam and give Valve money anyways. Valve always targets on expanding the market, with vr and such. The Steam Deck exists to expand the market to budget pc console like gaming, and it would not make sense to replace it now.

Valve I dont believe sees it like a cellphone where theyre trying to make more money by doing yearly releases. They arent a hardware company fundamentally. They only develop hardware as a means to expand market, not to make profit directly off of.

Its why virtually none of their hardware projects are bog standard, be it steam machine/deck(Linux market), index/vive (VR), Controller (touchpad, HD Rumble), Link(local streaming) as each project was designed to introduce pc gaming to a new market, or expand pc gaming by adding new features


As much as i can enjoy battlebit, you arent giving battlefield enough credit

The populations of the games at the current moment arent even that far off, Battlebit is at 8k, 2042 is at 5k+whatever the number plays on origin.

Battlefield has a LONG history of always releasing in a shit start and getting better overtime. This trend has happened for the past several games (since after 3 I believe)


The point is it’s playerbases are in a similar tier in size. Of course its your opinion that battlebit is better (and is mine too), but that doesnt stop the idea that there are plenty of people playing 2042 now (especially vs launch). I have a friend who has both games, but when hes playing alone, he more often boots up battlefield more often then battlebit, and he spends a LOT of time playing those games more tham the rest of his library.


I dont believe fluid frames reuires motion vectors as a hard requirement, else the driver level option where you force a game to use the function would never work (which is a feature).

However so far, fluid frames is only available on DX11 and DX12 titles, so many emulators would not have acess to the option. Switch emulation, and PS3 emulation which would need it the most, dont use directx


I think the flags exist, its just not implemented yet as AMD is being pushed to get it out sooner than later due to the long delays. But in a state where it isnt an abysmal feature (e.g DLSS 1.0)


As a person working e-waste, a working 6tb drive wouldnt make it out loose. The drive would have to be either dead and recycled, wiped and sold, or destroyed on customers request.


Youd be suprised what employees at big corpo/schools throw away.

Anyone else feel like Minecraft has gotten stale?

I feel like all of the recent updates had this lackluster appeal to them. It might be because I’m outgrown it, but the last big update I felt excited for was the terrain generation one (I think 1.18?). Other than that I can’t really get behind any of them. I mean, archeology sounds cool and all but it doesn’t really feel...


I dont know what people are expecting from a game thats 30$ (and lower of you bought it early) game.

dudewitbow, (edited )

you can find that with any genre. the point is, you shouldn’t expect much out of a games update over a decade later. If it happens, great, but its far the outlier for games to get updates. The update is a bonus, and when you buy a game, it should be about what content is already out, not what content might be out because its never guaranteed.

dudewitbow, (edited )

it’s not about value, but moreso if a game cost less, more often than not, don’t expect more content out of it. its not a guarantee as there are outliers, but purely by fundamental income, one will get content more than the others.

the simple comparison is compare games that have subscription costs vs ones that dont, this is especially true for MMOs and see how often they update. It’s part of the reason why devs are pushing towards the (unsustainable) battle pass model. the battlepass is a way to prolong user engagement while forces the dev to push out updates more often than not. An example of a game being paid then switching to the battlepass model was Overwatch.

How many heroes were released in the base game/year time ratio vs what happened with 2. 1 was overall a better game, but 2 clearly pushed out more content in a faster time window than 1 did.

Games like BG3, and Terraria are some of the exceptions to that rule where it was content foward or decided to update several times without having paid updates. they are by far the norm. Hell Larians publically said they werent doing paid udpates, they are clearly far from the normal.


Imo microsoft is trying to pump gamepass sub numbers and supposedly its not enough (despite the size). I think they will consider merging the World of Warcraft sub to gamepass to boost sub count for the investors.


The last line is the condition to making linux work. Like hackintochs, its very hardware specific, and switching over to linux means an average user has to make concessions.

E.g for nvidia users, they have to conceed that some of their features normally available to them on windows will not work on linux, and get inferior driver support.


They dont ivlude denuvo because it wouls effectively make modding harder, in particular, script extenders

People can say all they want about how dated the creation engine is, but its inclusion is the reason why modeing is significantly easier and the executable isnt riddled with drm


The lack of rpg choices makes it less bethesda to me.

The only hoices that mattered were the ones that affected the silverhand percentages, and which ending you ulimately chose.


To me this reads like you havent done the Ryujin plotline which has a lot of stealth involved, and the UC/Crimson Fleet one that has some detective work/stealth


The fact that you join Constellation and almost instantly become not just a full member, but the person who everyone else takes orders from is rediculous.

Uhh have you played any other Bethesda title. If anything, the most common seniment is that game starts off very slow because its reletively speaking, the least ridiculous start conpared to most of the 3d bethesda games.


Its modable on gamepass. One of the things bethesda did with starfield is allow loading of mods through the default save location (my games folder) instead of having to directly install mods in the game folder. This applies to mods that dont affect the game executable.


The choices in relationships basically unlock endings. The game a distinct lack of alternative methods to complete missions via statcheck, which is very bethesda to me.

There are some, but its very few. For instance i went almost full cyberrunner but my cyberrunner abilities didnt give me alternative skips to many missions


Starfield itself was a step up from FO4, which almost lacked those entirely. Persuation was heavily used, and some of thr character traits you picked at the start led for unique chat dialogues, some just being extra chatter. But others allowing you to bypass an event because you had x trait.

Imo, Starfield isnt goty by any means, but it was virtually a step up from FO4 in almost all fronts except for exploration. Gunplay was better, rpgness was better, factions are better, customization was better. Skill tree imo was better.


Sarah is considered the leader of constellation, ad the game talks about how she got into her position and previous leaders of constellation.


The checks on certain traits and skills you may have that bypass thing that could gove shottcuts or prevent a fight, e.g Starfield has a LOT of points where persuation would prevent a fight from breaking out, get you more credits, or offer an alternative solution to a conversation.

And its not like I havent played either game, ive already finished both CP2077 and Starfield effectively (minus the recent 2077 expansion)


Imo starfield has a lot of potential strictly because theres soo many planets you can choose to do mods on. Its proceedural vastness will give modders room to do stuff without overlapping with other mods.

Do i think Starfield is the best, far no, its better than FO4 to me, but worse than its 3d predecessors for FO/TES, but it leaves a lot of room for potential due to how much customization already exists in thr game.


its sorta the same idea as like metal gear solid (5 in particular). You COULD kill people during missions, its just not the optimal option for rewards. You 100% could go guns ablazing if you really hated stealth, but it kinda ruins the point of the game.


I could see reasons youd own a truck, but a car, who knows.

dudewitbow, (edited )

What AC does in essence. A heat pump moves hot air from one area to another. Heatpumps are bi directional(thus heat or cool by fliping direction of airflow) AC is technically single directional, and some people mistaken Heatpumps for AC.

For typical uses, ACs are setup to remove heat inside and push it outside. If an AC can also be used as a heater, then its probably not AC (or it probably is a combo unit). Heat pumps dont have that problem.

Example of a utility that uses the same concept as AC is a refrigerator. It regulates temps with a compressor inside to move heat from inside to out, but never the reverse.


I eat oatmeal daily and may actually do this one.


The hardware is there, but the market may not. Take for example, people on console are significantly more willing to pay for a game to play. Mobile is the oppisite (where paid games barely get buyers unless its top cut (e.g minecraft, terraria, stardew valley)and people play F2P games instead)

Resident evil is capcom testing the water for higher end mobile gaming.

Well, that and Apple has a history of not supporting the open standard graphics APIs, requiring devs to do more work in order to port on Apple Devices(well this is more in particular apple on laptop/desktop where molten is a requirment) ios iirc has support for vulkan.


Its not the first dev to do it. E.g FF7R intergrade chapter was PS5 only.

America's nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really don't like organized religion (apnews.com)

Mike Dulak grew up Catholic in Southern California, but by his teen years, he began skipping Mass and driving straight to the shore to play guitar, watch the waves and enjoy the beauty of the morning. “And it felt more spiritual than any time I set foot in a church,” he recalled....


Supply side jesus is always one of the funniest figures to exist.


Car conpanies want to sell you subscriptions to services, and killing off carplay/auto would do that.

Need a gps? you either use your phone screen to navigate with audio or be forced to use their navigation service on the hud.


You get to use the cars screen vs using your phone as a screen (which is statistically smaller).

Auto/Carplay UI is also optimized for driver with better legible text and fewer auxillary buttons that could distract you from driving.

And who are you going to trust more updating the car software experience, 2 companies who is in the business of making full fledged operating systems and software, vs a car manufacturer whose software division miniscule compared to the big companies.

Car companies essentially have 0 history of offering a good software experience. Why would anyone trust them now. Its like the Nintendo paid online stuff. Why would you trust Nintendo to have a better online experience if its paid when they have 0 history of actually making it good. Its just there to dime you for subscription money.


The U.S solar panels are usually made within country, so it wouldnt show up in that graph

Cant say for canada or latin america though.


Microsoft can keep it up because they own their CDN. They dont have to pay a 3rd party company for upkeep.


Because horizontal progression. You don’t want to powercreep things, but at the same time, you need to give aomething value so people will grind it. Legendaries are a pure convenience option (ouside of accessories and first weapon due to having effects)

Expric gear has the niche for style, as theyre more reasonable to obtain and have a wider variety of cosmetic options to choose from. IMO it would be more assinine to block most of the games skins if they were ascendant+ as that would arguably be more tedious than a legendary.

Why are Europeans more effective at passing big legislation than the US?

EU has done really well on passing big laws such as GDPR in the recent years, while the US can’t even seem to decide whether to fund their own government. Why do you think Europe is doing better than the US? One would think that since EU is more diverse it would be harder to find common ground. And there were examples of that...


I think its the advatge of having different countries, which means parties within the countries arent unified. You just have a bunch ofncountries who collectively vote for what’s better in their country rather than political party


They actually got more subs (in most countries), its just that theyre bloating up, and compeition is happening which atm is making for a better or worse depending on how you look at it, situation for the consumer.


You have to hand it to mocrospft though in the console department, xbox generally dont have software hacks to jailbreak consoles historically (generally hard mods), but nintendo and sonys OS is usually riddled with exploits.


The WiiU had far.backeards compatibility and very low population, but was not immune to exploits.

Officially wii, had built in emulators for old retro consoles and stuff, and unofficially gamecube.


Why would the 360 need a hardware exploit if their security would be bad enough for a software one then?


Imo the only reason why it hasnt happened yet is because it would devalue ipad pros.


Yes, but you arent stuck learning lua to design games. Straight pipeline to corporate development.


Its less about copying the work, its more like looking at patterns that appear in a work.

To bring a very rudimentary example, if I wanted a word and the first letter was Q, what would the second letter be.

Of course, statistically, the next letter is u, and its not common for words starting with Q to have a different letter after that. ML/AI is like taking these small situations, but having a ridiculous amount of parameters to come up with something based on several internal models. These paramters of course generally have some context.

Its like if you were told to read a book thoroughly, and then after was told to reproduce the same book. You probably cannot make it 1:1, but could probably get the general gist of a story. The difference between you and the machine is the machine read a lot of books, and contextually knows patterns so that it can generate something similar faster and more accurate, but not exactly the original one for one thing.


Some of it is due to washing clothes made of nylon or polyester, and of course that water eventually will go into the ocean.

mr_MADAFAKA, to steamdeck
@mr_MADAFAKA@mastodon.social avatar

Top 20 games played on Steam Deck in the past month, sorted by playtime.



Pure vanilla, the differences arent much. The only one i recall was better water rendering.

Theres a difference now if you consider mods, but vanilla is (mostly) the same


The reason why 40 fps feels better is because even though its only 10 fps higher, the frame latency is half(25 ms) compared to 30(33.3 ms) and 60(16.6ms) on the two ends. So you work 33% harder for half the latency.

To put in perspective, the drop in latency (8.3 ms), is the same for example going from , 40 to 60, or 60(16.6) > 120(8.3 ms)

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