@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar


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@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

It is more acidic than regular water, as the dissolved carbon dioxide creates carbonic acid. It’s not immediately bad for you, but if you drink a lot of it in a short time it could cause stomach issues due to the extra acidity.

That said it’s still water, and drinking enough to have you worried about the quantity of carbonic acid in your stomach would be far outweighed by the benefits of being properly hydrated, so CHUG CHUG CHUG!

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, soda is more hydrating than diuretic, but you’ve gotta look at the practical example rather than the raw data. The amount of caffeine in soda would become a problem if you tried to stay properly hydrated by drinking soda. You’re only supposed to have ~400mg of caffeine in a day, and a can of soda has ~30-50mg on average in 355ml of liquid. 10 cans of soda might be almost enough to get the water you’re supposed to drink, but you’d be pretty much at your daily caffeine limit; any more and you’d be in danger of heart issues, doubly so because of the dehydration, not to mention all the sugar and other crap in 10+ cans of soda…

Obviously these numbers vary by person, but not so much that the caffeine content isn’t a concern for people who drink soda exclusively.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Has anyone here played it yet? Thinking about getting it for co-op, but maybe we can play through the first game (which we already have) to scratch the itch? Thoughts/opinions?

Can a reply to an ongoing email conversation land in spam?

Had an exchange of emails with someone, around 4-5 back and forth emails. He then told me that my last reply never arrived. When I forwarded that email again to him, he told me that actually the original reply arrived but landed in spam… he checked it after I forwarded the initial reply....

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

To expand on what others have said, once you send the email, one of two things might happen:

1.) The receiving email server might report the email as delivered to the recipient, or

2.) Your email might get “bounced”, where the recipient is not notified of the email and the email is returned to you with a notice stating why the email was not delivered.

The second one is what happens if the email server is “sure” your email is spam. But even if the email is marked as delivered, that doesn’t mean it goes in the inbox. Secondary checks determine which box it goes in, and that box might be “Spam”. This secondary process is entirely internal to the mall provider, where the initial checks before delivery usually rely on a SpamAssassin instance.

Both are influenced by a number of factors, but the biggest are DNS (Domain Name Service) records on your domain which show you’re a legitimate sender. These are:

  • SPF: Sender Policy Framework
  • DKIM: Domain Keys-Identified Mail
  • DMARC: Domain-based Messaging, Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance

A comprehensive explanation and guide can be found here: dmarcly.com/…/how-to-implement-dmarc-dkim-spf-to-…

But the short of it is that if your SPF or DKIM are wrong or missing, your emails are much more likely to be rejected or to land in spam. You won’t lose points (yet) for not having DMARC, but if you have SPF and DKIM set up correctly it gives about 10% better chance of being delivered (but it may not affect whether you get to the inbox, depending on those secondary checks).

You can use mail-tester.com to check for these and other issues that would stop your emails getting to the inbox. Don’t worry about “reverse DNS” not matching, or if it says you don’t have an “unsubscribe header”. RDNS can’t be expected to match anymore and I don’t think it’s a good spam indicator. Unsubscribe headers are only for mailing list emails, so if you’re not testing a marketing email from somewhere like MailChimp then you won’t have an unsubscribe header. Finally, being on SORBS is not the end of the world, and blacklists generally can be ignored unless your email provider is small, or if you run your own server.

Finally, don’t ever think “it’s been working fine so it shouldn’t stop working now”. SPF and DKIM weren’t necessary five-ish years ago, now they’re mandatory; DMARC itself hasn’t been taken very seriously to date but Microsoft just recently announced they’re actually going to start paying attention to it. On top of standards changing, unless you own and run the email server in your dwelling, you don’t have the control necessary to say “nothing has changed”. Microsoft can and does change their system constantly behind the scenes: applying patches, updates, retiring old servers and configuring new ones into the cluster, and so on. What was is not relevant; you can only look at what is, and fix that.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

My pleasure! I am somewhat versed so I’m happy to spread the knowledge where I can 😊 Microsoft does typically set up SPF and DKIM automatically for new accounts, but a small handful of my customers with legacy GoDaddy accounts that got switched to Office 365 found that it wasn’t enabled for them, for some reason. Probably a migration issue at GoDaddy.

Looks like it’s working just fine for your tenant though, and the rest of the test looks good. Pyzor would’ve triggered 'cause it was a short or empty test message - like the tester noted, test with real content to avoid that, but for now we can just ignore the ding, so you effectively have a 10/10. Nice 👌

It’s an unfortunate truth that there is no power on earth that can guarantee you stay out of the spam box. But, your domain and email are in good enough shape that you will pretty much always get delivered, even if sometimes that delivery is to Spam. You (or the person you were emailing) with might be able to harangue the receiving email provider into refactoring their sorting though; I’m sure your recipient doesn’t want their important emails going to spam, either!

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I’d recommend DMARC, sure - every little bit helps! But only because your SPF and DKIM are already aligned.

If you want me to check your work, shoot me a DM with your domain and I can take a look after you’ve done it with something like mxtoolbox.com (bookmark that one too, it’s good for checking your records after an edit to make sure the edit went live - just give it up to 72 hours). Or, a screenshot of the settings you’ve entered for the record, and I can validate for you (or mark it up to show changes if they’re needed).

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

It’s nothing like photocopying a book. It is very, very similar to the analogy given above, of someone learning the information and profiting from it. For the AI model to “learn” the information during training, it takes apart the information one piece of a word at a time, and reorganises it for quick access. Information is categorised by metadata like topic, source, date, etc; there are approximately 1536 “tags”, so to speak, which OpenAI’s ChatGPT uses for categorising what it learns.

Copyright of words has the order of those words as an integral part of the legal standard, and the standards for what infringes are actually pretty strict (…stanford.edu/…/copyright_protection_for_short/). Training an AI is definitively transformative work which does not retain the order of the words in the finished product, merely a weighted likelihood of what word fragment will come next in a given context, so it’s protected under Fair Use.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Au contraire, it is that simple and it is covered by existing law just fine in the very specific case we’re talking about, which is whether training a model is “transformative work” by the definition in IP law. It is. The law looks very specifically at the fact of the case, not hand-waving masquerading as an argument.

You are making this technology out to be something it isn’t; there’s no mystery to how AI works, and it does not have “limitless abilities”. In fact, it is very limited, but that isn’t relevant. What the law considers “fair use” isn’t based on human ability at all, it’s based on how completely the work is reproduced and the context the original work is being used in. You clearly have access to the internet, you can verify the standards required to show breach of copyright yourself if you don’t believe me.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I played the shit out of Diablo 3 post-RoS (you know, after it got good 😋). I cannot bring myself to invest in Diablo 4. I only play it to socialise with one friend; I don’t touch it otherwise. ActiBlizz are gunning to take the title of “Worst Gaming Company” from EA, it seems. Thanks, Bobby.

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I’m gonna say that for a game costing $70-100, an extra $10-25 every 1-3 months for some skins and crafting materials is egregiously expensive, and anyone who thinks differently needs to step back and look at what Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, etc provided for free in years past.

It’s insulting to charge full price for a game, and then put a store in that game. We all already paid at least $70 for this experience. We’re all paying customers, we all deserve better.

I’m glad for you that you’re enjoying the game generally. I’m not; the store and the nerfs and the general culture over at ActiBlizz have left a bad taste in my mouth, so at the end of the day I think to myself that I could go play D4… But I’d rather play something else, and so I do. I don’t plan to buy any future ActiBlizz products, as things stand. We’ll see if things change after the Microsoft acquisition.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I love Proton but I don’t use their password manager because I use Proton for email (and calendar, and VPN, and cloud storage). If my email gets compromised somehow, I don’t want my password manager compromised too.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

The original comment you replied to simply said “we need some comprehensive mental health care in this country”, and your reply to them was quite clearly - from this outside observer’s perspective - taking that to mean “this happened because that man was mentally ill and untreated”. That’s not what the original poster said at all, so it’s a little on the nose that you’re so upset here about feeling like someone misunderstood your point.

It’s not that you’re wrong, either. Mental illness does not necessarily lead someone to violence and it does need to be destigmatised. It’s just that OP’s comment was not the battlefield you thought it was on first read.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I would argue it was not implied, clearly or otherwise, and would counterpose that you might have read it that way because it’s a sore spot for you. This is why the other person who replied to you asked if you thought that mental health care is only for the mentally ill. Your response to OP implies one of two things:

  1. You read OPs comment as “this happened because the man was mentally ill and needed therapy” (which you did)


  1. You think mental health care is only for the mentally ill (which you don’t)

So, it’s 1 then. 1 implies (whether you meant it or not) that there’s no room to read OP’s comment as “with how fucked up everything is, everyone needs mental health care, and if we had universal access to it maybe this would have been prevented”. That was basically your point, I think, and it is how I and others read OP’s comment.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

“Censorship collusion”, you say? Let me just check some of these other stories… A bunch of headlines about “anti-conservative bias” and complaints about initiatives to combat misinformation. Yep, that’s a right-wing rag if ever I saw one.

I do still appreciate you lot choosing the most blatantly-biased sources to post stories from, it makes it easy to know I shouldn’t pay attention.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

If you have a device you can install GrapheneOS on, there’s a button to record the call built right in to the phone app. It’s also a remarkably functional daily driver; I’ve been using it for months now and the only app I “lost” was Google Wallet. I can, somehow, still use all my banking and other finance apps that normally don’t work on custom ROMs.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Asking for proof isn’t necessarily trolling

This is correct; sealioning is characterised by asking questions in bad faith. If you ask a question, get an answer, and reply with the same question as though you did not get an answer, that is sealioning.

Personally, I always assume questions are asked in good faith and answer accordingly; it’s only when I get the same question in reply, or one that addresses precisely nothing I said, or one that egregiously twists my argument and/or words, that I view it as a troll and disengage.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

What circumstances do people have to flee to be granted asylum here? Or do you think there should be no asylum, regardless?

Side note, do you remember the quote on the Statue of Liberty?

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Targeted and legitimate threats against their life.

So you know for a fact that none of these people have ever been targeted or threatened by gang members? Or, is having a gangster wave a gun at your toddler not targeted enough? Since it has to be targeted, I imagine you don’t think fleeing an advancing military force, like many Ukrainians have had to, is enough? It might be worth thinking about that Einstein was a refugee in this country. He wasn’t treated any differently than any other German Jew by the Nazis, so bear that in mind with your “targeted” requirement.

Right now, there are 1.6 million pending asylum claims, it’s being heavily abused.

I at least found a similar source for your claims: www.cnn.com/2022/12/26/us/…/index.html

Brazil alone has nearly 230 million people. The total population of Central and South American countries is about 600 million people. That means less than 0.3% are seeking asylum. This seems reasonable to me. Given what you know about the countries these people are coming from, what is the percentage you would expect to be fleeing violence?

I’m gonna need a source for that claim of abuse. What are you basing that on?

As to the poem, it’s not just a poem. It espouses the principles America was founded on. If you don’t like it, have you considered leaving?

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

The point isn’t to stop the gangs and violence, it’s to take in the people fleeing that violence so that they do not get killed because of that violence. These are people with skills and a desire to make a better life for themselves, they have a place here, and there are not that many of them no matter how big you want to that “1.6 million” figure sound by skipping the context of the total numbers.

You’re clearly not interested in actually thinking about this, or you’d be engaging more. Answer some of my questions with facts and figures, and we can continue.

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

If you coerce someone to get on a bus that you paid for by lying about where it’s going, that is a crime. “We guys” did not come up with it, it is what the law says.

I decided to do some digging on this, and I actually agree that it’d be hard to argue the third leg of the requirements which is “Purpose”: news.northeastern.edu/…/human-trafficking-laws/

The Purpose for this would materially benefit Florida and DeSantis specifically, but it wouldn’t fall under “Sex Trafficking” or “Labour Trafficking”.

It’s good to know that you think lying to a bunch of desperate people seeking refuge and dumping them in another place is fine, though. You must be a real joy to be around, with the kind of behaviour you endorse.

Why aren't there more worker co-ops?

Even when I was living in a very liberal area, there were only a small handful of stores that advertised as worker co-ops. It’s funny too because those co-op stores were all incredibly popular and successful, so I don’t understand why they are so comparatively rare? The organizational structure seems simple to maintain, and...

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I appreciate your practical perspective vs the armchair philosophy on the matter. My company is private for-profit, but with a very loose heirarchy and a small team. None of us except the founders even own any of the company, but we are well paid and well taken care of with generous insurance and bonuses, and regular raises. Most of us appreciate that and work hard so the company can succeed - and we all get to keep working here. However we’ve had a few people who really didn’t pull their weight, and it does indeed breed resentment and detachment which only gets worse if nothing is done to correct it. If they hadn’t been let go, the damage to our culture could have sunk us.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

This is probably the reason egalitarianism hasn’t dominated as a governance structure.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I had a septoplasty and inferior turbinoplasty many years ago, and had to rinse my sinuses every few hours to keep the wounds clean. I’d recommend Flonase sinus rinse, as some others in this thread have. The kits are pretty cheap, and the salt mix they provide is dosed so it’s much less harsh than table salt and won’t irritate or dry out mucous membranes in your nose. Using table salt for this purpose like some others are suggesting here is madness! Even before my surgery it hurt like hell, trying that.

I’d also recommend talking to an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist in case there’s something wrong that can be corrected, like enlarged turbinates. That was my issue - blood was pooling in the tissue when I lay on my side due to gravity and low blood pressure - hence the turbinoplasty. It was better for a bit, but did come back over time; dunno if this is normal, if they grew back, if the surgery didn’t work, or if the doctor was just wrong 🤷

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

“The solution to pollution is dilution”, certainly! It’s just pretty risky business IMO, so I feel the warning stands especially to people who haven’t tried a sinus rinse before and don’t know how to size the dose, but yeah: if you don’t have anything else…

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

If you want extremely low code, I recommend GPT4All. The prebuilt binaries/exes run locally on CPU and give you a choice of model to use so you can try out a couple to see which you like the best. It’s remarkably quick on my Ryzen 7 3700X, and it doesn’t take long to get a little web server running with Langchain if you want to put in a bit more effort, too.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been daily driving GrapheneOS for a few months now and love it. I can use Chase and USAA, but not Google Wallet. Three or four apps require “Exploit Protection Compatibility Mode” to be enabled or they crash on startup, but that’s easy to fix in the app settings by long-pressing the app icon. Everything else works great!

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Puppy hit “x” to doubt so hard the button was reduced to its constituent atoms 😂

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