@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar


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@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

You do know we can spot non-sequiturs, and that they make you look stupid, right? You did that because you don’t have an answer, so you just twisted their words in a weak attempt to mock them.

COVID causes long COVID. I’ve never heard of “long flu” because it doesn’t exist. As far as actual death goes, the flu killed 608 people in 2022. COVID killed OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION in the same time period. Two hundred and sixty seven thousand of my countrymen. You fucking clown.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

It is not short-lived or mild with COVID which is kind of the whole point here.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Well, we have more teeth than we have eyes. Supply and demand.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

large lipid stores

So for chronically (lol) underweight people or people with little-to-no body fat, this is much less likely to be an issue?

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Given the demographics, are we sure they’re stupid? Couldn’t it just be advanced lead poisoning?

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Not to mention the paint on residential house walls, paint on toys, lead water pipes… the symptoms seem to line up, too: www.mayoclinic.org/…/syc-20354717

Unfortunately, that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with 😞

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Oh boy, based on your list there you might be me. Have you played Kenshi or Star Sector by any chance? If not, I would like to recommend both.

… Right, the topic… Yeah, I agree, less crunch = good, more time to play all these fantastic games = good!

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

What’s your jank tolerance like? If “moderate to high”, Mount & Blade or Outward might scratch the itch for you. If you’re up for post apocalyptic ronin shenanigans with more of a strategy feel, Kenshi might be enjoyable. Technically, Noita is an open-world fantasy game. It’s really hard (I’m really bad), but I love it nonetheless.

Going more mainstream there’s shedloads of mods for classics like Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim to update graphics, mechanics, or just new content. Witcher 3 is still really good, too.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a fair critique of Kenshi, yeah 😂 I have a soft spot for it because I started following it back in, like, 2011, when Chris was the sole dev and didn’t even want to do a Kickstarter for it. It’s up there with Grim Dawn amongst the greatest success stories of games I’ve backed (it’s quite a short list lol).

Star Sector is indeed a bit tough to get into, and I still don’t like actively piloting ships. This might be attributable to inputs: I’ve got a Kinesis Advantage II ergo keyboard, which is stupid comfortable for 14-hour stretches of typing, but means I have to remap every single key in every single game I want to start playing. What keeps me playing is the sheer amount of community-made content available, which adds a lot of replayability in the form of new ships, weapons, factions, and questlines. Also Nexerelin, which adds a lot of 4X elements, changes the gameplay significantly.

I was looking at Cosmoteer just recently, funnily enough! I was thinking about buying it, but my brain actually used the meme on me:

We have Cosmoteer at home

I’ve just pulled up the store page again, will probably watch some more recent Let’s Plays to get a better idea of the experience.

How about Avorion? I like what I’ve played, I just suck at building and haven’t put in the time to learn it any better, but it has heaps of good reviews.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

If you really, actually don’t give a shit, you can bounce. Work out a way to split assets with your partner and go do whatever you want with your life. Your family will probably hate you for leaving, your blood relatives and/or friends might lose respect for you, getting another job might be hard, but you’d be free and none of that would matter.

Unless you actually do give a shit, but just need something to change? Are you sure that giving up what you’ve got would be the change you need? What is it you want?

American Airlines sues Skiplagged, claiming cheap tickets are ‘classic bait and switch’ (www.dallasnews.com)

“Skiplagging” — or booking a flight with a layover to skip the last leg of travel — is a common hack for travelers who don’t want to pay for a direct flight or who to save money on airfare to a connecting destination. Airlines contend the practice results in lost revenue for seats on planes.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Yep, I travel very light anyway and I don’t trust the baggage handlers and TSA not to lose or outright take my shit. I can fit toiletries, a few days’ clothes, my laptop, and any chargers in my backpack. If you treat air travel as a particularly inconvenient bus line, it goes a bit smoother in my experience.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

No, the fuel is paid for because the flight is paid for. The plane is still going to its final destination, it’s just going to use less fuel because there’s one fewer passenger. I’d argue as well that skiplaggers don’t check bags, so the fuel savings are even greater since that’s one less bag than planned on both flights.

Over time, those fuel savings do add up. Airlines do care about that, or checking bags wouldn’t be an optional extra charge with so many of them. It’s just not as optimal as having someone pay the full price for a ticket to destination 1, and full price for destination 2.

Frankly, I feel that airlines can shut up. Overbooking flights is the same practice in reverse - they deoptimise passenger travel plans by bumping people when everyone who booked a seat shows up.

Developer of GTA 5 mod that lets you chat to AI NPCs says it’s been removed by Take-Two (www.videogameschronicle.com)

However, in a new message posted on their YouTube channel, Bloc says Take-Two has taken down the mod from the Nexus Mods website, and has also had the YouTube video removed. Bloc then chose to remove the mod from the GTA5Mods website to avoid any more issues....

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I stopped playing GTA5 years ago because I didn’t want to get hacked by some script kiddie. It took them until FEBRUARY THIS YEAR to fix the honest to god security holes in their game server.

So maybe they’ll have orbital cannon fixed by 2030.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I think it’s pretty normal to be against anyone who wants to violently overthrow my government.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Seeing a reasonable argument made for the point, and then doubling down on what you think, rather than taking it on board?

You sure do sound like your little brother, yeah.

So... Can you pet a turtle throught its shell?

YouTube just told me again about how turtles have nerve ends on their shell and how they have a decent amount of sensibility through it. Also, I’ve seen videos of turtles being social and helping one another and, finally, while this is apparently a bit rare, I did know people who owned iguanas who had some small attachment to...

Two brands suspend advertising on X after their ads appeared next to pro-Nazi content (www.cnn.com)

At least two brands have said they will suspend advertising on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, after their ads and those of other companies were run on an account promoting fascism. The issue came less than a week after X CEO Linda Yaccarino publicly affirmed the company’s commitment to brand safety for advertisers.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Just like Carlin said:

Think how stupid the average person is. Now realise, half of 'em are dumber than that!

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Mine didn’t have to, the tests said it for her >.>

What shape would the universe's equivalent of a single pixel of 3D space be?

In digital devices, we have pixels, which represent the smallest unit of size anything can be in a digital program. Something that is a single pixel in size in every dimension cannot get smaller. Depending on the software, though, sometimes their shape is not consistent with one another; a pixel could be square, hexagonal, etc....

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Matter is energy, and energy is a wave. The universe is analogue, it doesn’t have “pixels” - it’s all points along the wave.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

String Theory has been folded into (no pun intended) Quantum Field Theory, which fixes some of what the original theory got wrong. Have you seen any videos from PBS Space Time, on YouTube? If not, I’d highly recommend the following videos on the subject (probably in this order):

I sure do love the implications of our universe consisting of interactions between excitations in a bunch of fields, the rays of which carry energy much like a plucked string. If that’s right, it could be rendered as audio; we would be listening to the music of the universe. It might not be good, but it would be beautiful! 😂

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re being honest, perhaps you could share some of your reasons for saying so with the class? The request itself sounds pretty reasonable, and the tone is polite.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

There’s already more content than any of us can see in a single run, why do you want more?

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Solid summary, yep. I will say though that while I understand your anger and certainly share in your disappointment, Linus has a pretty good (but not spotless, not by a long shot) track record of doing the right thing and being a decent dude, and I think he deserves a bit more grace than the more vitriolic comments have been giving him. Saying he’s a piece of shit is a bit much, in my opinion.

As a long-time viewer, it’s hard to see. I hope he sits and thinks on this whole situation, and comes around to apologise to Billet, to GN, and to the community he spent so long building. In the absence of that, I really hope someone from LMG outlines the steps they’ll take moving forward to address the points raised in the GN videos. I love LMG’s content, it would be a shame to lose them over all this.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Link for any wanderers who haven’t seen it yet: threadreaderapp.com/…/1691693740254228741.html

Oof. I’m glad she finally felt like she could speak out properly. How she was treated is simply awful. At this point I just really hope I’m not wrong about Luke, I like him 😞

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry, was this directed at me, or more of a general comment about the reaction from the community?

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

One hundred percent, he’s always seemed like the voice of reason (I mention that in other comments, too). In the video from today he even said part of his job is wrangling Linus, which made me wince, because how the hell is that even supposed to work? Linus can take responsibility for his own damn mouth, frankly; if he’s not sanity-checking responses with Luke that’s a failure on Linus’ part, not on Luke’s.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Oh it would definitely be worthwhile, if Linus would listen, but have you ever tried to stop someone from saying or doing something when they don’t want to listen to you? It’s impossible.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I kinda covered it in this comment about the latest video response: lemmy.world/comment/2474701

But the gist of it is that the video was a much more considered response to the situation (closer to what I expected out of them from the get), and now we will wait and see to see if they make good on it. We don’t have to “trust them, bro”; people are watching, and we will hold them to account if they don’t follow through. All that means for me is that I simply don’t watch this kind of content if I can’t trust it. What drew me to LTT in the first place was the genuinely useful information coupled with high entertainment value; if they can get that balance back, and stick to the guidelines they say they’ll publish, then I see no reason not to accept that they’re doing the right thing with regard to their testing and the accuracy of their reporting.

Same goes for their response to Madison’s statements, and their “crunch culture” in general. I agree that Madison is just one voice of many, but that doesn’t mean she’s the only one either. What I hope is that it never happens again, but if it does I hope the support for Madison this time will encourage anyone else to speak out about such issues.

TL;DR, Indeed, don’t take them at their word that they’ll do better. Watch, and see if they do.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I agree! Together, they’re a very entertaining team. I’d like to clarify though, what I mean by “Linus can take responsibility for his own mouth” is not that he has to abandon the spicy takes, but that he needs to listen more closely to what he says and correct himself if he’s being unreasonable. I don’t think it’s fair to rely on other people to do it for him.

That said, this does seem like one of the things they are addressing; per the video, Linus said that future crisis communication will be handled through the other executives, which strikes me as a simple and effective solution. The main problem for most people I think is letting their emotions cloud their thinking in situations like this; I’m the same way! And, lucky enough to have a few people who talk me through and keep me level. Maybe for the WAN show he and Luke can have a safe word, and Linus can simmer down if he hears it 😂

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

It is simply unfair to call GN’s video drama. It’s not. They raise valid concerns, cite their sources for all the points they’re making, and those concerns are only validated further by the response from Linus and LMG.

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

“Standard journalistic procedures” my arse. Cite ‘em from someone that isn’t fuckin’ Linus Sebastian. I strongly recommend watching the first video from GN, reading Linus’ response directly on their forums, and then watching GN’s follow-up video. If this was “just a cash grab”, why wasn’t it monetised? Why was there no sponsor segment? More importantly, how would GN reaching out have been relevant here? And why did Linus’ official response address precisely none of the concerns raised, while also misrepresenting the situation with Billet again?

Your post is nothing but a regurgitation of Linus’ whining that his corporation isn’t getting special treatment. You barely even bothered to digest it first. And, as others have said, LMG didn’t reach out to GN before trashing their testing methodology on their own, much larger channel. They don’t reach out to the manufacturers of the things they try in their AliExpress/Wish.com/Walmart videos. Back channels were not the appropriate place for these criticisms, so GN made an unmonetised video to highlight the problem for viewers who blindly trust Linus and LMG’s content, when it’s frequently inaccurate and sometimes extremely inaccurate.

If you want to criticise Gamer’s Nexus or their team, address the substance of the points in their video. If it was “just a cash grab” as you want to make it out to be, then there would not be anything to address. But all their points are sourced and cited, and verifiable for anyone who wants to bother expending the effort.

As it stands, I have noticed all the points Steve makes in that video for myself to varying degrees. This is not the first instance of this behaviour from Linus and LMG, and the response from them has indeed been disappointing.

Edit: I also want to point out I’ve been watching LMG content far longer than I have GN content, I have spent hundreds of dollars on LMG merch from lttstore.com and have been very happy with all those purchases. I am a fan of LMG, and I think quite highly of Linus himself, but I am capable of looking at this objectively, and I am personally disappointed in Linus and his responses so far. I think he’s better than his actions, in this instance, and I really wish he’d take the criticism on board.

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

To be honest, I feel a little guilty of this; I started c/starsector because it didn’t exist when I searched for it, but it’s not active and I’ve only posted once. I’m planning on making content, I love that game, but I have a full time job and a side project I’m investing actual money into, not to mention social obligations and travel and family and making sure to take care of my home and my body… where am I supposed to get time to make content too?

I guess it’s not abandoned, just quiet, but I felt compelled to respond. And if you like Starsector or games like it, drop on by, we’d love to have you! I’m a lot better at commenting than I am at posting 😊

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I hate to be the one to lead you to the logical conclusion here, but what are you going to do if this country burns to the ground? Where will you go? Everywhere else is either at least as bad, or won’t let you in. I know, I’ve lived on 3 continents and I’ve seen it.

We have to stand firm to keep our home. Do whatever you can, even if it’s only making sure you vote. We can prevent this together, if we have the fucks to give - there’s more of us than there are of them.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

By preventing harmful or discriminatory outputs from AI models, prompt engineers ensure fairness, mitigate biases, and ensure fairness.

So this was written by AI, not edited by a human (at least, not one who was paying attention), and written by AI.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Won’t someone think of the poor scribes that the printing press will put out of a job?

Look, I get the arguments, but they are wrong. Even “stealing content” is completely wrong. It’s taken down, shuffled around, and recombined. It works pretty much the same way as human learning, just with fewer layers. The people who oppose AI are afraid of it, because they don’t truly understand how it works. Case in point: OP, in this thread.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Make sure you have somewhere to post pictures and ask questions, I saw what I thought was mold on my Lion’s Mane substrate but it turned out to be part of the mycelium. I tossed the whole thing because I’m an idiot (though in fairness to myself I really, really can’t afford to get sick from infected mushrooms) 😞

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

ITT: another reason for me to get a place that has a back yard!

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Look into GrapheneOS. It’s pretty easy to install on a Pixel device if you’re willing to spend a few hours on it (might be less, assuming all your USB cables work first go 'round, unlike mine 🙄) and it’s been a great daily driver for me. You don’t have to install Google Play stuff, but if you need it for an app like banking you can run it all sandboxed and control all the permissions. Only thing I lost was Gboard’s ability to send GIFs (because I have it sandboxed; I could get it back if I wanted to let it connect to the internet). You might be able to get a Pixel 6a for like $200 soon too, I think I saw something about a sale coming up on the Google store.

Looking for beginner friendly free or cheaper solutions for a chatbot

Hello all, you all seem to be well versed in this stuff and I can’t seem to find many ai or chatbot communities at all. Anyway, I’ve just been using the free, outdated gpt3.5 on the openai site and it really opened my eyes to how useful of a tool it is. I mean it helps me with everything, especially computer related and...

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Nah dude, I’m seconding GPT4All. It’s free and SUPER easy to set up, so there’s no harm in seeing if it’ll run on your system. It should; I heard someone got it running on a raspberry pi, so your system is almost definitely strong enough.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Play with your kids, then you can all get mad at your wife if she doesn’t join in hahaha! 😈

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Lol, as though that’s ever going to happen. It’s a nice thought though, I’ll join you in hoping that we’ll one day live to witness such a miracle.

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Oh god yes. This is going to be pretty simplified, but: The sheer compute required to run something like ChatGPT is mindboggling, we’re talking thousands of A100 GPUs ($10k a piece, each one has 80GB of VRAM) networked together, and probably petabytes of SSD storage for the DB. Most neutral networks require a bunch of GPUs working in parallel because they need a lot of very fast memory to hold all the data they sift through, and a lot of parallel compute to sift through that data as quickly as possible. That’s why GPUs are good for this - you can think of a CPU like a human, very versatile but there’s only so much one person can do at a time. Meanwhile GPUs are like bug swarms, a bunch of much simpler brains, but specialized, and they “make it up on volume”. It’s only because of advances in computing power, specifically in the amount of compute cores and VRAM on GPU dies, that the current level of AI became possible. Try downloading GPT4All and compare free models that run on your machine to the performance of ChatGPT - you’ll certainly see the speed difference, and if you ask the free ones for code or logic you’ll see the performance difference too.

This is all to say that superconducting traces and transistors mean no heat is generated by dumping power through them, so you can fit them closer together - even right next to and on top of each other, doesn’t matter, because they don’t need to be cooled. And, because you lose no power to heat, it can all go to compute instead, so it’ll be perfectly efficient. It’ll bring down the cost of everything, but specifically computer components, and thus OpenAI will be able to bring more servers online to improve the capabilities of their models.

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Edit: my first draft was harsher then it needed to be, sorry, long day.

First of all, nobody’s saying this is going to happen overnight. Secondly, traditional computing systems generate heat due to electrical resistance and inefficiencies in semiconducting transistors; the process of computation does not inherently require the generation of heat, nor cause it through some other means than electrical resistance. It’s not magic.

Superconduction and semiconduction are mutually exclusive - it’s in the name. A semiconductor has resistance properties midway between a conductor and an insulator. A superconductor exhibits no electrical resistance at all. A material can be a superconductor in one “direction” and a semiconductor in another, or a semiconductor can be “warped” into being a superconductor, but you can’t have electrons flowing in the same direction with some resistance and no resistance at the same time. There’s either resistance, or there’s not.

Finally, there is absolutely no reason that a transistor has to be made of a semiconducting material. They can be made of superconducting materials, and if they are then there’s no reason they’d generate heat beyond manufacturing defects.

Yes, I’m talking about a perfectly superconducting system and I’m not allowing for inefficiencies where components interface or component imperfections resulting in some small amount of resistance that generates heat; that would be a manufacturing defect and isn’t relevant. And of course this is all theoretical right now anyway; we don’t even know for sure if this is actually a breakthrough yet (even if it’s really beginning to look like it). We need to better understand the material and what applications it’s suited to before we can make concrete predictions on what impacts it will have. But everything I suggest is grounded in the way computer hardware actually works.

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

I sort of covered this in my other reply, but yes, switching losses are also due to electrical resistance in the semiconducting transistor, and yes I’m assuming that semiconductors are replaced with superconductors throughout the system. Electrical resistance is pretty much the only reason any component generates heat, so replacing semiconductors with superconductors to eliminate the resistance will also eliminate heat generation. I’m not sure why you think superconductors can’t be used for transistors though? Resistance isn’t required for semiconductors to work, it’s an unfortunate byproduct of the material physics rather than something we build in, and I’m not aware of any reason a superconductor couldn’t work where a semiconductor does in existing hardware designs.

Then again I’m also not an IC designer or electrical engineer, so there may be specific design circumstances that I’m not aware of where resistance is desired or even required, and in those situations of course you’d still have some waste heat to remove. I’m speaking generally; the majority of applications, GPUs included, will benefit from this technology.

dorkian_gray, (edited )
@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, you’re kind of reaching with that one 😋 I didn’t mention Landauer’s Principle because it’s so negligible as to be irrelevant (seriously, the heat generated by writing or erasing a bit is about equivalent to the energy levels of a single electron in a hydrogen atom, in the range of ~0.018 eV at room temperature), and superconductors will reduce even that. I kind of wish we had another word, for when “negligible” doesn’t do the insignificance justice.

I do appreciate the clarification on the point of superconducting semiconductors - and the concern for my day haha! It really wasn’t anything to do with you, hence the edit. And, your point here is absolutely correct - LK-99 isn’t some magical material that can be all things to all people. Its other properties may make it unsuitable for use with existing hardware manufacturing techniques or in existing designs, and we may not find superconductors that can fill every role that semiconductors currently occupy.

Edit: lol, looks like its “other properties” include not being a fucking superconductor. Savage.

Can a reply to an ongoing email conversation land in spam?

Had an exchange of emails with someone, around 4-5 back and forth emails. He then told me that my last reply never arrived. When I forwarded that email again to him, he told me that actually the original reply arrived but landed in spam… he checked it after I forwarded the initial reply....

@dorkian_gray@lemmy.world avatar

No troubles, I’m no stranger to busy stretches myself 😊 I’ll keep an eye out for your message.

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