@dontblink@feddit.it avatar


@[email protected]

Hi, i’m into programming, sexual transmutation and psychedelics!

Reddit sucks :)

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@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Video editing softwares definetely, kdenlive is nothing compared to stuff like sony vegas.

Does this exist?? Messaging platform with a panic button from any member.

Basically I am looking for a messaging platform like signal or? but with anonymous signup, perfect forward secrecy, capable of video chat, sending photos the usual uses in today’s life. But with a panic button. So that any party member could use said button to wipe all other members devices of any data instantly inside the...

dontblink, (edited )
@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

I mean theoretically if you are hosting your own chat server, for example on Matrix, you can easily make all the chats unaccessible from the clients by issuing a command to shutdown your server or simply the chat server service if there’s no content cached locally.

I think you can do this pretty easily with a raspberry pi by connecting via ssh…

Just use a shell script that changes the static ip to something else after the command to shutdown the service/wipe out the data (depending on what your goal is) has been issued, or use a vpn or something like that if possible, because anyone issuing the command would need to know your server ip.

And issuing a command by ssh to a remote server both from smartphone or pc should be as easy that you can actually build a very small app for that, or use some app that creates shortcuts that directly connects and issue custom commands.

That way you are forced to give people your new ip every time chats become unaccessible/deleted and someone can’t connect back even if wanting to without talking to you, unless you decide you can use the older ip for whatever reason.

Of course not using your real ip but using some service like a vpn or proxy (or tor?) would be much better here, but i don’t really know how.

That can give you full power on the chat history and create the said “panic button” for every client involved.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

I guess probably, because Matrix is thought for private chatting, i guess someone else might have had this same idea, i think matrix is opensource so there must be some client that does this.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Yeah sure, you have to trust your users

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

If it was less expensive and provided some privacy i would probably happily pay for it.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

I simply backup the /home folder, where the important files are with duplicity on my home server with ftp once a week, keeping records of the last 6 months. But as that only restores the home folder i also take a snapshot (which takes way more disk space) every month with timeshift too, which stays on the pc. Would be great if i could take complete snapshots via ftp just like with duplicity, but timeshift doesn’t do that.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Honestly when i first got into coding i liked the fact it could give me jobs i could do from every part of the world, that is still on demand and that gave a certain freedom on how you approach technology and customize it to make it your own, i always liked to tinker around with computer and i even have a small home server i use for several stuff. I loved how useful internet was to find informations otherwise unreachable and share stuff without censorship woth everyone, as i said i love the story of the cypherpunk movement, i see bitcoin as a real solution to our obsolete economy, and i thought i would have liked to have a role into changing this shitty system paradigms, my target was to work with lightining network or similar protocols maybe one day. However i feel like i’m changing lately and i’m lacking human interactions so much, there’s no point in building something toghether if there’s no emotions to share with others before, during and after the process. Maybe it’s just how i’m made, but i cannot stick to it, i just get super depressed and i see no point in doing it. Maybe i’m just lazy i don’t know, but it is like that.

Adding the fact that sometimes i feel like technology controls me, and not the opposite despite all the efforts i make, feels just super wrong and not how i want to live.

I’m studying webdevelopment so i’ve had the opportunity to work only on simple stuff so far, but it already feels super overwhelming, sometimes i get lost just in setting up my coding environment, just to realize it will only be one of many i’ll need to learn how to work with.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

And how you deal with that, how do you choose what to do and what not to do?

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Not necessarily, of course open source is better, but i really just want something that gives me power over the content i can see, this is usually what happens in open source, that’s why i posted here, but im open to closedsource solutions. I didn’t know of the existence of modded stuff like this. How can they mod a closed source app? Are they partner with instagram? How does it work? Do they just scrape content like anyone else? How are they not getting banned like other scraper apps?

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

I love Lemmy because you can see that people actually understand that foss platforms don’t keep themselves up magically but there’s actually people involved that work hard for making internet a better place without any economical incentive, but just their ideal.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

The RSS feature is amazing, i wanted to do something like that with RSS Bridge, but it looks like both Instagram and Facebook are doing their best to block exactly these kind of things, so it works half of the times and it needs to be fixed quite often, i think now it doesn’t work very well either… Also it is very complicated to be set up if you don’t know a bit of PHP. Of course i’m willing to learn but all this blocking that projects like this (see Barinsta or Bibliogram) get is really discouraging. I think Meta content is probably one of the worst to scrape.

Regarding Proxygram: for now it works, i’m using a public istance to grab some RSS feeds, if it proves to be reliable i will be happy to host my own istance as well, if possible :) It’s sometimes slow to grab data (i guess because sessions get easily blocked/limited, getting error 500) but not really a problem as i just want to see new events every couple of days, one issue tho is that the RSS doesn’t show all the posts (only showing the last three of them), which can be annoying as you may lose something if you don’t see it and save it.

EDIT: It actually does get other posts as well, just reaaally slowly, meaning that if you follow really large accounts in a week or so you can find your feed full of older posts marked as unread.

Anyway thanks to whoever is making the hard job of building/owning an instagram scraper, I really know it can be tough.

I had a dream about windows and have decided to setup Linux on my laptop. What distro should I use?

I used Ubuntu once a few years ago but had compatability issues so I went back to windows. Not a great programmer but I’d like to learn. I’m not looking to do much gaming beyond DOOM2 and factorio. Mostly looking for privacy and a way to get back into programming (I have this pipe dream of learning Assembly). I’m not to...

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

a want to buy a tablet to take notes at school

Basically title, but I don’t want an iPad because of my “open source mindset” ik it sounds cringe but fr I hate Apple’s philosophy and I don’t want an iPhone to sync every shit. Also I’d like to have a tablet that doesn’t all my data to some big corporation (like Xiaomi or Google), and I don’t know where to start...

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Check out e-ink tablet like the Supernote A5! They are marvelous and study/work only focused!

dontblink, (edited )
@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Most definetely, i would strongly suggest the Supernote, if you want there are also android options like Onyx, but those are more similar to full tablets than just to a study tablet / productivity device

What's, in your opinion, the android smartphone worth buying right now based on reparability, freedom of use and long term support?

These are the things i care the most: I want a smartphone i can repair on my own (battery and screen are the essential parts), with a bootloader easily unlockable, even better with verified boot / supporting a custom OS with re-lockable bootloader....

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

This is actually something i wanna get more informed on, for example i see that e/os is still supporting the first google pixel (from 2016), it’s already 7 years of updates. However i think that applies just to the OS update, not the security patches, am i right?

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Okay then, i think i’m buying a new guitar

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

If you search it online you can find that people have some issues with computer running amd ryzen processor and the adb and fastboot commands, i don’t know if it’s the case, but i couldn’t find any other reasons on why a TWRP nandroid backup that was completely fine when i took it and didn’t prompt any error couldn’t be restored.

It’s not a disk image, it is a particular type of compression that packs up different parts of the system (system, data, vendor etc…).

I also tried to enter the backup by using a tool that converts .ab backup in .tar, but i didn’t manage to do it.

Anyway i don’t really care if i lost that particular backup, i just want to avoid it to happen again

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

This is very interesting, makes me wanna share my experience too, in my case between 2 different custom ROMs, but with the same phone:

  • Lineage OS for microG but without device registration, cloud messaging and safety net disabled
  • /e/OS which is essentially lineage os for microg + tracker blocker but with all the device registration, cloud messaging and safety net enabled

Both are rooted with magisk.

e OS would consume MUCH more battery compared to my previous installation of Lineage, so i was wondering if those microG settings can actually change this much, or if pheraps it is the tracker blocker or something else… Another difference is that e/os has a more recent Android version than the version of LOS for microg i was using.

Was your Calyx install clean or it had Gapps or microg or something similar?

How to demonstrate to people the importance of privacy by showing the data collected about them?

I wish to convince my friends and family to avoid using privacy-invading ad-based services and apps. Seeing people discuss how much data these companies collect off of us, I want to know if there is a way you could get a sample of that data by yourself and show it to them for them to realize the gravity of the situation...

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Just send them the new report on Nissan of the Mozilla foundation 😂

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

The vpn thing worked!

Thank you!!

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

It does work for maps, but doesn’t get your location so it’s not very good for navigation

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

That’s actually a good option, but i guess i would need to install Gapps and google geolocation service too, is it possible inside shelter?

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

I tried osmand, but was working even worse with finding my position and getting me to places

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Yeah but with graphene at least you can limit the permissions google maps has and treat the app like every other normal app, isolated and not able to grab informations if you’re not using it, i wonder if there’s a way to use it with an anonymous google account just like Aurora.

Yeah sure planning ahead helps, but it’s difficult when everyone else you are with has a different workflow or if something unexpected happens…

I will try osmand again for public transports, but the problem is sometimes with the mozilla geolocation services (default in lineage) you get your position after 10 minutes (or you just don’t get it sometimes) and it isn’t precise at all, in my experience it was working well with car but by foot it just can’t sort out where you are…

For the google phone it’s not just the thing of giving money to google, it’s also that i’m tired of phones you cannot unmount, change battery or other basic pieces like the screen, i would get a fairphone, but i’m not really sure the price is worth it.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Yeah the web version is cool but it doesn’t give you the navigation and can’t find your position, usually i wouldsearch for a destination in webview and open it in another nav, but that doesn’t work well if you are by foot for example…

But that might actually be the case tho, because i don’t get any position without my cellphone data active (only with GPS it can’t find a position) that might explain why it gets so long sometimes.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

How do you sandbox google apps in android?

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

If we’re talking about value as a monetary system: yeah crypto is, bitcoin isn’t

grafcube, to privacy
@grafcube@fosstodon.org avatar

Your choice of browser matters — Google's Web DRM and the open internet


I wrote this blog post to inform the people I know who aren't as tech savvy or otherwise don't put any thought into their choice of browser. Another goal is to help get enough awareness on the topic and make sure it fails.

@opensource @privacy

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Anybody knows what happened to the impervious browser?

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

What do you mean tor is not usable on normal internet anymore?

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

The problem really isn’t the internet, the problem is how big techs, which have the necessary resources to build complex infrastructures, are dealing with it trying to costantlyincreaseing their profit, and that is son of our broken economical system.

I’m a strong believer that for changing the internet we’ll first need to think about a new and different economic system, where there aren’t central institutions printing money for nothing, and that, as always happened in history, has to start again by switching back to a deflatory system.

Now if i think about a deflatory economic system on which software can be built on i cannot think something else of Bitcoin, if lightning network is the layer granting micropayments on it, software built on lightning network can be what makes us detatch from this shitty web based on ads and unrestricted profilation.

It’s still on its infancy but honestly i don’t think a decentralized network more trusted than bitcoin exists worldwide. Installing a full node/lightning node with every internet modem ineveruy home would make the infrastructure for a completely different internet.

I’ve been seeing some projects built on lightning network like the impervious browser, it kinda vanished, much more work is still needed.

In my opinion that’s what we would need to work for, we can’t exclude the economic model from the internet because that’s just how our society works and always worked, collaboration is needed to build something better togheter, and that most of the times requires and is facilitated by some form of economical incentive. But we need a different type of incentive.

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

This sounds like a torture

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Yeah i have microg but some of the apps don’t work very well either

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

You just need to reboot it manually

@dontblink@feddit.it avatar

Hugo, Jekill, Docusaurus, host on github pages, netlify. Buy a domain for 15$ per year.

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