
@[email protected]

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Testdisk, clamxTK, rkhunter or chkrootkit, mobile verification toolkit, lshw, time shift maybe deja-dup.

I think your idea is a good one. Like a linux Swiss Army knife. You can have lots of tools that you don’t need all the time but might be handy in a pinch. Especially if you don’t have internet.


Evil Dead 1&2, Army of Darkness are some of my favorite movies growing up. Just rewatched The Howling and it was good but not as good a American Werewolf in London. Friday the 13th and the Hellrazor series were awesome. Lost boys etc. The Gate. Pet Cemetery, Sometimes They Come Back and Cats Eye I thought were great Stephen King adaptations. I really enjoyed The Cube for its creativity and small set.

Still its the SciFi horrors get me the most. Alien series was awesome and Event Horizon were awesome. Something about having nowhere to escape to I think.

Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?

Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...


Some people need external validation. Personally I don’t care about votes. However I do give upvotes very often hoping to increase participation. I often upvote comments I disagree with when their in the negative as long as they aren’t being a dick. I think differences of opinion are healthy. It takes no time to read an opinion I don’t agree with and maybe upvote it when they are riding the down vote bandwagon. I like diversity and think our differences could be more valued. I don’t like the whole reddit style popularity contest down vote thing some think social media has to be.

I upvote posts that I have no interest in as well. I want people to feel welcome and create content. I’m far more of a lurker than a creator so it’s in my interest to have others creating content feeling happy about doing so even if I’m not their target audience.

I really don’t hit the down vote button much, if I really don’t like what they have to say I just scroll on. I want Lemmy to be a more welcoming place then reddit. So I try to make it so.

I have no issue blocking obvious troll accounts though.


That’s so shity. I’m so sorry you had to ensure that. I dont know what else to say but fuck that guy! I admire your courage in sharing and hope things are going better. I guess I just want you to know that your being listened to.

Broke a partition. Is there any way of saving it?

While I was switching distros, I accidentally broke a partition. I’m almost certain that all the data is there, but it doesn’t have a filesystem (I used ext4). Is there anything I can do to fix it, similar to changing the file extension without changing the contents. PS: It’s a data partition. I was trying to resize it,...


I pray to Joe Pesci, because he looks like a guy that can get things done!


George Carlin, live at the Paramount 1992 a special for HBO if I remember correctly.

What item have you been using on a daily basis for the longest amount of time?

Sometimes I will use something and realize I’ve owned it forever. It’s a nice change in our throwaway reality. I think my personal record is a bicycle multi-tool I got for one of my first bikes, ~25 years ago. Still have it, still use it. When it comes to electronic devices I have a Panasonic mini Hi-Fi from ~2005. Never...


I’ve been using the same pocket knife for about 15 years. Part of my EDC.


I love when his mom fires up the blender and when stripe rewires Mrs. Deagle’s stair climber.

8/10 Christmas rating.


I totally get it but KVM/qumu is really awesome. Well worth the setup time IMHO.


Underpasses and some bridges would be a problem too.


Back in the day I used to watch NixieDoesLinux.


Bought Starfield, still can’t play it. Linux, nvidia no MUX switch. Starfield won’t use the discrete GPU. Doesn’t even know its there. Thrown every launch option I could find at it. Uninstalled and hidden now. Worst purchases I ever made on a game.

Oldrim and Starfield are the only bethesda games I didn’t buy on super sale. I’ll never make that mistake again. I even purposefully bought it without waiting for sales to throw some support to the devs for building the majority of my favorite games I’ve ever played.

The up side is that after about two weeks of tinkering I bought Baldurs Gate 3 on a whim. Been playing it non stop ever since. I might not have bought BG3 if bethesdas didn’t have such a shity unpayable game at launch, so in a way I thank them. BG3 has far exceeded my every expectation. What I thought would be a mediocre time waster turned out to be the best game I’ve ever played.

disheveledWallaby, (edited )

Yes I’ve done so much tinkering to everything I can possibly do. Like 5 hours of 2 minute game time testing. Enough to negate a steam refund!

Telling proton to use prime-run. Custom protons, every launch option that matched my specs on protondb.

__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia %command% doesn’t work at all.

It’s not just a Linux issue. I read on steam, a guy only got Starfield to launch in windows after disabling his primary GPU in bios via MUX which sadly isn’t an option for me.

I’ve tried everything but Wayland. If you’ve got some magic to try I’m all ears.


It’s funny that you’re removed about the game being bad because it doesn’t run on an OS it wasn’t designed to run on. That’s kind of a silly thing to get up in arms about. Linux gamers are lucky that Proton works as well as it does the majority of the time, and I think you’ve taken that aspect for granted.

Maybe so. Seems like there is a bunch of removed about the game to go around even on windows using nvidia though. And if Larian can get it right you’d think bethesda could. Even on windows.

Also I have no idea if the game is bad. I cant even play it so I cant say if the game sucks or not. Here in a few years when it’s playable if it’s playable I’ll make that decision. By then the modding community will have had a chance to do their thing and hopefully make the game an even better game.


I’m using Garuda.

You have it running on a muxless optimus laptop? What launch options are you using and what proton?

Bought SF through steam as well.

Tried EOS before Garuda. Following the asus-linux instructions they recommended manually installing nvidia drivers. Following the arch wiki I bricked my install a few times before moving on. Like I said in another post I give no shade to EOS as it was defiantly operator error. I think I was trying to use mkinitcpio to rebuild initramfs and if I remember correctly EOS uses dracut. At least thats what I think I remember causing my issue, been around a year ago.


Yeah I have the dkms installed.

So you are running the 3090 on a optimus laptop?

What about your proton version. I’ve tried all but the latest GE version.

What about your launch options? Are you using Prime render offload?

disheveledWallaby, (edited )

I pretty sure its a optimus issue as there are 2 GPUs, integrated AMD and discrete NV 3080.

I run rdr2 at 90 fps max everything, cp2077 at 60 fps ray tracing and all with only a few settings toned down. Last time I checked 130 fps in borderlands3, 70-80 fo4 moded to hell, 60 in Skyrim AE utra moded to hell. 130 in tomb rader shadows. BG3 at 70+ when im not in the gate city. Max 12 fps in SF with nvtop showing no usage in the 3080 and max usage for the AMD GPU.

Its not a configuration issue. Its either a SF issue or nvidia driver issue. Being as how SF doesn’t even recognize that I have a nvidia card I’m betting money on SF being the issue. That and my research points me to others on windows having issues with discrete GPUs not being recognized either in SF and being solved by disabling MUX in bios forcing the use of discrete GPU.

Thanks for trying though. It is appreciated.


I tried, steam said NO!


It’s strange to me how everyone’s experiences with manjaro is different. I’ve been running it on two laptops for 2 1/2 years without issue. On one of the laptops I’m purposefully trying to break it by not giving it updates in a timely manor. I’ve gone 2 months without updating and still can’t break it.

Honestly I wish it would finally break. Just using it for a media server/player now. I need to take it off the rolling release distros and put it on something requiring allot less manditory maintenance. It just won’t die though and I’m too lazy to fix something that isn’t broken.

No shade or manjaro fanboy bs intended as I believe everyone has different experiences with different OS’s and different needs that can be met or failed by any OS. I’m also weaning myself toward a full arch install by using distros closer to a full arch experiance on my new laptop.

My failure OS was Endeavour. Following Arch wiiki and assuming I had mkinitcpio bricking initramfs rebuild. At least I think that was the issue if I’m remembering right, been about a year. Obviously operator error in my case and no shade to EOS.

Tried out Garuda on the new laptop and have been pretty happy. As with anything there are issues to overcome. Like OBS not working because of some dependencies required by Garuda native apps for nvidia. I think this will push me to finally do a full arch install soon and roll back my other 2 laptops running manjaro to Debian.

The progression of my Linux experience over the last 15 years has been happiness to dissatisfaction with every distro I’ve tried. Not because the distros were bad but they mostly had some limitations I wanted to overcome.


<span style="color:#323232;">var mc = new MovieClip();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">mc.gotoAndPlay(1);

That’s alright. Technical glitches happen. Your the real MVP for doing such a great job providing a great play by play in the first place. It is appreciated.


Surrounded by Randals. --> NSFW language.

disheveledWallaby, (edited )

We have to stop thinking about news media as being the fourth estate and realize that it is a business. Their business is reliant on the status quo, in not rocking the boat. With advertisers like weapon manufacturers: Raytheon, Northrop Grumman: oil companies Exxon, etc and big pharma. They have a clear profit motive to not do journalism and to run whitewashing propaganda campaigns as their business model.

Some news orgs lie outright and others through omission. Either way they have a clear bias and an interest in guiding a narrative.

Its not about being cowardly or timid. Its about profit. The serve the same monied interests that buy our politician’s.


From around the same eara Chuck and Eureka are pretty fun and lighthearted as well.


QI with Stephen Fry was absolute gold! Sandi is great too. Anything with David Mitchell is awesome. I think my favorite is Johnny Vegas, that guy is a riot. Bill Baily, Phill Juputus,Sean Lock coming to think of it there wasn’t anyone on that show I didn’t love.


You might want to check out this github link It has a bunch if scripts to do all sorts of things. It also has a GUI to customize your script the way you want. Disable telemetry, uninstall default programs like edge and skype. You can setup a task to run on interval’s of your choosing.

I run Linux on all my computers but one tablet/computer and have used since I bought it. It seems to work well and you can roll back your changes you make if you like or if their script brakes something you need.


My thought would be yes. Personality I don’t trust games requiring internet that have no online functionality or when using non multiplayer modes.

Installing mods from nexus in the past I have ran into several PUA and one virus modding original skyrim years ago. These were rare though and I haven’t run into one in a while. I’m an avid modder running 400+ mods in skyrimAE and fo4. Most mod makers just want to make the game better but there is potential for those who have other thing on their minds.

I have also seen on r/piracy that rock star was supposedly selling cracked copies on steam. While I don’t believe all cracked copies contain malicious scripts, viruses, rootkits etc the potential is there and sometimes what you might think are trusted sources might not be so trustworthy.

On Linux I run steam in a sandbox often disallowing internet. Whatever data collection is limited to playtime and in game choices.

It all boil’s down to trust and there bring money and motive in the breach thereof. Multimillion dollar companies have shown their greed and I have removed my trust.


I’m in the process of deleting my posts in a few accounts in preparation to delete them.

Reddit isn’t the same place it was when I first signed up. On so many levels it proceeded to get worse year after year. Shitty mods, paid political bot brigading to drown out discussion, general discourse devolution, innovation decline of generally loved features are some of my biggest complaints of that platform.

Don’t get me wrong reddit was always a bit of anarchy, but the best comments somehow managed to rise up. Not so much anymore. Maybe I’m just getting old and some of the comment contents don’t interest me in the same way it used to.

I don’t mind being part of this community even though some of the sub’s have less activity. The activity seems to be of a better quality for the most part imho.

For me I don’t miss reddit at all.


Just tried it in Firefox for Android and it worked for me. !textise

opened up to


I don’t believe signal let’s you import any of your old messages to new device’s for security. When setting up a new device last time I saw a warning about this. It let’s you use the same account but without the older messages.

You could try to copy your ~/.config/Signal folder to the same location on your new device but that might not work. Don’t know because I’ve never tried.

disheveledWallaby, (edited )

Just to piggyback back off this, when windows is installed on the same HD as your grub is installed windows can and in my experience eventually will over write your grub preventing you from booting into your Linux partition.

This forces you to boot from live USB like bootrepair or chroot and reinstall grub. This can be a slightly complicated process if you have encrypted your Linux partition with luks.

Best practice is to install each OS on their own HD and not to install grub on your windows HD. At least that’s my experience over the last 15 years.

A great alternative to dual booting is installing windows to a KVM/qemu virtual machine. You can do this from virtmanager’s GUI. See your distro help pages for instructions for setting it up.

disheveledWallaby, (edited )

I hope that this link can help save your data. You might need an external HD to recover the data to as well as a live USB you can install testdisk to.…/how-to-recover-deleted-files-on-l…

Here is a video and there are plenty more on YouTube.;t=0

Maybe you can get an extetion from your professorto buy yourself a bit more time to recover your data? Best of luck.


Right now I’m using Garuda Linux, it takes a snapshot during major updates. Easily restored if something breaks.

Time shift saved my but a time or two in the past.

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