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How do I block porn without blocking all NSFW channels and communities without blocking all of lemmy?

I would like to filter out all the porn posts without blocking all of NSFW posts. I like porn as much as the next guy, but every other post I see is porn. I’ve been blocking the individual communities, but that doesn’t stop anything. Is there specific keywords to use or is it just all NSFW or no NSFW?


Lemmy REALLY needs a distinction between porn nsfw and non-porn nsfw.


Aren’t there already many Reddit-focused communities???


Are you my brother? Whenever I go to his place I feel like I’m going to get hypothermia lol


But don’t “swamp cooling” systems like the one in the OP not work well in humid environments? Sure, I have running water at home, but I also live in an incredibly humid climate.

The US government seized

So If you don’t know about the site. It was a site to get free text books and reading material. Essentially a library archive where any person could get access to any book that was put on the internet for free(novels, poems, short stories, textbooks, etc…) However the U.S. gov shut the site down under two U.S. fed laws. U.S....


If you’re looking for a free textbook alternative, check out Library Genesis at It was an absolute lifesaver for me when I was in school.

You and an old friend catch up at a restaurant. When the bill comes, how do you make sure the poor waiter takes your card?

I usually whisper, “I’ll flip every table in this joint if you don’t take my card, including the one with that child at it”, and while it has a 100% success rate, I can’t help but feel terrible about it, later. What are some alternatives?


You order everything up front and pay up front? What if you decide you’re having a good time and you want to add on another drink?

Looking for suggestions for a place to move in the US as a remote employee

So the work I do is 100% remote now. I moved to Southern California because of an industry that has in part moved to remote work. My only requirements are a temperate climate, nature access and hopefully a blue-ish state. Is there a place out there that makes sense financially? I’m hoping to buy a house less then 500k. I...


There are some incredibly rich and affluent communities with very safe neighborhoods in some of the “suburbs of Detroit”. Metro Detroit is a much larger area than Detroit itself and there are many types of communities to choose from.

Random interesting trivia…but the city of Dearborn in that area is home to some of the largest number of Arabic speaking individuals. There will even be signs in the downtain area written in Arabic instead of English. It’s not a city I would recommend to live in due to safety, but it’s a random interesting blub I wanted to word vomit out lol.

Winters in Michigan can be absolutely gorgeous when there is a fresh snow…but unfortunately much of winter is just freezing, brown, ugly, and incredibly dark and depressing (less sunlight hours in Northern winters due to the position on the globe). Subjectively, winter seems to last around 5 months out of the year. It starts late October to early November and lasts until mid April.


Chat is on if you are a user, you are sort of blocked from using things on their instance.

dingus, (edited )

I have some stupid questions from someone who rolls barehanded…

  1. How do you get the soap to lather well when using a wash cloth? I tried it once but it didn’t work all that well.
  2. Are you supposed to use a new washcloth every time you shower? If yes, how many washcloths do you go through a week and how much does this add to your laundry bulk. If no, aren’t you kind of grossed out by a used, wet, bacteria filled rag being rubbed all over you?

I once saw a post from someone not understanding how bare handers could possibly get clean from only using their hands. But…it’s not like you use a washcloth when you wash your hands and no one is grossed out by that. Why are people then randomly grossed out when you apply that to showering? The action of soap with mechanical disruption, be it with your bare hands or a washcloth, does well to remove grime and bacteria.

To the OP, I lather in my hands with a bar of soap and then wash my body with my sudsy hands…going back to the bar of soap and even “washing my hands” often enough when necessary.


Problem with this is then you end up with body hair and pubes all over the bar of soap which is disgusting. I have a family member who does this and it’s really unfortunate on the rare occasion I have to share a bathroom with them.


How can you tell that you “come out cleaner”? I don’t exactly have motor oil all over my body or anything when I shower.


Do you wash loofahs like you can a washcloth? If no, it just sounds like it could get gross like using an old dirty sponge.


Granted, different bar soaps will have different smells. Like any soap, there are multiple brands and multiple fragrances to choose from. I’m sure there is a gross smelling bar soap out there lol.


To be fair, I’m a bar soap user…and while the bars are individually wrapped in cardboard, there still is usually plastic overwrap around all of the cardboard boxes of bars.


I actively try not to get soap in my ears because it will clog them up. I use an “ear syringe” to occasionally rinse out my ears with slightly preessurized water only.


I had a friend who was really into using it as his only meals for an extended period of time. He wanted it for the simplicity of not having to prepare food as it’s cheap in bulk.

I’ve tried meal replacement drinks in the past (mine of choice were Soylent), but I find that I don’t want a sweet drink all the time and that’s why I couldn’t get into them.

Huel has a “Hot and Savory” line that I’ve tried thats kind of like a dehydrated soup line, but thicker than that (I forget what word I’m looking for). I’ve only tried a few flavors and they are ok, although obviously not fantastic. There is more cleanup involved than my lazy ass would like though and there really isn’t a ton of savings using them like there is with their shakes. You have to buy in bulk too which makes it expensive.

My lazy ass will probably stick to eating frozen meals, but an occasional Hot and Savory meal might be thrown in there ig.

The whole idea is it is supposed to be healthier than frozen dinners and better than meal replacement drinks, but idk if it really is or not.


Yeah that’s part of the problem with these companies and I’d imagine it’s a big way they make their money. People buy the giant bulk bags, don’t like it or get tired of it, and throw the rest away and the company already made its money off you.

An exception to this though is Soylent. They have a lot of single serve, pre mixed drinks that you can go pick up and try at a lot of grocery stores if you want to try before buying in bulk. It’s how I got into it in college. Tried one with a low entry price, thought it was ok enough for what I was looking for (convenience, nutrition, shelf stable), bought more.

The best flavor of Soylent is their coffee+mocha flavor imo (although it can be harder to find in stores). But all of the coffee was upsetting my stomach after a while and I couldn’t use it as a dinner replacement because of the caffeine so I stopped drinking it. If they made a decaffeinated version of that flavor I’d probably still be drinking it tbh lol.

Like most meal replacement drinks, the other flavors are tolerable, but nothing I’d say that I overly enjoyed drinking.

Happy Friday!! Are any of you doing anything fun this weekend??

I am having some family members visit my place for the first time since I moved in and I’m pretty excited. It’s a small thing, but yeah. I have a tendency to work most weekends because I don’t have a social life so it’s a nice change of pace. Do any of you get to do anything fun? Hooe your Friday goes well!

Missed my windows phone, so I tried some android launcher replacements! (

Despite its failure to capture a significant market share, I really enjoyed the metro UI on windows phone and tablet. One UI on my Samsung was getting stale and has a nearly unusable apps drawer, and standard Android notifications are nagging and ungainly....


I am similar with my laptop. I keep all desktop icons hidden because it looks clean and great.

With my phone, I only use the bottom quick launch row for icons.


I can see everyone’s swears. Nothing seems to be censored for me. Is it because doesn’t censor or is it because Voyager (third party app) doesn’t censor?


Adblockers, ReVanced, SmartTube, etc. No ads and no fee.

dingus, (edited )

It’s weird how people are fine paying for Netflix, Hulu, CrunchyRoll, Twitch, etc, but draw the line at YouTube, the platform that has infinite more content and actual value.

I see your point, but I think there’s a psychological reasoning behind this.

YouTube in its early days ONLY had a free option whereas services like Netfix have always only had a paid option.

YouTube in its early days certainly had a ton of ads, but they were non-obtrusive. Things like banner ads and ads on the side of the video. Then slowly, they added in-video ads. Iirc it started out only as a single pre-roll ad, but in its current form it has devolved into multiple pre-roll ads and an ungodly amount of imcredibly jarring and obtrusive mid-roll ads that violently break up the content you are consuming. YouTube then has the gall to say that if you want to consume the platform how you used to, you have to shell out money. YouTube hasn’t added anything with its subscription service. Instead it wants you to pay them money to return the service to the usability it had prior.

Discord Nitro has a subscription feature that ads something. They didn’t take away say, the ability to voice chat, and lock a feature it used to have for free behind a paywall.

We can also examine Spotify with this. Unlike YouTube, Spotify has always had both a free tier and a paid tier. The free tier has between song ads and the paid tier has always had no ads. It’s less jarring to have to pay for something if it has always been there. Imagine also if Spotify started putting ads in the middle of a fucking song and forced you to pay to remove them even though there never used to be ads in the middle of a song.

Tl;Dr - A twofold issue. 1. YouTube sort of shot itself in the foot in a way by not starting out with a paid tier. 2. YouTube did not really ad anything with premium, but instead is making you pay to use the service as you used to be able to for free. Obtrusive in-video ads are cancer and one of the worst types of ads.


I’ve rarely ever had issues with adblockers. Install one and it works totally fine for multiple years until you might need to install a new adblocker.


And when you need to block ads on a friends phone? roku tv? android tv? apple tv? iphone or ipad? android phone or tablet?

I’m not understanding why I would want to try to block ads on a friend’s phone unless they asked me how to get rid of them. But for the other stuff, it’s super easy.

On a PC: Install any random adblocker your browser allows. Most browsers have an addon or extension store that you can go it with only a few clicks and install one quickly and hassle free. Once you install it, there is no setup required and no maintenance or fiddling required.

On Android phones: Install YouTube Revanced. It’s an app. You have to download and install I believe two apps. You don’t have to root your phone or do anything special at all. Just download and install and forget about it for the next several years.

On Android based Smart TVs (Chromecast, Fire Stick, etc.): Install SmartTube. It’s as easy as downloading and installing a single app. You don’t have to root your device. It’s incredibly simple and no more complicated than downloading almost any other random app. There is no complicated setup, configuration, or maintenance. Just download and install and forget about it for the next several years.

So there you go. It’s not complex at all. A non root installation of two to three simple apps (plus an adblocker that you should have on your browser anyway) has all of my devices set for literally anywhere on the planet I can go. You’re really exaggerating how complicated it is and how often you need to install a new app or how often it breaks (maybe once every 5 or so years you install a different easy to install and use app).

I will admit, iOS stuff is a little trickier. I don’t personally own any iOS devices, but I think it does make it a bit more complex to install adblocking apps on them. So I suppose if you only have iOS devices I could see why you choose to skip this stuff. It’s doable, just more involved. On Android, you literally download, install, and just go and are totally set for multiple years.

Sure, pi hole can work, until you leave the house. Some phones can be rooted to use an adblocker, but that’s not practical for everyone. You can use DNS blocking, but that means all of your traffic is tunneled through a random DNS you can hopefully trust.

I have heard of pihole, but I don’t believe it’s a common solution. This part I agree with you…it’s overly complex and you need a lot of tech knowledge to set something like that up and maintain it. Couple that with the downside of it literally only working at home and I don’t really understand why people go this route.

It’s just a lot. It’s possible, but you really need to manage it and keep it working. When a solution is killed, you gotta find a new solution.

You really, really don’t need to constantly manage all of this stuff to keep it working. And it’s really not complex at all. It’s as easy as downloading and installing one or two apps or installing one adblocker extension to your browser. Then you forget about it. There is zero maintenance involved. Maybe once every 5 years you might have to install a different app, but there is no advanced skills needed and there is no maintenance needed. Things do not constantly break and need maintenance. I don’t do any maintenance and nothing just randomly kills itself.

YouTube aside, I have no idea how anyone can find browsing the internet at all tolerable without an adblocker extension on their browser. Are you not inundated with ads on every site that is not YouTube? Do you just deal with intrusive ads everywhere else?


This is too real.

I even have some family coming over this weekend. I’m excited because they’ve never really come to visit me. But I can’t bring myself to clean my apartment and I have been struggling for the past week with this. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap. At least it’s not that bad looking in here but still. I managed to clean one toilet bowl the other day and that was all I could bring myself to do.


I actually did do that one time! It was a bit pricey but gave me some peace of mind. Sadly it’s a bit too late in the week now otherwise that would have been a good idea lol!


How do you not get the pages wet??


Believe it or not, you can have your own mayo in exchange for your local currency!!

Do you prefer PC or laptop? (

I was having a friendly discussion with someone this morning about PC and Laptops for work/education stuff, he suggested that I could use a chromebook for all this stuff and this would be a good idea and make things easier. I strongly disagreed with this, mainly because I hate laptops, the keyboard and touchpad make me angry and...


Your choice of vocabulary is a bit odd.

A laptop can be a full fledged computer. Chromebooks are specialty devices that lack the functionality of a standard desktop or laptop computer. I’m not sure if the term “netbook” is still used these days, but that’s how I would describe a Chromebook. It’s not a full laptop.

I prefer a full laptop, not a Chromebook. I am not a power user, so it can run all of the games I play on it just fine (high end modern games will not work obviously). I can take it with me anywhere and it was a lifesaver for note taking in grad school. If I’m traveling, I can just stuff it in my backpack and go.

At home, I keep my laptop connected to a keyboard, mouse, and an additional monitor, giving me dual monitor support. It’s easy to bring that desktop comfort you’re used to to it.


Beehaw is a locked down walled garden instance that doesn’t seem to actually want to be everyone’s go to. That’s fine, but it doesn’t mean it makes sense for most people to join it. is only specific to a small region of the US.

I don’t think every country necessarily needs their own instance though.


79 so far. If we could just block instances it would be so much better. OR if we had a distinction between NSFW porn and NSFW non porn. I just don’t want porn in all, but I want to be able to discover new communities. And I don’t want to block all NSFW because I enjoy some content that is marked as NSFW…I just don’t want porn.


The vast majority is tagged correctly, but I have run through the occasional unblurred post that doesn’t show up as tagged correctly on my end.


Have you ever had chest pain because of anxiety…and then the chest pain itself gives you anxiety about having chest pain?? Lmao


Are you my coworker?


I hardly ever even drank a drop until I “discovered” alcohol at 26. Enjoyed it on and off for a few years and now only at 29, drinking gives me an instant headache and makes me feel like shit before I’m even drunk. I don’t get what happened, but it’s like any amount of drinking instantly gives me a mild hangover.


What if I’ve been drinking radium


I might!

I feel like /c/memes has taught us a valuable lesson today: Would it make sense to develop a feature to block a comm from our feed for a selectable unit of time (1 hour, 1 day, etc.)?

Even if we’re subscribed to them? Could a temp block exist in conjunction with a subscription? I love c/memes but holy shit no matter which sort I select by they’ve managed to overwhelm my feed.


I don’t want them blocked outright, though. I just want better feed algorithms. It shouldn’t just be whoever spams the most takes over my entire feed. The number of posts from any given community that show up in subscribed, local, all, etc. should be limited so that smaller communities aren’t pushed out of existence.

Be honest, do you still use reddit?

I used to check the front page at least once every day, and occassionally check specific subreddits. Now I don’t look at reddit unless theres some drama, like mods getting purged, then I’d go there and enjoy the drama. Occasionally there will be questions that only reddit has the answer to so I have to reluctantly use it. I...


The problem is I like memes…I just don’t want to ONLY see memes. It’s just that Lemmy’s sorting algorithm is not as robust as Reddit. With Reddit my subscription feed would show me all of my communities, even if there was a large difference in size of them. My small communities still showed up in my subscriptions feed because Reddit had a more balanced algorithm. With Lemmy, the most popular communities flood out all the others. If the devs made the sorting work better we could have a more balanced experience.


I don’t think the “algorithm”, has to have that nefarious vibe that people think. Lemmy already has sorting algorithms…they are just shit. If they balanced it so that quantity from large communities doesn’t flood out smaller communities, it would be a much better browsing experience. Devs don’t need to mess with the type of content being displayed to us, just tamper down the volume from the larger communities. Reddit was good at doing this.


Yeah I think this is ultimately what I’m going to have to do. A bit annoying but oh well!


I have a Samsung phone atm (never been loyal to a brand before…I’m always hopping around), and it doesn’t have anything too weird on it.

One minor annoyance is Samsung’s insistence on having their own version of an app for everything…so I have two messaging apps, two file browser apps, two photo gallery apps. At least you can simply disable or hide apps you don’t use.

I will say every phone brand has their own flavor of custom apps they decide to pre-load the phone with. Some just have more than others. I don’t know if any phone brands nowadays have truly and completely stock android on them. Google used to AFAIK, but I think even they have their own custom shit too nowadays.


Unfortunately that’s the problem. “Barista” versions aren’t readily available in my local grocery stores it seems…hence the question about brand.


I’m not sure if I’m lactose intolerant or it’s the coffee itself. I used to enjoy coffee daily years back, but it was messing my stomach up so I stopped drinking it. I just wanted to experiment to see if it was the milk by trying milk alternatives.

Does lactose free milk froth in an automatic milk frother?

I’m not really interested in trying pills tbh. I have a hell of a hard time swallowing them so I try not to unless absolutely necessary.

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