
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


You have to run it again after every major update.


Except Microsoft will occasionally reset settings on updates.


In otherwords, it’s Apple now, but with none of the benefits.

deweydecibel, (edited )

Not that Reddit wasn’t, but it depended on the sub. Now it’s shaped by instance and everything here just feels stale

Been saying this for months. No one seems to understand what made reddit grow, and it is ironically very much like /r/place when you get down to it:

Reddit was a singular canvas that all users worked on together. Posts, comments, and voting shaped the site as a whole. The front page of Reddit was the result of it’s userbase, and it’s userbase was diverse. Because Reddit forced all users, of all backgrounds and ideologies, to exist together in the same space, and work on the same canvas, it created something living and varied.

You may not have ever gotten along with people from a certain subreddit in th comments, but I promise, the two of you worked together at one point to get a post to the front page or a comment to the top, and you didn’t even know it. Thos little moments where diametrically opposed people shared a liking of something by how they voted. On the surface, everyone bickered. Under the hood, they were all unknowingly agreeing and cooperating all the time, and that was what powered reddit’s engine: it’s diverse userbase’s activity.

That’s why gated communities like Tildes and all these curated instances will never reach Reddit levels: they are starving the engine.


Yep. Medical debt is often not calculated into your credit score by the credit agencies, either, though not in all cases. Or if it is calculated in, it is heavily weighted against so it doesn’t cause much damage.

And it makes sense. Credit score is supposed to be a judge of your credit worthniess based on your history seeking credit and repaying debts. While medical debt is legitimate debt, it isn’t credit seeking behavior in the way an auto loan is. You didn’t choose to take it on, it would be inaccurate to take a trip to the ER into account when determining your credit seeking habits.


It’s somewhat in the credit agencies best interests to ignore or heavily discount medical debt. Because so many people have it, and not by choice, to destroy everybody’s credit rating because of medical debt would decimate a significant portion of the country’s ability to get credit. That would have a domino effect on a great many things, and cause enough of an issue that it’s likely there would be further regulations on the credit agencies.

deweydecibel, (edited )

You get billed, but you can just go home and not pay it. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the issue won’t still be waiting for you if you come back, though. I can imagine a situation where a foreigner left behind substantial medical debt and the State Department refuses to allow them back in. So if you’re a frequent visitor, or need to visit here again in the future, it would be a problem.

A one-time visit? Fuck it. Go home, back to your more civilized country, and leave it behind.

Can we please unpin the proprietary off-site/off-network promotion of discord

This is completely counter productive to growing Lemmy. I absolutely despise discord. Look at the network traffic it generates and tell me wtf they are doing. They won’t tell you. Their business model will leave you completely dumbfounded as to how they exist. Everything shared on the platform is lost in a black hole...

deweydecibel, (edited )

It’s because Discord provides a functionality Lemmy does not yet offer. Forums having a connected chatroom is not a new thing at all, and that was true with subreddits and discords. Back when I moderated forums, the mod teams had a private mod forum, but also hung out in the IRC chat. Easy, instant communication for the community, particularly it’s management, is useful.

The problem isn’t the existence of a chatroom, it’s that they used Discord. But I don’t believe there’s a fediverse alternative for chat functionality like that, at least not yet. So it’s a matter of which centralized platform you choose: Discord, Matrix, etc

But Discord is also a useful reference point for new users who may need guidance on how to use lemmy, but already know how to use discord. It’s familiar, and popular. Call it onboarding if you like. It’s using Discord’s platform to help ease users into Lemmy and the fediverse as a whole.

deweydecibel, (edited )

GitHub and Discord are widely considered the best options in their field.

Git, sure, I sold them here anybody complain about it, and get literally is the host for most FOSS, so supporting it isn’t exactly hurting the cause. But suggesting Discord is the best depends on how you’re judging that criteria. Best for who? Admins or users?

Moreover, if we’re going to start getting into the nitty gritty about what the “best” options are in any field, then FOSS dies in most cases. Volunteers simply cannot compete with a bunch of paid developers, but they will do their best.

Plex, for example, blows Jellyfin out of the water in terms of polish and simplicity. If you’re judging best on how easy it is, and how likely it is the average person’s going to run into issues, Plex beats its FOSS competition by a mile. But that’s not the whole story, is it? That doesn’t take the enshitification factor into account, or the fact that forces you to pay for certain things that your computer is effectively doing on its own.

But the other thing to remember is that what truly kills FOSS is people just simply not supporting it. The more you use these established, centralized, biggest names, the further you entrench them, and the harder it becomes for any serious alternative to justify its existence.


This is shitty, but not common.

Certain channels will require a phone verified account, but most won’t.

Did you ever try on a phone or a different computer in a different location? With a different email?


An admin complaining about downvotes doesn’t inspire confidence in the running of the instance.


The rest of us just have the power to not have to listen to them

You’re describing this like we all, individually, are blocking Hexbear users. That isn’t what happened. They were defederated by a handful of individuals. They were censored. An authority blocking your words from reaching others is censorship.

Now, I agree with the defederation, don’t get me wrong, but you’re missing the forest for the trees, here. This is an obvious case where defederation makes perfect sense, because the instance’s admin was not controlling and banning users or stopping them from brigading other intances. That whole instance was an almost explicit raiding ship pulling up to the rest of Lemmy. Defederation makes sense.

But that doesn’t mean it is always going to play out this way. There are countless ways for defederation to be used as a weapon by admins, and just like we saw with the piracy change, communities can be vanished without defederation. Basiclly, there are so many tools available to admins of every instance to create invisible walls through the fediverse for any reason they like, and users will not be able to get around all of them, and more importantly, they may not even know about them. They may not be aware of what they’re not seeing. That creates a lot of avenues for manipulation and censorship, in both direct and indirect ways. That’s absolutely concerning, especially when there isn’t some unified standard admins have commited to.

Like, if this is the fediverse working as intended, then people need to stop advocating for this place as a reddit alternative, because it will never be. Reddit would never have gotten to be what it is if subreddit moderators could manipulate the visibility of others subreddits.


I never said anything about rights. I’m not suggesting anyone should be forced to host anything. I don’t care what each instance opts to block, they’re within their rights too. And I don’t care what the legal definitions are, restricting the visibility of certain things is censoring them. But “censor” is not a dirty word. Blocking childporn is censorship, and I’d say that’s pretty good. I can already feel an argument about semantics coming and I genuinely don’t care. Whatever you want to call it, just fill it in there.

My point is that without some central authority or doctorine to which all admins adhere to, these tools will be absused for far less dramatic shit as Hexbear, and it will break the fediverse apart at best, or at worst, be used to shape it in dishonest ways. I support Lemmy because I hoped it would be an alternative for reddit, but it can’t be as long as this fracturing and curating is allowed to break the shared reality of the platform.


Just becuase you can see something if you change perspective doesn’t make it not censorship if you attempt to block it from view. I’m not getting into a semantics argument; the point is really simple: those with the ability to frame the appearance of Lemmy to visitors using that ability to hide things from certain POVs. Regardless of what Hexbear was, that ability, unchecked, is going to harm the federation’s ability to grow naturally.


I said it once before but this is exactly the game that needed to come out after Final Fantasy 16, and Dragon Age Dreadwolf’s bullshit is going to look even worse in this game’s shadow. Just to shut up the think pieces and comment sections that claim RPGs becoming God of War clones is somehow the only “modern” direction to take them.


the highest quality services

What’s you’re definition of quality? Spotify is dramatically less useful than it used to be. So many options taken away shuffling is useless, garbage gets slipped in as a “suggestion”, etc.


These kids have been ready-made by apple to be corporate friendly. A whole generation that can’t do anything if it isn’t installed by the app store. Think how useful that is for corporations.


Will dbzer0 posts show up in the Subscribed feed if it’s not hosted on Will it get sorted by Hot?

Why can’t simply redirect users to dbzer0? Why are the communities effectively shadow banned? If the main concern is not wanting to actually host them, rather than hiding them and trying to pretend they don’t exist, why can’t there just be some sort of placeholder that informs users that they cannot access this community on and they need to go-

-ya know what? I got halfway through writing that and got tired of it. This is exhausting, and I’ve been here for 2 months.

Lemmy needs an app or a UI that unites all this in a simple fashion so users don’t have to go through all this every time an admin decides to get picky with what they’re willing to host. All this shit need to be behind the curtain. Users should just be able to use any instance and see anything on Lemmy they want to see, whether the admins host it on their server or not.


It’s be nice if there’d been some discussion first, and perhaps a solution other than an admin vanishing a community without notice. Even just some text informing the user “You can’t see this content on Please go to the instance directly”.

Regardless if the decision is understandable, the method used here is not going to sit well with people. After how many years of spez, these kinds of behind the scenes snap decisions that change the site overnight with no apparent regard for the community is going to leave a bad taste in people’s mouths. It wouldn’t have hurt to bring it to the community rather than just shadow banning without a word.

Not even because there needed to be a discussion, but just as a basic courtesy.

It doesn’t inspire confidence or endear the instance to its users.



You, and everyone else, should be making enough money right now that a $70 price tag isn’t a problem.

Wage stagnation makes price increases seem worse than than they should be. Truth is we should all be making enough that a few bucks increase in the price of Netflix or YouTube shouldn’t be something we struggle with.

So by all means, pile it on at EA, but save some of it for your employer too


It’s insane that kid walked away without any head injuries.

But those don’t sound like unrecoverable injuries. It will cost a fortune, of course, but unless there’s some complications those likely won’t be lifelong issues. He’s incredibly lucky.


We actually don’t know what percentage they’re making. They can tell you how much they’re paid, but no one but Google can tell you how much of the subscription cost goes to them versus Google.

What happens if majority of Americans vote for one party and majority of states vote for the other? Would there indefinite deadlock between the [Executive + House of Representatives] vs [The Senate]?

Edit: I’m talking more of in the context of shifting populations, not a one-off election. What happens if this is the results of several consecutive elections. Will there just be nothing happening? Indefinite Government Shutdown?


Yes. You’re seeing it somewhat already.

That was the actual point of the Senate. It’s meant to be a stopgap against populism. But like of like a pair of pants that used to fit and is not tearing at the seems, what was once working has become a serious issue due to how the country has grown and the cultural/geographical trends among the population.

In short, our country was never meant to be one wherein the vast majority of people all lived in a handful of states. It was designed at a time when the ratio between the biggest and smallest state’s population was around 7:1.

Now it’s 32:1.


You’re misunderstanding the question.

They’re not talking about a presidential election. They’re talking about the basic function of the federal government.

The House of Representatives and the President are both elected by the population. The electoral college fucks up the presidential election, and gerrymandering fucks up House Representative elections. But to spite that, both of them are voted for by the “majority”, and therefore they more accurately represent the people.

The Senate is, by design, not meant to do that. It is meant to give an equal voice to each individual state, regardless of population. Majority does not rule when it comes to the Senate. Again, by design. It’s a deliberately anti-democratic body.

They’re asking what happens when populations move shift around and congregate in a few states. This would result in a deadlock situation where the House and the President both represent the majority of people but the Senate would increasingly strangle their will. It would create a permanent minority rule over the country, and being Washington to a deadlock for…well until something is done about it.


It wasn’t a waste of money to prevent another studio buying them up and using those properties against them. They decimated potential competition, that’s very valuable.

That’s why consolidation like this really needs more anti-trust scrutiny. If Fox was going to be sold, it should never have been Disney that was allowed to buy it. They eliminated a major competitor and took all its resources away from everyone else, only to cut jobs and leave those properties to languish in obscurity. Because no one is allowed to make money in Hollywood except them. That’s not a healthy market.

It's time to take advantage of Reddit's decline

It’s no secret that Lemmy is shaping up to be a viable alternative to Reddit. The issue it faces however is that it’s still relatively niche and not many people know about it. I propose that we change this. By contacting the mods of large subreddits and asking them to make and promote relevant Lemmy communities we could...


I don’t know, I feel like the issue (at least part of it) with Threads wasn’t that it needed more time in the oven, but that it was birthed pre-shitified. Remember the steps: good to the users, then good to the advertisers, then good to themselves. Threads basically tried to skip step 1. It felt every bit as manipulative as the Facebook feed, because it effectively was.

It didn’t come through feeling like a breath of fresh air from Twitter in any way except (to your point) the lack of rate limiting. But even without that, the mindset and motivation behind Threads makes it dead on arrival. It has nothing to offer except being “not Twitter”, and the cold, corporate hand is very evident. Turning off the rate limiting, Twitter got those users back.

The lesson there is you have to have something the entrenched platform doesn’t if you want to keep the users. Lemmy is already ahead in that department simply by having 3rd party apps.

deweydecibel, (edited )

Legitimately the main reason I prefer NewPipe is because the devs took a stand against Sponsorblock on ethical grounds. Blocking YouTube ads is one thing, actively hurting the content creators themselves is quite another.

Most content creators are just scraping by because Google doesn’t pay them well. Every cent goes to them, without passing through google or harvesting your data. Those sponsorships protect creators in the event their video gets copyright strikes. They’re skippable with literally a single click, maybe two. They are by far the least obstructive and invasive monetization they could possibly do. Going out of your way to download special forked software just to skip those few seconds of completely skippable video, it’s not just shitty, it’s petty.


This is only going to be true so long as defederation is restrained, but I’m getting the feeling that without some sort of oversight or shared rules and standards for defederation, and without neutrality, the place is going to fragment as certain admins just do whatever they like. There’s also the worrying emergence of shared block and defederation lists across instances, that have legitimate uses, but are going to cause chaos and allow certain admins to effectively gatekeep the majority of the Lemmy if there isn’t some standard they have to adhere to for what goes on it.


I think it more likely we’ll get to the point where getting a key to unlock the bootloader requires some kind of bullshit businesses license, or else is only possible on higher end phones. Kind of like how Windows is increasingly walling options off from everyone except Enterprise users.

Or the end result of this eSIM shit comes to pass: unlocking the bootloader breaks the SIM and/or the carrier refuses to let it on the network.


I’m surprised they would make an unpopular move like this.

Because it’s only unpopular to a niche audience. Granted, those buying a Zenfone are niche, but still. They stand to make more by locking the phones down for Samsung-level bullshit than they do from the customers they’ll lose here.


There are plenty of makers doing unlockable bootloaders. Honestly, just avoid Samsung.


I want you stop for a second and think about how long Final Fantasy has been around (NES) then think about how many other franchises from that time still exist. Then maybe try this comment again.

deweydecibel, (edited )

After months of hearing about how Final Fantasy “needed” to become Devil May Cry because RPGs are dead, watching Buldurs Gate succeed and FF16 fall short of expectations is kind of cathartic.

Edit: I’m aware this Square’s projections, not actual sales. The point still stands that they made a shift in genre thinking they would unlock a wider audience than they got. Then a shit ton of think pieces and reviews and FF14 fans came out spouting this nonsense about how turn based RPGs are old hat and Square NEEDED to abandon it to hook modern gamers.

Then Boulder Gate drops and proves every single one of them wrong, while Square is wondering why they fell short.


It’s more that every sub had much different levels of activity so one repost would get attention while another dwindled.

The issue with Lemmy is activity is not centralized so each individual repost sees roughly as much activity as the other, so as far as sorting goes, they’re all considered to be as equally active, i.e. “Hot”. It’s all kind of flat line across communities.

We just need more activity, more people, more voting, making making more posts.


The problem is people that would be willing to run and moderate a sub on reddit are not all capable or willing to host an instance for that thing.


Yeah a big part of the reason why this is happening is because the vast majority of people coming here don’t give a shit about federation they just want a version of Reddit that isn’t Reddit.

I guarantee if another Reddit alternative starts growing that is centralized and more aligned with how reddit was, these people will leave for it.

deweydecibel, (edited )

You made a comment just now. You’re not lurking according to the how they’re categorizing a lurker.

Honestly, how about this? Every single lurker, commit to making at least one post or comment a day. Call it a social experiment


Lol what? Liftoff is fantastic, and FOSS. Are we blaming liftoff for the downward trend/lack of growth? Cause the oh-so-amazing Sync does not seem to have reversed it, to spite all the claims I keep seeing.


This is honestly it.

I like the site, I want to use it, I want to encourage others to use it, but I’m getting tired of only talking about the same things here.

Maybe we need to start encouraging people to post rather than just expecting them to.

deweydecibel, (edited )

The issue is there’s no oversight here, or at the very least, no oversight that we can trust to be impartial.

When parties form a federation, it’s usually with a signed agreement, to maintain the integrity of the federation and keep it together. Shared standards, rules, ideals, regulations, etc. All I’m seeing here are parties trying to carve out a sub-federation, and with no neutral oversight, it’s just going to become a “people like me” circle.

And I guarantee at some point people are going to start thinking “Hey, if this instance isn’t subscribing to the shared blocklist, that must mean they want those other instances around, and therefore they deserve to be added to the list”

Then just like that, the fediverse has a defacto authority. Instead of one sepz, we have a council of them from the largest instances.

More Baby Boomers are living alone. One reason why: ‘gray divorce’ (

The number of older Americans living alone is on the rise. Nearly 16 million people aged 65 and older in the US lived solo in 2022, three times as many who lived alone in that age group in the 1960s. And as Baby Boomers age, that number is expected to grow even more, raising big questions about the country’s future.

deweydecibel, (edited )

Every single time the word Boomer is in the title, people rush to comments to make these insults.

The article isn’t describing a necessarily bad thing. It’s just noting a trend.

There are many reasons behind this shift in our society, including the economic gains women made when they entered the workforce and changing attitudes toward marriage.

Like…this article has absolutely nothing to do with boomers getting their comeuppance. It’s just about a shift in societal behavior. People are getting divorced later in life because it’s more acceptable to do so now and women can support themselves better on their own than when these people got married.


Get what’s coming to them?


The article isn’t describing a bad thing happening to a generation. It’s describing a shift in culture

deweydecibel, (edited )

Sympathy for what? This is about women being able to divorce their husbands now and support themselves, so it’s happening later in life for a generation that got married early and didn’t really have this option to separate cleanly.

If anything this is a good thing. It means women aren’t* trapped in marriages with shitty men forever. I don’t care what you think about any specific generation, that’s a good trend for everyone.

Edit: typo

deweydecibel, (edited )

No, it’s that in the 2020s divorce is far more acceptable and because women are more capable of supporting themselves now, so they’re not trapped in their marriages.

What you’re describing has always been happening. For every generation. It’s just that nowadays retired boomer women aren’t shackled to their husband for the rest of their life.

Yet another case of the old and conservative reaping the benefits of the progress others have been making.


It’s fairly simple: a social media platform’s value isn’t just a matter of income but also of potential income and how well it can control its users behavior. Preventing users from curating their experience creates more potential avenues for advertising.

What advertisers want are eyeballs (and user data to better their strategies). The API being open means Reddit can’t control where all the eyeballs on their platform are looking, which reduces the value of Reddit.

What advertisers want from reddit, and what will increase reddit’s valuation, is for reddit to say “We can control where 100% of our user’s eyeballs are and what they’re looking at 100% of the time”. For example, that’s why the Facebook feed straight up ignores your settings and shows you whatever it wants.

The API access could make them money but not nearly as much as as they’ll make by demonstrating to advertisers how much control over the user experience they have.


Not true, you definitely can with the right resolution. LoL wild rift especially is close enough (being mobile) you can absolutely make out the skins. They’re usually flashy and noticable enough everyone can tell what it is, too. They often have special animations, auras, attacks look different, etc. Some have special voice lines.

Like, just as an example, if you’re an actual walking tumor and play Teemo, but get the bumblebee skin, the little mushroom traps he leaves around become beehives.

Also remember League and DotA are big steaming games, and matches are repayable, so getting in with different camera angles on replay is very muxh a thing.


No more than any other release. This is just notable because it was all at once, which Steam is usually good about distributing, but this time it didn’t work out and they took the traffic all at once.

Basically you’d see the same thing spread out over days with a usual steam release and the pre-loading that goes with it.

As for a physical release, I mean, I absolutely would if I could…

deweydecibel, (edited )

We still have inline images in comments though which are arguably just as bad, if not worse. I can’t be the only one that noticed how rapidly /r/unexpected comment sections went to absolute shit when gif comments became a thing in the Reddit mobile app.

I’ve already seen numerous cases of people using the place like discord and dropping gifs in reply to a comment, and getting upvoted because “lol moving pictures”.

They contribute nothing, they’re distracting, take up a lot of space in the comment chain if you like compact mode, often spammed by users that have nothing intelligent to add but feel the need for attention anyway.

I’m patiently waiting for the setting to disable it.

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