
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Which one? There’s two. One of them is Baffler Meal, the one that got shelved but eventually spun off into Aqua Teen Hunger Force. And that episode replays in my brain at least once a week.

“Go on Ghost…tell him what you fight.”

“I…I fight hunger, Willie.”

“Louder. Be proud of what we make you do.”

Willie probably got along great with the Space Ghost/Williams Street crew because they were reportedly stoned all the time.


That Edge is now the only “approved” browser anyone is allowed to use, per our admin (taking input from a third party security consultant). Most people in other departments don’t care, they use whatever gets out in front of them. The rest of us in IT (most of us) hate it.


Good. At least there’s one significant regulatory body on this planet that understands how a capitalistic system is meant to be regulated. You don’t need something to be an actual, 100% monopoly before you take the kid gloves off and force them to cooperate with other businesses.


And then Google will punish them for figuring it out by letting apps block access. That’s the issue. If you could do all this without Google integrity checking, we wouldn’t have to worry.


The use of “legacy” here is curious? Is the implication Reddit is “legacy”?

If that’s the intent, this comes across as phony as Microsoft stamping “Modern” on all their bullshit lately.


You mean Sync doesn’t let you block users from the post itself? The default mobile UI does that. It’s there on comments too.

Also, I believe clicking on the user/community name is a toggleable option in sync.

Why on earth isn’t that the default?


The default UI on web browsers has a fix for this already

deweydecibel, (edited )

FYI you’re commenting on a post right now, not

You can’t drop /c/ in comment threads like you might use /r/ on Reddit, because there’s no singular /c/meta. You have to clarify which instance’s /c/meta you’re talking about.


What version of this story did you read?

All three houses are finished by the time the wolf arrives.

The story goes the first two pigs were lazy and while the 3rd pig worked to build his brick house, the other two fucked about and danced or whatever, even teased the third pig in some iterations.

The first two pigs got their asses saved by their brother who actually worked hard to do it right. The first two weren’t valiant, they were lucky.


The consumer is not at fault for believing their personal data on their own hardrive, in the phone they paid for, should not be seen by anyone but themselves if they do not choose it to be.

It’s not the consumers fault for believing this to be the case given this is how computer technology always worked.

Their only fault is for using Apple, when Apple has gone to extreme lengths to blur the line between what is your and what is theres, and effectively makes it impossible to keep things on your phone only on your phone unless you opt out of iCloud entirely. iCloud is so integrated, it’s not clear to the user that everything on the phone is also on the cloud, and therefore not private.

Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?

Social media seems to be laughing its ass off about this tragedy, is it because the folks at burning man are perceived as frivolous hippies or something? Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding...

deweydecibel, (edited )

It’s also because Burning Man, at least in the last decade or more, just turned into another affluent, rich white people and influencer event. Whatever it was to start, it’s effectively glamping now.

Sure, there are definitely some genuinely good people there, lower middle class, saved up and took their only vacation time they get all year to spend a few days there, and it sucks this happened to them. If those people end up in the hospital and the shitty insurance they get from work does fuck all to help mitigate the expenses, I’ll even get angry on their behalf.

But the majority of them? They spent a lot of money, money most people don’t have the luxury of getting to spend, on a pointless self-indulgent festival in the fucking desert, and this time it’s come back to bite them. My sympathy is extremely limited.

They’ll be miserable for a few days, get out, dry off, and go back to their easy lives. Their affairs are taken care of back home, they can miss days of work, their hospital stays will be covered, etc.

It’s kind of like the Fyre Festival. Those people got fucked over hard, but those people were also not the kind I particularly pitty. Spending a lot of money on an experience only to be miserable for a few days is not a tragedy. What happened to the poor people that lived there is the tragedy.

Edit: Also just want to point out OP is trying to call this a “tragedy” when there’s only been one suspected death, the cause of which is unknown as it hasn’t even been confirmed yet, but the overall mood is positive, and by all accounts everything is being managed. They’re trapped, not dying.…/burning-man-festival-flooding-entran…

deweydecibel, (edited )


Is anyone dead?


The Pershing County Sheriff’s Office said a death happened during the event but offered few details as the investigation continued, including the identity of the deceased person or the suspected cause of death.

On their website, organizers encouraged participants to remain calm and suggest that the festival is built to endure conditions like the flooding.


Those who remained Sunday described a resilient community making the most of the muddy conditions that have made it difficult to walk or even bike around Burning Man. Many posted selfies of themselves covered in mud, dancing or splashing in the makeshift lakes.

“Honestly, we’re having a great time,” Theresa Galeani, who is at Burning Man and expected to be there for the rest of the week.

“We have not witnessed any negativity, any rough times,” she said. “Some people … were supposed to leave a few days ago so they’re out of water or food. But I am an organizer so I went around and found more water and food. There is more than enough here for people. We just have to get it to everyone.”…/burning-man-festival-flooding-entran…


strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding members of society for sure.

These are extremely generic platitudes that could apply to just about anyone.

Which morals specifically?

What’s your definition of “financially responsible”? Because that’s frequently a watered down way of saying “well-off” while trying to attribute it their character and not their situation.

“Upstanding member of society” is outright meaningless without context. That’s an argument you hear from the defense in criminal trial.

So why are we supposed to take these hypothetical friends as evidence of anything?


They are investigating a possible death. You’re out here making it sound like people are suffering. By all accounts, spirits remain high.…/burning-man-festival-flooding-entran…

Why are people hyped about RSS regaining relevance? (

According to Google Trends, during the past few years, there has been nothing but a few minor bumps that faded away as quickly as they came. I love RSS because i do not have to scroll through dozens of different news sites all day and i would love it to return....


I think they mean get popular again, see more robust support and integration, etc.


if my utility company requires me to have a Windows PC to get gas or electricity, then they can supply me with a Windows PC just for that purpose

They won’t. Then what’s your plan?

What are they going to do, tell some 90 year old lady who has never touched a computer in her life that she needs to get online with an approved device to keep her light on?

No, they’ll tell her to pay via check/mail as usual.

But that’s a ridiculous argument anyway, because if there’s anyone that’s going to own an unmodified, store bought, “approved” device, it’s a 90 year old.

deweydecibel, (edited )

I’m getting here too late for this to be visible, but fuck it.

The difference is Apple doesn’t pass any information on to the website. It just tells the website whether or not it passes their integrity check. Your web environment gets the Apple stamp of approval or it doesn’t, that’s all the sites will know.

Googles shit is going pass actual information about the browser state, add-ons, and the device to the site so they can restrict access based on any criteria they choose. That creates endless more avenues for abuse by giving the websites the ability to judge you for themselves and micromanage how you are allowed to visit their site.

Apple’s is the equivalent of a metal detector before walking into a building. It will go off but it doesn’t violate your privacy or enable targeted screening by telling anyone what it detected.

Google’s is the equivalent of a strip search, where it will drop your clothes and pictures of your junk onto the property managers desk so they can decide if you’re worthy to enter. Maybe they don’t like your brand of underwear, or a tattoo you have, and refuse to let you in.


It’s not just that.

Apples implementation of this doesn’t tell the website anything about the device other than “Apples approves”.

Google’s implementation will give the website direct information about the browser and computer. Which permits them to get granular and targeted on restrictions.


These schemes all have the same problem that reddit and Twitter have: they need me more than I need them.

This sentiment comes off a lot like “it won’t affect me, I don’t care”.

Like, it doesn’t really matter whether you decide not to use these websites anymore. Nobody should have to put up with this shit. That’s why we take a stand against it.


The federation philosophy is not going to hold up when users centralize themselves on an instance, requiring that instance to seek out things like Cloudflare just to bare the weight.


“Voters weigh in”

You mean like how they do every other November? When they put those geezers in office?


Moreover, resistance to this point, insisting you “don’t want to be told” to use something else, is how you betray yourself.

As long as you have this attachment to iPhone, where the very notion of switching to anything else triggers this feeling of annoyance and causes you to pull back reflexively, then you’ve already surrendered.

Consumer lock-in like this is exactly why Apple, Google and Microsoft get away with so much shit. Learn to walk away and try other things. And that goes for everyone, regardless of what hardware or OS you use.


The Stadia team spent an inordinate amount of time on social media defending their bullshit on various alt accounts. I can’t prove it, but go read some of the shit on the stadia subreddit and tell me those aren’t people who’s livelihood isn’t tied to the future of this trash platform.


No it doesn’t. It doesn’t actually fix the issue, it’s giving up and using an entirely different navigation system.


If they allowed gestures and the three buttons concurrently, I’d use it.

But not having the buttons at all is a deal breaker.


I think what they’re saying is that contacting the FBI may seem daunting to someone who has never dealt with something like this before, but that they don’t need to worry about it. Just contact them.


It’s not a bug, it’s just lack of content. You can downvote that shit, but if there’s no other content to stack “on top” of it, well, it can’t go any lower.

How do people find good information on the internet these days?

It used to be that you would do a search on a relevant subject and get blog posts, forums posts, and maybe a couple of relevant companies offering the product or service. (And if you wanted more information on said company you could give them a call and actually talk to a real person about said service) You could even trust...


SEO solved the problem it was meant to fix, i.e. “users arent looking at our site enough.” You’re fooling yourself if you think it was ever about making searches more useful for the user.

The very conceit of SEO defeats the purpose of a search. The idea is the search combs through sites, finds what the user wants, and returns it to them based on what it believes is the closest match to what the user wanted. It’s a process between two parties: the user and the search engine. The second the websites start trying to inject themselves into this process by adjusting their content to the search, it corrupts the process.

Picture yourself in a library looking through the card catalog. You’re searching for something, using a system to locate it. Imagine if the books you’re looking for spontaneously changed their titles or authorship just to “help you find them” while you’re flipping through cards. Imagine if you’re walking down the shelves and books are literally shifting around like fucking Hogwarts, trying to get in front of you.

That is the inherent issue with SEO. No one but the user knows what the user wants to see, the content trying to adjust itself to appear in the results more consistently isn’t about helping the user find what they want, it’s about making sure the user sees that specific content.

Because every website wants traffic. That’s all it is.

deweydecibel, (edited )

Should also be said that for various edge cases where a extension doesn’t exist, uBlock’s element selector function lets you get very granular with filtering things. If you know a bit of html/css, you can get creative with it and consistently hide just about any element you like across many different sites.

For example, recently I’ve been on a quest to de-rating all my favorite media sites and Google results, etc. No more wayward rotten tomatoes, metacritic, or imbd scores when I want to look up info on media unless I go looking for them on those websites. No addon that I’m aware of exists solely for this purpose, so I’m basically using uBlock to do it by using the element selector any time I see them. Some sites make this tricky, and any adjustment to the design of the page could break it, but the joy I get from being able to curate my web experience to exactly what I want to it to be can’t be understated.

Silicon Valley elites revealed as buyers of $800m of land to build utopian city (

After weeks of local speculation, the purchasers of 55,000 acres of northern California land have been revealed. The group Flannery Associates – backed by a cohort of Silicon Valley investors – has quietly purchased $800m worth of agricultural and empty land, the New York Times has reported. Their goal is to build a utopian...


Lol again with this? Wealthy fucks have been trying this since the 1700s. It never works.

deweydecibel, (edited )

Regardless of where the loss in users is coming from the major takeaway here is that we are firmly in a reinvestment phase.

Regardless? No, I’d say figuring out the reason is pretty important before any plans are moved on.

Luckily, there’s more than enough talk about Lemmy both here and on Reddit that you can read to give you an understanding of why exactly Lemmy isn’t growing. And I don’t believe appealing to Mastodon users is addressing the most pertinent of them: from the perspective of reddit users that aren’t already here, this place is a confusing mess filled with bickering instances, empty communities, and no content, all of which is much more complicated to access than the idea of lemmy that was initially sold to them.

They don’t want to think about instances or federation or admin squabbles. They just want a social network like reddit. Whether or not they want centralization, they at least want the outward appearance and usability of one. If you’re telling them they have to set up more than 1 account on different instances, you’ve already lost them.

I don’t know how, maybe a front end or an app or something, but somehow this all has to be simplified and unified dramatically to get most of their attention. There especially needs to be a way for users to see everything they want to see in one place, regardless of which instance they’re on and the mentality of its admins.

I think we should also strongly prefer specialized instances like or to truly take advantage of the special attention these sorts of instances are capable of providing particular topics. As it stands only a handful of them have enough broader threadiverse activity to be truly useful.

Are you going to host them? You can maybe get people to volunteer as mods but this notion of “every topic is its own instance” is entirely dependant on there being one person for each individual community being willing to host an instance and maintain it themselves, in perpetuity.

But the vast majority of people have neither the knowledge, time, resources, or desire to do this. And even if they did, there’s no guarantee that person has the mentality to admin an instance. The last thing we need is finding the one person that’s willing to host an instance for some niche interest turning out to be a complete asshole and ruining the place.

Think about how many reddit head mods just fucked off for months at a time. What happens when an instance admin does that?

But more importantly, what are you going to draw them here with? Why would they bother? What’s the sales pitch? What do they gain?


I heard it played out exactly like the opening scene from Dark Knight Rises, too.


Perhaps he’s wondering why you would shoot a man before throwing him out of an airplane?


Surprising no one. You can’t even autosave files in Office software anymore unless you use OneDrive.


It’s been, what,two months?

Are we seriously trying to create an arbitrary divide and pick fights already?


You got to it before I did. This whole thread is your typical asking a question as way to sound off about something else in the comments. Dude is grumpy and needs people to see.


“lemmy users”, most people here have been here for barely 2 months. The site doesn’t have a defined culture yet, if it ever will given its fragmentation.

I get that you can’t stand having to see opinions you disagree with, but you’re really trying to prop up some punching bag here that doesn’t exist.


People liking Linux is ruining your enjoyment of a FOSS platform?


Frankly, if you’re still all-in on the Windows or Apple ecosystem, there’s no way to pull you to Linux.

The best Linux spokesmen has been Microsoft lately. I’m not using it because I necessarily want to. I’m using it because I won’t tolerate the other options at this point.


Sure, but I don’t see how that’s an issue with the people suggesting Linux? If you can’t use it, ok, but there’s no reason why they’re going to assume that.


I mean…we have quite a bit of evidence of at this point that Google and Microsoft are creating problems for the future of the internet and technology in general.

I won’t say they’re the literal devil but I can’t say I’d argue with anyone that says they are.


Linux isn’t about the fandom, though. If someone is interested in a third option for OS, they will seek Linux because that’s what it is, not because the fandom attracted them to it.


There’s already shared bannlists in the works.


Except most of them will never be “there” without support, but also because the commercial options have the resources to out develop them at every turn.

And the truth is, maybe it needs to be more about ideals. Not caring about them is why we are seeing the current trends we’re seeing: people put convenience above choosing to support something they believe in. That’s why Chromium is everything now. That’s why Windows is increasingly shitified and anti-competitve with no serious consequences. If the average user was a bit more idealistic, maybe there’d actually be a movement to push back on these trends. But they don’t.


Then downvote them and move on, man. You’re complaining about people using the platform they believe in to talk about something else they believe in. They’re not doing anything wrong, and whether or not it annoys you is not anyon else’s concern but your own.

That’s why there a voting system.


That’s just being obtuse. Reddit does, in fact, have better content. You wouldn’t say a restaurant has shitty food because you don’t like the decor.


Same dog piling happens on lemmy as it did in reddit. You try to introduce any nuance for discussion on a circle jerk thread, and it’s down vote knee reactions.

This isn’t a reddit or Lemmy problem. It’s just what humans do. If your looking for a platform where you’ll never encounter this, you’ll be looking forever.


Bad thing? It’s not a bad thing. It’s an unobtainable thing for many.

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