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Why not just find a different website reporting the story with a better headline? Rather than sharing the one with the headline you fear is misleading?


Yes, not subsidized…and therefore pricy.


If they allow you to do that without any loss in functionality.


That doesn’t track at all. Libraries are awesome, people talk about them frequently online, especially in academia-related spaces. You don’t think college students talk about libraries?

I know we have a lot of peg-legged folk around here, but for those that have no idea how to sail, libraries are a fantastic resource. In fact there’s some evidence to suggest Gen Z is pretty big on libraries.


It all reads hollow because there is no “I”. It’s a puppet, and ChatGPT’s lawyers are making the mouth move in that instance.


It all reads hollow because there is no “I”.

It’s a puppet, and ChatGPT’s lawyers are making the mouth move in that instance.


Sure, terms change meaning over time, but that’s not what happened.

It’s called AI because it’s a product being sold to us. They want us to believe it’s more advanced than it is.

Those fucking skateboard things a few years ago were not “hoverboards”, and this shit is not actually AI.

Because if it is, then the term AI has become meaningless.


Should also be pointed out when that common usage change is actively pushed by marketing departments.

These people are selling a product. Of course they would encourage people to think it’s actual AI.


Except you can’t just pretend like every single business’ expenses are legit, nor can you ignore the fact that the thing they’re selling is our content.

Meta wants $17 bucks. For what? They’re not making shit. My friends posts the content, for free.

So what’s the $17 bucks for? How much of that is going toward executive bloat and other garbage? How much is going towards their PR team, their marketing, their fucking lobbyists??

When I donate a few bucks a month to the open source apps I use, I know that money is going to the people that created and maintain the thing.

This shit is about keeping these companies and their investors rich. It has fuck all to do with keeping the lights on, it’s soley about keeping the line going up.

And again, all of this, and they’re not even making the damn content.


No business that has investors has any right to claim any of this is about operating expenses.


You can still use the APK of the version before the buyout. That’s what I’m doing until I find a mature replacement


How many people actually celebrate them, though? Like, percentage wise? The media maybe, out of a perverse sense of tradition, but the people?

Most people seem to range from festering hatred of the institution to indifference. Maybe enjoyment of the spectacle, or a dated reverence for an office that has long lost any true meaning, but actually celebrating them? Feels like that’s something you don’t find too much.


You know dogs tend to move if you call them.

Also, just because we can see the dog through the window doesn’t mean the dog is obstructing it entirely. The driver would be looking down at that window from above, and at an angle. Entirely likely there’s more than enough space to see through the gap between dog and window.



Are you under the assumption Joe Biden is some sort of wizard?


It’s basically just for your playlists, favorites, and watch history. “Library” never made much sense for that tab anyway.


When it provides all the same functionality and navigablility as Play Music, it will be on a roll.

As long as it keeps trying to game all of Spotify’s terrible choices, it will always be subpar.


Artificial engagement only gets you so far.

I only say something when I have something to say. If I don’t, then it becomes a chore.


That data isn’t nothing, either. Over ten years ago, Target was able to use shoppers habits to determine when women were pregnant, sometimes even before the women knew.…/shopping-habits.html

Imagine how much more robust this has gotten 10 years later.


I mean, Supreme Court appointments are for life, what RBG did was not at all unusual. Age is also not nearly as much of problem on the court, because the whole point of it is to be stable, not rotating constantly like Congress.

It’s that she didn’t retire during Obama’s tenure when she could be safely replaced by someone other than a white male rapist that people generally criticized, not that she served on the court until death.


Dear lord, finally. Something compact, simple, without needless wasted space.

Honest to god right angles.

I’ve found my permanent Lemmy app.

deweydecibel, (edited )

Sync launched with a subscription, and only after the kickback from that did it add a one time charge option. An option priced much higher than Boost, by the way.

People were right to push back on that.

Also, the public transit example doesn’t fit here. If I paid for the bus with my bus fare, or through my taxes, yes, being upset about the ads would be ok, because I already paid for the service. Same way I wouldn’t appreciate ads in the backseat of an Uber.

deweydecibel, (edited )

It also “crashed” and restarted for me on first boot, but has not done so again. Working nice and stable.


I use reddit/lemmy like a forum. I’ll go back to the thread and see the responses later when I feel like it. Stopped looking at my inbox in 2016, no regrets.

Incidentally, redditors that don’t want to turn on mobile notifications are probably going to have to start doing that too, given what they just did to the reddit app.


Seeing a lot of complaints about the lack of swiping to upvote/downvote. Which is just hysterical to me because it’s just a tap on boost for the vote controls, which is less movement.




It wasn’t a labor of love if he was charging for it, it just had a “small time dev” feel. A dev that just happens to have a fanclub encouraging every single decision he makes, no matter how dumb.

Let’s also not forget he tried to make it a subscription at release, only to quickly walk that back once people got pissed. He claims it was always the plan to have a one time charge, but seeing as how he wants as able to add it within 24 hours, there’s no real reason why it couldn’t have been there at release date except that he didn’t want it to be.


This is why you always have a customer service team. You need a layer of people that can actually have a modicum of respect for the user base between them and the devs, or at least the illusion of it.

There’s some FOSS software I’d be happy to support financially if it weren’t for how rude and unhelpful the devs and their chosen spokespersons are. I won’t name them and start fights, but if you’re here on self hosted, you might have an idea who I’m talking about. I know it’s hard work and they’re doing it for free but the poorly-conceiled contempt for users that have anything to say except “Thanks, your the best” is a very ugly look, and it’s unfortunately pretty common. It’s not endearing, makes me less likely to want to help out.

deweydecibel, (edited )

I can’t remember exactly what it was (Emby?) but I distinctly remember one time having my ticket closed because they scoured the log and found mention of a torrented file. They basically had rules that stated if the logs showed evidence of certain things, they’d outright refuse to assist you. Not sure how common that is though.

Sometimes there’s also just file or directory names I’d rather not reveal. So I’ll do a find/replace with some generic titles. But nothing gets deleted outright.


they are moving in a positive direction, but the ads, bloat, spyware, needs to go

They’re going nowhere. It’s making money, Microsoft is using that income to offset development cost instead of just selling the OS at a flat reasonable rate. It’s part of the Windows business model now.

Windows is entrenched, they own most of the business world, they will never face serious kickback for their design decisions. Not at this point. Not until Gen Z gets old enough and numerous enough to start pushing workplaces to adopt Apple, and that’s an even worse direction.

This isn’t ever going to change. The only thing they’ll do is give tools to Enterprise editions for businesses to control the install, and only via Azure, at a price point far too high for the average user. Anything less than Enterprise will be locked down and monetized to hell and back.

Effectively, if you’re not a business, you will not have true control over Windows. Users no longer get to be admins. You have to pay for that privilege.


If you’re gonna buy into the Microsoft ecosystem with a subscription service and a Microsoft Account, you’ll be stuck with their trash. Should maybe consider what else might “break Gamepass” in the future (purely by accident of course).

Like how if you don’t want OneDrive, whoops, now your Office documents can’t autosave. Better put OneDrive back like a good consumer and here’s some ads about increasing storage, you’re welcome.


A lot of people don’t seem to understand that each individual bit of data is often not valuable in itself, but it is as part of a whole.

Basically, everything there is to know about you is a jigsaw puzzle. Many companies out there want that finished image, so they pay a premium for each individual piece of the jigsaw, and the companies you give your data to everyday are selling those pieces.


Would they have all still fought against him?

I know this is No Stupid Questions but…come on.

Why on Earth would the Avengers react any differently? Is the assumption that they’re morally bankrupt enough to actually reconsider in this scenario? That somehow letting “stupid” people be murdered is ever, in any way, acceptable?

deweydecibel, (edited )

I’m frankly astonished anyone could genuinely think the Avengers would ever somehow be more ok with letting Thanos kill “only the stupid people”. Like…that’s a very strange read on these characters to think they’d ever react any differently in this scenario.

But even if they were so morally and ethically bankrupt to think it may not be such a bad idea, the truth is killing “the dumber 50%” is still causing catastrophic secondary effects. People would lose loved ones. That’s enough of a reason to go Avenging.

Hell, how are we defining “dumb”? Because you may have just murdered every child under a certain age.


He talked about how he thought that supposedly objective IQ tests were generally a series of gates designed by people already considered intelligent to keep themselves in power, and that they totally disregarded huge swaths of indispensable human knowledge and talent.

Modern psychology supports this, too. IQ tests are bullshit, and intelligence is not something that can be reasonably quantified in any meaningful sense without an insane amount of asterisks.

Also…are we counting kids? Because you’d probably find kids are consistently beneath the 50% line on any generic intelligence measuring criteria someone makes up.


It wasn’t just humans, it was the whole universe. He wasn’t concerned with how each individual species’ populations would fluctuate, he just had a solution in his head and went with it.

Ya know, the “mad Titan” thing.


To be fair, it’s in German. Entirely likely whatever automated flagging the admins used on the other post isn’t working on non-English ones.

Still, it’s a fair thing to point out.


Not the same thing as writing the scripts.


"I don’t want to hear whining from these companies that they can’t afford to pay workers what they’re worth,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said on the Senate floor Thursday.

Senator Brown is the last thing I have to be proud of as an Ohioan. And he’s retiring, almost certainly to be replaced by a Republican.

deweydecibel, (edited )

That’s fantastic news. It’s so lame how there hasn’t been any serious move to take wikis off Fandom and make them independent or even just on another platform. Fandom is just the worst, and it’s terrible that Google suggests it as the top result now over the independent wikis.

Like, Bulbapedia is head and shoulders a better resource than the Fandom Pokemon wiki. It’s been around forever, it’s very active, it has far more information, yet Google always suggests Fandom first anytime I do a Pokemon related search. It’s gross.

If anyone ever gets annoyed at Wikipedia asking for donations, go spend time on Fandom with ad blockers off, and remember that’s the end result of public information wikis relying on ads.


Probably because in this day and age, network news is far less important than it was when ABC was bought? At this point, why would they care what ABC runs? They’ve got more than enough sympathetic news orgs on their side.

deweydecibel, (edited )

For those of us who live in the land of Google Pixel products or even the higher-end Samsung Galaxy gadgets, let me illuminate you on what these low-end Galaxy A-this-and-that models are all about:

They are, to use the technical term, steaming hot piles of garbage — truly terrible all-around user experiences with bloated software, subpar performance, and virtually no ongoing software support.

And when the vast majority of people in the world are associating Android with those types of devices, combined with Apple’s artfully forced perception of Android being the lesser platform that can’t keep up with its magical messaging standards, it’s no wonder folks think Android is awful. Honestly, can you blame 'em?!

The irony of talking about Apple snobbery, when high-end android snobbery is just as bad. You see it all the time around /r/android.

You know why those phones are “popular”? They’re affordable and do what those people need them to do. I know it’s hard to understand but not every person that buys a phone is an enthusiast. They don’t care about any of this, they just want something that works.

The central thesis of this article almost comes off as blaming android’s perception on poor people or people that don’t use Pixels. In fact that’s almost explicit:

With no disrespect to anyone who genuinely enjoys Samsung’s approach to Android, I’ve heard from countless people who have made the switch from a Galaxy phone to a Pixel over the years, and virtually every single one of ‘em has sung the same tune: “Wow! I had no idea Android could be this good. I had no idea what I was missing.”

That’s the Android experience Google needs ordinary tech-totin’ people be aware of. But when the term “Android” is associated with so much bottom-of-the-barrel, godawful garbage, it’s damn-near impossible to break free from that and create a positive perception.

If he’s actually heard from “countless” people that “I had no idea Android could be this good” after using a Pixel, I’ll eat this Motorola phone im holding.

You know what the actual beauty of Android is? Choice. The worst thing that could happen is every Android user just starts using Pixel.

deweydecibel, (edited )

It certainly could, and it likely did many times. But some will survive, and they’ll rebuild. That’s the simple answer.

The Sentinelese are a good example. It wasn’t a a hurricane, but the 2004 Indian Earthquake and Tsunami seemingly wiped out a portion of their already small tribe, if you take the census numbers as factual, (but that’s really hard to gauge). But it survived, and it’s growing still.

The more complicated answer involves probability (yes they may be hit with a hurricane but how bad was it, was it a direct hit, etc). It’s basic survivorship bias: we know where a lot of indigenous pre-industrial villages existed and/or still exist in modern forms, because those are the ones that didn’t get blown away.

But beyond that, most of these indigenous people just…adapted. It depends on where we’re talking exactly, but certain peoples found ways to ride out storms and then passed that knowledge down through generations. Native Americans in the south east knew the signs of hurricanes and prepared for them. They found the shelter they could, moved inland, sought higher ground, etc. Fate did the rest.

There’s also some evidence to suggest we make hurricanes worse by the way we build our cities. Pavement, for example, collects water that must then runoff somewhere, hence more flooding. Obviously not an issue for indigenous tribes that live with the land. They know where the flood plains are. In fact many tribes warned Europeans when they tried to settle in areas that would get flooded during hurricane season.


Yeah, you caught it already, but I was gonna say, however good Microsoft has been about this before is irrelevant, because going forward their intentions are very clear with how little they care for backwards compatibility. The fact we have, what, 2 more years of Windows 10 support when most people still use it and can’t update to 11 tells you all you need to know.

TikTok is blocking searches for WGA amid the ongoing writers strike (

Users on TikTok searching for “WGA” are met with a screen claiming that the phrase “may be associated with behavior or content that violates our guidelines.” No videos return. Users are also unable to search for the “WGA” hashtag....


Fediverse is the best collective action I can think of against this kind of censorship.

The ideal if the Fediverse, yes. The reality of it, with Lemmy in particular, is that we have admins with the power to censor or curate as they wish, and while they may not be able to censor the entire fediverse, if they control a large chunk of it, it still has an effect on what users can see.

deweydecibel, (edited )

It really needs to be pinned to the top of every single discussion around chatgbt:

It does not give answers because it knows. It gives answers because it thinks it looks right.

Remember back in school when you didn’t study for a test and went through picking answers that “looked right” because you vaguely remember hearing the words in Answer B during class at some point?

It will never have wisdom and intuition from experience, and that’s critically important for doctors.

deweydecibel, (edited )

I’m not too concerned. They can get medicine to him, so as long as that works and his condition improves enough, they can get him out.

If the medicine doesn’t work and whatever issues he’s facing deteriorates further, then there’s a real problem.

Of course the real nightmare is if he’s developed a chronic health issue, he’ll have to get treated for the rest of his life, here in the States. I’d wish that fate on no one.

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