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Android bugs go to the maintainers of that specific device or of the custom ROM installed on it.

Using the unaltered version that was installed on the device when you bought it? Reports go to the manufacturer usually.

Unless it’s a carrier branded version, like a Verizon or Tracfone provided phone, in which case bug reports go to them. But frankly, don’t bother, and for the love of all things holy spend a little more money and stop buying carrier branded phones.

For custom ROMs, bug reports go to wherever the maintainers of that ROM ask bug reports be submitted. Usually Git, XDA forums, their website, or their Discord/Telegram channel. And fuck that last one, because hiding bug reports and other information in non-indexed places like Discord is making this more difficult for everyone.


I could give a shit what they call it. How about enforcing some god damn price restrictions or make data caps illegal? Speed means little otherwise


The more I look at the icon, the more confused I am by it. Is it a pumpkin head, or a pumpkin mask? The ears are sticking through and there’s a cut out for the nose so I’m guessing mask, but then what the hell happened to its eye? Does the mask turn half your face evil, or did some asshole jab him in the eye?

Or…is it implied he’s like a Frankenstein’s monster under there, cause of the green ears?


Well, first off, “free” is not a requirement for a 3rd place, but even if we accept that the best third places are free, that doesn’t make ones where money is involved bad by default.

The difference is between paying admission or membership dues like gyms usually require vs a public space where there’s an expectation you will buy something but it’s not a requirement for entry, and it’s not the only thing to do there.

Stores don’t work because the purpose of being there is to buy things, so there’s nothing else to do, and no other acceptable behavior beyond maybe some chit chat.

But at a cafe, the seating area is designed for you to just chill and do other things besides ponder what you’re going to buy next. The seating areas are open and there’s an expectation a purchase is made, but you can order nothing while a person with you orders something, or you can order something small and cheap, and get the same level of access as anyone. That’s a very low barrier of entry for a place that is purpose made for social activity.

Same is true of bars. You need to buy something, sure, but the place is designed for social activity, not just reading the menu.


Your original comment is equally as asinine, bud.

You literally suggested Linux has not grown because of the community, as if to say every single day thousands of Windows users are booting up their first distros only to be chased away by a toxic community. The only thing holding it back from a boom in users is, what, discord channels?

Because most people actually want to learn from people not a 10,000 word man page written by a robot

So…users don’t want to read, and that’s somehow the Linux community’s fault? Nevermind the fact there’s plenty of very simple and short video guides to help with this.

Look, I’m not going to convince you of anything, you’ve got your mind made up, so whatever. But you’re really reaching here to make a point without any actual evidence. At least have the decency to make some bullshit up like “I’ve spoken with a lot of people that say” or something.


Most Linux fanboys don’t think Linux will ever truly overtake Windows, just that it has the potential to cut into their market share.


Depends on your needs, I guess. I despise Microsoft with every fiber of my being, and OSX’s certainly less openly annoying, but many of the things I hate about the current trajectory of windows are straight out of Apple’s playbook.

To put it simply, I won’t accept any platform that doesn’t respect that I’m the admin of the device. And I’m more than willing to suffer less “clean” experiences to retain this.


It’s not just about UX, though. It’s fundamental design philosophy. I care far less about a poor UI than I do about whether or not the OS allows me to do something about it.


When did we “have the chance”? You seriously believe Occupy had the “chance” to destroy Wall Street? I’m down with the spirit of it but please tell me you don’t genuinely believe this was possible.

Putting aside the ethics of destroying the thing that most people’s retirement is tied too without any workable alternative in place (among countless other negative consequences for the average person), you understand the buildings aren’t horcruxes, right?


Expect…no? Like, copyright gets abused a lot, but it’s still used for its intended purpose of protecting small time creators and artists all the time.


So what you’re suggesting is the artists should make a set income, determined by the legislature.

And then create lots of free art that isn’t copyrighted.

So that a corporation can come along, take their art, and use it compared with their superior distribution and marketing to make more profit off of it than the artist ever could, without paying them.

Sounds like a flawless system.


All of which is your work.

They’re suggesting UBI in place of copyright. So all that work your doing right now could be stolen by others and sold for cheaper than you would sell it, without your permission. So companies like Disney can just take it and put it in a movie or something, without paying you.

All you would get would be your UBI, they would get the profit.


Yeah, generally, I prefer stuff like this to get preserved for historical value, just out of public view.

But many of these things are rallying points for hate right now, and the value of actually destroying that in the present outweighs the value to any historian or student of history in the future.

This one in particular. History won’t miss it. Burn the fucker.


The saddest thing is that as I get older, I find my recall starting to fail. I’m struggling more and more to pull facts I know that I know. The deluge of information coming from my yammering maw is increasingly choppy and punctuated by trying to remember exact bits of info.

deweydecibel, (edited )

You can make the argument the joke there isn’t so much that being trans is weird or wrong, it’s in the juxtaposition between where it starts and where it ends up. The singer starts with a very masculine stereotype and shifts drastically into a feminine one to the point it confuses other masc stereotypes who reject him. The singer didn’t read the room and went way off the rails.

Not the best justification, I know, but it doesn’t feel especially hostile towards trans, just using it as an irresponsible punchline in a joke about traditional masculinity vs feminity, which was typical of the time.

deweydecibel, (edited )

He’s basically just railed against cancel culture and what he sees as forced diversity in media. In the Chappelle vein, where they’ve convinced themselves they’re not transphobic, just against “censorship”.

Now, to be fair, Gilliam was always the most defiant, aggressively anti-establishment guy of a group who are all pretty anti-establishment. He’s very much made a career off of being transgressive and pushing back on those that tell him no. So this isn’t exactly unusual for him. “Cancel culture”, to a 70 year old man who made a name for himself by being anti-censorship at a time when you could barely curse on television, would certainly feel like a familiar type of “authority” that they’ve spent their whole careers defying.

That’s not an excuse, but it’s also why I stopped expecting better from the legacy entertainers of that time who are all pushing 80. They’ve progressed about as much as they’re going to in their lifetime. Just take away the microphone before they hurt themselves (or anyone else) because you’re not going to change them.


you have absolutely no right to complain

I was with you until this. This is the kind of handwaving devs use to shield themselves from criticism for idiotic choices. There’s “you’re not entitled to support or to have your requests taken seriously if you aren’t supporting development” and there’s “don’t you dare voice a negative opinion on anything I’ve done”.

I’ve lost count of how many slack or discord channels I’ve been in where devs seem to take basic feedback as a personal attack.


This was a preliminary hearing, too. They can’t even use the excuse that the justice system has failed them and they need to take matters into their own hands, because the justice system had not had an actual chance to do anything yet.

Like, for fucks sake, he’s there, in the court room, about to face justice and you idiots can’t even wait to see how it plays out first? Would the world end if he didn’t take a beating right that second?



The trial hadn’t even taken place yet.

Are we seriously so bloodthirsty and shortsighted we can’t even pretend to give a shit about due process anymore?


Plenty of things have been removed from Spotify or just bastardized over the years.

The app is so much less useful overall, so many controls are just gone. It’s exhibit A for the dumbing down of modern apps. It went from being mature software designed to give users tools to control their experiences to a ranch designed solely to corral users into singular usage patterns.

deweydecibel, (edited )

They took free features away, so yeah, it’s reasonable to assume they’d be upset.

Let’s also remember it’s ad supported. The idea was you got the app as it was with or without ads, but now the app itself is pay walled.

If that’s Spotify’s biggest complaint then you know they’re doing pretty good.


Depends on the model, and even if you can get a custom rom on it, some of them will lose certain features with an unlocked bootloader. It’s not impossible to unlock them, but Samsung will kick and scream and break shit the whole way. That’s why it’s best to aim for a manufacturer that will allow bootloader unlocking. Pixel, Motorola, Sony, and I think most of the others will help you unlock the bootloader or at the very least won’t stop you. Samsung is easily the most spoiled child of the lot.


What about private trackers that monitor your ratio? Can they still see that?


Why are all these comics double watermarking?


That “How dare you!” is unnecessary. Let the punchline stand on it’s own, it doesn’t need reactions.


It won’t “rise again” but the spirit of it absolutely has resurfaced in other forms, and will continue too so long as a significant number of people in this country identify with white supremacy and abject hatred.

The original KKK were effectively the remnants of the Confederate army + new recruits. And it’s continued to find new banners in the generations since.


New versions of Android are effectively breaking file managers, “for security”


Not with the right file manager. That’s the whole point: on iOS, you don’t have any options. On Android, the file system is available, and you can use non-default tools for it.

The problem is people utterly refusing to think outside the defaults.


You paid for an Apple product. This is the ecosystem you choose to locked yourself into.

deweydecibel, (edited )

So basically, if there’s any app where the developer releases a Play Store version, but also has a separate non-Play Store version with added functionality that goes against the Play Store’s ToS, Play Protect is going to remove it from your device?

Not flag it, or remove permissions, or freeze it, just straight remove it.

So for example, the Private Internet Access VPN app has a play store version without the ad and tracker blocking functionality, because that goes against the Play Store TOS. But you can get the full version with the ad blockers as an APK from the official website.

Is Play Protect gonna nix that, too?


Can’t you still disable it? I’m still sitting on 11, LineageOS, enjoying my file explorer, so I have no idea what they’ve changed recently with 12 or 13, but I have Play Protect disabled. Never a peep from it.


The watermark in the 2nd panel feels excessive.

deweydecibel, (edited )

It could just ask before removing shit. Remove the permissions, freeze the app, prompt the user to confirm they meant to install it from somewhere other than the playstore. Hell, since it can detect F-Droid is installed, maybe use some context clues and ask the user to confirm this app was installed from there?

More importantly, can you tell it to ignore certain apps? I don’t know, I’ve had Play Protect turned off forever. If not, that’s absolutely asshole design.

A company cancels its plans to recover more Titanic artifacts. Its renowned expert died on the Titan (

The decision could impact a looming court battle between the company and the U.S. government, which has been trying to stop the 2024 mission. U.S. attorneys have said the firm’s original plans to enter the ship’s hull would violate a federal law that treats the wreck as a gravesite....

deweydecibel, (edited )

It’s worth pointing out that the Titanic is literally disintegrating. Bacteria is eating away the steel. They even named it after the ship: halomonas titanicae.

The wreck will soon be gone or severely dimished to the point it’s unrecognizable. Certain things will definitely remain, but the structure will not.

And frankly, good. The ocean floor has no obligation to maintain our trash in pristine order for us to gawk at. Let the wreck vanish into history.


I can’t believe people are still watermarking memes like this. How many years out from Ebaumsworld and still people don’t get how annoying and trashy it is.


The problem is largely the structure of our democracy. The left shows up, they showed up more in the last decade than they ever have. And we’re still sliding backward.

Because the way our idiotic system works, the number of people that show up matter less than the zip code they show up in.


Not on iOS. Every browser on iOS is effectively just a skin for safari. There is no true Firefox for iPhone, or chrome for that matter.

If you’re using an iPhone, you willingly surrendered your freedom of choice. This is what you paid for.


Don’t use iOS.

I mean, that’s it. That’s your only option. On iOS, Safari is the only real choice you have.


Too many people only care about the openweb or shitty companies in the comments. They have no fucking willpower, no patience, and no follow through. Their complaints are utterly meaningless because they utterly refuse to stick to their guns.

There’s one and literally only one browser that actually stands for all the things the most vocal people around here claim to care about.

Yet, they use Brave.


People suggest this all the time, but it’s only useful if you’re the only one who is going to be accessing your library externally. Otherwise you have to get family or friends who you let access your server to use it anytime they want to stream, and that’s far easier said than done. They have to know what they’re doing.

It also means they can’t stream on their smart TVs or streaming boxes. You know, the things most people will want to watch this content on.


It’s not just popups, it’s the irrelevant bullshit that clutters up the UI.

It’s that they’re “pushing”. A lot of people have an inherent dislike of having shit pushed on them, regardless of how extreme or avoidable it is. Plex absolutely pushes their services in the way they design their UI.

It’s your library, afterall. It’s your computer doing the work, your Internet connection being streamed from, your network it’s running on. It’s not unreasonable to want your library to not be put next to garbage you didn’t put there.

Also, your kidding yourself if you don’t think Plex is going to get progressively worse and more pushy. They are on a very clear trajectory, it’s just a matter of time.


Yep, and the Patriot act made us all safer. /s

deweydecibel, (edited )

The article itself heavily focuses on the child porn, too. It only mentions the word incest 3 time, once at the top (the opening lines are typically a reiteration of the headline), and then twice in the same paragraph later on, but it mentions child porn numerous times. The writer clearly understood what the most significant thing was.

I think this is one of those cases where the writer submitted the article but the editor, for whatever dumb reason, altered the title. That’s not unusual nowadays, editors will change titles for SEO and engagement purposes all the time, and I’ll bet they’re using LLM’s to assist now. It’s just that usually there’s an obvious reason. Take an article one of your journalists wrote, give it a clickbait headline, hit submit. This is odd because it does the exact opposite.

I think the other comment has the right idea: there’s a good change search and social media algorithms are hiding or dropping the rankings of titles that explicitly mention CSAM.


Yes but IP is less useful nowadays as a way to identify users. VPNs are commonplace now, everyone has at least two or three IPs (their home, their mobile, their work/school), more than one person can be using the platform in the same place, etc.

Not to say they don’t pay attention to that but it’s not enough on it’s own.


That was possible on Reddit too. Every single sub with overbearing mods could have been replaced at any time with an alternative. A bunch of alternatives tried to get off the ground, some succeeded more than others, but most never overcame the original, if they ever picked up at all.

It’ll be the same way here. If the community doesn’t leave the original home because they’re “settled there”, alternatives will not grow.

This entire migration from Reddit should make it it very, very plain how utterly impossible it is to get large groups of users to move. Reddit is all but whipping them with jumper cables right now and they’re still using it.

You can’t just expect communities to move because the admins suck. You have to actually attract them there.

deweydecibel, (edited )

All of the images in the survey were either generated by AI and then curated by humans, or they were generated by humans and then curated by humans.

Unless they explained that to the participants, it defeats the point of the question.

When you ask if it’s “artist or AI”, you’re implying there was no artist input in the latter.

The question should have been “Did the artist use generative AI tools in this work or did they not”?


Kids hate talking on the phone so much they’d rather get help from YouTube than call 911.

That’s only partially a joke.

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