@denissimo@feddit.de avatar


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hello! here’s your fabulous prize for opening up this page! (nothing)

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@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

me but opus instead of mp3 and ViMusic instead of Spotify

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Zeit: Bereite dich für morgen vor, so kannst du länger und sorgefreier schlafen.

Geld: Denke nach bevor du was kaufst, Angebot oder nicht, besonders Dinge die du in Echt nicht anfassen kannst: Digitale Güter muss man nicht immer kaufen.

Zeit und Geld: Hol dir Sodastream. Glaub mir, Pfand abgeben dauert länger als für ein paar Köpfe zu sprudeln und das Aldi-Sirup sowie CO2 reicht. Unser Leitungswasser ist super und unfassbar viele Leute wissen es nicht.

Auch: uBlock Origin und YouTube ReVanced, weil das Leben zu kurz für Werbung ist und dein (Mindenst-)Lohn zu schade für Großkonzerne ist.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Moin. Mein Preis geht nochmals an Oral-B. Ich mag mein Pro 3500 den es für 30€ dank Mydealz gab, nachdem meine Krücke endlich nicht mehr wollte. Köpfe passen wie vor 10 Jahren. Falls die Köpfe zu teuer ausfallen gibts auch Plagiate bei Action (die auch taugen).

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

80 Puppen? Mini HDMI und wegen Adapter noch mehr ausgeben? Schade. 3B reicht. Sonst gibts genug PCs in der Müllhalde, verbrauchen aber etwas mehr Strom.

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Working minimum wage or struggling with money for any reason shall not mean you cannot have nice things in life, never. So I do the thing. Sometimes. Normalizing spending money into things you physically cannot touch is one thing i could get over with, like buying GOG (DRM free) games i’ll actually end up playing, but licenses to play a dang video game that is valid for god knows how long? This is where I draw the line.

Your friend is right: when them corpos suck us dry, we gotta suck em back. It is easy as that.

Furthermore: It’s not piracy when paying for it is not owning it.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

“When you walk into a classroom, you shouldn’t be able to identify the pupils’ religion just by looking at them,”

Sir I’m sorry but a abaya doesn’t prove someone is religious. You can wear one if you so please even if you’re not Islam. It’s just a dress.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

I fail to see why not. It’s just a dress. You shall wear whatever resonates with you.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

I don’t have the disposable income for ordering or even takeaway anymore and the fees only get worse from here. Learn how to cook. Impress your visitors. Get nice things in life with the savings.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Edge got a shitstorm for in-browser self ads on the chrome page, now in-browser censoring? The internet bows down to EU, sure, but one nosy country? If at all the official download links for France would be laced, but not anywhere else i.e. its gonna be yet another joykiller for normies, like… even the thought of maintainers pushing another release specificially for a country is laughable. That’s my assessment anyways. Signed

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

oi mate have you heard of ViMusic?

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

The future looks grim if that WEI thing comes to practice. But it’s my understanding that identifying the ‘undesired’ browser is done by fingerprinting? In that case you could just fake it by using JShelter, even fake the extensions you’re using. Not sure how they’re gonna fend Revanced if at all.

Stay strong everybody

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

If you got Android Smart TV that allows apk install, such as a fairly cheap FireTV Lite, check out SmartTubeNext. NewPipe or Revanced for mobile. Laugh the difficult in the face if you got the time and mood to try these out :)

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Yep. Why not take Mint/Pop/etc and actually be productive instead of solving the ever so trivial issues on cmd? Matter of taste

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

beh es punkt teh oh -> meister rasse

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

So isses. Session Messenger, irgendjemand?

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Wenn deine Adresse dort landet wo es nicht sollte, kannst du ihn löschen und die bestehenden Kontakte behalten. Das ist ne super Sache wenn du mit einem Gerät klarkommst. Danke

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Heftig. Du brauchst nicht mal Fleckzeug um schnell wegzukommen. Schon mal Kaugummi probiert? Am Loch meine ich. :D

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

machen mein tag du tust

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Ist das noch so ein Scherz wie Dogecoin oder macht er ernst? Ach ist doch egal, mit der Existenz von Mastodon ist Twitter nur Musks überteuerter Sandkasten mit einem Loch unten.

denissimo, (edited )
@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

bugmenot.com Du musst keinen Account für jede Seite erstellen, schütze deinen Spamordner und nimm dir hier einen

catbox.moe Dinge hochladen, temporär geht auch

fichub.net Fanfiction nach epub umwandeln

www.pdf24.org PDF bearbeiten

phcode.dev HTML und CSS coden mit Echtzeit fenster

radio.garden Du bist ein Alien und willst die Erde zerstören, hörst dir aber vorher unsere Radios

www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload Dinge auf Viren prüfen

geizhals.eu Preise vergleichen

Addendum: Ach ja Tools gibt es auch

Onlyoffice Mein bester Office mit DOCX kompatiblität. Auch bei Flathub

ShotCut Videos bearbeiten. Auch bei Flathub

Syncthing Crossplatform und hausgemachtes Gugel Dreif. Keine Daten mehr nach Großkonzernen hochzuladen kann erfrischend sein. Flathub Alternative ist Syncthing GTK

BloatyNosy Windows 11 debloaten mit 1 Klick

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Ein Hoch auf Redbubble-Piratie. Danke

Für Videos empfehle ich video2x. Schade nur dass seit 2 Jahren nichts passiert.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Kommt drauf an. Nicht alle wollen von Google vervolgt werden und Müll wie Shorts und Umfragen reinziehen, eher wesentliche sachen wie suchen/finden und produktiv bleiben. reVanced ist ohne Zweifel eine super Sache wenn man vom Vanilla nicht wegkommt, ich zB. :D

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Patcher. Vertraue bitte keine Seiten die fertige apk anbieten: ist wahrscheinlich Malware. Ich habe damals diese Anleitung genutzt.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Wie soll man sich das in Zukunft vorstellen? Whatsapp kommt so und sagt dass die Verschlüsselung abgeschafft wird? Wie auch immer, ist ehrlich gesagt gut so. Whatsapp wird weniger attraktiv und weg von Meta ist immer gut. Ist alles Werbung für Session Messenger und Element. :D

Die können nix mit den Alternativen machen, außer die Verbreitung zu stoppen. Indien hat es schon vorgemacht, während F-Droid unbeeindruckt da stand.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Jemand forkt Signal und stellt ihn in einer anderen Repo bereit, den Du bei F-Droid hinzufügen kannst

Scheint mir trotzdem meh, dass die zwingend meine Nummer haben möchten oder gibt es Kniffe, ausgenommen fake SIMs?

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Da fällt mir was ein: Discord hat schon CSS für fragwürdige Fotowerke, den man deaktivieren kann. Wir wissen also schon dass es Praxis per-App ist, aber noch nicht für Massenüberwachung.

So gesehen kann man CSS Toolkits in Apps von Play Store/App Store einschleusen, die nur per-App und nicht das ganze OS greifen wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe. So würde F-Droid Vorderhand gewinnen, in der Dysphoriewelt, wo CSS für Massenüberwachung genutzt wird…

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Redmi Note 11s oder 10 Pro kann man sich gut geben wenn man OLED, microSD, Klinke und IR Diode braucht, unter 200. Hat es schon jemand geschafft, GrapheneOS auf ein Redmi zu packen?

please download our app to see all allergens (feddit.de)

There are several websites like these that list the ingredients of x product before setting foot to x drug store, which is convenient. I didn’t use these in forever and something… changed, see for yourself. My go to site does appwall ingredients as a whole, but this here, yeah, this is AHD content alright.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

It would be so refreshing to get randomized non tracked ads just like in the ye ol free tv days. This shall be the new norm. But wait, i can’t have that, there’s a PiHole. :(

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Jonge zieh dir mal TempleOS rein.

Gott sprach einst zu Terry, er solle ein ganzes Betriebssystem erschaffen, nein, ersetze sogar C, und er hat geliefert. Terry wohnt nun seit 2018 bei Gott. Danke Terry

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Kommunisten sind immerhin umweltfreundlich und bilden Fahrgemeinschaften. Warum? “Unser Auto” :D

Einfach drollig sowas.

thank you Linux for giving a damn about Bluetooth headphones (feddit.de)

For context, LDAC is one of the few wireless audio codecs stamped Hi-Res by the Japan Audio Society and its encoder is open source since Android 8, so you can see just how long Windows is sleeping on this. I’m excited about the incoming next gen called LC3plus, my next pair is definitely gonna have that.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Yes, LDAC and multipoint do not mix hence I’m looking forward to LC3plus that replaces it. To be fair it’s not a big issue to roll back to AAC or even SBC to use multipoint, because you probably aren’t gonna notice a difference when you don’t listen to high res apps like Tidal. It also should be known that a good codec does not fix mediocre drivers and/or chips. Regardless, Linux shines in letting you use a feature you did pony up for. :)

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

I see, so Edifier and Soundcore shall do some homework as well: LDAC and multi point don’t work there either.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

Yes… I made double sure to mention ‘encoder’ between that.

Xiph really won the lossy codec scene with Opus and I transcoded all my junk to that format. Hitting (my personal) transparency on 128k vbr is flat out impressive and it warms my heart that corpos won’t have a reason to collect taxes for basic things like audio codec. However it’s a different story with bluetooth audio codec in which I hope will change.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

I use foobar2k via wine. Yes, you may stone me. Tip: You will save heaps of space by not embedding the cover on each file, just put a cover.jpg in the albums folder, virtually any player will pick it up.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

You all got a valid point… it’s just that mileage varies and x codec will sound better in y combination. If I remember right, AAC on Android is at times implemented differently than on it’s home Apple: The encoder would work with smaller bitrates to save battery. There must be a special synergy for max bitrate LDAC to sound worse than AAC, indeed. All in all my post is about being open minded and giving you the option to use a thing, rather than finding out what codec is universally the best: You virtually can’t, can you?

Why is Linux so frustrating for some people?

Don’t get me wrong. I love Linux and FOSS. I have been using and installing distros on my own since I was 12. Now that I’m working in tech-related positions, after the Reddit migration happened, etc. I recovered my interest in all the Linux environment. I use Ubuntu as my main operating system in my Desktop, but I always end...

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

This is like asking why manual or automatic is frustrating. You mostly use the thing you have grown up with and that’s it, particularly when you got bills to pay and there isn’t much free time unfortunately. If you put it into perspective, a massive amount of users already hold Linux in their hands and everyday life: Android. Nah let’s get back to computers.

IT class back in college taught a wee bit of Linux. I was one of the few who were interested and did what the teacher said, the rest played Hearthstone. Linux Mint is what intrigued me since high school. A wonderful OS that brings life to laptops too slow for Windows 7. But I’m still the cozy and unbothered person who sticks to Windows on their main machine. I just want to relax after a good days work and play Forza Horizon 5. However I do enjoy my Linux laptops that won’t run red hot just because of Windows Update, Defender, telemetry and other garbage. My love&hate about Linux is that there are so many distros to choose from. There were times when x is better than y and it was(still is) the devils circle: distro hopping. Today I’m cool with Ubuntu derivatives like Mint and Pop, along with Fedora and Suse, since a decade of having at least one Linux PC I still don’t find joy in advanced stuff like Arch. Anyway use the thing you are comfy with and don’t let anyone judge you, live your life. <3

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

No. That would defeat the purpose of me installing Linux in (old) laptops. Windows feels sluggish enough with a sea of bad things wanting your minimum wage and have Windows Defender prevent it but not all of it, obviously.

I put all my attention to prevention and set strict rules on the router. It can be as simple as setting the DNS to stuff like dnsforge.de or DIY it with PiHole with hosts lists of your hearts content that update itself weekly, I do the latter. Nothing beats a cross platform solution that protects every device in the network, if you’re after 100% performance. Of course you can still catch bad things, such as social engineering by email that happened over at Linus Tech Tips. You better stay vigilant no matter what solution you use and don’t sleep on making backups, which can be as simple and automated when you use Syncthing for example.

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

You’re right. Syncthing isn’t a backup tool per se and the devs even tell you that in the FAQ. But forgive me if I did preach about it anyway, because you can enable file versioning (keep old and deleted files on each host) which kind of makes it backup incase something bad happens? Anyway it is my set and forget solution for Linux, Android and Windows. If you could recommend me a alternative that ticks these boxes I’d appreciate that. :)

What is you backup tool of choice?

I don’t mean system files, but your personal and work files. I have been using Mint for a few years, I use Timeshift for system backups, but archived my personal files by hand. This got me curious to see what other people use. When you daily drive Linux what are your preferred tools to keep backups? I have thousands of...

@denissimo@feddit.de avatar

This is true if you leave it at defaults but I make use of file versioning. When you flick that one on, files that are otherwise replaced or deleted will actually move to a offline .stversions folder. That is very vital I must say in case a host catches some encryptor malware eheh

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