@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar


@[email protected]

Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Looks like they have no idea how to get their software working using Nix. The following blurb is absurd to most GUIX or Nix users:

NOTE: In most cases, end users should never compile fwupd from scratch; it’s a complicated project with dozens of dependencies (and as many configuration options) and there’s just too many things that can go wrong.

Users should just have fwupd installed and updated by their distro, managed and tested by the package maintainer. The distribution will have also done some testing with how fwupd interacts with other software on your system, for instance using GNOME Software.

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

I’m not pointing to a problem per se. I’m just saying that this dev dismissed the act of building this from scratch as impossible when it is not actually impossible. Honestly, I’m just trying to spread the word about Nix and GUIX because they make things that were previously considered impossible (like this) possible.

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

I can’t believe how many shitlibs there are in here, using this opportunity to guilt people with an actual conscience into voting for this piece of shit as if he has some sort of moral high ground.

What is the lesser evil when both the DNC and the GOP work directly for the exact same military industrial complex?

The real villain here is the system that makes any party outside of the two party system completely irrelevant: first-past-the-post.

We have two Republican parties. One of them just so happens to pretend better at being inclusive…but they secretly also wish that the poor could be burned to fuel their mega-yachts.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Oh no! I mean poopoo libs for those that can’t handle a little reality on neoliberalism. Ps. I’m not name calling. I’m making a point. BrooklynDad and Charlotte Clymer are examples of DNC shitlib’s from Twitter that did the exact same two party guilt trip.

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Your neoliberalism brings to Lemmy the worst toxicity from Twitter. Hold your head in shame.

I had missed being gaslighted by mature adults that also just so happened to be on the Progressive Policy Institute’s astroturfing payroll about being a horrible piece of shit if I didn’t hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils that screw their constituents in exactly the same way as the “bad guys” but do it with a smile. Go tell David Brock to transfer you to a new department.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Did you forget that I can see your comment history? I’m going to do the right thing and block you once you read this. Please try to keep in mind that you are a supposed leftist who likes to shame other leftists who aren’t willing to compromise like you are. If you consider me toxic for pointing that out, maybe go touch some grass and sign off for a while.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

I’ll grant you that.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Doesn’t it feel weird when someone tells you how they think you should act!?!?!? 🤣

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

I’m a tankie!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


If you care about nuance, I’m a libertarian socialist/anarcho syndicalist (Chomsky-ite) who thinks that democratic socialism MIGHT POSSIBLY lead to a more just society than the corruption extravaganza that we have. Sue me if I don’t fit the tech bro libertarian Jordan Peterson fanboi or fake leftist IT guy archetype that comprises the rest of the Lemmy population.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Hear hear!!! My sentiments exactly! Thanks for putting it into words better than I could have.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Maybe I should switch to hexbear. I feel like I’m on 2016 Twitter, arguing with Neera Tanden’s astroturfing PPI team and they’re trying to brainwash other leftists to think that Single Payer is somehow bad.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Of course! I’m just standing up to speak my mind. We all are allowed to vote exactly as we see fit. I live in MA where I have the opportunity to vote with my conscience, but in a place like AL, SC, or KY, my strategy wouldn’t be helpful to those groups of people.

The two party system makes democracy in the US an absolute sham.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Hilarious. Money corrupts all. Next up, an organization that wants to take the original Raspberry Pi’s goal and extend that open model to all parts of a computer system including the hardware. IMO, whoever wants to spend the up-front money to take over that role is going to get very, very rich.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar


I started a community for it at !darktable

There’s also Rawtherapee.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Let me be the first one to officially declare that day “Fuck Kamala-the-Cop Day”.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar


Here’s the text:

The off-duty US pilot who allegedly tried to shut down the engines of a plane in mid-air had taken magic mushrooms and thought he was having a nervous breakdown, court documents state.

Pilots wrestled Joseph Emerson out of the cockpit on Sunday after he is said to have lunged for controls that would have starved the engines of fuel and turned the plane into a glider.

Emerson, who told police he had not slept in 40 hours, also tried to open an emergency exit in the rear of the aircraft and had to be restrained by the cabin crew during an emergency landing.

“I pulled both emergency shutoff handles because I thought I was dreaming and I just want to wake up,” Emerson told police, according to a criminal complaint.

Emerson and the investigating officer “talked about the use of psychedelic mushrooms and Emerson said it was his first time taking mushrooms”.

The 44-year-old was arrested on Sunday evening after the Alaska Airlines flight made an emergency landing in Portland, Oregon. He is charged with 83 counts of attempted murder.

Emerson had boarded the flight - which was operated by Horizon Air - between Everett, Washington, and San Francisco, sitting in the jump seat of the cockpit, in line with airline policy for non-working staff.

A short way into the journey, after chatting with the pilots, “Emerson attempted to grab and pull two red fire handles that would have activated the plane’s emergency fire suppression system and cut off fuel to its engines”, the Department of Justice said.

“After a brief physical struggle with the pilots, Emerson exited the cockpit.”

Emerson, pictured on a previous flight, has been ‘removed from service indefinitely’ On Monday, Alaska Airlines said pilots had reacted quickly to reverse the handles and the aircraft had landed safely.

“During the flight’s descent, Emerson tried to grab the handle of an emergency exit. A flight attendant stopped him by placing her hands on top of his,” the Department of Justice said.

“Flight attendants placed Emerson in wrist restraints and seated him in the rear of the aircraft.”

The US Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon said Emerson faces a federal charge of interfering with flight crew members and attendants.

He has also been charged in Oregon with 83 counts of attempted murder, 83 counts of reckless endangerment and one count of endangering an aircraft.

US media reported he pleaded not guilty to these charges during a brief court appearance in Portland on Tuesday.

Live ATC, a website that archives conversations between pilots and air traffic controllers, published an audio recording of the moments after the incident.

“We’ve got the guy that tried to shut the engines down out of the cockpit,” the pilot said. “And he doesn’t sound like he’s causing any issue in the back right now.

“I think he’s subdued. Other than that, yeah, we want law enforcement as soon as we get on the ground and parked,” the pilot said.

On Tuesday, Alaska Airlines said Emerson had been “removed from service indefinitely and relieved from all duties”.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Good mods don’t ban people for swearing.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar


@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Agreed. I mean, there’s nuance at play here.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Break up Adobe. They have had a monopoly on creative tools for more than 10 years now.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

YES. Actually it would since that’s how it started.

Now that you mention it, I CAN go one better:

as a penalty for a decade of anti-competitive behavior, force Adobe to open source all of it’s creative suite, shut the whole company down, and imprison the executives who illegally bought all of their competition.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Here’s a 100 year old past sauce recipe that a good friend of mine shared on Reddit long ago. I’m happy to port it over to Lemmy for all of you even though it’s kind of off-topic in this thread: here goes

Tomato Sauce - Adam P.

100 Year Old Fabrizio Family recipe. Current iteration by my friend.

Okay. Go get:

4 - 28oz cans crushed tomatoes

1 - 6oz can tomato paste

1 small/medium brown onion

1 head garlic

olive oil

red wine

salt & pepper

crushed red pepper

dry herbs (thyme, basil, parsley)

dry bay leaves

Okay? So…

Get your biggest pot. Pour in enough olive oil to fully cover the bottom, maybe 1/8" to 1/4" deep. Not too much or it will pool in the sauce later. Put the heat on medium-low. Do not burn the olive oil. If it smokes, turn it down.

Chop the onion and add to the pot. Stir and then let them sweat until they are properly translucent. While that is happening, chop two or three garlic cloves. Throw out the green shoot in the middle. This is a non-digestible “germ” (as in “wheat germ”) and only causes heartburn and bad breath. Pitch it. Now put the chopped garlic in the pot and reduce the heat to low. Do not burn the garlic. If it browns (more than a little bit), start over. Sweat the garlic just like the onions.

Now it’s tomato time. First, mix the tomato paste into the onion/garlic/oil mixture. This makes it easier to soften up and mix into the full sauce. Now, pour all four cans of crushed tomatoes into the pot and stir until everything is fully mixed together. Look for clumps of tomato paste and try and work them into the sauce. Add one healthy glass of red wine (Chianti, Zinfandel, Cabernet, etc.), then drink the rest yourself!

We’re getting there!

Salt: about a whole tablespoon. Be brave. Mix it in.

Now, the herbs. Dealer’s choice here. I usually do two or three pinches of each…so roughly a teaspoon. Notice oregano is not in this recipe. You will not miss it, I assure you. Go ahead and add one or two pinches of crushed red pepper, but you can always add more to the food. Don’t get crazy. It does affect flavor as well as heat, so…

Black pepper: I only use pepper mills, so crank away at that until satisfied. I go heavy, but I love the stuff. Use your discretion.

Now add two or three whole bay leaves. You will be fishing these out later. They are not Good Eats.

Bring the heat back up to medium-low and simmer that pot for two hours. I don’t want to see a full boil. Stir regularly, especially the bottom. We don’t want anything burning or sticking to the bottom. If you need to turn it down, please do so. You can simmer this all damn day if you are so inclined, but two hours is really enough. Dig out the bay leaves before serving. You can jar this hot and freeze it, and it lasts practically forever in the freezer and fridge.

You are now the proud owner of a 100 year-old recipe from Penne, Abruzzo, Italy handed down through generations of Italian-Americans. I want my last meal on earth to be swimming in this sauce. (Wanna know how to make a mean lasagna ricotta filling? For starters, never ever use meat in lasagna.)

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

What does this have to do with open source?

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

This is why: youtu.be/OZ28knLt5Rs?si=SddCmwZnETY3n_1R

Edit: I see I’m not the first person to post this video.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

What are these new things you write about? The studios haven’t greenlighted a “new thing” in 20 years.

Distro for experienced Linux user

Hi, I’m looking for a distro for my laptop. My first distro was Pop!_OS, then I switched to Fedora, then Arch for a year and 2 months ago I switched to Fedora Silverblue, because I wanted to try immutable distro that relies on containers and flatpaks to be usefull. Silverblue is great but not so much for me, its not flexible...

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Since I’m the NixOS guy, I recommend GUIX. 😉

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

If NixOS isn’t ready for mainstream work, GUIX is at least doubley so. It is SUPER white beard while IMO, even an idiot (👋🏼) can grasp NixOS.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

From what I hear, it’s a much newer and less popular project, so I expect it to be even more difficult than nix was for me.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

If you want, here’s my config. Feel free to fork it.

github.com/harryprayiv/nix-config (you’ll have the most luck with the “plutus_vm” machine config output in my flake at first since the main output in my config is somewhat obscured by encryption).

I also have a Nix-Darwin config that I haven’t consolidated into my main one:


@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

No problem. Real thanks goes to gvolpe who I forked my config from.

How do you feel about financing a genocide?

I didn’t want to direct this question to Americans specifically because, at this point, other countries have shown support to Israel in one or the other way. If my country was financing this, I would be taking the streets. Shit, I’m right now in the hospital but all I can think about is protesting anyway just to feel I did...

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

In the US, speaking the truth about the Israel-Palestine ::cough::Palestinian genocide::cough:: war will get you cancelled by AIPAC astroturfers and useful idiots who just cancel who they’re told to cancel. That’s how they (the AIPAC, the military industrial complex, and AIPAC-run film industry…if you don’t believe me, why was Harvey Weinstein so friendly with ex-Mossad agents that he was able to use them against his opponents?) manufacture consent among normal people these days.

Additionally, 35 US states have anti-bds laws on the books punishing US citizens that choose not to buy products from Israel. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_lawsIn many of those US states you can be fired from government jobs for refusing to buy Israeli products in your own personal life.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

This is how we used to do it before we had NixOS with impermanence mode. nixos.wiki/wiki/Impermanence

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

All it takes is one person to share a complete config and I’d assert that it’s actually easier than Ubuntu/Debian to setup (especially if you’re talking about deploying a fleet of identical configurations or even a config that lives on a liveISO meant for installing the OS with these options baked-in).
Granted it’s not there yet and you’re correct but soon: One-click deployment would make it even easier than Debian/Ubuntu.

Also, IMO Nix is a force-multiplier. For example, I alone could probably configure a whole fleet of systems declaratively with Nix AT LEAST as well as a config script repo that has 20 people contributing to it since, in Nix, if it builds, it’s pretty much ready for production.

The fact alone that Nix allows you to simply list the software you want on the computer and it takes care of everything else (rather than a long, error prone sudo apt-get install command list that may or may not install because dependencies aren’t locked) would cause me to select Nix every single time.

I’m just kind of bewildered how anyone can argue against Nix by invoking a method of Linux install where you sudo apt get 400 commands in a precise order (and if you accidentally go out of order, you might screw up your system) and you also have to carefully manage dependencies and will be SOL if one piece of software requires one version of python while another requires an entirely different version.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Xmonad!!! (And in 25 years, Waymonad!)

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Additional pro-tip: you can just launch mpv from the terminal using the YouTube url and it will open a new player.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

I wanted to have Nix, a tiling window manager (Amethyst…meh compared to the beloved xmonad) and the latest MacOs on my 2013 MacBook Pro. So, I installed OpenCore Liberty Bootloader, Nix (w/ flakes and content addressed derivations), home-manager, and all the other goodies you macOS people are missing out on.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

I sincerely hope RISV-V usurps this proprietary bullshit sometime soon. Simply paying the royalties to use the ARM spec costs tens of millions in licensing alone.

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Crypto found a problem to fix. The reason the problem remains: everything is run by that problem so it was astroturfed to death by parties that run the current financial system and the enemy of their enemy (who’s a friend), opportunistic scammers like SBF and Do Kwan.

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Look into DJED on Cardano. It’s WAY cheaper than ETH (but perhaps not cheaper than some others). A friend of mine sent $10,000 to Thailand for less than a dollar in transaction fees. To 1bluepixel: Sounds like a use-case to me!

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar


You still have to deal with ETH fees just to get the funds into the roll up. I admit that ETH was revolutionary when it was invented but the insane fee market makes it a non-starter and the accounts model is just a preposterously bad (and actually irreparably broken) design decision for a decentralized network, makes Ethereum near impossible to parallelize since the main chain is required for state and the contracts that run on it are non-deterministic.

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

I think that because it’s true. Smart contracts on Ethereum can fail and still charge the wallet. Because of the open ended nature of Ethereum’s design, a wallet can be empty when the contract finally executes, causing a failure. This doesn’t happen in Bitcoin and other utxo chains like Ergo, and Cardano (where all transactions must have both inputs and outputs accounted for FULLY to execute). Utxo boasts determinism while the accounts model can fail due to an empty wallet. Determinism makes concurrency harder for sure…but at least your entire chain isn’t one gigantic unsafe state machine. Ethereum literally is by definition non-deterministic.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

No and you should honestly be ashamed to be promoting such an environmentally irresponsible, shitty Chinese company.

demesisx, (edited )
@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

I thank the OP for giving us the opportunity to call out a company so singularly bad for the future of humanity…but it did remind me a lot of astroturfing-style marketing I’ve seen on other social media.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

Glad we’re clear. That’s what I said.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

As a Haskell/Purescript dev, this guy makes me feel like I come from another planet where frameworks don’t dictate every decision in a programmer’s day.

@demesisx@infosec.pub avatar

ANDREW YANG 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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