The boundaries of a man exist only in so so far as he is willing to let himself go

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degrix, avatar

It’s clickbait because they’re using last years chip like they always do. It’s not out of spite. The usb controller on the A16 Bionic does not support USB 3.0 because lightning never needed it. The A17 Pro in the pro models has an updated USB controller.

degrix, avatar

I think you may be mistaken, friend. The USB 3.0 controller is part of the A17 Pro SoC. It was specifically called out during the keynote when discussing the A17 Pro. You can read about it here too:…/apple-a17-pro-3nm-iphone-15-pr…

degrix, avatar

MagSafe wireless chargers definitely let you pick them up and use the phone like you would when it’s plugged it. Wireless charging certainly has its drawbacks, but constrained usage seems like an odd angle.

For instance, a few months before my most recent trip I bought a nifty MagSafe battery pack from Anker that also came with a travel stand I could set up in my hotel room. I could let my phone sit on the stand or I could slide the battery pack out and use it like I normally would. It reminds me of the days where I could just swap my cell phones batteries.

degrix, avatar

It’s a toss up between cooking and home networking for me.

Cooking because it started off as just finding neat recipes and giving them a shot to now experimenting with new techniques and harder to procure ingredients. My pantry looks like a mini spice market and keeping them fresh is its own hassle. Plus needing all the gear gets expensive!

I also got really into home networking during the start of the pandemic. I went from having a simple off the shelf mesh network to a full network rack in my basement serving some high end access points and cat6 drops in every room. Now I have a pretty secure iot stack that’s separate from my main vlan and one devoted to my work computer.

degrix, avatar

I have little labels on each jar of spices that I write the “bought” date on. In general ground spices I’ll give 9 months to a year, herbs I’ll typically give about a year, and whole spices I’ll give two years. As I’m using them, I’ll check the date on the jar to see if I need to add it to my shopping list. Every once in a blue moon when I remember, I’ll also just audit my spice rack.

degrix, avatar

No mention of the multiple award winning Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? This list is a farce!

degrix, avatar

Colorado here, and at most restaurants you’ll usually be asked what type of tea or be brought a mug/teapot of hot water and an assortment of tea bags to choose from.

I made a thing! A python script to delete old, unwatched movie/tv content from Sonarr/Radarr/Tautulli. (update) (

About a year and a half ago I posted a script I made for deleting movie content in your library not being watched. Folks really seemed to like it, and I still get comments on that thread every so often. So I’ve updated it!...

degrix, avatar

Just commenting to say I thoroughly enjoy your choice of username. Loved that little joke.

degrix, avatar

In all but the most niche cases, they do in fact know that you had a kid. That being said, most things they have a pretty good idea about (or could) and they could easily adopt the system that they do in a lot of other countries where the government sends to a tax form all filled out that says, “we think you owe this much.” Then you just provide the exemptions you listed.
This would save a considerable amount of time when I file my taxes by just being able to double check they got cost basis correct on stocks sold and applied appropriate credits for mortgage interest and what not.

degrix, avatar

I was assuming social security could share that information since now there’s a new taxable citizen. The IRS could easily prepare tax amounts assuming married filing jointly, married filing separately, and single. You would just choose one. And like it currently is, if both people attempt to claim dependency, someone gets slapped with a fine.

Tax law is absolutely complicated, and I definitely won’t deny that, but the IRS can make things easier and could do the basic filings.

degrix, (edited ) avatar

Optical cameras alone have issues as well that can’t be handled though. It’s the combination of the two along with other things like ultrasonic sensors that makes them safe. More sensors in general are better because they reduce the computational burden and provide redundancy - even if that redundancy is to safely stop.

Cost is certainly an issue, but on $40k+ vehicles it’s cheap enough for other EV makes to include it in the cost. Volvo for instance is using Luminars version at a cost of about $500 (…/sleeker-lidar-moves-volvo-closer-sell…).

Image processing is expensive even with dedicated hardware and LiDAR provides enough extra information to avoid needing to make make certain calculations off of images alone (like deltas between image series to calculate distance). Those calculations are further amplified by conditions where images alone don’t provide enough information - similar to how there are conditions where the LiDAR data alone wouldn’t be sufficient.

degrix, avatar

I meant the computations are expensive, i.e. slow to perform even with good processors. When you need to do something millions of times, anything to make that faster helps with the overall safety of the system.

degrix, avatar

I remember printing out the Gentoo installation manual in the compsci lab way back in 2004. It was my first Linux distro and have fond memories of tinkering around on it. I remember leaving it a few years later for a cool new distro that was on the rise called Ubuntu. I still think portage is one of the better approaches to package management though.

Do you think we will ever have affordable housing again in our lifetime?

Considering how crazy expensive accommodations have become the last couple of years, concentrated in the hands of greedy corporations, landlords and how little politicians seem to care about this problem, do you think we will ever experience a real estate market crash that would bring those exorbitant prices back to Earth?

degrix, avatar

These are really popular with people traveling to Colorado ski resorts and getting altitude sickness. They’re useful to grab to avoid getting sick and combating the symptoms if you do.

How racist/controversial would this skit from the 90's be today?

To summarize, this scandinavian comedy trio from the 90’s made a parody of Miami Vice. This being 90’s scandinavia, you can probably guess that the actors/comedians didn’t exactly have the melanin-credentials of parodying the black guy from Miami Vice, so one of them instead wore blackface (well, brownface would perhaps be...

degrix, avatar

I think it’s a very difficult choice to navigate. The biggest example of brown/blackface where it doesn’t work I can remember is Fisher Stevens playing an Indian guy in Short Circuit: In that movie, he’s playing an Indian person as a stereotype to juxtapose with how white counterpart. Contrast that to Robert Downey Jr. being nominated for an Oscar and BAFTA for his blackface roll in Tropic Thunder. The way it was handled within the movie itself was legitimately a good representation of why blackface is usually on the wrong side of “is it racist?”

I think just based on the little I’ve seen without any other translation besides your edit, it looks fairly racist.

degrix, avatar

They’re a stubborn breed to train and have a generally high flight instinct so they love to run out the door without the leash.

degrix, avatar

I can see the people’s republic of Boulder from my house

youronlyone, to games avatar

Q: What are the five (5) video games from the 20th Century that you want to be able to play again today? And why?

  • Maybe you no longer have time, or, there are no modern ports or adaptation.

I'll start with mine.

(in no particular order)

It seems easier to play than , but as you progress, it is actually challenging. I love the challenge.

  1. / (DOS version specifically).

If I am not mistaken, before there was the franchise, there was “Empire”. It was a fun game. There is available on , but I miss the DOS version that I played a lot.

A very fun game. Once I start playing this, time flies fast. I miss this game.

Here's a video of it, it's hard to explain this game as there are many features/gameplay “modes”

Modern games today are usually limited to certain themes. If it's flight, it's flight. If it's tank, it's tank. If it's strategy, that's it. Carrier Command have it all.

  1. / (DOS)

Years before the era of came. RPG-ish space game that made me felt exploring space. This was new to me then and I enjoyed it.

  1. / (DOS)

I know, we can still play this today, however, what I miss with this game is the 2 player mode.

You just play with your friend and blast each other to friendly matches and laughter.

Being able to play 2P mode, face-to-face, is something that we have taken for granted, and now we're all just virtual avatars in online games (even online multiplayer games).

So, how about you?

Q: What are the five (5) video games from the 20th Century that you want to be able to play again today? And why?


@games @games @gaming @gaming

degrix, avatar

I picked up Overload recently, and it’s from the creators of Descent. I really enjoy it - even if I’m flying into the walls most of the time.

degrix, avatar

They’re not. They used to be the cheapest cut of chicken because most places would just toss them out. As buffalo wings became more popular people have been consuming them more driving up the price. They taste good, but they’re definitely not priced well at 3.99 a pound. I would expect them to be on par with the cost of chicken breasts.

degrix, avatar

Lately, I’ve seen it for controller detection on PC games. Larian games like Baldur’s Gate 3 at least use it to change how they render the “Main” menu. I mean, the “Main” menu also changes if I plug in a controller so maybe it’s just an aesthetic thing held over from older video games.

degrix, avatar

This game is everything I wanted Divinity Original Sin 2 to be. I’m so happy that Larian knocked it out of the park with this one.

degrix, avatar

Japanese Beetles an invasive specifies here in Colorado too. Kill it, get rid of it, there’s tons of remedies out there. They’re nice looking when there’s one and a huge nuisance once there’s a bunch.

degrix, avatar

These plaintiffs would be better off sueing the companies of these websites for ignoring privacy laws and continuing to add tracking scripts to their sites.

That’s precisely what these people are doing. They’re not suing Google because Chrome doesn’t prevent these sites from building profiles and tracking users even while in Incognito Mode, but because Google themselves are engaging in such privacy invasive tactics.

degrix, avatar

We’ve been getting pelted hard in the states. Just had one hammer a town to the south before it was hit by a tornado.

degrix, avatar

I feel like Dominions 5 might fit. It’s a pretty niche game; very deep, but I don’t know too many others that play it.

Your thoughts on The Orville? (

When I first started this show I found it to be a really awkward mix of comedy and seriousness. It had some jokes thrown it at the most inopportune times as some kind of comic relief from a really serious situation. Perhaps the first half of the first season was actually a bit rough or maybe the show just grew on me, but by...

degrix, avatar

Up until Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, it was hands down the best modern Star Trek (like) show. It’s definitely a little clumsy early on, but after a few episodes it’s very clear that Seth is finally fulfilling his childhood dream of doing Star Trek even if it’s his own version of it. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope season 4 happens.

degrix, avatar

I don’t believe they’re insinuating that you were the one that created the mistake. Rather, that you seem to be knowledgeable of the specific problem and may be the one most capable of fixing it. The two line fix may be obvious to you, but may not to the main Lemmy devs. Until phriskey got involved, a lot of db tuning was being avoided (they’re responsible for most of the big db improvements this version).

What would you put in a meal if wanted something special from each US state?

Late night thought on a road trip in the US and I can’t stop think what an “All American meal with a great from every state” would consist of. Like something that a state is know for being exceptional in from beef to white tail to peaches to oastets to sunflowers to almonds to coffee. Even better it’s something an...

degrix, avatar

And Chili Colorado- not because it has any relation to the state but because it shares a name.

degrix, avatar

I like where phones are now for the most part, but the thing I miss the most is that magic moment of what leaps and bounds new technology/form factor/whatever was being incorporated into a new phone. Like when the iPhone was first announced or when Motorola announced (and marketed the hell out of) the original Droid - I can still hear the boot up sound.

I remember the debates and arguments had when the first 4+” phone was released and how it was “way too big” compared to the ideal sized 3.5” iPhone. The idea of swiping to type!? What a breakthrough! A fingerprint scanner to unlock your phone, that took like three or four tries some times and was met with skepticism by others.

Now I feel like, despite how monstrously capable are phones are now compared to even five years ago, there’s just not as much of a spark anymore. New phones are iterative and have been for a while. Bendable displays are sort of neat, but just doesn’t quite tap the same bit of magic for me.

degrix, avatar

You did it! Hello, and welcome to the club. Lemmy has been my first foray into hosting a site on a VPS and it’s been quite the rabbit-hole; for the better of course. I hope you have fun.

degrix, avatar

I think overall I associate more people on the left being vegan than the right; however, anecdotally I know more vegans that are conservative/right leaning. I don’t know why that is other than maybe it being a fairly well off area with hippie roots.

degrix, avatar

Wow, here in Colorado there’s well over 70 that match that description within 30 miles of me and up in the mountains there’s at least a few even in the more remote parts. There are definitely large swaths of Kansas that could use them. I wouldn’t trust a road trip to Dodge City for instance. Hopefully they spread them out in to those empty spots!

degrix, avatar

Just an FYI, but the PICO 4 is made by ByteDance which is the parent company of TikTok. Facebook is awful but I don’t trust TikTok either.

degrix, avatar

I use the newer “American Voice 2” for Siri. I don’t use Siri for a ton of things, but I do hear it a lot in the car when navigating with maps or doing other things with CarPlay.

degrix, avatar

This sounds like the MacRumors buyer’s guide. It lists an advisory for whether to buy or not and gives time since product release as well as average time between releases.

degrix, avatar

Not that I disagree with you, because it is absurd, but I’ve been writing off the cost of the battle pass as just a way to get “discount” cosmetics. The overall cost of the cold iron set is cheaper than a standard store set at the cost of needing to grind to get it.

degrix, avatar

Dark mode can be harder on the eyes and/or give headaches to people with astigmatism. It has to do with halation. White text on a black background is blurrier than black text on a white background. There’s a nice accessibility description here. I personally dislike dark mode for that very reason.

degrix, avatar

Just to add to this, there are also a lot of them that programmable, so as long as they’re pinned out to the correct HDMI standard, you can add arbitrary custom resolutions using something like CRU or an edid writer.

If my home instance defederated from another, can I still post to the other instance? What about posting to an instance which has been defederated from my home instance?

Let’s use as an example. My home instance is, which I see has defederated from If I post to a community on, will everyone be able to see it?...

degrix, avatar

If an instance is defederated with another instance that all content in and out is ignored after the point at which instances defederated. So, in this example, you might see old posts in your instance. If you comment on one of those posts, only other users will see it, meanwhile none of the users will see it. Likewise, none of comments/posts that have happened after the instance defederated will appear on

It’s akin to having a conference call/speaker phone conversation. Everyone in your room can hear and speak. Likewise everyone in the other room can hear and chat too. When the call drops (defederates), each room can continue having conversations on what they were just talking about but neither room has any clue about the other’s conversations.

degrix, avatar

It’s also interesting to see how many random webcrawlers are out there! When I was first setting up my instance I was spot checking some IPs and found all sorts of interesting security services.

degrix, avatar

Wow, small world - we literally made these for lunch today! We used the same size tortillas it opted to use a small street taco sized flour tortilla to address the larger one night quite wrapping all the way around.

degrix, avatar

I find it hard to believe that an industry that uses the Wilhelm scream repeatedly, everywhere, for over 70 years would suddenly want to reuse AI generated extras…

degrix, avatar

One downside is that images uploaded to are hosted on If the instance ever goes down those images are gone since federation does not propagate the files. This is less of an issue for that specific instance, but I could see smaller instances disappearing and causing issues with broken image links.

degrix, avatar

I’ve thought about going that route, but ultimately decided to adopt something like My thought process behind it was that some projects within each category may have overlapping dependencies and so I’d end up with multiple entries for a particular dependency in the same file which I didn’t like.

I don’t expose services to the internet from my home lab, so I generally just add host entries manually to each of my computers so that I don’t have to type in ip and port.

degrix, avatar

As others have mentioned there’s a standardized versioning scheme that most developers use and that standard is semantic versioning: There are other standards too and not every development team uses a standard that is externally recognized standard.

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