@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar


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@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

GnuCash. I’m with Starling Bank. I transfer about £550 to my credit card pot to spend for the month and do my very best not to exceed it. I have an Amex (default) and MasterCard credit cards on which all my day-to-day spending occurs. American Express gives me a balance text every Sunday, but entering purchases in GnuCash makes sure I know what it is roughly.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Would the last person out of Reddit please turn off the lights.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Logseq. Tried all sorts. From vim to codium. Just Logseq.

Gen X; took uni notes on paper. Searching paper notes sucks. My hand-writing always sucked. Gen Z has Logseq. Why wouldn’t you?

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

When you’re naming a file, you can’t use anything else.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Just looked it up on Amazon. Thank-you. Hopefully I can get a tester from nuud themselves rather than the £25 there!

Burnt myself recently on a traditional deo having tried to stay away from Aluminium based one; I think it held it too close on this occasion. I’m old and it shouldn’t have happened. Had many small blood blisters under my arms but internally. Horrible. Anyway, it seems to have changed me. Since then I’ve been sensitive to many deodorants.

Currently looking for something else that works, hopefully Nuud is it. Thank-you.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

It’s not really about the cost but the initial outlay. I don’t want to pay out that kind of money for a test. Not that I don’t believe you etc etc.

TBF I haven’t been to the OEM website to see if I can get a tester! So almost definitely my bad.

Thank-you again. Struggling to get stuff done atm so hopefully get back soon.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

That’s an underrated comment. Thank-you.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

If it runs Windows it’ll run Linux almost certainly. The cheaper you go, the more likely you’ll have lower priced or older components for WiFi, Bluetooth etc which may mean that you have to dig some firmware binaries out to get the whole thing running.

If you can take a USB stick with you of a typical Rescue distribution, and can boot it up, you’ll know what will and won’t work easily. The bits that don’t work may need some minor fiddling. As I said, there are usually walkthrough blogs etc around.

Have fun.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

The most stereotypical thing about teenagers are the people who are charged with bringing them up, or not.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Who said that (you have to use their custom mainline kernel)?

Fedora have an IoT distribution that fits the Raspberry Pi for example. There’s workstation and a ostree versions.

Armbian I’ve used in preference to Raspbian or whatever they call it today. I like the cleanest distributions as much as possible.

That’s all I have personal experience with, but there are others.

Meanwhile, others have suggested other boards. However, don’t think that Raspbian is it (pun intended).

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Provide something other than t’n’a. Demonstrate a desire to build a partnership with a person where you can learn, nurture, teach and enjoy together; no matter how long it lasts.

I wouldn’t say yes to anyone without a brain; I’m not alone. A random artifact is much cheaper with the same credentials and lasts far longer.

Otherwise, just have a damn good wank by yourself without cameras, without posting it online, and call it a day.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

As others have said, I don’t visit news websites because it’s more important to be first than correct or even in the ballpark, and with many readers I get to choose what I’m reading with blacklist words or even regex.

deadcatbounce, (edited )
@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Probably twice or more as often as I complain. I’m not shy about either and I make sure that there complaint is reasonable, not about scoring points, and with an easy way out.

I am really anti people who only complain. Finding fault with something is really easy compared to complementing.

Finding fault with yourself is twice as easy as even that.

A simple complement can change a day and/or prevent a suicide that you would never know about.

If you want to know who someone is, watch how they treat people who they believe are ‘below’ them. If something is still ‘off’, get them drunk: real personalities come out to play when inhibition is completely gone.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Came here to ask about paperless and the myriad of versions, even though it’s off topic.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Thank-you. I’m really interested in finding a way to make searching my paper much easier.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Agreed. Don’t understand why people use Google Maps over Waze unless you’re not in a car.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

I’m sure Waze used to say that where you know better, use your own initiative rather than blindly follow a machine.

There are settings in Waze to turn off the problems that you encountered. Apps change of you’re lucky. Maybe I’m wrong about maps today; I try it every now and again. Maps is all I use for public transport and walking.

Loving the last comment: nothing like an app to make an old phone, sparkle like new. 😁

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

It’s on the information superhighway. It must be true.

Trust but verify.

Now, about those UFOs in your driveway …

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar


Lots of things: everything from Jordan Peterson to Jeff Geerling, Fedora magazine to Firefox.

Quite a few websites, feature RSS feeds. You’d be surprised.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

They don’t be want you to know in case you’re a plant working for “the Man”.

Upvoted anyway. What could go wrong?

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Ditto. Much preferred to standard layout.

Never used anything else though.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

I don’t but i note increasing difficulty in upgrading/keeping prior extensions to the new version of gnome.

For example, “recent files” extensions for the top bar used to number in the threes I think. With the last gnome version there was only one which wasn’t the most useful of the lot. I use it because it makes it easier beginning again the following day, rather than the extra step of opening the file mangler. I’ll probably go with the majority and drop it once I upgrade to Fedora 39.

Looks like gnome is becoming more useful to people in basic guise, incorporating many of the extension functions within the main GUI, and so the once popular extensions are becoming unmaintained.

What's an alternative to Spotify that doesn't play you the same fucking songs over and over?

I am in an intense love-hate relationship with Spotify. It makes good mixes for me, I have found a lot of great bands that way. BUT IT KEEPS REGURGITATING THE SAME SONGS IN THERE. I know about Song Radios and Artist Radios, so please don’t recommend those. Smart Shuttle doesn’t cut it, either....

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

If you’re not an Apple assimilate, Deezer is good for songs. Sadly, the part of their app that handles favourites really sucks.

They get really annoyed when you keep asking them about it every six months. What is it with us subscribers?!

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

I really wanted to use Tidal because of the Linux thing and FLAC, despite the cost over Spotify etc.

Tried to sign up and had horrendous problems over such a simple thing. Gave up on them. Never had a problem with subscriptions before or since, unless you count insurance auto-renew!

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

That’s very good to read. It was only the sign-up that went badly wrong and getting on touch with them made it worse.

Hopefully I got a disgruntled Customer Service person on a bad day. One of those things.


@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

It’s amazing that FGM is outlawed in much of the first world (plus America), but not MGM.

All guys want is equality. Yet ne’er a feminist around when men are the unrepresented victims.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

That’s not what I suggested.

I know quite a few who have no support for boys having the same rights that girls enjoy. If they did the law would have been written with males and females considered equal. There’s is no downside for girls asking for equality for boys.

Isn’t that what feminism is all about? Equality?

deadcatbounce, (edited )
@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

No. Egalitarianism is about egalitarianism. Feminism is about female domination. The clue is in the name. You’re that dumb.

There are no rights that men have that women don’t. However

Laws rightly protect against FGM, nothing protects against MGM. The child might have to have his penis removed, mangled to such an extent that it causes significant daily pain and all kinds of suffering, foreskin removal means loss of sensation. All totally legal.

Children don’t have the right to a relationship their fathers. 90% of divorces allocate children to the mother. I was a victim of that decision by diagnosed physically and mentally abusive narcissist. Women are the number one cause of child death or abuse. Number two is mum’s new bf. Dad’s are number four or five; they (ONS here in the UK) stopped publishing the numbers/ranking when certain groups objected to facts.

It is significant that the marital assets and income generally follow the person who obtains control of the children. The allocation isn’t about the best person to care for the children, it’s about the assets and income.

About a fifth of the children who go through DNA in the child maintenance payments procedures are found to have the incorrect person listed on their birth certificate. The rest of men having their assets, income and liberty at risk don’t know. UK Government FoI fact. Having a DNA test to establish paternity in France is not even legal.

“Under child support legislation it is a criminal offence to make a false statement or representation, and to provide false documents or information.

However, according to the CSA, there has not been a single prosecution of a woman for making a false claim. The figures showing the number of false paternity claims have been compiled using freedom of information legislation.”

The incidence of criminal convictions in the case of two parent households is the same as those of single parent male households. Single parent female households have much higher conviction rates for their children.

Male suicide is many times that of women but always men are never involved in the TV coverage. It’s always some women using the boy’s death for their publicity and victimhood. I know exactly what that’s like to watch, and know that the women involved are never going to try to help deal with the issues before or after.

Knowingly false allegations by women are standard procedure for a disagreement with boys or men. I’m not talking about mistaken identity or an accident. Everyone of age knows a someone who has had this used on a man as a threat to extract what they want or other leverage. The numbers of male teachers in schools has nose dived.

Here in the UK, legal aid except for domestic violence, cases was curtailed in 2010 (?), the following quarter as published by the government body CAFCASS, the number of restraining order applications increased by something like seven times if I recall. Coincidence? Seven times more men committed acts of domestic violence on a woman immediately after domestic violence was a requirement. We regularly hear on the media that another man has been released from prison after serving lengthy time fully exonerated for the rape crime he was sentenced, others are not so lucky.

As a result, the rape convictions for real female victims keep falling. It is well known that gay men and men in prison do not report rape. Ever.

Domestic violence incidents in lesbian households by far outweigh those in any other household including gay, straight, etc. The woman who set up the world’s first domestic violence shelter now actively campaigns for domestic violence shelters for men and children and disowns the feminists who refused to accept that men can be victims and took over her cause for equality. Her name is Erin Pussey. Google her.

There is continuous series of sexual abuse by female teachers of students in loco parentis (literally in place of the parent). Otherwise known as paedophilia. The media cannot use the word rape, even though that’s what it is, because the female teacher doesn’t have a penis. The relevant statute demands that penetration by the penis is the only definition constituting rape.

The invincibility of women that they feel for their outlandish views/actions has given rise to the concept of the Karen. There doesn’t appear to be a sustained male equivalent.

I can go on but you’ve already stopped reading.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

The sources are either the government, agencies of the government, or left leaning newspapers of record.

If you think they’re nutters, you need a check up from the neck up.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Boomers don’t do that shit; there was a huge shortage of kids - that’s literally why they’re called boomers. Gen X don’t do that shit - there were no mobiles or internet - we met people by being outside, a concept you totally missed out on. Look it up on Google.

Those memes are totally Gen Y and Z issues; created by you for you. Your world, not ours. Fucking hilarious.


@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Positive to the extent that it’s my preferred. For graphical apps only, not sure I need to say that.

GitHub priority selection didn’t seem to work, but I select that as a default.

Stable, a few bugs and the user mode addition/ removal is a bonus. I don’t try to install low scored apps. I Gnome-Software and then Google for reviews.

Custom install of Fedora 38/Gnome.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Loving the Craigslist anecdote!

But there must have been a couple of rightfully confused girls dedicated into put thumbs into the Hoover dam a la apocryphal Netherlands story.

No euphemisms were included in the making of the above paragraph…

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Is it Zopa that provides what I can only describe as collective loans and high interest rate deposits? Not in a bank way.

I think there are other names too.

Because the risk would appear higher the rates are higher too.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Nice try Google. Tying up Reddit and Lemmy users would be good for you.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

People who treat others who cannot benefit them well. For example, wait staff.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

This is the best advice. Bloody hard for me to do, however. Not sure why.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

People also believe that there’s a god that changes water into wine, walks on water, … too. People believe all sorts of stuff, weird or not.

Worry about things that you can do something about or explicitly react too.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Does noone use glances anymore?

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

America is so done. The overcompensation is palpable.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Isn’t that an unwritten given by now? If not why not?

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar


Your favorite web UI for your linux server?

Do you use any web ui’s for your Linux server? I’m comfortable managing my server using the command line, but I also want a graphical interface that shows an overview of what is running on the server, the way the resources are being used what containers are running and so on. Also file download uploads would be great to...

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

To be honest, Cockpit is the only (Web) one I know about.

RPM slave here.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

He wasn’t speaking loudly at all.

@deadcatbounce@reddthat.com avatar

Absolutely outstanding contribution! Thank-you so much.

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