@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar


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@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m not so sure about that. My kids had other kids in their class playing Fortnite - in second grade!

And if my kid were 10 and all his friends were playing Diablo IV or GTA my answer would be a steadfast no.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Gaslighting, toxicity, oh come on. I’m supposed to expect my kid to lie to me?

Just giving my kids into the embrace of peer pressure isn’t love, it’s evading confrontation. Give them a place of trust and understanding, with clear rules they can understand and follow. If my kids are getting their way bending and evading the rules we set, then it’s way too late.

We often say yes, but sometimes we have to say no, and our kids are fine with that.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Hab Motorrad nachgeholt, und der Fahrlehrer betonte mehrfach, dass Theorie und Praxis sich begleiten sollte. Hatte absichtlich erst die Theorie gemacht, er konnte das nicht verstehen.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Which CPU are you using? I’ve got the 11th gen i5 and battery life is just miserable, especially in standby.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I was wondering if all Alphabet employees aren’t allowed to use ad blockers. Do they really believe that the internet without adblockers is a sane experience?

datendefekt, (edited )
@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Back in the 90s when I was in uni, it was the only way to have a unix-like development environment for C/C++. I also spent an inordinate amount of time testing linux on exotic hardware, like 386 laptops or older Macs. There weren’t many distros back then, but I tried them all: Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE, m86kLinux and even (shudder) Slackware.

It was (and still is) an extremely fun way to tinker around. But I have to say, I’m not complaining that pretty much everything works out of the box nowadays!

Most people want to stick to Windows or MacOS, and that’s fine for them if they want to put up with it. Pushing Linux or OSS in general is counter productive IMO and just puts people on the defensive. I’d rather plant a seed here and there. If someone complains about Windows on a kid’s laptop, then hey, I got an old laptop for my daughter and put Fedora on it. It was easy to install and maintain, unobstrusive and she can get everything done for school she needs. Or talking about gaming - you know the Steam Deck? You can game without Windows - Linux is a painless, drop-in replacement!

It pains me that a lot of Linux users were pushy elitist neckbeards that spent so much energy defending their distro of choice and Linux in general. The community tends to make Linux appear like some difficult, arcane way of using a computer. “First you must pass the initiation rite and choose the correct distro!” Seriously, fuck that mindset. Just download whatever, install it and enjoy hassle-free computing!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Whoah, was he always that bloated?

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah finally a decent season! The last few years were tough on a McLaren fan but I’m getting my hopes up for next year. Also, Piastri’s performance has just been astonishing. I thought Norris was first class but now we have a driver pairing that can push each other and consistently bring points home!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I’d just recommend Fedora.

I use Fedora BTW.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Highly doubt it. So many other browsers on so many platforms (mobile, tv, Auto,…) are built on Chrome and will have this by extension.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ve been paying for wallabag for years but am slowly getting frustrated with the lack of updates to the UI. The Android app hasn’t been updated in ages, and the web UI is clunky and misses features. You can’t even change the font, for example. Omnivore wins there on all counts.

OTOH, Omnivore can’t properly handle multi-page articles.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Dies tat ich, zur Hälfte, denn ich nutzte Regenhose, Regenjacke und Überschuhe. Und schämte mich nicht, denn ich kam trocken an.

Es sei denn es hat doch nicht geregnet, dann wurden meine Sachen von innen nass.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Cleaning up old kernel versions and accidentally deleted them all. I would’ve thought the distro would prevent my stupidity, but hey, no kernel? You’ll manage!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Highly doubt it, because pretty much all games are compiled for x86, and would require dynamic recompilation, which I’m turn costs performance.

Or… they could perform the recompilation beforehand just like the precompiled shaders. Hmmm… that would make it pretty viable!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

That doesn’t look half bad, actually!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Lerne gerade für die Klasse A. Lenkimpuls, Gewichtsverlagerung, Gegenlenken, das hat mich alles total verunsichert. (Hä? Was meint der jetzt mit “drücken”?) In dem führerscheinerhaltenden Rahmen in dem ich mich bislang bewege, ist es tatsächlich alles ziemlich wie Fahrradfahren. Ok, hier und da habe ich ein bisschen Aufstellmoment gespürt, aber alles ziemlich easy.

Macht "Macht Sinn" in der Umgangssprache Sinn - aber ergibt keinen Sinn beim Gebrauch in akademischer Sprache oder vergleichbarem? German

Hatte heute eine (zugegebenermaßen zu hitzige) Diskussion über “macht Sinn” und “ergibt Sinn”. Oder genauer: keine Diskussion, sondern ein an den Kopf werfen von “es wird ständig benutzt so” vs. “es ist ein Anglizismus”. Da mich aber auch ehrlich interessiert, was eigentlich dahinter steckt (und die Diskussion...

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Ich hab realisiert dass es kein Sinn macht sich bzgl. falscher Nutzung der Sprache Energie aufzuwenden. Wir sind Menschen, keine Compiler.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

You might want to put down that bong.

datendefekt, (edited )
@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Moooment! Das sind keine Aale, das sind Muräne! auf Wikipedia Guck Und die sind keine Aale, sondern Aalartig, aha… /30m später immer noch auf Wikipedia/. Vergiss es, passt schon!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I had so many arguments with my team lead. He thought comments were an antipattern because that meant the code wasn’t expressive enough.

I understood where he was coming from, but a little hint here and there why the fuck the code is doing what it’s doing would’ve been nice.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Are you me? I got a chance for a gig as enterprise architect and most of the time I have no idea what I’m doing.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Stelle fest, dass ich schon die ganze Zeit in der falschen Gegend lebe und eigentlich Norddeutscher bin.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

It looks like the rally game Dirt and can confirm that keeping the Ford Sierra Cosworth in a straight line can be a challenge!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ve been telling people for years what a wonderful film Tampopo is. But when I explain the plot I just get shrugs and whatevers.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Enter the Void is the most breathless barrage on the senses I have ever wittnessed. The intro could give you epilepsy. The whole film is shot from the ego perspective of the protagonist that gets shot dead 15 minutes into the film. I have never seen anything remotely similar.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Freedom kann man nicht oft genug erwähnen, und natürlich hören die gerne wie beautiful die greatest country on earth ist.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I think it’s crazy that they want to write invoices based on estimations. Why didn’t I ever do that? “Oh yeah, I estimate that I worked about um… 2 weeks on that feature.”

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Vielen Dank für den Link! Ich wollte eigentlich was anderes machen, konnte aber nicht aufhören zu gucken. Neulich hatte mich meiner Mutter angesprochen auf das “Nazis töten”- Plakat der Partei. Sie war entsetzt über das Plakat, meinte: “andere Menschen töten doch auch!”

Hier konnte man schön dokumentiert sehen, ja, es stimmt. Ganz normale Menschen sind plötzlich in der Lage, freiwillig tausendfach zu morden wenn sie in so einem menschenfeindlichen System stecken. Deswegen; wehret den Anfängen!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Meine Mutter, die die AFD leider toll findet, hat mich auf das Plakat angesprochen. Naja, meinte ich, es gab und gibt leider Nazis die andere umbringen. Ihre Antwort: andere Menschen töten doch auch!


Es wird Zeit für das ernste Gespräch, auf das ich kein Bock hab.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Ich hätte überhaupt kein Problem mit dem Ergebnis wenn man wenigstens etwas Einsatz gesehen hätte. Hab zwar nur die zweite Halbzeit gesehen, aber die hat mir gereicht. Nur müdes Rumgeschiebe im Mittelfeld, als hätten die Angst vorm Tor. Dann immer wieder links über Gbnabry oder lange Bälle. Viele Fehlpässe und dann bei den Kontern war die Defensive zum Fremdschämen.

Kein Konzept, kein Selbstvertrauen und kein Biss - da muss sich viel mehr ändern als nur der Trainer.

What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?

For me it is the fact that our blood contains iron. I earlier used to believe the word stood for some ‘organic element’ since I couldn’t accept we had metal flowing through our supposed carbon-based bodies, till I realized that is where the taste and smell of blood comes from.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I always thought it interesting that every time we talk about when our kids were born, I remember all these details and my wife’s like huh, weird, can’t remember a thing.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Humans can smell rain better than a shark can smell blood.

datendefekt, (edited )
@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Ever since my father passed I’ve got his old motorcycle standing around. So first thing would be a driver’s license for motorcycling. But I’m already taking classes so that’s that. And the biggest lesson is what a money sink this hobby can be.

Then I’ll need a motorcycle - either get the old thing working again or get a new one. Or why not both? Because the old one’s 30 years old and doesn’t have ABS.

And the third thing would be a Bambu Lab P1 3d printer. I don’t need the speed but damn do they look good.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s a BMW K75 that’s been standing around for about 10 years, an inline 3 with injection and shaft drive. I’m hoping it won’t need much more than new tires, fluids and filters. But even if it turns out cheaper than a newer bike, I’m not sure if a resucitated old bike like that is the best choice starting out.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I saw a shirt sometime saying something like “At a certain age, you have to give birth to new friends.” While it wasn’t exactly like that, we made a lot of friends through our kids and their schoolmates or sports activities.

What's the most efficient way for peeling potatoes by hand? (sh.itjust.works)

Like, I get comments from people telling me it’s weird I always try to peel potatoes like I am trying to make the worlds longest 1-piece potato peel. To me it feels way for efficient and fun to continu down a potato in 1 peel, while circling around it, instead of randomly scraping a hundred different pieces of peel off and...

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I couldn’t understand a thing - was that Canadian?

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Maybe it’s midlife crisis, but I’ve decided to get a motorcycle now that I’m pushing 50. Turns out, I can easily spend 3500€ for my gear and classes before even getting a bike!

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar


@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Sadly, I’ve haven’t been programming for a while, but I did program Java. Why do you consider it legacy and do you see a specific language replacing it?

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

I was pretty impressed by what I saw from Kotlin. Pragmatic and terse, not as academic as Java. Reminds me of the shift away from EJB to Spring. Have been reading up on Rust and thought that with the LVM and WebAssembly (also for the backend), it is perfectly positioned as an alternative. What do you think?

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Kollege nimmt mich ein Stück mit nach Feierabend in seinem Ford Capri (getunt, 6 Zylinder). Wenn ihr den Film Clerks kennt, der Typ erinnerte mich an Jay (der Kumpel von Silent Bob). Düst auf die Autobahn, zündet einen Jolli an und und fragt “willst du auch?”. Leute, ich hatte in dem Moment Angst.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Geocaching makes walks with family fun again. I see new caches popping up in our area, so I never would have guessed that it’s a niche thing.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

First time you got shot? Either where you live or where you work is not a place where I would want to be.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Wir mähen vielleicht 2 mal im Jahr und müssen seitdem viel weniger sprengen. Unkraut entferne ich auch nicht mehr. OK, es hilft bestimmt dass unsere Kaninchen darauf frei herummümmeln.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

If my workload means I consistently have to put in more than 8 hours a day, it’s my responsibility to report that. I have a contract for 40 hours a week, I’m not a slave.

@datendefekt@lemmy.ml avatar

Maybe this is the socialist European in me, but I can’t believe that. Without a contract, the employer isn’t obligated to pay you at all and you’re not obligated to work. Even if it’s just sealed with a handshake, there is a legal framework for both parties. If you just treat it all like an EULA and say whatever, just let me work for you and it’ll work out, then that’s your problem.

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