@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar


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@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a fantasy I’m afraid. Just use Keep.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

This is good news 😀. It’s always better to have a privately owned firm where there is no pressure to contrastingly make more money every year. They’ll be able to focus on providing the best systems and support rather than how much money they can make for the shareholders. 👍

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Linux is technically just the kernel, which is essentially device drivers. The rest of the OS that talks to the kemel and runs the UI and services is other software, most of which is from the GNU Project of Richard Stallman.

It would be a mammoth task to create another OS but there’s no legal reason why you couldn’t as long as you don’t copy verbatim from other OS’s

Also, Linux/GNU Linux is alot more than just open source. It’s core foundation is Freedom: the freedom of the human being to have the code, read it, use it, modify it and share it. As long as you give back to the original source any improvements you make.

This freedom is what sets it apart from all other OS’, even other open source one’s.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

From the start I’ve never drunk all these Zero drinks because after reading a little about just how poisonous aspartame is, it was obvious this stuff shouldn’t be consumed.

I’d rather drink sugar sugar than aspartame. Having said that I’ve just stopped drinking all of these sweet drinks all together.

I hope the truth gets out to the public

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Yes XFCE has come a long way and if themed properly can look quite nice. It’s refreshing to see a desktop that isn’t involved in politics and just quietly gets on with it.

Having said that I prefer Cinnamon because it’s like XFCE but just more modern. Same goes for Mate. It’s similar to XFCE but also different.

These are probably the best 3 desktops on Linux atm with KDE and Gnome being the “big boys”.

I liked KDE but now that my eyesight is worse I can’t use it - it’s illegible. Gnome is better with that but heavy on RAM. Plus the Gnome people make some strange choices. And I’m but overly fond of having to install extensions to make the desktop usable…

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

You can use Office365 in the browser and it will work fine. If you need a desktop app that can handle Office formats use OnlyOffice. It’s free and works great with office.

Development stuff is equally available on all distros so you aren’t limited by that at all.

Steam should work on all distros as well, however only the rolling releases will always have the latest libraries and drivers. LTS releases like Ubuntu and Mint won’t update those frequently but it doesn’t mean Steam won’t work necessarily.

I use Mint because it has a lighter RAM requirement than gnome Ubuntu.

The best, most stable rolling release is opensuse Tumbleweed. Everything is tested before release, it’s always on the latest and greatest, and it has system rollback built in, in the event that you need to roll back an update. But this never really happens on opensuse, it’s very reliable.

If you want a rolling release I wouldn’t look any further. Arch is a pain and breaks frequently. Fedora releases a new version every 6 months so it may be a possible option, but opensuse is better. Also ethically opensuse is better because Fedora is Red hat and they hate the Linux community. I’d stay well away from Fedora and Red Hat.

Currently Ubuntu 23.04 is acting as a rolling release so try it out with your desktop of choice and see if it works for you. They should eventually revert to every 6 months as from version 24

The Linux experice

About a week ago I setup Ubuntu as my primary OS on an old machine. It is my first time trying a unix based OS (previously windows). It has been ok, but it seems like every time I try to install something I run into problems. The app has the wrong permissions or I don’t have the right packages or I need to change port settings...

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

I second this. It doesn’t sound right. Make sure you have downloaded from the official Ubuntu website and make a new usb and reinstall Ubuntu. It shouldn’t do that.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Use KVM and virt manager instead of Virtual box because KVM gives your VM direct access to the bare metal so it runs way better. Virtualbox is running your VM via an abstraction layer which adds overhead and reduces performance.

Just Google how to install KVM on your distro.

Why should I primary Linux for Home Desktop and which one do you recommend?

I’ve always used Windows and am super comfortable with it. I have set up a dual boot with fedora but don’t use it because I have never identified a need to use it. I see a lot of windows hate, so what does Linux have that I need? What can motivate me to migrate? What is a good Linux to have for a desktop + steam?

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

I recommend Linux Mint. It’s really great and works on older hardware as well as newer.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry to say but this is it. If you follow the uni then work path, this will be your life. Getting married and having children will add more stress and expenses.

That’s why I hate money and the setup of the world, is plain satanic if you ask me.

However you can change the course of your life now. If you’re able to find some land somewhere to live, build an initial home out of scraps and farm the land, you might be able to live free, but without money.

Alternatively you could travel the world, doing odd jobs in each country to make money. Especially in Europe, once you’re here, there are no borders and plenty of trains so get a temp job and live in a hostel. See that country, meet people, have fun then move to the next country and repeat. This has worked out well for some people who say it have them a new perspective on life.

It’s up to you.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Do you not know who owns this world? Satan. That’s why Jesus said, my kingdom of not of this world.

Jesus will destroy this world when He returns and will make the earth anew. Those who belong to Him will live on it forever.

To be one of those, believe in Jesus as your Saviour and love God. Repent of and turn from sin. Live a holy life and keep His commandments. You will know Him and He will know you and you will live with Him forever.

The 2 most important commandments:

  1. love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and strength and
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Love is the essence of Christianity, but sometimes they involves reproving someone in the hope they’ll stop doing bad.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Linux Mint Cinnamon. Seriously, it’s the best. Fast, light, Ubuntu based, stable, good looking, full featured. All the power of Ubuntu without the downsides (snaps, heavy, slow etc)

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Linux Mint. Seriously, seriously good. Very fast, very light, looks amazing, has full access to all Ubuntu apps, runs Flatpak, is stable and solid. Sane defaults across the system.

Highly recommend it.

Red Hat stops all upstream and downstream work on desktop Bluetooth, multimedia applications (namely totem, rhythmbox and sound-juicer) and libfprint/fprintd - linux - kbin.social (kbin.social)

Red Hat stops all upstream and downstream work on desktop Bluetooth, multimedia applications (namely totem, rhythmbox and sound-juicer) and libfprint/fprintd (hadess.net)

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Do not trust anything that comes from a 3 letter government agency

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Let’s hope the community will pick these up or some of the distro’s like Ubuntu, Mint etc

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

I think Ubuntu has apparmour which they made themselves. Maybe look into that?

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

It’s painful tbh. I tried it and went back to stock because Google apps and services are really good. They make the device tbh.

Also if you use a custom ROM on your phone your camera will SUCK. The manufacturer of your phone has created the camera app themselves and put a lot of work into it to get great photos. But stock generic camera apps are terrible. You get pictures like it’s 1998… Unusable.

Just stick to the phone as it was when you got it and enjoy.

Google isn’t nearly as bad as people think. They let you turn on anything you want, you can easily export your data etc. Apple is way worse. Not only do they collect as much as Google but you can’t turn it off and you can’t export all your data. My wife’s notes are still stuck in iCloud. And she has hundreds of notes.

So she uses Android as her primary but still has to keep an old iPhone around to access her notes. Appalling

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

I replaced MacOS with Linux ages ago.

Apple need to make the expiry web based like Google do so no Mac required.

is anyone else bothered by the lack of the 3 buttons at the bottom

So i just bought Asus rog phone 6d and im extremely bothered by the lack of the back ,home and whatewer is the 3 one called buttons on the news androids. Is this something you all got used to with time or does this still bother you( IT really fells much less intuitive compared to the old 3 buttons ,alghtough preferably i would...

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

I like both but use gestures because I don’t want to lose screen space on the bottom. I like full screen apps

Recommendations for a FOSS Cross-Platform Note-Taking Application

Up to now I’ve been using Simplenote, which has a Linux client (but also Android & iOS) & supports live collaboration on notes. However, Simplenote hasn’t had a meaningful update for a long time, & it’s recently been behaving strangely, e.g. notes undeleting themselves, line duplications & undeletions....

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

I looked into it once but there wasn’t anything. I just stuck with Google Keep and it works great for small notes.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

1Password - password manager with cross platform sync.

I’ve used Bitwarden but it’s very barbones. In the past I always used 1Passsword because it’s full featured but I was on Mac at the time and 1Password was Mac only.

I then moved to Linux and used Enpass, then Bitwarden. At last 1Password realised they needed to go cross platform and they have a native Linux client. So I moved back to them

Easily the best and most secure and full featured password manager that’s ever existed. I highly, highly recommend it if you haven’t tried it.


@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Far, far more categories in 1Password

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

In addition to logins you can also store: Passwords Bank Cards Bank Accounts Secure Notes Software Licences Drivers Licence ID Membership Cards Documents API credentials SSH credentials Database Crypto Wallet Passport Medical records Email accounts Reward program Social security number Server

Quite a lot more than just logins.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

In addition to logins you can also store: Passwords Bank Cards Bank Accounts Secure Notes Software Licences Drivers Licence ID Membership Cards Documents API credentials SSH credentials Database Crypto Wallet Passport Medical records Email accounts Reward program Social security number Server

Quite a lot more than just logins.

It looks like cross-device integration is coming to Android (www.theverge.com)

Google is reportedly planning to introduce a new Android feature that will let users link their various Android devices together, similar to Continuity features across the Apple ecosystem. Android expert Mishaal Rahman posted about the potential feature, noting that it could allow Android devices that are signed into the same...

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

This is great news and I’m pleased that it uses a Google Account to manage the sync. Because we’ve already seen OnePlus bring this feature to their phones, but you have to create a One Plus account.

I’d much rather use my Google account since I’m logged in with it anyway and if I change devices, it still works. 👍

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, he’s become a total Apple shill

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, he’s kind of settled into a track in a way. I do think MrMobile does a slightly better job but for in depth reviews Juan Bagnell is very good.

I’m glad he prefers Android but come Apple season he’s going to be gushing all over the new iPhone’s. I don’t hear much criticism of iPhone’s from him, even though they are way behind Android. Even budget Android phones are better than iPhone.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

I never hear him criticising Apple and everytime a new iPhone comes out he’s gushing. Yet iPhone sucks next to Android. I’d take a budget Android over iPhone any day.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

See replies above

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Switched to Linux Mint. But not because of Snaps but rather RAM usage. Mint is lighter and faster. On cold boot it uses just 745mb versus 1.6GB on Ubuntu Gnome.

I don’t mind Snaps but I also won’t go out of my way to install it because there is no must-have snap that I need.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Yes this is the biggest issue. It’s caught me out several times where I thought the message was sent but wasn’t.

I’ve reported it to Google. I hope someone reads the feedback…

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, Linux Mint. Very stable, low resources, great UI, rock solid. Best overall distro out there.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

That’s true. If he needs up to date, then it’s Arch or opensuse Tumbleweed

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

That’s because it’s an LTS. There may be a way to backport the latest kernel and drivers but I’m not sure.

I suppose if the games always require the very latest drivers then it’s problem but you’d expect them to run on older drivers also.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Is that Debian 12? It has the latest stuff at the moment, because it’s just come out, but it will start like that for several years.

Unless you switch to the Unstable repo, but then you might get system issues.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Linux Mint to be honest. It’s super stable, looks great, has 3 desktops to choose from, is powered by Ubuntu but without snaps, really snappy because RAM usage is low.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

SSD only. HDD is on the way out. Most HDD’s are too slow and unreliable.

What is your unbiased opinion on Manjaro?

I am a Linux noobie and have only used Mint for around six months now. While I have definitely learned a lot, I don’t have the time to always be doing crazy power user stuff and just want something that works out of the box. While I love Mint, I want to try out other decently easy to use distros as well, specifically not based...

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not reliable. They try to combine stable with unstable packages and it doesn’t work. It’s only a matter of time before your graphics get messed up and you boot into a terminal. Avoid.

Get Linux Mint. You’ll thank me

jpittman, to linux

Whats the best solution for remote controlling Gnome linux workstation from macOS on a local network? @linux

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Rustdesk, Anydesk, TeamViewer or VNC.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

How much RAM do you have? Ubuntu and Pop use Gnome and it’s heavy on RAM. Linux Mint is light on RAM, for example, especially Mint MATE.

I’m sure there must be a way to install the latest drivers via backports. You’d have to research it.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Ok that’s plenty. Ubuntu uses about 1.6GB at cold boot. Pop should be similar. Mint uses about 745MB at cold boot. Mint MATE about 500MB.

It’s really up to you. They all have an ubuntu base so just decide which desktop environment you like.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, no antivirus. You don’t need it. There are no viruses. Plus, the way Linux is setup it’s not easy for a virus to do alot of damage.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Put the AV on Windows only. Linux cannot run any .exe files anyway so they are useless, unless you try run them under wine, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

@danielfgom@lemmy.world avatar

Then it must be bios. That’s where I’d be checking.

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