This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

danie10, avatar

Thanks, yes that is actually a slightly more comprehensive backup, looking at their GitHub project at, and they have a Flatpak installation as well.

danie10, avatar

This is lighter in weight, cooler, and cheaper than full VR… It works well with Steamdeck from what I can see in videos. VR to me just not seem mainstream or standardised enough yet to make that investment.

danie10, avatar

If multi-monitor is supported via USB-C output, it should work? I’ll also need to dig more into Linux reviews on this.

danie10, avatar

Seems there was some progress at…/nreal_linux_multiple_screens_poc/ but don’t see any updates since 8 months back. NREAL was the previous name for XREAL I think.

danie10, avatar

They know little about open source. Microsoft is exclusively in schools and government, and that is what they grow up with. They probably know more about pirating Windows, than using Linux legally. There is also a good kick-back in terms of MS license mark-ups for middle-men businesses. One would hope there is some mandatory education around different OSs as I’m sure kids would love to explore and modify software.

danie10, avatar

Linux and FLOSS unfortunately don’t have budgets, and rely on logic and common sense. Microsoft has a big lobbying budget, gets in to see senior politicians and decision-makers, and then sponsors training, digital villages, etc. Yes, it costs a country overall much more than Linux, but it is easier for schools/gov depts and middle-men make some actual money in their pockets. That’s what Linux and FLOSS end up against. What would turn it around is having strong local businesses driving training and making tender bids to install and support Linux and FLOSS. A government or school wants to have it done for them. That’s the reality, unfortunately.

danie10, avatar

Paid Proton Mail with my own domain name and own PGP keypair. Although it now has a way to securely search mail, I use the bridge service to allow Betterbird mail to sync my mail to my PC for searching.

danie10, avatar

My morning always starts with a mixed bowl of:

  • Diced paypaya
  • Diced seedless grapes
  • Slices of banana
  • 3 or 4 heaped tablespoons double-cream plain youghurt
  • Cocoa powder to flavour
  • Some powdered almond nuts
danie10, avatar

About 3 months back I cancelled Netflix (after being in it for many years) and moved to free Tubi.

danie10, avatar

Three fruits are part of my morning breakfast, along with Double Fat Plain Yoghurt, and powdered almonds and some plain cocoa powder.

danie10, avatar

Partly my fault - I have that page set to auto open on my browser every week

How do you deal with being broke?

I’m in my 30s so I should be used to this by now, but this shit is getting so stressful guys. I have no savings, my checking account is drained every month with rent, and if there’s ever a serious emergency I have no safety net, I’m legitimately fucked. I’m one unplanned expense away from absolute ruin. Those in the same...

danie10, avatar

Yep good advice, some services have no investment value loss e.g. short term insurance, life insurance, etc. You can switch elsewhere for a cheaper rate and lose nothing.

Unless you have a family or dependants, I’d cut out life insurance and focus on the essentials for now to recover. I also learn long ago to pay my credit card off every month to not have to pay interest on it…

danie10, avatar

I keep trying it but for me its not ready yet. Finally, in 2023 I can actually boot into it, but I get random freezes for up to a few minutes at a time. So it’s closer, but not stable yet. Hoping that Plasma 6 will be good to go.

danie10, avatar

Surely we need some context with this, as what we post is basically publicly visible. Even if we defederate the posts are anyway visible. Our IP addresses are probably visible to the home instance we connect to (or our VPN IP address etc) but how does our IP address then travel off with the federated post to someone following us on Threads? It’s only what travels out through the ActivityPub federation.

What would help with this post was, instead of just a link, maybe extracting the two or three issues that look problematic, and say why. That gives us something definite to actually debate.

For those who have friends stuck on Threads still, this maybe a good way for them to stay in contact. The Threads user gets their login times, IP address, location, etc tracked by Meta, and the Lemmy user with their Lemmy app, only identifies with their Lemmy instance. Threads should only be seeing the post and time that a Lemmy user posts something that is followed by a Threads user.

danie10, avatar

I certainly notice it as I post a lot across networks. I always have a title with my content explaining what’s what. There are so many times I have to reply to a commenter, saying “yes, that was what I mentioned in the post”. Clearly, way too many just dive in and comment on a title without even bothering to read the post content. It’s not that the content is pages long, it is usually maybe 3 or 4 paragraphs.

It’s no wonder so much misinformation takes hold, as few take the time to critically comprehend what they’re reading.

I think it is partly just fast scrolling and laziness to actually read the point being made. But then you may ask, why bother commenting at all then…

danie10, avatar

And I forgot about those one-liner replies with something semi controversial, without any sort of backing. In the few places where I’ve managed my own community groups, I made it a rule that you can disagree, but then have to back it up with some reference. That made it super easy to get rid of trolls, and supported better debate as it forced people to fact-check a bit.

danie10, avatar

Actually, you are quite lucky with SDR, as there are many such stations on the Internet where you can tune in locally at that location and listen as if you are there. I operate one for listening to our local ham radio frequencies on VHF at But mine is very simple compared to some of the more complex one’s available.

danie10, avatar

Each quirky hobby mentioned here, deserves its own Lemmy community!

danie10, avatar

I think it is quite well known that only Telegram Secret Chats are true E2EE. That said, Telegram is still not in the business of selling metadata actively like Whatsapp/Facebook/Meta are. As far as plain features go, Telegram is streets ahead of Whatsapp. But if I needed real “secret chat” I’d probably use Threema, SimpleX, Nostr, Jami, etc where I’m not tied to my mobile phone number or e-mail address.

danie10, avatar

Yes and no. It is good and I did one restore of some files that worked fine, but in my case it was noticeably affecting my boot up times, and I reverted to ext4 (boot ups were fast again to less than one minute). For some reason, BTRFS was resulting in quick login, but about 18 mins before my actual desktop was responsive after login. I spend many days trying to troubleshoot that. Maybe you won’t have this problem. I had my SSD system drive on ext4 with Timeshift backups, and my /home partition on BTRFS.

So I’m back on my ext4 doing a daily automated backup to a second drive with rsync (LuckyBackup app). I think there are further kernel improvements coming to BTRFS later in this year. But I’ll probably only retry it again end of 2023 or in2024. So if you decide to move, just benchmark your boot times, so you can judge if it affects them badly or not.

That said, BTRFS has some great features, lost no data for me, and I think has a great future.

danie10, avatar

The bigger problem was a massive buy of Microsoft Cloud services with Office365 etc. It’s moved beyond the desktop and moving back is not going to be easy. MS cloud makes it’s easier to use Linux on desktops, but basically the horse has left the stable.

danie10, avatar

But then Munich went back to Linux again did they not?

danie10, avatar

Actually no, Impi Linux was SA govs Linux distro in mid 2000’s before politicians changed. It was all political decision making. Ubuntu was a private initiative of Mark Shuttleworth, which he took to the UK. He was from SA and did give support to Impi Linux.

danie10, avatar

Credit card everywhere in South Africa for me - firstly safer, but I also settle it in full monthly so avoid bank costs and interest, and I get a lot of benefits back like 35% off fruit & veg, 75% off fitness devices annually, etc.

New Fork of the Linux Streamdeck-UI app for Elgato Stream Deck (

Many of us Linux users may have been using Timothy Crosley’s excellent app for Linux. But with the Pillow library causing a problem after it was updated, we realised Timothy seems to have disappeared. Within a week or so of that realisation, the project was now forked to…/streamdeck-linux-gui and even the AUR...

danie10, avatar

Yep too similar, and often both in a Linux gaming environment ;-)

danie10, avatar

I do yes as I also have a channel that I do videos for (my only income as I fund my own website without ads or 3rd party trackers). I do make my videos’ ads skippable though. And yes my own browser blocks ads.

But the pleasantness, or lack thereof, comes down to a site’s rules and moderation. The vast majority of people don’t want to be aggravated, and they also don’t really want to pay to use a website.

But scammers and clickbait are everywhere. I think a lot depends on whether they can game the algorithm to force their way into your home feed or not. Many news media sites also use clickbait, and the same goes for politicians wanting to get attention through fear and anger. But I agree very often clickbait crosses the line - it is really irritating when you see a thumbnail of something, and that image literally appears nowhere inside the content.

I mostly follow technology channels though.

danie10, avatar

I’ve filed at least three reports to X about incitement of violence and racial issues, and each came back as “the did not contravene our policies”. So that was the last time I opened X to read anything. It’s one thing to have a differencing point of view and debate it, but it’s another thing to stir up hatred without any reason or logic. It has got super toxic. I think more, and more brands are going to start realising this. No-one really needs all that negativity and hate, and there are better options on the Internet.

danie10, avatar

That’s a wide open topic, but for self-hosted I use FreshRSS with Full Text RSS coupled to it to get the full text of feeds. For desktop, I like cross-platform open-source Fluent Reader (just did a video about it today in fact) - again because it pulls in full text and can still sync reading progress across devices through multiple services inc FreshRSS, Nextcloud, and others.

danie10, avatar

They have just updated the ToS tho to now exclude using your data without permission for training AI. But Jitsi Meet is still a better option ;-)

danie10, avatar

No it’s not more secure going via Gmail. But what I did was to get the paid Proton Mail and I used my own domain name. So yes plenty pain and time now to slowly update my email address everywhere away from Gmail to my own domain name with Proton Mail.

But hopefully it’s the last time I have to update the email address everywhere, because even if I leave Proton Mail, my mail address is not tied to them, but to my own domain name so I can point that to any other mail provider.

So every mail address I’m changing now, is one away from Gmail. But if course 99.9% of businesses don’t Encrypt mail, so I’m only really cutting Google out of the loop (assuming the other party is not using Gmail of course).

What are the benefits to the US Electoral College system?

So I’m a New Zealander and I have a pretty good idea on how the electoral college system works but it honestly sounds like something that can be easily corrupted and it feels like it renders the popular vote absolutely useless unless I’m totally missing something obvious?...

danie10, avatar

The “popular vote” is also not a perfect system. When there are a majority of rural voters in area, and those voters are poorly educated, they come up with some interesting choices of town mayors, who then have no clue how to actually run a town council and provide services (not inside the US but just saying, no political system seems to be perfect).

danie10, avatar

Which looks very different if you choose any of the other themes. We have tons of choices, and each of us decides. Some may even want theirs to look like Windows.

danie10, avatar

$66pm for uncapped fibre 300/150 Mbps in South Africa

danie10, avatar

Manjaro - because everyone else seems to only be voting for Arch itself here. Manjaro is actually very stable, but I did sometimes have some trouble with AUR updates clashing. I like it because it stays relatively up to date and I don’t have to do any major reinstalls or upgrades. I’ve been on it for a few years and never have lost data or was not able to get it started (even if it did need a manual kick-start once or twice). Like any distro, over time you become savvy around what to use and what to avoid.

danie10, avatar

I thought we’re supposed to just mention what we’re using and why. Should we also tell others why they should not use what they’re using? That could start the distro wars all over again, just when we all became united in our differences ;-)

danie10, avatar

Not so, it was true for my 86-year-old mom. I installed Linux Mint and put the Chrome browser icon on her desktop, and that was all she used. She only checked e-mails and browsed like Facebook, etc. Every month or so when I went to visit, I’d just run the updater. Never broke and I never really had to do anything. The reason why I put it on, was her PC was getting old, and Windows was getting super slow. So it was win-win. She did not even know it was Linux.

danie10, avatar

Although I do use Linux (so should not respond here, I know), the reasons are probably similar to why Android vs iOS. They are different philosophies. No-one really is wrong, it is about personal fit.

My categorised list with hundreds of open source alternatives to proprietary software has been updated with even more options (

My list is separated into 30 separate categories to help find your area of interest whether it is networking, security, messengers, video editing, education, etc. It is also backed up to the Wayback Machine for future reference....

danie10, avatar

OK have added Kubernetes. The first 3 tho are freeware and not open source. It seems lens only has the core open source for extension development, and the overlaying Desktop Lens product is not actually open source?

danie10, avatar

Thanks have added them all. Can’t believe I left OBS out as i use it all the time myself.

danie10, avatar

OK thanks fixed it, but marked it as freemium and not open source.

danie10, avatar

Thanks have added Gajim as I use it, but put link to other clients as there are many XMPP apps.

danie10, avatar

Thanks I added it.

danie10, avatar

XMPP is actually a great protocol that has expanded over time with lost of additional functionality, including secure networking. It has both channels and blog subscriptions (not supported by all clients). The only other protocol I know of that has extendible features like this is Nostr. Both really put ActivityPub to shame apart from the federation aspect. Actually wondering if XMPP has a Lemmy/Reddit type link aggregation with voting.

Free Cross-Platform Sweet Home 3D Software For DIY Interior Home Design Visualisation (

This open source software allows you to fairly easily model your home (or other buildings) to help you visualise interior home design changes and to export to both photorealistic stills and videos. I’ve used it twice for alterations to our house and I show how I’ve used it....

danie10, avatar

That looks really good, and may remove any weird download install issues.

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