@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar


@[email protected]

Hi all. I'm Dan. You can message me on Matrix https://kbin.social/u/danhakimi:matrix.org, or follow me on Mastodon at https://mastodon.social/@DanHakimi.

You might want to check out my men's style blog, The Second Button, and the associated instagram account

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@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I'm liking kbin more for the web UI than anything, but it's had some weird federation issues, so I might move one day.

I used lemmy.ml back when the lemmyverse was pretty much just pro-Russia tankies, it wasn't that great.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

The issue wasn't that it wasn't good, it's that it was way too expensive to have ever made in the first place. IIRC, they had a full-time puppeteer puppeteering the tick's antennae, and the amount they spent to make that happen was just.. nuts.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

But not having books on your shelves is not a green flag, it just might not be a red flag.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Liberals: I learned my lesson making predictions in November 2020.

You mean 2016.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

He might be federally barred from office. On March 4, 2024, his insurrection trial will start and if he is found guilty it would be very difficult for any legal system to state he can still hold federal office.

Federal courts might call this a non-justiciable political question. Individual states might bar him from the ballot, but good luck getting a lot of red states to do that.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Apple's biggest crimes here are creating a proprietary platform with an exclusive protocol and making it the default messaging protocol on their devices. None of this is really new, though. All that shit is common. We need Signal or Matrix to improve in user-friendliness and even do some marketing to the point where they become viable solutions.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

in other words: the default messaging protocol is imessage, unless that's impossible, in which case it falls back to sms.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Android has an easy remote backup system built in. You can save a file to any location, including cloud locations, as long as the cloud service provider plugs into the API. Signal actively disables this feature because they would rather spite users than risk even the shadow of a chance that a user upload an encrytped backup to an internet service that could theoretically then be hacked and hypothetically maybe one day decrypted.

Matrix doesn't have this issue, it just stores encrypted messages on servers.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

health insurance isn't really insurance either.

it's like a health services subscription plan with a million convoluted rules.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

insurance is part of health plans. There is a deductible and an out-of-pocket max, which are both designed to protect you from those catastrophic risks. But because those catastrophic risks are best addressed by preventative care, and regular checkups, and freakin' gym memberships, so the economics of insuring health becomes the economics of health incentivization, fucking around to figure out what it takes to get people to take care of themselves in advance rather than waiting but not getting people to go to doctors for frivolous issues.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

there's an "RCS Test App" in AOSP that nobody has managed to transform into a practical piece of software...

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

So... Updates to Google messages, updates to WearOS, an update to AndroidTV, a few updates to Google proprietary apps, and one or two updates to the actual Android operating system.

What opened your eyes to what's happening in Palestine?

We’re a group of activists in a Western country where most have been brought up with either “Israel = good, Hamas = bad” or “It’s a sad, but unsolvable conflict between two equal sides”. The media heavily skewed to the Israeli perspective, and our politicians want to condemn protests in support of Palestinians....

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Plenty of people argue that Hamas is not a terrorist organization.

Israel is relatively popular in the US, but younger Americans and many circles within academia are rabid antizionists, as I think you've seen. Many are calling to "globalize the intifada."

Hamas has not succeeded in making the average westerner think terrorism is good, but they have succeeded in normalizing terrorism, making more people think that "terrorism" is an Islamophobic term, making more people think that Israel does not have the right to exist, and emboldening antisemites on the right and left. Younger generations are more and more aggressively antizionist as time goes on.

Settler expansion is a problem that's more complicated and less exciting to people than the war. It makes sense that antizionists want us to focus on the war and just use settler expansion for color.

This study from the GWU Program on Extremism is an important read on the topic of Hamas's presence in the US over time.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Hamas's goal is not to make you think they're the good guys, their goal is to eradicate Israel and the Jewish people, and/or to die trying. They've been turning sentiment in their favor.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

My electric toothbrush works in four 30-second increments. Each 30 seconds is plenty of time for me to cover a quadrant. I slowly go over the outside, inside, top/bottom, gums in each quadrant. Maybe if I was meticulously brushing each tooth one by one, I could see the issue, but that's not necessary, is it?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

So, as others mentioned, they're tankies. They circle jerk about how "the west" is entirely responsible for every bad thing that ever happened. They blame the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the West, they deny the oppression of the Uyghur people as pure western propaganda...

Any time you cite something horrible Russia or Iran or China or North Korea does, they say "the west is just as bad," draw some false equivalencies, and then proceed to explain why that means that the West is the only bad thing and there's nothing at all wrong with Russia or China.

And... they're so aggressive about it. It's not just that their opinions are so detestable, but that they brigade other threads and insist that everybody who isn't actively bombing US government buildings is evil.

They're annoying. On the fediverse, that might be the highest sin.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

oh hey there, I recognize you

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

So, it's worth noting that a decent cobbler can resole even cemented shoes most of the time.

But nicer shoes:

a) are actually worth resoling, because good leather ages better over time
b) are easier to resole again and again because of other construction features I'm not going to delve into

It's also worth noting that the oversimplified "tiers of leather" advice you've probably heard about "genuine leather" vs "full grain" vs whatever the other tiers were is more or less made up, and that understanding what makes leather good is... complicated, so it helps to either know the tannery (brands that name the tanneries they get their leather from are usually at least pretty good) or get recommendations from people who know better.

But RW IRs are really solid boots, enjoy.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

nobody thinks discord is e2ee. "private messages" usually means the same thing as "direct messages" -- messages between a defined set of people as opposed to an open group. You know and understand this term, you're just being a dick because you think that's an effective way to convince people to stop using proprietary software without basic features like e2ee. You're wrong.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

You're trying to "correct" the correct usage of vernacular English because you feel like reinventing the language to suit your personal idea of what it should be. English is bigger than you. The phrase "private messaging" has meaning, and it's not up to you to decide what that meaning is.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Targeting civilians is a war crime. Targeting enemy combatants while trying to evacuate civilians, trying to warn civilians so desperately that you warn the enemy combatants too, and killing civilians in attacks that target legitimate military targets and reflect a sufficient level of care to minimize risk to human life, is not a war crime, that's the definition of "collateral damage."

There's no double standard there, that's the whole issue.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

It is. When your enemy is embedded in hospitals and mosques and everywhere else civilians try to go for safety, it gets hard. But I'm sure your alternative is just for Israel to just agree to a one-sided ceasefire and wait for Hamas to shore up its weapons, move the hostages, and repeat its 10/7 attack, huh?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

ahh yes. Because the Israeli army has literally no options between “relentless bombing of Gaza, denying access to food, water and medicine,

the IDF turned off its supply of 7% of gazan water for a few days, and is still getting shit for it. Hamas never bothered to maintain the power plant or desalination plant, stole fuel from the power plant that could have been used to keep running the hospitals and desalination plant, and openly dug up water pipes to fashion into rockets. They didn't even hide that, they were proud of that.

sniping civillians trying to flee according to your demand on the safe routes you designated

You know that bridge was Hamas snipers, right? Israel didn't have a real presence in that area yet, the closest thing they had was a ship that did not fire small bullets. People initially blamed all the bullet-ridden bloody bodies on the bridge on an Israeli airstrike, and then realized that there was no sign of any explosion anywhere on the bridge, and had to change their story. =/

and bombing ambulances trying to move patients in the same way”

Hamas said that there were no patients in those ambulances, but the IDF had intelligence that there were, in fact, terrorists in them. This is in keeping with a long-standing pattern going back a good 20 years, Hamas loves shuttling terrorists around in ambulances.

Israel could have led an infantry assault into Gaza withou pounding everything first. That would have meant higher casualties though and here shows the true nature of Israels government and army.

I love how, now, people are saying "they should have invaded by land!" when, before the ground invasion began, everybody was protesting the concept of a land invasion and surrounding nations had threatened to declare war if Israel invaded.

They do not care for any palestinian life. So far for every Israeli soldier that got killed, more than 200 palestinian civillians were killed.

You know how I know you made that number up? Nobody anywhere has published any number of palestinian civilians that were killed in this war.

In world war 2 the axis powers killed about 6 civillians for every axis soldier and the allies killed about 1 civillian for every 4 ally soldiers. So the war that was about total destruction and genocide still had more than a magnitude less civillians killed relative to combatants killed.

Please, feel free to cite Hamas statistics here, I'd love to see if they've finally claimed a number of civilians vs combatants.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

a one-sided ceasefire, or a two-sided ceasefire? Would you expect Hamas to keep its end of a ceasefire agreement?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

They have bombed a neonatal unit!

Source for this?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

What is more collaborative:

"They made an agreement where some Jews were allowed to flee the Holocaust"


this shit

fleeing versus encouraging and attempting to extend the holocaust, who were the real Nazi collaborators?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

what you quoted only makes the Hamas facility the target. Civilians inside that hospital are not valid targets.

Right. So Israel targets the Hamas facility. Sometimes, civilians in the hospital die as a result of attacks targeting the Hamas facility and Hamas individuals. This is what is commonly known as "collateral damage." It is a tragedy that should be minimized.

Glad we're in agreement.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

It doesn’t matter what Hamas agrees to or doesn’t,

So you don't want a ceasefire, you want Israel to stop unilaterally and then whatever happens to it next is fine by you, right?

Don't call it a ceasefire if you don't know what a ceasefire exist.

up to this point the ratio of Palestinians killed to Israelis has been 25:1.

Really? 1200 Israelis murdered on October 7th, you're really telling me that over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed?

You wanna maybe try that again?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I was referring to the comparative death tolls over the course of Israel’s decades long

alright I'm going to ignore the rest of your antisemitic bullshit and just focus on the ratio you picked, probably also out of made-up numbers (and I doubt you included all the Israeli soldiers killed in wars started by surrounding Muslim nations pretending to act on Palestinians' behalf), to frame the issue without ignoring what actually happened.

Over the past few decades, the Palestinians have started every damn war they could against Israel, including two intifadas, suicide bombings, rockets aimed vaguely at civilians (historically, roughly 1/3-1/4 of the rockets fired from Gaza since 2001 landed in Gaza). Hamas has built plenty of tunnels in Gaza, but no workers, because it prefers to see its civilians die because it makes the statistics more gruesome and keeps their control of the gaza strip going.

Meanwhile, Israelis invest billions into not only technology like the Iron Dome to defend Israeli civilians, but also in warning technology like roof knocking tech, medical tech that it used to save Palestinian lives, including that of Yahya Sinwar, and... Oh yeah, remember the thousands of greenhouses they left in Gaza in 2005 when they unilaterally withdrew? Gee, what ever happened to those?

So Palestinians:

  • Don't defend their own
  • Send their own into suicide missions—sometimes, in that history, literally
  • Literally kill their own (and count the numbers against Israel in their often made-up statistics, see the Al-Ahli hospital explosion)

Can an average person who works a full time job become capable enough to rival a secret agent like James Bond or John Wick on their own ?

If so what kind of training they would have to go through ? By training I mean the spatial and situational awareness, combat skills (this is kinda unrealistic), enough knowledge to turn any situation to their advantage etc....

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I don't think any secret agent could rival any of those fictional characters. They have incredible plot armor, depending on the scenario. James Bond is an idiot who fucks every woman who moves, even when he knows they're there to trap him, but has a magic dick that hypnotizes them onto his side.

Batman with prep time is an unstoppable force who could take down every army in the world at once if he really needed to.

No, no human can compare to these characters.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Hasn't Batman also, in some media, gone blow for blow with Superman-level opponents without dying? Like, he's not as strong as them, and superhuman strength isn't technically a superpower he has, but...

No. Even if you could match the current fictional character's tech and computing power and budget and incoherent physical strength, those really are not what make Batman Batman. It's the intellect, the iron will, the sheer level of badassery that can only be achieved in fiction where an author has him appear behind the villain just to show what an impossible nightmare Batman truly is.

Being able to pretend that he's Bruce Wayne sometimes certainly helps, though. He's a good actor.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Except Google is framing the Apple App store as an alternative to the Google Play store, which... doesn't really make sense... Especially in this context, they weren't offering money to release fortnite on the Play store over the App store, they were offering money to release on the play store instead of as a standalone or in a competing store.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

but they weren't offering money for platform exclusivity, they were offering money for store exclusivity on the platform

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

it would be weird if you didn't.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I love software freedom, federated networks, proper encrytption, and all of that too.

But I'm not kidding myself into thinking that it's worth losing friends over. Do facebook and IG suck? yeah. But that's where the social network is. The product isn't the software, it's the network.

That's kind of the point of the fediverse, that we can expand to achieve a large-scale network that creates the same positive network effects as a social network like... well, more like reddit or twitter, primarily due to the norm of anonymity, probably not a replacement for facebook, but...

Anyway... I think that, depending on the specifics, it might actually be a good idea to federate with Threads, just to expand the network, gain mainstream appeal, normalize the fediverse, and drive engagement here.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

well, it's not incoherent to give a volunteer supplies, or even a basic stipend to cover supplies... If the 200,000 she mentioned was rubles, that's not even $2,200, that's not a soldier's pay, that's a small stipend—especially if they don't give you a uniform or even fucking feed you.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

This feels so 1700s. Like the revolutionary war where the volunteers just kind of showed up with whatever they had.

well... uh, they weren't all volunteers.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

I'm not going to debate with anybody evil enough to call the rapists and baby-murderers at Hamas a "resistance group." If you're intentionally going to spread pro-Hamas propaganda, you can go fuck yourself.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Bibi is a piece of shit, and that is not a defense of Hamas or its use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. If you're not going to try, don't bother commenting.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

If the point is to destroy Hamas assets and people, there’s no sense in tipping them off about it.

The primary point of airstrikes is to stop the Hamas bases that fire rockets indiscriminately in the vague direction of Israel. They warn people so that people can escape, and then, if people escape, and the rockets are disabled, that's a win-win. Of course, it would be even better if they had magic airstrikes that only disabled rockets, created protective bubbles around any civilians to protect them from any rubble, and convinced terrorists to just stop politely. But short of that, they're going to focus on disabling the rockets and warning civilians.

Yes, they call Hamas terrorists and warn them. They'd rather everybody survive than civilians die. Hamas would rather everybody die than civilians live.

It’s not actually possible to take out military targets like that in civilian neighborhoods with air strikes in a “clean” way.

Right. Feel free to recommend something cleaner than airstrikes.

Obviously the only reason they don’t go in on the ground with IDF soldiers if they actually have legitimate targets instead is because the lives of Palestinean civilians are less important than the lives of Israeli soldiers, and they know that air strikes don’t lead to any casualties on their side.

They did go in on the ground with IDF soldiers, what news are you following?

But launching a ground invasion into Gaza every time Hamas or PIJ fired a rocket would be worse, you see how much the world is complaining (and attacking Jews) because of the current ground invasion, right? They're calling the ground invasion a genocide. Surrounding Muslim nations have been saying that invading Gaza by ground would be an act of war against them, they're just itching to invade Israel. Ground wars are not safe for civilians either.

Moreover, if you attack a Hamas rocket facility on ground, kill every terrorist, and let every civilian go free, the rockets and rocket-firing infrastructure are still there. You need the soldiers to stay around long enough to dismantle all that and carry the rockets away. In that time, Hamas will obviously attack the soldiers, and the escalation will inevitably result in more destruction.

How can harm be minimized here? Really? There is no sensible solution while Hamas exists. Hamas must not be allowed to continue existnig. (Nor should PIJ, for that matter). That, at this point, is the justification for a ground invasion.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Well, Gaza's internet and phone services are up again, but if you'd been paying attention, you know that, in addition, they've also been using roof knocking, and also dropping flyers, and every other fucking thing they can manage to warn civilians on every time scale. If you have any other idea how Israel should disable rocket facilities, feel free.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

it doesn't? I thought I was reinforcing your point...

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Their intent is that by their "martyring" Palestinian civilians, they'll be able to use their deaths as PR against Israel.

Yes, that is a cynical take. That's how Hamas operates.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

why do you people think Israel wants to kill civilians? Do you really think the IDF is just hundreds of thousands of monsters who love killing? What is wrong with you people?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

You say Hamas wants all Palestinians to be martyrs.

I pointed out how much Hamas loves it when Palestinians die.

what is the disconnect?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

(sorry, I don't know why I never posted this, I have way too many tabs open)

You know this is propaganda right? That number never came from Hamas go find them quoting it as fact, I’ll wait.

Well, let's see, where did the Telegraph get its 8,000 number from?

On Sunday the Hamas-controlled Gaza health ministry claimed the death toll among Palestinians passed 8,000, with most of them women and children.

... gee, I didn't even have to dig one layer deep, the Telegraph itself tells you it's from Hamas. =/

Let's focus on the 500, though, who cites the number as a Hamas claim verified by literally nobody else?


And who else commented on the number?

the Al-shifa hospital director, who estimated it was half of that.

But Hamas just knew in less than 20 minutes, somehow, that it was 500.

The number came from an interview with a doctor right after the attack and it was mistranslated on Aljazeera.

Does the doctor work for Hamas?

Gee, I wonder how a Hamas employed doctor managed to count 500 dead bodies within 20 minutes. Israel is still trying to tally its dead, but Hamas managed to pronounce 500 people dead just in time to falsely accuse Israel of attacking the hospital on Al Jazeera?

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

How do you stroke a giraffe’s head?

Is that what you meant?

I like metal, rock, Glukhovsky’s books and shrek (I gave up writing about sci-fi and r&m to sound more normal)

I think "Glukhovsky" just sounds like a much, much more obscure way of saying "sci-fi." And I think Shrek kind of sounds... both like something everybody likes, and like a childish thing to focus on. Like, I like Shrek, but it is a children's movie series that came out in 2001, so how about...

I like metal, rock, sci-fi literature (I'm a big fan of Glukhovsky), and (something else, maybe something more abstract, like "ordering dessert" or "the sound my cat makes when I pet it" or "comfy sweaters" or "food that's just a little bit too spicy* or something).


Looking for my next ex (joke)

... nope. I understand the joke. You do not want to make a joke that takes people to a negative place. Also, this particular joke is a cliche, so it's not even funny anymore.

@danhakimi@kbin.social avatar

Pizza with pineapple, night drive, Singing in the shower, a bit too much sweetness (but I’m thin) poor comedy or something like that?

something like that. I like "singing in the shower," it's cute and not too common and there's really nothing wrong with it.

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