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The 8 hours escaping the Police Station in RE2 Remake are maybe the best 8 hours of gaming I've ever experienced

To be frank I hate survival horror. Zombies don’t do it for me. I got recommended this game as “well made” and “tests your decision making skills”, and my backlog was running thin so I said sure, what the hell, let’s out-decision-make some zombies....


I’m a pretty big user of abbreviations, and usually I understand them. But some times my mind just gets locked and I can’t decipher the abbreviations, and I begin to wonder if we’re using too much of them.


Red Ed Redemption 2?

Red Elert 2?

RunEscape 2?

Took me a while to arrive at Resident Evil 2.

Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.


I would respect your opinion if you presented it as an opinion, but your comment just reads as a condescending statement towards gamers who enjoy those genres. I don’t play either of those genres either, but I respect that people do enjoy them.


I found spelunky to be a game not fitting for me at all. I really wanted to like it, but I found myself to be unmotivated when I kept losing and didn’t feel like making more skillwise progress. I might just suck, but I just don’t feel like playing that punishing roguelikes.

What's a skill that's taken for granted where you live, but is often missing in people moving there from abroad?

I was thinking about that when I was dropping my 6 year old off at some hobbies earlier - it’s pretty much expected to have learned how to ride a bicycle before starting school, and it massively expands the area you can go to by yourself. When she went to school by bicycle she can easily make a detour via a shop to spend some...



Cross country skiing. It’s basically expected for every kid in school to be adaquate at cross country skiing. P. E. classes during winter could often consist of a ski trip, and a couple times per year the schools would arrange ski days with different acrivities on skis.

Why are there loads of unnamed bluetooth devices around me? (feddit.de)

I live in a big city in the center. When i activate “Show bluetooth devices without names” in the developer settings of my android 13 phone, there appear loads of this devices. I have no clue what they are. Does anyone know? Are that the bluetooth nanobots of the vaxxinated people? (/s to last question!)


I have replaced almost every light bulb in my house with smart bulbs which feature both bluetooth and zigbee connections. It’s around 40 devices. If your neighbour has smart bulbs or other devices, I guess that could be a large part of it.


I started playing disk golf which has started to build up some sort of social network. Doing a physical activity with other people really seems to work.


I have a few bottles which ranges from 1-5 years old. Mostly plastic of the brand Camelbak. They are good, and I don’t know what more to ask for in a water bottle. However, more often than not I just end up reusing an old soda bottle.


Yes, I’m 32. Back in 2010 I got my licence in Norway. Norway has separate licences for manual and automatic transmissions, such that the automatic transmission licence is more limited. In 2010, nearly all cars were manual, and getting a licence for automatic transmission meant that you would basically only drive your own car.

Today, Norway in huge on EVs and hybrids, and I think you’ll have to search hard to find a new car with manual transmission. I think the stats are that ~70% of new licences are for automatic transmission, which makes a lot of sense.


Kurzgesagt has a fantastic video on the matter, and the video has great peer-reviewed sources right in the description for whoever would need them.


I’ve heavily reduced my meat consumption after seing this video. I basically never eat meat in the meals I make only for myself. It’s not like I never eat meat, but since getting a bit more informed, I try to respect the occasional meat instead of expecting it several times a day.


You just made my brain click. I’ve always wondered why clockwise rotation around a vertical axis was commonly agreed. I have never seen a mechanical- or electrical clock installed flat on the ground. So why would we assume that the clock isn’t in the ceiling facing down, which would reverse the direction?

But now that you mention it in the context of a sundial, it seems so obvious that the clock is just an extension of that, making the sun and clock a common reference.

But that bids the question if they have another term for it in the southern hemisphere.


I didn’t even consider equatorial countries. That’s interesting as well. Depending on the season, the literal “sunwise direction” would change, while spring- and autumn equinox wouldn’t translate to any rotation around a vertical axis.

I used to be a swing dance instructor, and describing rotation as “to the left” or “to the right” always seemed a bit more natural and understandable for the general participant.


In Norway, restaurants started to implement applications or websites to order at the restaurant. Scan a QR code or download an app (yuck) to order the food and preemptively pay for it. While that might be fine, I find it really strange when I’m asked about tipping when I place my order. I have literally not seen a waiter, I have just sat down and looked through a website, and now I’m asked if I want to tip? Why? What for?

Luckily, 0% tip is very common in all services in Norway, so it’s not considered rude to refrain from tipping.


I think Super Solvers - Gizmos and Gadgets was among the first games that really got me excited for gaming.


It’s among my favorites as well. It’s a 28 minute listen on youtube, for anyone who doesn’t have access to the book.



Kerbal Space Program.

Basically “do rocket science without instructions”.


Is it normalized? I very rarely hear anyone taking homeopathic medicine or advocating for it. But I live in Norway, so maybe this is a thing elsewhere?


That is completely crazy to me. I guess the matter differs wildly based on location.


Progress bars are bad indicators for representing remaining work or time, but it’s a decent indicator that something is still being done. Though it’s uncommon these days, I remember several instances of older games that has stopped loading. Showing the same percent for a minute is a decent indicator that something has gone wrong.

While I don’t care for percent as a displayed number, I do enjoy some kind of indicator showing that the loading is progressing.

Do you still write notes with pen and paper?

With so much note taking apps nowadays, I can’t understand why does anyone still write notes with pen and paper. You need to bring the notepad, book or that paper to retrieve that information, and most of the time you don’t have it in hand. While my phone almost always reachable and you carry when you go out. For those still...


I agree with a lot of peoples take about the convenience of paper notes with the ability to handle them, physically share them and so forth. But I still never use physical notes any more. And 100% of the reason is that I’m always carrying my phone, but I never carry a pen and notebook. My need to take notes is spontaneous and unpredictible, so paper and a pen is never within an arms reach when I need to take a note.


I would have a bad headache for a few days, but I would probably power through and not resolve to illegal purchases.

I’m the government’s bitch.

Microsoft Teams is now part of the Xbox Game Bar so you can stream gameplay to friends - The Verge (www.theverge.com)

Microsoft has integrated Microsoft Teams with the Xbox Game Bar, allowing users to stream their gameplay in real-time to friends over Teams video calls. Up to 20 people can join a call to watch and chat together while gaming. The viewer can see both the game and overlaid video of friends. However, streaming performance is...


To be fair, teams has been ahead of slack on video call functionality for a few years. Noise suppression, screen sharing and additional functionality all seems to be a bit ahead.

I use both for work. Slack is far superior when it comes to written messages, and I use slack for quick video calls with collegues, just because I don’t feel like booting up Teams, but for scheduled meetings or longer conversations with screen sharing we always use Teams.


I’ll be honest - it has never been an option for me or my workplace to use teams for anything but video calls for us developers. We have bitbucket for code, slack for dm, confluence for documentation, jira for tasks, email for async communication and Teams for video calls. Each one are great at what we use them for and kinda sucks as soon as we try to use it for something else.


If it’s a firm cheese, you are probably fine. Where I’m from, it’s pretty common knowledge that mold on regular firm cheese is pretty much contained within the visible spot and ~1-2 cm outwards from the spot. So cut away a decent chunk around the spot, and you’ll probably be fine.

Disclaimer: I know nothing, I have no sources and I take no responsibility.


It has had it’s rise and fall, but Bon Appétit has a ton of great videos, both for instructions and entertainment.


A few years ago, a lot of the chefs came together in some sort of union against the leadership with pretty ugly claims, resulting in most of the chefs leaving Bon Appétit. I’m not sure what the current situation is, maybe we’re morally supposed to stay away from the channel?

Anyways, I love the old videos with Brad Leone, Molly Baz, Claire Saffiz and several others. The videos beyond the major resignation has a completely different feel to it, so I haven’t been following the channel a lot since that.


Coming from a civilized country where the credit score is calculated by looking at income, taxes and property, I cannot fathom how the US credit score calculation is supported by anyone.


I don’t really have anyone to play it with. Is it playable solo or with randoms?


Guys, I have the best idea - guys! I hav- Guys! Best Idea! - I have the best idea ever! Guys! Listen! We’ll put 64 huge rockets on a tiny pod and then forget to add parachutes. Brilliant.


You got it!


I don’t live in the US, but from a foreign perspective, it seems like pretty much everything is heavily divided depending on political alignment - and increasingly so. From my perspective, it seems like there are basically no politically neutral news outlets or types of social media, and even locations seem to lean heavily towards a specific political direction. So it seems obvious that people are spoon fed into a specific alignment. Consuming news of an opposing view or communicating with anyone with opposing views just seems unnatural in those environments. So to me, it seems like political views is commonly a huge package deal.

What made you choose your instance?

Following the spirit of spreading across the Fediverse (and because my main instance is down so many times, because diverse reasons) I’m intrigued about the joining instance process, because I honestly don’t know what criteria to have in order to join another one if I ever want to do it....


By selecting something from the top of the list at the time, I ended up on vlemmy.net. Then that went down after a few days. So I created an account on lemmy.world. With that instance, everything seemed buggy, and I was constantly logged out and unable to load my account.

So I made an account ln whatever I’m on now.

To me, this seems like a big drawback for lemmy. Creating an account doesn’t guarantee any persistence unless you host your own instance. So the bar is not low for new users.

What are your thoughts on restricting children’s access to pornography online?

There are a lot of GOP-controller legislatures in the USA pushing through so-called “child protection” laws, but there’s a toll in the form of impacting people’s rights and data privacy. Most of these bills involve requiring adults to upload a copy of their photo ID.


I’m out of the loop on this one, but it sounds like yet another attempt at SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). Back in 2011, people had to fight hard because the US congress was attempting to gain control over the internet. The congress’ reasoning was that they wanted to hinder piracy, but the implications of the bill was so much more.

I don’t recall the full history of this, but I believe that as soon as SOPA was turned down, a new bill regarding preventing child pornography was proposed. And that bill had basically the same implications, but if you were against it this time, the congress had implied that you were supporting child pornography.

It seems like the state’s attempt at gaining control of the internet is never ending, since they can propose new bills as soon as the previous bill is voted out. Basically the “throw enough shit at a wall and some of it will stick”-tactic.


I would assume that large chicken farms would separate the mother from the chicks long before any family bond could be established. There are a lot of viable concerns about how the animals are handled and treated, but the issue of separating a family is just not one of them.

Peta is Peta’ing yet another subject.


There are of couse exceptions and areas where cattle can graze all year, and the need to deforest areas isn’t as large as other places. However, for the majority of beef production, there are less enviornmentally friendly cattle food implemented. So maybe the solution should be that only the areas that can produce beef sustainably should be allowed to consume it? I would assume that that would be an unpopular policy, so I find it to be a much better solution to reduce the beef consumption even in the areas with sustainable producion and rather let those areas export the excess production.

What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

I think the most common answer is going to be Tears of the Kingdom, and that is one for me that stands out for sure, but I will try to add some more unique inputs as well. Many are games that came out longer than a year ago, but i didnt get around to playing until more recently....



I do software development for work, so the game resonates with me intensely. Doing math to optimize input/output and refactor systems to obtain best capacity compared to the available technology. It’s great.

And yes, I have played through Factorio too.


Satisfactory feels a lot more like other open world games. Not that it’s actually comparable to skyrim, but it is kinda shifted in that direction. There is value to go exploring and find different things or useful areas which can help you progress. Satisfactory has a huge map with a to of beautiful places to explore and build on, but the map is not random generated, so the replayability is a bit limited for the base game.

Satisfactory is a lot slower on progress and never reaches the “endgame” of Factorio, i.e. you won’t get a swarm of drones and slap down huge blueprints to harvest whole areas and the factory will probably not be as “refined” and structured. You get small blueprints so you can easily make parts of production lines.

An obvious point is also that Satisfactory is 3D. So you have a whole extra dimension to use for production lines, and the game features several components which allows you to make use of walls, ceilings and additional platform levels to refine your lines.

But even though the game has very different visuals and several different aspects, they hit that same sense of satisfaction with constructing systems with maximum output and see things work. I highly recommend trying it, although you might want to consider waiting for the full release (which is TBA, but speculated to be “soon”).


I’m guessing this is more pronounced at lower levels. At high level chess, I often hear commentators comparing the moves to their database of games, and it often takes 20-30 moves before they declare that they have now reached a position which has never been reached in a professional game. The high level players have been grinding openings and their counters and the counters to the counters so deeply that a lot of the initial moves can be pretty common.

Also, high levels means that games are narrowing more towards the “perfect” moves, meaning that repetition from existing games are more likely.

What is a good hobby for a depressed person?

So i still have depression and im constantly bored, i feel like a loser who cant do anything right. I want to let my creativeness out, make something i can share with the world or family, but im probably dreaming too big. I cant stand being depressed and bored, it stinks, everyone tells me to work out but i lack the motivation...


I see a lot of physical activities around here, and I strongly agree. Find something that gets you outside and makes you move around. Hiking, biking, running, team sports, climbing - all great. Find whatever suits you and is within your area.

I recently got into disc golf. It’s something i look forward to play, and it makes me go outside often and I meet a lot of new people while playing.


The prequal, Ingress, was even simpler, but that probably made it better as a long run game. There were portals to harvest and a simple system to create triangles between portals to claim territories. Nothing overly complex, and no expectations to bring gameplay mechanics from an other game.

Ingress was obviously dead as soon as Niantic launched the much more popular Pokémon Go. Of course fantastic for Niantic, but I just feel like Ingress would have been a game I would have played for a lot longer if Pokémon Go didn’t happen.


Time-limited consumables as buffs can be a huge annoyance. In a ton of games I just end up stacking them, waiting for an opportunity where I need them, but usually when I need them, I don’t have the time to stop and use them. I keep ending those kind of games with an inventory full of potions.


I live in a kinda small Norwegian town. I work full time as a developer with remote access to the customer. My office is ~5-6 hours away, but I am very rarely asked to travel.


Satisfactory. Been progressing my last save for a few weeks. I’m in the last (but largest) phase. My factory took a lot longer before turning into spaghetti comparred to my previous attempts. Now it’s slowly getting complex to the point of considering going mass dissassembly and make something more pretty.


It’s a minor thing, but whenever I get into a pokemon game, I deposit my starter ASAP. I don’t want to rely on the pokemon which is spoon fed to me from start, it feels a lot better to play the game with whatever I’m able to catch along the path.


I did the same way back when playing pokémon red. My Blastoise was up in level 60-70 when I approached the last gym. Being a small kid, I didn’t understand tactics of effective types - only that my pokemon was an awesome heavy turtle with cannons on its back. I never really tried to use other pokemon or switch out during battle.


I try to stay open and switch out whatever seems logical to make a complete team with good coverage - both in types and atk/sp.atk distribution.


The huge sign behind the curb seems to say “Singapore”, so that narrows it down a bit.


Yep. The meme seems to be created by someone who has a vague recollection of the movie, with assumptions of it being a lot simpler. There are a ton if plot holes in the movie, but this is not one of them.

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