This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

What do you think the bare necessities of the current world is? (

Years back, it was more simple. Food, shelter, and water. But now, as technology, advances and people get stressed out more and more from life getting too complicated, needing manuals for almost everything. What do you guys think the bear necessities are now?...


Bear necessities you say? All that a modern bear needs is a pic-a-nic basket and a trusty sidekick.

d3Xt3r, (edited )

Given the current pace of development, how long would you reckon it might take them to get rid of the bugs, at least, the annoying game-breaking ones? I don’t mind incomplete content, but game breaking bugs is something I don’t have the patience to deal with. Like, I made the mistake of pre-ordering Cyberpunk - dropped it on day one cause of the bugs and didn’t touch it until three years later, when it was finally in a playable state (for me). Just wondering if Star Citizen would reach that sort of bug-free stage within the next couple of years.


Looks like this might work:


It’s not in the opposite order, it’s just flipped around in the photo lol.


If it’s just for personal use, why not just use Tasker? Judging by what you’ve written, it could be easily done without needing any Android coding experience.

Beans Are a Vegetable: an Overanalysis (

“Of course beans count as a vegetable!” I said to my wife. We have this house rule that it’s okay to eat mac and cheese for dinner so long as you add a vegetable. If I may ‘spill the beans’, I’m obsessed with them. Each one is tastier than the last: garbanzo bean, black bean, kidney. The butter bean, which is just...


That was a fun read, cheers for sharing!

I just wish more places offered beans as an alternative protein option. I ordered a burger yesterday from this new restaurant, and their only veggie option was a “plant-based patty”. And as it turns out, it was a fake meat patty, which tasted gross. I don’t understand why they don’t just offer a bean patty instead - it’d be cheaper, healthier and tastier.


If you’re interested, there’s a patch for it that makes it look and behave more like Photoshop.


Yep, like me. I normally like my food spicy, and can usually tell whether a dish needs pepper or not.

Also, at the nicer restaurants, the waiter offering it to you is part of the tradition and experience. It can be seen as the restaurant being attentive to the diner. It’s not just pepper, they may offer to grate cheese as well, and I guess customers have come to expect such service as those restaurants.


I’m one of the foolish ones that actually pre-ordered the game. Was super hyped for it too, did a countdown till midnight so that I can start playing at launch, and I even live streamed it (and also had a few other streams going on two laptops). Took the day off to play the game as well.

The clock hit 00:00 and less than 30 minutes into the game, I ran into my first bug. I stuck was in a dialog loop and couldn’t get out no matter what I tried, so was for forced to load an earlier save. Then I got stuck somewhere else, or something funky would happen. I’d never been so utterly disappointed in a game until Cyberpunk came along. So anyways, I was so put off by it that I’d decided not to play it any further, until they patched it all up. So the first patch came along, but this time I decided to read the reviews first - still plenty of bugs. Thought I’d wait for the next one, noope, still buggy. And the next one. And the next. And then I decided to ignore the game completely, until not only they fixed the bugs, but also added QoL stuff into the game. Like better AI, better peds, better driving etc. Make the city more immersive. I mean, I had waited for so long, so might as well wait and play until it’s at it’s best version.

So, not only will I not play now, nor when 2.0 comes out, I’ll play it only when Phantom Liberty is out, and will enjoy the game, for the first-ish time, the way it was meant to be played.

Assuming of course that Phantom Liberty isn’t a dud, but having learnt from my previous experience, I might wait a bit after it comes out and see if they release a post-launch patch or something first.

Never again pre-ordering a game… unless it’s a Zelda.

d3Xt3r, (edited )

[Meta] I don’t think there’s a need to cross-post this within Beehaw. Beehaw is low-activity as it is (in terms of new posts) so most people here would be just browsing new/local so they’d be seeing this post in their feed twice.

Even if you’re not browsing by local, most people in this community would likely also be subscribed to the Technology community as well, so again, there’s a double-up.


But Bethesda could very well release a Skyrim Extra Special Edition in the interim, and fans will lap it up, no doubt. Jokes aside, there are many large fan-projects in the works which fans are looking forward to, such such as OpenMW, Skyblivion and Skywind, not to mention more “normal” mods for Skyrim itself, so I doubt the interest in the franchise is going away any time soon.


The exciting part here is the shell, not the insides. Indeed the Intel boards aren’t that great for gaming, but once Framework start shipping the AMD boards next month, this thing would become a real contender to the Steam Deck, ROG Ally etc. Load up something like ChimeraOS on it and you’d get a near-Steam Deck like experience.


It’s not like you’ll be installing it in there permanently. If you’ve got a Framework laptop or PC case for instance, you could also use it in there. Basically it’s a BYOM (bring your own mobo) situation, so when you’re not gaming on the go, instead of wasting that piece of idle hardware, it could be put to good use. Or vice versa. Maybe you already have a Framework laptop and want to convert it into a handheld gaming device.


Depends on the hardware. If it’s an x86 then that’s most certainly a yes, if it’s an ARM then YMMV.


To be fair, that’s the case with Linux and laptops in general right? Unless you’ve got a mainstream/popular model (or a brand known to work well with, or officially supports Linux), issues like sound, battery life and even suspend, wifi etc are fairly common. Which is why one of the most common Linux questions (besides “which distro”) is “which laptop”.

A High Priority for Moving Away from Lemmy

Several months ago Beehaw received a report about CSAM (i.e. Child Sexual Abuse Material). As an admin, I had to investigate this in order to verify and take the next steps. This was the first time in my life that I had ever seen images such as these. Not to go into great detail, but the images were of a very young child...

d3Xt3r, (edited )

The thing is though, with traditional forums you get a LOT of controls for filtering out the kind of users who post such content. For instance, most forums won’t even let you post until you complete an interactive tutorial first (reading the rules and replying to a bot indicating you’ve understood them etc).

And then, you can have various levels of restrictions, eg, someone with less than 100 posts, or an account less than a month old may not be able to post any links or images etc. Also, you can have a trust system on some forums, where a mod can mark your account as trusted or verified, granting you further rights. You can even make it so that a manual moderator approval is required, before image posting rights are granted. In this instance, a mod would review your posting history and ensure that your posts genuinely contributed to the community and you’re unlikely to be a troll/karma farmer account etc.

So, short of accounts getting compromised/hacked, it’s very difficult to have this sort of stuff happen on a traditional forum.

I used to be a mod on a couple of popular forums back in the day, and I even ran my own community for a few years (using Invision Power Board), and never once have I had to deal with such content.

The fact is Lemmy is woefully inadequate in it’s current state to deal with such content, and there are definitely better options out there. My heart goes out to @admin and the staff for having to deal with this stuff, and I really hope that this drives the Beehaw team to move away from Lemmy ASAP.

In the meantime, I reckon some drastic actions would need to be taken, such as disabling new user registrations and stopping all federation completely, until the new community is ready.


I think you should be fine, in fact, it’s probably preferable to use EVOO over other oils even at higher temperatures.

From this study from 2020:

The team noted that at 120 °C there was a 40 percent decline in the polyphenol content and a 75 percent decline at 170 °C when compared to unheated raw EVOO. The team wrote in conclusion; however, “Cooked EVOO still meets the parameters of the EU’s health claim.” […] “Despite the decrease in concentration of polyphenols during the cooking process, this oil has a polyphenol level that reaches the declaration of health in accordance to the European regulation, which means it has properties that protect oxidation of LDL cholesterol particles.”

From this study from 2018:

In the Acta Scientific Nutritional Health study, 10 of the most commonly used cooking oils were selected from the supermarket and heated in two different trials. In the first, the oils were heated for about 20 minutes until they reached 464 degrees. In the second trial, the oils were heated in a deep fryer to 356 degrees, the highest temperature recommended for deep-frying foods, for six hours.

In both tests, extra-virgin olive oil displayed the greatest oxidative stability, producing lower levels of polar compounds, trans fats and other byproducts when compared with other oils that had higher smoke points.

I also found this Stove Top Temperature Chart handy to know what temperatures the knob levels translate to.

Android App Pin Security Issue Allowing Unauthorized Payments via Google Wallet (

There is a possible way for a general purpose NFC reader to read the full card number and expiry details when the device is in locked screen mode due to a logic error in the code. This could lead to local information disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation....


From @SuperIce:

If the PoS supports tokens, it’ll use unique tokens for each payment. If the PoS doesn’t support tokens, the phone has a virtual credit card number linked to the real one, so if it does get stolen, you can just remove the card from your Google Wallet to deactivate it. Your real card number is never exposed.

Even then, credit card numbers on their own aren’t that useful anymore. Any online payment needs the CVC and PoS devices usually require chip or tap cards, which don’t use the number. On top of that, credit card companies have purchase price restrictions when using swipe because of the security risks vs chip (which is why most PoS devices don’t support swipe anymore).


Ah, that explains why I was seeing Java datetime errors instead of the timestamps in Sync.


Just get a monitor. The only real difference between a monitor and a TV these says is the lack of a speaker, and “smart” stuff. But TV speakers suck anyways so you’d be better off using a soundbar regardless.


Yes, Viewsonic for instance is one company that makes them. Although, they’re typically advertised as a “commercial LED display” or something like that. Basically look for “display” instead of “TV”.


As I mentioned earlier, use a soundbar or dedicated speakers (most TV speakers suck anyways). Also, for a reasonably priced monitors, look for monitors marketed as “commercial displays” - they’re generally the same price or even cheaper than a similar spec’d TV.


??? The output is provided by whatever box you’re connecting to the monitor - set-top box, Android TV, Apple TV etc.


There are plenty of HDMI switches or splitters out there that support audio extraction, just use one of them to sit between your monitor. Like this one:


If you’re using Firefox, you can use the Image Block extension.


Ah, in that case I’d recommend using Sync for Lemmy. Sync has options to turn off emdedded images, as well as several data saving features (such as disabling preloading etc).

Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here

Yesterday, you probably saw this informal post by one of our head admins (Chris Remington). This post lamented some of the difficulties we’re running into with the site at this point, and what the future might hold for us. This is a more formal post about those difficulties and the way we currently see things....


Then that means you’re mainly a consumer, not a creator. The Reddit-style is geared more towards link sharing and consumption, so it makes sense you want to know what the “top” posts are, to get the most important news or juiciest memes or w/e.

Whereas a forum is geared more towards lengthy discussions, some of which can persist over months or even years. Forums aren’t really a link aggregation medium. You don’t vote on topics so there’s no question of “top” posts. Which is great because even niche topics get visibility, and the lack of a points/karma system means there’s no incentive to post low-effort junk or reposts.

I see Beehaw as a community geared towards quality discussions, not a link-aggregate or another Reddit clone, which is why I believe a traditional forum will align with Beehaw’s goals a lot better.


Unfortunately whitelisting doesn’t always work - the spam that came in today from troll accounts on “good” instances proves that. Unless that instance also follows the same new user approval process, posting etiquette and moderation goals as Beehaw, and unless that instance also has an active admin at all times to deal with bad accounts and unsavory stuff, there’s no point in federating with them - or anyone for that matter - as it stands right now, Beehaw is quite unique in the Lemmyverse and I don’t see any other instance like it. So personally, I think traditional forums would be a better fit for Beehaw.


Finished Mass Effect 2 and loved it

Did you play it on PC or console? If it’s the latter then how were the controls? I’m planning on getting it on console, but I suck at playing FPSes with a controller.


Awesome, thank you. Guess that’s my weekend sorted. :)


Would be cool if Beehaw switched to old school forums, like Invision or phpBB. Invision have now moved to a hosted forum model, so you don’t need any technical knowledge to set it up.

d3Xt3r, (edited )

The Reddit-style presentation of topics and ranking comments isn’t really conducive to lengthy, quality discussions that persist over a period of time. The Reddit-style works for following current events and posting links to new things etc, but as a result, old topics - topics even a couple of days old - falls off the engagement radar. Once it’s gone from the front page, it’s gone from people’s consciousness. This is bad for a small community with few posts that value quality of discussions over blind sharing of links. For instance, say I create a topic called “share your favorite vegan recipes” - I may get some replies in the first couple of days, but then the topic will fall off the frontpage and completely die. This is further exacerbated by the voting system. On Reddit/Lemmy, topics and comments which have a higher number of votes get more visibility, and this creates two issues - one is it encourages group think and creates an echo chamber, the other is that it drowns out less popular topics or comments. This sort of intentional drowning of posts and comments actually may be a good thing - and even necessary - on high-userbase systems like Reddit, where a single thread could have thousands of comments - but it works against low-traffic communities like Beehaw, where every comment is valuable (unless it’s off-topic/spam etc of course).

Whereas in a traditional forum:

  • A topic gets bumped to the top when someone posts a comment, which encourages threads to live longer
  • There’s not as much importance given to the “newness” of a post
  • The lack of votes on a topic would give equal importance to all topics
  • The lack of votes on comments would encourage people to actually chime in if they agree or disagree with a comment, instead of just blindly voting
  • Forums also allow you to show a categorized homepage, where you can have several sub-forums appear on the homepage all at once. This is a better approach than blindly unifying the entire feed in one page, because this allows threads in low-traffic subs to keep their visibility and compete against high-traffic subs. For instance, consider a current news sub which may get a lot of posts ever single day, vs a niche sub such as gardening. With a unified feed, you’d almost never see posts from a gardening sub, unless you went into that sub.

With all the above reasons, forums are therefore more conducive for encouraging discussions, over a place which simply acts like a feed aggregator. Traditional forums are the solution to the doomscrolling issues that plague modern social media. Plus, they offer better moderation tools, with better granular permissions granted to mods, so you could grant various levels of access. Also, you can place several restrictions on users to reduce spam, for instance, you could grant a user rights to post a topic only after they’ve read all the rules, and maybe participated in a quiz or something. You could grant additional rights to people who’ve gotten a certain number posts in their bag. You could have a “trusted poster” system where a user could have mod-like abilities. There’s so many ways a forum is a lot more flexible than a system like Lemmy.

So overall, I think Beehaw’s ethos and vision would align better with a traditional forum, over a feed-aggregator style forum like Lemmy.

Looking for games with unique core mechanics

I’m requesting for recommendations for games that stand out from the rest in their genre, and not in the sense of being the best game in that niche but actually bringing something new and innovative to the table. I’ve not had much experience in gaming, but I have a few games to give you a hint on what I am talking about:...


Katamari Damacy - The objective is to roll a ball-like thing called a katamari, to roll up objects, and make the katamari bigger and bigger. You can roll up anything from paper clips and snacks in the house, to telephone poles and buildings in the town, to even living creatures such as people and animals. Once the katamari is complete, it will turn into a star that colors the night sky. Sounds weird, but it’s super fun, trust me. Plus, it’s soundtrack is kickass.

It feels like we're on the cusp of the first reimagining of CPUs since multicore and a real shot at relegating towers to the extreme high end, but I've not seen any good coverage about it (

Not quite there yet … from left on surface, 5G internet, WireGuard router, pihole on a Zero W and 4x4 N95 HTPC, plus 1080p projector. When a computer that size (actually smaller, since I don’t need a SATA bay) can outperform my tower, though …...

d3Xt3r, (edited )

I did the TV -> projector swap last year, got myself a 4K projector that sits above my bed and projects a massive 100" image on the wall opposite my bed, and it’s awesome. I’ve got my PS5 and Switch hooked to it, and I’m currently living the dream of being able to game and watch movies on a giant screen, all from the comfort of my bed. Some games really shine on such a screen and you see them in a new light, like TotK, Horizon series, Spiderman etc and it’s 100% worth the switch, IMO.

Now I also have a regular monitor - a nice low latency QHD 16:10 monitor with HDR, hooked up to my PC, which also uses a 6600 XT btw. Main reason I use this setup is for productivity, running some PC games that don’t have console equivalents, plus the colors look much nicer compared to my projector. Maybe if I bought a laser projector and had one of those special ALR screens I could get nicer colors, but all that is way beyond my budget. Although these days I’m not on my desktop as much as I used to be (I also have a Ryzen 6000 series laptop that I game on btw), I still like my desktop because of the flexibility and upgradability. I also explored the option of switching to a cloud-first setup and ditching my rig, back when I wanted to upgrade my PC and we had all those supply chain issues during Covid, but in the end, cloud gaming didn’t really work out for me. In fact after exploring all the cloud options, I’ve been kind of put off by cloud computing in general - at least, the public clouds being offered by the likes of Amazon and Microsoft - they’re just in it to squeeze you dry, and take control away from you, and I don’t like that one bit. If I were to lean towards cloud anything, it be rolling my own, maybe using something like a Linode VM with a GPU, but the pricing doesn’t justify it if you’re looking any anything beyond casual usage. And that’s one of the things I like about PC, I could have it running 24x7 if I wanted to and not worry about getting a $200 bill at the end of the month, like I got with Azure, because scummy Microsoft didn’t explain anywhere that you’d be paying for bastion even if the VM was fully powered off…

Anyways, back to the topic of CPUs, I don’t really think we’re at the cusp of any re-imagining, what we’ve been seeing is just gradual and natural improvements, maybe the PC taking inspiration from the mobile world. I haven’t seen anything revolutionary yet, it’s all been evolutionary. At the most, I think we’d see more ARM-like models, like the integrated RAM you mentioned, more SoC/integrated solutions, maybe AI/ML cores bring the new thing to look for an a CPU, maybe ARM itself making more inroads towards the desktop and laptop space, since Apple have shown that you can use ARM for mainstream computing.

On the revolutionary side, the things I’ve been reading about are stuff like quantum CPUs or DNA computers, but these are still very expiremental, with very niche use-cases. In the future I imagine we might have something like a hybrid semi-organic computer, with a literal brain that forms organic neural networks and evolves as per requirements, I think that would be truly revolutionary, but we’re not there yet, not even at the cusp of it. Everything else that I’ve seen from the likes of Intel and AMD, have just been evolutionary.

I'm so tired of the current state of the internet

Everywhere you browse, people have such strong opinions about everything and are so toxic or extremely negative. You start playing a game, want to check the forums or something and most of the posts are people being mean to each other. You open social media to keep in touch with people that you’d like to maintain a certain...


My favorite part of that site was discovering this site:

I already knew about Windows 93 and 96, but didn’t know there were so many of them out there!


Interesting. My interaction with them wasn’t really helpful. Not for this issue, but I raised an issue that the macro function doesn’t allow you to replay certain buttons (like ‘+’), which limits it’s usefulness. I reached out to them and they said they’ll pass the info back to the team and never heard from them again. I bought this controller specifically for the macro feature (and specifically for being able to replay ‘+’), and without that functionality, the controller is completely useless for me. I already own a Switch Pro controller and I prefer it’s ergonomics/shape much more over the 8bitdo.


They actually didn’t update it at all. The Notepad app that ships with Windows 11 (and recent Win10 builds) is actually a completely rewritten, bloated, UWP (aka “Modern”) app. The old Notepad is now an “optional feature” that needs to be manually installed.

d3Xt3r, (edited )

Notepad++ is nice, but a bit bloated IMO. I’m personally a big fan of Notepad2 and Notepad3 - they’re just standalone portable EXEs which don’t need to be installed. On most of my installs, I replace the OG notepad with this, so when I type “notepad” from the run dialog, it launches Notepad2.


To be fair, on modern systems it does open quickly in spite of it’s size (probably because most of the shared libraries for UWP apps are already loaded in memory). And at the moment, the new Notepad doesn’t offer any additional features which are common in heavy duty editors, so the “bloat” is mostly from an engineering standpoint. Well, I guess with the recent unwanted addition of Bing search, we’re now starting to see signs of actual user-facing bloat.


For those wondering what this is about:

Kavita is a fast, feature rich, cross platform reading server. Built with a focus for manga and the goal of being a full solution for all your reading needs. Setup your own server and share your reading collection with your friends and family.

Also, apparently you can also set up Tachiyomi to use Kavita as a source, or to track your progress.


If people really felt strongly about this, we would’ve seen it being done already. Perhaps the state of Lemmy right now is “good enough” so folks don’t care too strongly about a lack of a minor feature, or maybe they find it easier to just migrate to something like Kbin instead and still be federated to Lemmy. Or maybe they prefer to just write a simple patch, which can be maintained and distributed separately, instead of forking the entire code. Afterall, it’s easy enough to make a fork, but a PITA to maintain one. Much more easier to just make a separate patch set or standalone utilities or something.

Also, frontend features, like the infinite scrolling one which was quoted, are basically non-issues, considering so many good alternative frontends exist, such as Photon, Alexandrite, mlymm, slemmy, etc. There’s no rule you have to use the default frontend. In fact many Lemmy instances have decided to host these frontends on their own servers, and if they wanted to, they could easily switch to it and make it the default landing page.


Quantum of Slowness. Coming soon, to laboratory near you.

d3Xt3r, (edited )

That’s a nice thought, but personally, I’m not a big fan of creating unnecessary waste - even if it’s recyclable. After all, it takes a lot of water to recycle paper/cardboard, and for such a small piece of cardboard, it’s more than likely that it’ll just end up in the landfill instead of even being recycled.

Personally, I think just wishing or greeting someone can achieve the same thing and still make a big difference. When I moved here, people used to wish me “good morning” if I crossed paths with them during a morning jog, and that was such a huge mood booster for me (back where I lived previously, people would just ignore or even completely avoid you if they saw you across the street). I also make it a point to greet and thank my bus driver every time I catch the bus, which can be a very thankless job, and I’d like to believe it helps.

Maybe if you want to do something more visual/physical, you could perhaps give them a high-five or a hug? Like hold up a sign saying “FREE HUGS”… although I’m not sure if there would be many takers in this post-covid world. If you want to so something more impactful, I’d recommend checking out some of Improv Everywhere’s videos. Maybe even get in touch with them, to see if there are any agents where you live, and then you guys could organize something big.

d3Xt3r, (edited )

Unlike the rest of the answers here, I’ve been mostly retro gaming this week. Got my new Miyoo Mini Plus handheld emulator and it’s been awesome, playing mostly SNES, GBA, Sega Genesis and PS1 games.

Games that I’m playing right now:

  • Mega Man 7 (SNES)
  • Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (GBA)
  • The Lord of The Rings: Two Towers (GBA)
  • Metroid Fusion (GBA)
  • Prince of Persia 1 (Genesis Romhack)
  • Crash Bandicoot 1 (PS1)

The awesome thing about the handheld I’m using is that it supports instant saving and game switching, so if I’m getting bored I just press one button and switch to a different game, and jump into exactly where I left off. Or just press the power button and it’ll instantly suspend, and pressing it back is again an instant resume. Other modern handhelds are more involved or not pocketable, so this has been perfect for me (especially considering the low weight of the thing). I think I’ve gamed the most this week compared to any other weeks this year, because of how convenient it is to game on the Miyoo.


My bad, you’re right - Metroid Fusion was indeed on the GBA. I was playing Prince of Persia 1 on the Genesis - there’s a ROM hack for it which fixes all the issues with the port and makes it behave pretty much like the OG DOS version, with the added graphics of the Genesis version of course.

Sadly the Miyoo is a bit underspecced for the N64 and Gen 6 consoles, so the PS1 is the highest it can emulate. For newer consoles, you’d be looking at something like the Retroid Pocket 3+ or the upcoming Anbernic RG405V, but of course, they’re bigger and more expensive. The main reason I prefer the Miyoo is because of how lightweight it is, which allows me to game for hours if I felt like it, and it’s size makes it easy to carry around too. But I guess it won’t be long before we get to see a future Miyoo, or an alternative in the same form-factor, having the specs to emulate m Gen 6 consoles.


Just wanted to say thanks for the transparency, and thanks to the mod team for making Beehaw such a great community!

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