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Which is what McCarthy should have done a while ago. “I won’t do this stupid impeachment inquiry as long as you back me when they try to oust me”


Found the FE dev. I think there is a JavaScript library for finding ways to blame the backend.

I installed a new, bigger SSD and cloned the old one, LUKS partition is still old size

Here’s what I did: I bought a new 512 GB SSD to replace my old 256 GB SSD, which was getting full. I put the new SSD in an NVME to USB adapter and then booted to a Fedora 38 live USB and cloned the old drive into the new drive using dd if=/dev/nvme0n1 of=/dev/sda. Then I used gparted to expand the LUKS partition to cover the...


Your method is safer imo as long as you get the dd command right. Because afterwards you’ll have two bootable copies of your system. If you mess up resizing the filesystem on the new drive, just dd again from the old one.

Glad you figured it out.


Hahaha I love that this is real.


I also love the stars and bars I’ve seen on Canadian trucks or in their front yard.

Makes perfect sense. Canada has a rich tradition of being a southern state during the civil war.


I agree with this meme 100%

Unfortunately, the game I mainly play, apex legends, has started giving me all sorts of trouble this past year. I’m on PopOS so part of me wonders if it’s related to their focus on cosmic (or maybe they aren’t prioritizing fixing bugs?) But I also have no idea where the issue sits? Steam flat pack? Proton? Apex itself? PopOS? A weird config/setting on my machine?

But it actually highlights this point of this post because instead of playing apex I have played starfield with a single crash around launch.


Guys, actually this stuff was written in C which has been around for 50 years. But yea, this happened quickly.

cybersandwich, (edited )

Ive tried so many, but right now I am on Proton Experimental.

It’s been working, hilariously, since I made my post.

It looks like the issue is with how it updates. The errors I get are all failed to load .pak. the fix usually requires me to validate the integrity of game files, where it inevitably finds some files that fails validation and redownloads them. The irritating thing is that that doesn’t always work. Sometimes it just stays broken.

This last attempt at fixing it I validated(needed to download some failed files), completely exited steam, relaunched, new update, exited steam, relaunched, new update, exited steam, relaunch and finally it had no updates. I did one last validation and launched and its worked since then.

Edit: so it said there was an update after my last session. I updated. The next time I launched (5min ago) I got an error:

I did the “verify game files” and wouldn’t ya know it. Failed to validate 2 files.


Its not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I do think its distro specific. PopOS was rock solid with nvidia drivers. I had a 3070ti that worked really well with it. I ended up getting a 6700xt because I wanted to go full-tilt into linux land and everyone raves about the open source amd drivers. I figured if I was going to be all-in on linux, why not get a radeon card.

I traded some minor issues for some fairly significant limitations. Nvidia had stutters every once in a while on the desktop. Like maximizing a window would occasionally (1 time in 50) ‘hang’ for a half second then complete. For Apex Legends, there was a semi-manual step to pre-cache shaders to prevent stuttering in the game. That was actually fixed over a year ago with a proton and steam update. That was about it. It also ran everything else flawlessly.

When I switched to Radeon, I thought it would be smooth sailing. Its really just different issues. You obviously dont have the nvenc encoder. The radeon encoders all suck, but AMF, their new hottness, is supposed to be really good. Well, you can’t use that with the open source mesa drivers that everyone raves about–the big draw for using radeon on linux to begin with. You have to use the proprietary ones if you want to use AMF. Cool, but if you do that your game performance can suffer because the amd proprietary drivers aren’t as good as the mesa ones. Oh, and you can get occasional stutters on your desktop…

You can’t mix and match so if you want to stream your games on twitch or record your gameplay, tough shit. Get used to throwing CPU cores at VAAPI.

Also, AMD absolutely sucks when it comes to AI/ML. Cuda is king and ROCM is trash. If you are doing anything with AI/ML stick with nvidia. I literally bought a used 1080ti and threw it in my server (ubuntu) to do some AI jobs, because I got tried of fighting with radeon, trying to get rocm to work.

All that said, my next build will very likely include an nvidia card --even though I plan on running linux exclusively.


The FTC is actually suing them right now for that very practice. Google might be forced to stop doing that which would ironically hurt Mozilla/competition.


Is it even usable my dude? The phone oses all seem like “Linux desktop” maturity of 2 decades ago.

Would my bank app work? Can I use it for navigation?

  • !=

Collaboration* or using best-practices*


I get Disney+ because I got some deal from my ISP. Outside of Andor, there is no series worth watching on Disney+. I’ve watched through all of the Marvel stuff I care about (or I already own my favorites like Guardians of the Galaxy). If I wasn’t getting it for free I certainly wouldn’t pay for it.

I’d order the big streaming services like this: Apple+, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Netflix, Hulu, then Disney+ way down that list.

I think Apple+, even with a limited catalogue has some of the best content going.


Are these on Disney+?? I thought the Bear was on Hulu? (Its always sunny, atlana, modern family, the bear, futurama dont show up when I search for them on Disney+). As far as Hulu goes, as long as I can get the blackfriday $.99/mo deal again this year I’ll keep them. Ive created a new account each year on blackfriday for the last 3 or 4 years now).

BTW, the Mandolorian is just not great. I liked it at first and I was holding out hope that it would age like wine, but it hasn’t held up for me. Ashoka is just bad. Rosario is wooden, the dialogue has these awkward 1-4 second pauses between the lines–where they just look at each other. It doesn’t feel natural. Maybe its just bad acting.


That was the coolest takeaway for me


My charge just died on me(again. I’ve had three firbits while my wife’s apple watch is still going strong). I was planning on moving to Garmin (maybe they are better than Fitbit/Google about data privacy), but my wife talked me into seeing if my Fitbit was under warranty. It’s not, but they offered me 50% off any fitbit on their site.

This obviously makes my decision harder. I can get a new inspire 3 for $49 or I can try to figure out which Garmin out of their 1000 variations is right for me. Most of the ones that interest me are ~$300+


That definitely makes the decision harder.

This probably makes me sound like a simpleton, but their breadth and depth of models is paralyzing and having never owned any smart watch other than a fitbit basic charge-style band, I dont even know where to start. And $300+ dollars puts it out of impulse purchase range.


My London cabby also loved Trump. For some reason he just assumed I would be a fan since I’m from the US.

Maybe cab drivers are all just fucking morons?


Its probably much better to have a shaved chest, but lets be realistic. In a situation where CPR and an AED are being used, 1. you probably arent going to have a razor handy 2. the sub-optimal contact with the skin is the least of you (or the patient’s) worries.


I have nix on a VM where I am tuning a config. It seems like a total pain in the ass to have to get everything set up using their scripting language. Things you just take for granted with a normal distro now require you to know the arcane language of Nix to get running.

I can absolutely see the advantage of it though. I would love nothing more than to take my current popOS install, settings, configs, etc and be able to port that literally anywhere.

What do you think of framework and their methods? (

We are not sustainableAnd neither is any other device maker. This industry is full of “feel good” messaging, but generates 50 million metric tons of e-waste each year. We believe the best way to reduce environmental impact is to create products that last longer, meaning fewer new ones need to be made. Instead of operating on...


I’ve used old laptops as low power servers (hell, they have included battery backup that lasts way longer than my UPSes). Being able to put an old board and its components in a 1u rack server or 3d printed case is HUGE to me. Thats a huge selling point for framework for me.

I wish they did a System76 collab or something because I want to support both of those companies.


Yea, back when I needed a laptop because my super old lenovo was on its death bed, it was when there was a chip shortage or whatever and System76 didn’t have the laptop I wanted in stock and Framework didn’t exist (i dont think? or it wasn’t shipping anytime soon) so I went with the a m1 macair. This this is incredibly in terms of price/perf & power/perf. I get tons of battery time. It’s insanely fast, doesn’t get hot at all and the build quality is better than any laptop I’ve owned to date. I probably wont need another laptop for a couple more years at least and I’ve had this since 2020.

When I upgrade to something else, I’ll probably hand this down to my wife or her mom tbh. So in terms of eco friendly, its going to get 6+ years of use most likely if not 10.


It’s the difference between sex education and sex training.


It’s one of my favorite streaming services. The Grand tour, Clarkson’s farm, the boys, marvelous Mrs maisel, the wheel of time, that lotr series, peripheral. They have a decent catalogue. Plus it’s “free” because I get prime for shipping.

Id probably ask my buddy for access to his Plex if they add ads. I already get annoyed that they show me stuff I’d have to pay extra for in the same screen as the prime content.

What are some FOSS programs that you think are a far better user experience than their counterparts? (

I used Plex for my home media for almost a year, then it stopped playing nice for reasons I gave up on diagnosing. While looking at alternatives, I found Jellyfin which is much more responsive, IMO, and the UI is much nicer as well....


I got my first Mac when the m1 came out. Id never used them before. The file manager columns just doesn’t make sense to my brain.


But our elected officials like McConnell, feinstein, Sanders, Romney, manchin, Blumenthal, Marley have us covered.

They are up to speed on the times and know exactly what our generations challenges are. I trust them to put forward meaningful legislation that captures a nuanced understanding that will protect the interests of the American people while positioning the US as a world leader on these matters.


Not to mention a VPN does absolutely fuck all to protect you from malware.


They want apple to buy them. Apple can’t really lean on unreal at this point since the epic lawsuit. So unity is the next viable option. They want apple to buy them and/or they wanted a piece of every download on apples phones/vr.

Apples last announcement is telegraphing a shift towards gaming on some level. Unity is being opportunistic albeit tone-deaf AF.


That’s a good point. I know apple usually doesn’t do acquisitions because cultures just clash too much (especially when it’s a large company). It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Unity just shot themselves in the foot. If I was a game dev, I’d think twice or thrice about starting a new project with unity.

There will certainly be a chilling effect on their revenue moving forward. I don’t understand how companies this large make gaffs this bad. Do they not have someone assigned to ‘red team’ major decisions.

I always assign someone or a team of people to red team key decisions. Especially if everyone in the room thinks its a great idea.


Over the course of the pandemic I lost my dad and had a baby. I also changed jobs and took a promotion. That really gave me quite a bit of perspective and my priorities absolutely shifted.

I was(am?) a very ambitious, motivated, “go-getter” who has moved up the ranks fairly quickly and am in a very senior leadership position for my age. I genuinely like what I do, so that definitely helps. But I saw an unqualified person take over my old job and is, at best, ‘coasting’ and more realistically slowly killing an amazing platform I had helped develop–and driving away incredibly talented engineers and analysts.

Leadership changed and just moved on to the next shiny object and seems content to let that platform flounder because…it’s not their baby. Why on earth would you continue to move that invaluable platform forward when you can make a name for yourself on something else?

I don’t want this to sound like sour grapes, because its not that. It’s more that I realized, why did I kill myself for that job? The bigwigs seem to be totally fine cutting it loose. Why did I stress myself out to drive that platform forward so hard? Why should I kill myself, sacrifice limited time with my family to drive products forward when, as soon as leadership changes or as soon as I move on, it will get scrapped or forgotten about? It obviously wasn’t nearly as important as they claimed it to be.

So, I am not killing myself for work. I am taking my entire paternity leave and not taking a single call or text from work. I am not going to work overtime. I am not going to work on my day off. I am not going to travel unnecessarily. I am going to prioritize things that benefit me personally. And I am not going back into the office on someone else’s terms. (I honestly dont mind going in once or twice a week. I do less work in the office than I do at home tbh–as far as “work” goes its usually a free day. But I am fully remote officially and I’d probably hop to another company if they started to force me back in ‘officially’ because, like I said, I am prioritizing me and mine and commuting 45-60minutes each way, paying for parking, to sit on the same Zoom calls I can do at home, doesn’t really benefit me in any way.


The rail union got everything they asked for. The admin followed up. They just did a shit job of marketing it and the news doesn’t give a shit about feel-good news… just FUD click shit.

And the administration will likely stay out of this.


In that case you definitely have more in common with the writer than you think.


Hahaha he’s almost too subtle with his sarcasm but I’m 99% sure he’s, as the Brits say, taking the piss.


A “bunch” being 2000 when he still owns like 3000x that. This was a quarterly tax sell off that an unethical reporter is using to get clicks.

Hes a dick but this stock selling isn’t nefarious.


I wonder if this coincides with the Apple thing on Tuesday where they highlighted gaming. Obviously, Apple isn’t using the unreal engine after the Epic debacle (pun intended). So they will have to appeal to Unity devs.

Maybe Unity is trying to cut into some of, what they think, will be a boom in sales because of the new Apple lineup.

That’s just the first thing I thought.


I had a single crash playing starfield on PopOS. Other than that, it’s been incredibly performant for me. Ryzen 5700x and 6700xt GPU


As someone who deals with this and helps make decisions for a large enterprise, SaaS and cloud service providers already have a really bad rep. SaaS especially. Not only is it all fragmented, as soon as you ever so slightly deviate from out of the box, it’s fucked. You may have well just custom developed it.

Not to mention the costs and lock-in. I think you’ll see a swing back towards custom software (using open standards and owned data centers and equipment soon. It’s already happening. The value proposition of the cloud is dwindling (and honestly never existed for 70% of use cases).

There are plenty of tools now that let you do a hybrid where you can use the cloud as minimally as possible but do everything else “in house”.

Id love to see a shift from “new, novel, innovation > *” to a, if we just properly supported and maintained the stuff we have it would be much cheaper and more effective.



You pay for it, but it’s really good and private. I find it gives me better results than even google. And muuuuch better results than ddg,ecosia, or any of the other free degoogled ones.


There was absolutely an “uproar,” against seatbelts when they were mandated.

It wasn’t able to get the same level of traction because you didn’t have social media echo chambers or the president and other influential “leadership” shitting all over the idea of mandates.


I’m 100% on board with this. Hell, why not both?

We could also do a residence + 1 option where your house and 1 other property are taxed reasonably. The any property beyond that is taxed as escalating rates that ramp up significantly for each additional property.


Partly because it varies regionally, but there are definitely some consistent threads woven across the country that could be pulled.


I know a number of former Christians who ended up that way after actually reading the Bible.

I think Penn (from Penn and Teller) tells a story about how that’s when he realized he was an atheist and it was BS.

Ive read the Bible from start to finish (including Numbers…fml). There are some wise fable-like, sage scriptures that could be valuable life advice. But it’s wildly inconsistent and paints a picture of a fickle, powerless, pathetic God. It becomes very obvious that none of the Bible is “the word of God”.

After reading it, it’s also obvious that most Christians (American Christians at least) haven’t read it.


Is there verifiable evidence that defectors are being sent back? That sounds like Russian propaganda.

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