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Ive heard this over and over, but it’s bullshit.

I watch half a dozen streamers on twitch. 4 apex legends streamers and 2 developers(all dudes because that seems somewhat relevant). I don’t browse random streams and I don’t click on anything.

Occasionally, I’ll end up watching other streamers if my guys raid someone as they sign off. But never are they raiding “boobi” streams. It’s usually other apex streamers or other devs.

The other day, home page was filled with tits and scantally clad ladies. The recommended feeds were almost all that.

So I’m not clicking on it. I’m not seeking it out. I’m not even hovering over it. But it was pushing that content hard.


I just ROCm was built in to mesa. Because either you use the proprietary drivers that have some issues, or use mesa and fight with everything (amf, ROCm) to try and get it working.


The girl with the dragon tattoo. (American version)

Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?

Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...


Wasn’t the rule for one of the more popular Usenet groups: rule 1. Don’t be annoying 2. Don’t be easily annoyed

Tbh, that’s a pretty great foundation for any interactions on the web.


It’s the Internet. People who participate in good faith discussions probably aren’t downvoting willy nilly. Everyone else isn’t going to be swayed or give meaningful feedback anyway.

Downvoted get abused a lot where they exist. People dog pile pretty quickly. It seems like an image human characteristic. It’s just a fickle mob. The smaller the community, where members know each other by handle, are usually the best for actual discussions.


My mom is a professor and the shit she tells me about her students is insane. I overheard a call she was having with a student and basically the student was offended that simply scheduling a call wasnt enough to unfail her paper. Basically "I called you to talk about it so I didn’t fail, right?

Or the fact that they expect to be able to just turn in things whenever they want irrespective of a deadline…and then get offended when told their paper either won’t be accepted at all or docked for each day late it was.


I’ve heard the argument that we don’t really have a good definition of thinking or intelligence and if it can complete a task or do things…what does it matter if it’s “thinking” or not if the outcome is the same.


14 hours of battery life. Linux out of the box and even has coreboot if you care about that sort of thing.

cybersandwich, (edited )

Wired has a good review on it:

Where the Lemur Pro really shines is battery life. System76 claims 14 hours, and I managed 11 hours in our battery drain test (looping a 1080p video). In real-world use, I frequently eked out over 13 hours. That’s off the charts better than any other Linux laptop I’ve tested recently.

If you aren’t interested in MacBooks, this imo is one of the best alternatives–especially if battery life is a high priority.


I have an old drive with it in there. The drive is going bad so I haven’t messed with it too much. I never knew at the time why the development and shine faded so quickly.


I think that’s actually been proven at this point hasn’t it?


What’s rpn and how does base 12 work.

Don’t you still have “numbers” between 11 and 12?


So are breed characteristics. It’s like people tout breed characteristics…until pit bulls. Then it’s like "no way! Mine wouldn’t hurt a fly!

Yea, that may be true but they were breed to hurt more than flies and we did a good job of it.

Dachshunds have breed characteristics, Chihuahuas have breed characteristics, Labradors have breed characteristics, golden retrievers have breed characteristics, greyhounds, etc. It’s almost like they were “bred” to bring out specific traits–both physical and behavioral.

Pitbull advocates act like they don’t exist or downplay their role in the breeds behavior. It’s bullshit. Pitbulls, as a breed, shouldn’t exist.

I use linux for the same reason I wear fuzzy socks and sweaters

My understanding of the history of fashion is that back in the 1950s America it was expected that you wore a suit/dress at work unless you had a different uniform. There were a bunch of very boring people who thought that we should be wearing office job garb all the time, because they wore suits so much it was their default...


I ended up briefing some very senior leadership…in a hoody.

I brief that specific group on a regular basis and it’s usually fairly laid back but this particular meeting a new, very high profile person was attending to get up to speed. Apparently everyone knew but me because they were suited up and all of the ladies were wearing makeup and had their hair all nice. And there I was, the lead brief, in my hoody and jeans and scruffy beard.

After the meeting I realized that it probably worked in my favor. Some sort of psychological “this guy must be really good because he dgaf about dressing to impress”.

Plus I think their is exactly as you said a stereotype that the better you are at your IT stuff the less put together you have to be.


I like GitHub. Microsoft has been a pretty good steward of it since they bought it. This change isn’t a big deal to me. They are probably doing it to limit AI LLM bots from hoovering up the code theyve already hoovered up.

GitHub pages is really nice too.


It’s not a bad thing. I was just saying that’s probably why they are doing it.

Everyone is getting super protective about “their” data now.

Oh yea, GitHub copilot is pretty nice too. (trained on all those repos!)

I realize this is a “hate on GitHub” thread so I’m gonna get downvoted for this post too but it does everything I need it to do, the documentation is fantastic, and it’s the “defacto” repo for a lot of stuff.

cybersandwich, (edited )

Seriously. I’d be interested in the benchmarks

Edit. I should have looked closer. They have the benchmarks on the GitHub.


I would count myself among the people who dont have a huge attachment to x11 and am excited by the modern approach provided by wayland.

Ultimately, I just want my stuff to work. I am running pop and I tried booting into wayland, since they provide that as an option, but I was getting hardlocks. Something I haven’t had on a PC in over a decade. According to the log files it appeared to be related to wayland, so I switched back to x11 and haven’t had any issues since.

I am happy to switch to wayland, but I’ll be waiting on the pop devs to make it a focus–presumably after cosmic DE is out.


A special shout out to the people who do it with Bluetooth speakers on hiking trails.


You know. I was just thinking my window management hasn’t been as performant as I’d like. I really need my windows to move a bit faster.


We all know more than 8 cores is bloat.


This make me actually spit coffee out. I don’t know why but it caught me off guard and I found it hilarious.


Wait, you guys are getting laid??

How do y'all deal with programs not supported on Linux?

I’ve been seeing all these posts about Linux lately, and looking at them, I can honestly see the appeal. I’d love having so much autonomy over the OS I use, and customize it however I like, even having so many options to choose from when it comes to distros. The only thing holding me back, however, is incompatibility issues....



Take this from someone who has spent entirely too long fighting to make certain software and games work on Linux…seriously way too much time.

Just dual boot. It’s the best of both worlds. You can spend your time in Linux but when you want to play that game or need to use your special software you can just switch into it.

It also gives you the flexibility to try alternative software but you always know you have the real deal on your windows partition if you get stuck.


It always depends on the game and the software. Sometimes even games and software that should run well on Linux have issues. At some point you’ll realize you’re spending more time troubleshooting thab enjoying the game or using the software.

I’ve had that realization with Apex. It works fine 80% flawlessly on PopOS. But over the last year there has been a bug or something that throws an error. It’s always after updates. A file fails to update all the way so I have to manually revalidate game files and download the ones that are inevitably broken.

I was spending 5-10-15minutes fighting this issue each time I wanted to play and I have a finite amount of time these days. So as soon as the error happens, I restart into windows and play.

It’s unfortunate since it’s been flawless until recently, but at the end of the day I want to play apex not troubleshoot proton,respawn,steam, and PopOS.


Can you use the AMF encoder on Radeon cards with this?


I should have said with the mesa drivers. :(


Does it really? I know when I looked into it a bit ago the main dev for nobara had a video about how to install it and use it but it didn’t let you split that out. You could quickly change back and forth between mesa and amdgpu but if you tried to run amf with mesa it would hard lock and crash


Lol. I doubt the inventors of regex know all of regex


I will strongly second the “don’t use an unfamiliar OS for critical work tasks” sentiment.

I got a MacBook for work, before I had ever used mavOS before and it was absolutely infuriating and anxiety inducing because I couldn’t get my actual job done.

The OS was in the way. And it was small simple things. I shit you not trying to just use the “delete” key made me almost throw the MacBook out the window.


This is dumb.

You have to think of new MacBooks like new cars. Each year BMW makes a new M3. It’s always a little better than last year. But who is buying a new M3 every year? Not most people. They are upgrading from their 10 year old M3 that’s finally kicked the bucket. And you know what? The newest m3 is a massive upgrade from that.

Now, pretend this midrange m3 chip is replacing someone’s old Intel MacBook pro from 6-7 years ago. It’s a huge fucking upgrade.

These dumb hot take articles are tiring.


I was actually thinking about if I could pull that off. But right out of the gate my cell phone situation has me hamstrung. I have googlefi and pixel 7. I’m not sure I’m willing to switch carriers and install another OS on my phone for this experiment.


That baby near the end is doing exactly what’d I’d be doing if I tried to dance like this.


Isn’t Intel still stuck on 12nm?


This is a huge point. The other considerations are: EVs are balls expensive compared to ICE counterparts and often require $500-2k worth of electrical work at your house (assuming you even own it) to put in a charger. If you live in an apartment, good luck.

And oh, btw, the chargers aren’t standard. Each charging site has different plugs, apps you have to download, etc. Then there is the lack of charging stations that highlights the range anxiety people have with EVs.

Adoption would be so much faster if EVs cost $15-25k and there were adequate standardized charging options available.


If you want to talk about real solutions to climate change I wouldn’t aim as consumer facing things like cars or household recycling. That’s all BS to make people focus on what their role in it is to distract from the fact that the vast majority of emissions come from things like:

Industrial and manufacturing processes Electricity and heat generation Transportation (with vast majority being bunker fueled chips, and agriculture.

Me getting 25mpg versus 30 ain’t moving the needle on the emissions numbers the same way moving to renewables for electricity generation and eliminating shipping emissions would. Or mitigating agricultural emissions which produces tons of the worst kinds of greenhouse gasses (methan and nitrous oxide).

And then we have fugative emissions from unintentional leaks or more accurately irresponsible processes and maintenance from things like fracking, oil/gas extraction and transport. Quite literally just drilling into gas and releasing it into the air.

But yea, my Honda is the problem.

I’m not saying everyone has a part to play, but don’t let the arguments and focus be on anything other than the big culprits of greenhouse gas emissions. We could pass meaningful regulations and provide meaningful incentives and actually move the needle on green house gasses.


They also have no problem when blue collar workers work 2 or even 3 jobs to get by.


Proxmox isn’t a “distro” as most would colloquially think of one. It’s a hypervisor.

Am I taking crazy pills?

Do you mean you are using it to use your setup in a VM or container?


I gotcha. I meant no offense. I was halfway hoping you’d tell me there was a spin of proxmox that was meant for desktop use that containerized everything or something.


I think it’s more that their incentives are perverse.

When you are ad supported it means you rely on clicks, views, and viewers. So you are incentivized to maximize views which in some cases means making people very angry and scared, sometimes means not showing them stuff they don’t want to see or hear, and sometimes means fabricating bullshit (fox News) because they real story wouldn’t get you as many clicks.

Us, as citizens and consumers of news, have abdicated our responsibility to be skeptical though. We’ve leaned on trustworthy news media over the years to be that filter, skeptic that’s impartial and honest. We trusted them to speak truth to power, dig into the nuance and explain it to us.

They aren’t doing that anymore and we haven’t shifted our approach to the news. A lot of people still just trust the news(the news they like) as if it’s still honest and impartial.

Another thing that shifted was the “don’t believe everything you read on the Internet” to people believing anything theyve read on the Internet.


Ha, that’s basically the windows system monitor. That said, I’m probably going to install it. They did that better than what I’ve seen on most distro.


I got the direct deposit. I also (early)voted Democrat down the ballot. I’ll continue to do so until I can’t vote anymore.

I might actually donate the $400 to the Dems come to think of it


Umm, what am I missing? There seems to be a backstory here.


Yea, the cultural lore surrounding public healthcare in the states is really funny. You can have people waiting months for things with our shitty system who will still say that wait times with public healthcare would be horrible.

Maybe. I guess if I had to choose between a financially debilitating procedure with a long wait time and a free one with a slightly longer wait time, I’d choose the latter.

cybersandwich, (edited )

I didn’t have ublock installed on my machines. I’d removed it a year ago because it was breaking sites and my pihole does a pretty good job, but I kept getting pop ups from sites about “turning off my adblocker”. I didn’t have an adblocker running. I was using vanilla firefox. I got so irritated, I looked up how to get rid of those messages and everything pointed me to ublock.

So, shout out to thinkgeek for reminding me what its like to browse the web without a ton of ads. If it wasn’t for your annoying popup about my non-existent adblocker, I would never have installed an adblocker.

Oh, and I hadn’t realized how awful youtube became over the last year or so with the ads. I was just dealing with it like an asshole. When I put ublock back on, my enjoyment of youtube shot up!

I was considering paying for premium too because I want to normalize paying for content and supporting things I like on the web. But I was struggling with the decision because usually you either pay with your data or pay with money. In this case I know I’d be doing both since Google will gladly take my money and also hoover up my data. Then they jacked the rates up to $14 a month…and now I have ublock installed again.

Its still a problem with the apps on my phone and appletv’s though. If they made it $4.99/mo I’d probably fork it over but $14 is more than my other streaming services and they create their own content. Youtube just hosts content.

Edit: how-to geek not thinkgeek. I think they went out of business.

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