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cwagner, (edited )

Before I stopped fediverse, I was hosting lemmy on the cheapest hetzner ARM instance, with backups it was like 6€, so probably slightly below $7. Nextcloud has an ARM version so that would work.

Of course, only 40gb storage. I run nextcloud on an Intel VPS, it’s one of the few SSD + HDD offerings I’ve ever seen, and I got it on sale, so it’s less than 5€ paid yearly for 40GB + 500GB.

Edit: autocorrect


Power cost depends. I use a thin client (J4105 CPU), and it idles at 4W. Idling is what it does 95% of the day. That power usage is lower than my modem, and a drop on the bucket compared to my (relatively low power) desktop PC. And I say that as a German who pays a disgusting 0.4€ per kWh.


My own tips for simple chemicals:

  1. Add MSG. Another meaning of MSG besides Monosodium glutamate is “Makes Stuff Good”, because besides normal salt and fat, it’s another great flavor enhancer for anything savory. And no, it almost certainly doesn’t give you headaches, that was racist bullshit and has long since been disproven.
  2. Baking soda and the Maillard reaction are friends. You know how they tell you, you can’t caramelize onions in 5 minutes? With baking soda, you can. Add a knife’s tip and bam. Just be careful, it also makes them burn far more easily. This also works with meat, where the meat keeps water better and browns more beautifully. One of my favorite uses is for roasting cauliflower, which gets a deeper brown and tastes so much better in cauli mash.
  3. Sodium Citrate for cheese sauce. You want creamy cheese sauce? Like for Nachos? Add a teaspoon of sodium citrate to your cheese when melting, and it will all combine without any of the fat separating. It’s best for dips, but it can be used for something like mac & cheese in a pinch, but you’ll get better results there if you make a proper roux.

I like acid, though mainly we use ACV, lime, and lemon.

For wine (mainly in stews), I actually have port wine, thanks to the high alcohol content, it doesn’t go off.

cwagner, (edited )

Great ideas with stock. Alas, I don’t have enough leftovers for it as I tend to use everything (and for meat, I’m weird and don’t like bones or anything, so it’s always ground or filet. Only sometimes when beef shanks are on sale I eat leftovers and cook them for my wife, but that doesn’t leave many bones)


And finishing a dish with some sesame oil can add a really good flavor

Toasted sesame oil. I use it on pretty much anything somewhat Asian :D


Interesting, never heard of rue. Translated it to German and never heard of Weinraute either :D I’ll have a look at the store the next time. And I’ll also give sumac a try.

Caraway is very commonly used in Germany, but my South African wife does not like it, so I very rarely use it.

I must say I’m a bit lazy with herbs, and I just buy “italian herb mix”.

For other spices, I always have chili (we love hot), pepper, salt, tumeric, all-spice, one hot curry madras mix, and nutmeg.

Depending on the recipe, I also have a lot of different dried chilies, and usually some standard fresh ones (jalapeños and habaneros)

One thing I’d like to recommend you: toasted ground coriander seeds. Toast them carefully over low heat until they release oil, grind in a spice grinder or mortar and pestle. Use for most meat dishes, but also goes into some salads. Widely used in South Africa, especially in their traditional Boerewors, which is why I stock it.


I never got this. Maybe it’s because we don’t have or want children, and are only us two. But dishes take me ten minutes every day. And I have a bunch of higher quality things that can’t go into a dishwasher anyway. If I had the space, is probably still get one, but I just don’t see how saving 7 minutes a day is a big thing.


I’d like to offer a counter point to mise en place. If you are experienced enough, you probably know when the recipe has downtime, and what ingredients are needed when. I prepare what I need until the next time when the cooking becomes passive.

Cleaning as I go would be great, but our two person household electricity usage is already at 4 person household levels, and hot water is electric… so I do that after eating all at once.


I recently got a carbon steel pan. While I have a metal spatula, I prefer using wooden utensils, they do double duty with my ceramic pan.

I have been phasing out almost all the plastic I have at home :)


Also: slow cooker. I gave mine away after I got an instant pot, but as I said, WFH. For people who go to work, a slow cooker is amazing. Throw food in, turn it on, have it done when you are back. Hot early or late doesn’t matter.


No, and unlike plastic it won’t even slowly kill you ;)

I’ve been using a wooden spoon for over a decade.


I don’t enjoy it, but I guess I also don’t mind it that much. And I only cook once a day. Mornings are usually cold, evenings only my wife eats and that’s warned up. So dishes are just those 10 minutes, once a day. That’s about 2-4 songs playing on the kitchen speaker ;) if I had to do the dishes middle time a day, I’d probably like it less as well ;)


I’ve had a cactus die from lack of water, my wife is the green thumb person and only grows chili plants ;) we only have a balcony, so not that much space. According to Wikipedia, rue is European, so I still have hopes of seeing it at the store.


Not sure it if this example is as flat as mine, but it is similar.

Do you have another example? Because

Sorry, you have been blocked You are unable to access


Some people like to think they’re super water-efficient doing the dishes, but they’re not; dishwasher saves water.

About that. I know of one study done in Europe on this, and it was paid for by dishwasher companies, and didn’t exclude outliers like the guy who used about 400L of water doing the dishes by hand.

I once measured water and power usage of me doing the dishes by hand, and it was both below what I found online for dishwashers.

If you do 2-stage cleaning (soapy hot and cold clean water), then dishwashers will be better because they don’t. Amount and source of hot water governs if you are more energy efficient. The advantage of dishwashers is that a badly used dishwasher is far more efficient than badly (= wasteful) handwashing, and even efficient handwashing is not much better than dishwashers (though I wouldn’t know how to calculate production and recycling of the dishwasher itself, not even what order of magnitude that is). Which was, as far as I remember, also in the conclusion of the study, unless there has been another one since then.


The only things you can’t put in there are knives, as well as nonstick and wooden items.

Also, both ceramic and carbon steel pans, and my SS bowls would IIRC lose their shine if machine washed.

I guess I don’t mind 10 minutes of cleanup instead of ~4 that much when cooking itself is a 30-60 minute thing.


But water?

Give me a number. I use 6-8 L of water no matter how many dishes I have. From what I read, that’s about in line with the most efficient dishwashers.


I really don’t understand why people get so aggressive when talking about their dishwashers.


Only I wasn’t, and I didn’t insult you. But I have no more interest in discoursing with you.


That’s weird, never had that issue. First thoughts: too much citrate, nothing but cheese ( so no liquid), to much heat. Any of those?


Using anti-competitive tatic to try to eliminate a competitor is literally malicious.

To be fair, it sounds less like eliminating, and more like “carving out a niche”, with the competitor being the dominant one. Doesn’t make it great, but at least a bit better ;)


I don’t play AAA games (except BG3 if that has 3 A’s), but my wife plays The Sims, and between some cheap DLCs and mods, it seems like it’s almost free for tons of content?


Sidenote in case any of the mods read this:

Kenyan businesses are dropping the world’s favorite mobile money service

Is the original headline, now what I’d have posted is “Kenyan businesses are dropping mobile money service M-Pesa”, possibly with “because of increased tax-enforcement”, the latter is probably too much editorializing, but the former makes it less clickbait-y and more informational. What kind of editing of original headlines is preferred?


It’s more the “paramilitary-trained” tax collectors I find a bit hilarious ;)


That’s exactly the kind of thing I imagined. In camo, with green and black face paint.


Listerine used to have alcohol in their mouth wash, so if yours does too, you might want to think about changing to a different one. While there is no sufficient evidence, there’s a chance that it raises your chance of oral cancer. And IMO you probably don’t need the alcohol in it.

edit: 2009 summary, 2019 meta study


Hey Google, use a picture of someone defending someone from someone angry ;)


I’d actually say most data is suited for relational DBs, and that was pretty much what people realized after a few years of the NOSQL hypetrain.


I agree, it’s even what I mostly use the ORM for, writing is so easy that way and results in far more succinct code.


and it’s even how relational databases work under the hood. They generally persist data on the filesystem as documents.

I’m 99% certain this is wrong, which leads to a lot of your follow-up being wrong. Persisting data as documents would be atrocious for performance.

I also disagree with the quoted part of the article.

And for your case, sure, you could save it as document, maybe improve performance of a very light operation by 2X, just to have far worse performance for querying that data.

edit: And in case you don’t mind the extra storage, and don’t care about correctness guarantees, you can just have a table that has all the metadata, but then have the comment also as a JSON blob which every modern db supports.


You should send that information to the non-native English speaker that wrote the blog. Might as well go ahead and gather all the other typos he did.


I’m 99% certain this is wrong

? This is how Postgres stores data, as documents, on the local filesystem:

Those are not documents for a definition of document that works with the rest of your comment. If by document you mean “any kind of data structure”, then yes, those are documents. But then the term becomes meaningless, as literally anything is a document.

Yep… it’s pretty easy to write a query on a moderately large database that returns 1kb of data and takes five minutes to execute. You won’t have that issue if your 1kb is a simple file on disk. It’ll read in a millisecond.

Sure, but then finding that document takes 5 minutes because you need to read a few million files first.


Yep — that is what I mean by documents, and it’s what I meant all along. The beauty of documents is how simple and flexible they are. Here’s a URL (or path), and here’s the contents of that URL. Done.

But that content is meaningless, because you just saved an arbitrary data structure. It’s not as if you can do anything with those postgres files. Or those possibly multi GB MSSQL .mdf, .ldf, .ndf documents. That’s data (a word that’s imo far clearer than document) stored in a very specific way that you need to know the exact structure of to make any sense of. It’s not usable directly in any way. Not “Done.”

No, because you can’t store “literally anything” in a Postgres database.

Yes you can. You can either add space for what you need to store, or you can, again, store e.g. a JSON blob.

if you put an index on this column, inserts will be too slow, if you don’t have an index on that column selects will be too slow

Or don’t, and it will only be as slow ass a NoSQL Database …

A document is always more work in the short term

It’s the opposite, a document db is far easier in the short term, that’s why everyone jumped on them before seeing the limitations.

Yeah, a relational DB is harder because you have to have a good design, that allows you to do what you actually want to do. And if you none of your devs are good at SQL, then probably a document db is better. And yes, sometimes, you need nothing but a document DB. But I still heavily disagree that most of the time you want one.


I don’t.

cwagner, (edited )

Just a few days ago, I posted that I’d leave Lemmy, if Beehaw leaves. Since then, I got temp-banned on for calling fascists fascists, decided that it was the proverbial straw, deleted my instance after 4 months, my backup account, and created a new account on Beehaw that is not subscribing to anything federated, but only local communities. I used Lemmy not because I thought it was amazing, but because I simply hated spez more. But the quality of discourse was low.

One exception was usually posts in Beehaw communities. That, together with some comments in What is the current thinking about what platform Beehaw should be on? Stick with Lemmy or try something else? (the comment chain disappeared with my old account, though), made me create a new account on Beehaw after I left the “Fediverse”.

A lot of words to say, I’ll follow Beehaw to whatever software is used, as I treat it like just another small discussion site like tildes or HN anyway.


It feels like a very recent trend too.

I’m disagreeing there. It was always common in large Reddit communities. And because so many people browse with All on Lemmy instead of subscribed, even small communities have that issue on Lemmy.

almost universally get extremely hostile when I just talk to them about things

There’s a great German word, “Streitkultur (German wikipedia)”, roughly “argument culture”, but with a positive tinge, about people having a positive argument about differing point of views. And sadly, that is lacking for most people. The lack thereof in politics made me get disgusted and leave politics alone over a decade ago.


I totally do not get why people have to try to prove to themselves that masks do not work.

I see it as a failure of politics. It’s been a while now, but IIRC in the US as well people were told that they shouldn’t wear N95, just like we in Europe were told not to wear FFP2. That they are hard to use and best left to professionals. That having a beard makes them useless. Now there was a decent idea behind it, stocks were low and uncertain, and healthcare professionals needed respirators first. But then production ramped up, and they were everywhere, and suddenly those masks are great and everyone should wear them.

That kind of political messaging has to produce conflict.


I’m a bit in a not-yet-released slump. “Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous” gets a new DLC in late November, so not playing that until then. The same company releases their new game “Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader” in December, so I’m not playing the Beta until then. “Vagrus - The Riven Realm” gets a new DLC some time this year, so also waiting there. “Colony Ship” gets out of EA and releases November 9, so obviously not playing EA either.

I had enough of BG3 for now (finished it only twice, it’s not as captivating as the Pathfinder games) and will only eventually replay it with one of those “make it like actual D&D5” modpacks. Regarding D&D5, I should some time check if there are updated fan campaigns for Solasta that use the higher DLC level cap :D

I did plan to replay Wasteland 2, but that will take quite some time, and as I mentioned, upcoming releases.

So after telling you what I have not been playing, what I currently do play is alternate between my typical fallback games: Stellaris (a game I never once finished despite 1080h of time played) and Civ V with the amazing and mandatory Vox Populi mod.


Went back to wishlist it. I played the demo, but it was pretty buggy. The “Very positive” is encouraging.


Ohhh, one of my favorite all-time games, only surpassed by the successor.

So first off: Wrath of the Righteous is far more approachable. Better tooltips, better tutorial (including a dynamic one that pops up when relevant), better interface. Just in case you feel like more pathfinder. Note that the powerlevel is far higher in WotR because of mythic powers.

Right after the short tutorial, I went to pick up some berries in a spider-infested cave, which wasn’t too bad, just that the spiders have poison that reduce your stats. I

Fun story: This encounter was heavily nerfed (twice actually, once shortly after release, and then overhauled a few months later). It used to be mandatory and much more brutal :D It literally made some people stop playing :D

Consumable items to remove them exist, but for some reason, drinking a potion can fail. I guess your character just spills everything over the floor.

Hah :D So essentially the potion is a spell in a bottle. Wait, not essentially. That’s what it is. It has a caster level that depends on the creator of the potion. So with that caster level when drinking it, the spell casts Remove Curse against the DC of the curse. And that is what can fail.

After those two experiences, like an hour into the prologue or act 1, I was ready to get fucked at every turn

Sounds like you didn’t encounter the overleveled undead random encounter on the western side ;) Owlcat generally overhauled quite a lot of the encounters to remove difficulty spikes.

My only other gripe with the game is the Kingdom Management.

That is a very common complaint. I liked it, and the time pressure it added. Though only for the first few hundreds of hours (1283h played in total, and without beta testing), later I did what you did.


decided to start with Kingmaker

Yeah, it was a good idea, as usual, for the reasons you mentioned. I just wanted to shill the successor a bit just so you won’t skip it because some things with PF:KM irked you ;)

(I’m playing on the recommended difficulty for someone new to the Pathfinder system)

You are smarter than 90% of people playing the game ;) It’s crazy, their games have super detailed difficulty settings, and presets with explanations. And yet people go, play on the brutal because they like Dark Souls and then complain it’s too hard. It’s like there’s some mental health pandemic with gamers. /rant

but you can pretty comfortably win against

Besides the difficulty, TB vs RTwP also influence this. I play on Core (actual setting in WotR, requires manual changes for KM, essentially as close to tabletop as possible; then some mods to bring it even closer to TT), but a lot of fights I could not do with RTwP, but they become far easier once I play the game in the way the system was designed.


It was painful ;) TB actually started as a mod, that was later with permission taken by Owlcat and improved for the enhanced edition. During the development, there was almost an even split between devs preferring TB and RTwP, and RTwP barely won. So with the mod having laid some groundwork and it being extremely popular, it was easier to pitch the addition.

And yeah, I’m an old school RPG fan, I love TB. I actually stopped playing RPGs just before RTwP became popular with the Infinity Engine games, and only returned to them with NWN2.

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