Used to be [email protected]. Moved for various reasons, mainly server load.

Wannabe streamer, here for all your mediocre gaming needs.

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cujo, avatar

That’s a logo, not a mascot. A logo is a mark that denotes a brand, the apple with the bite taken out for Apple, the footprint for GNOME, the stylized and colorized G for Google…

A mascot is a character that acts as a face and a voice for a brand. The gecko for Geico, Tony the Tiger for Frosted Flakes, Flo for Progressive.

Many brands looking to keep a serious, “sophisticated” brand aesthetic eschew mascots in favor of simple logos. GNOME follows suit with that trend. Nothing wrong with it, in fact I think it works quite well for them. If they were to adopt a mascot now it would be… Strange.

cujo, avatar

As someone who dailied Linux for years and years and whose primary use of my PC is to game… I have to disagree with you. The only title in my entire Steam library that doesn’t work is Halo: Infinite, and that only because I’m using an Intel ARC card which has a known issue running Infinite on Linux due to an incompatibility between a specific set of DirectX 12 calls and Vulkan. If I had chosen to upgrade to a new AMD card instead, I’d still be running Linux. But I wanted to support Intel, so here we are. When I’m done playing around on Infinite, I’ll switch back and never think about Windows again.

Hell, some of my library runs BETTER on Linux than on Windows with the ARC card. The only game that runs better on Windows is Halo: Infinite, and that’s only because it literally doesn’t run at all on Linux. 😂

cujo, avatar

Yeah, that’s fair. Linux has been my daily driver for like… 8 years now? And I dabbled with it for some time before that. I’ve gotten to a point where I’m MUCH more comfortable doing things the Linux way than I am doing things the Windows way. I also have to admit I don’t do much modding for my games, and the little bit that I do is often either a.) Supported/managed by the game itself, or b.) Because I still install the majority of my mods by hand rather than through a mod manager.

cujo, avatar

I switched to TIDAL. Same price, and they pay the artists better per stream.

cujo, avatar

My typical recommendation for anyone new to Linux looking to get their feet wet would be Linux Mint. As long as you keep the system updated, it should be a decent choice for gaming.

The following is not to discourage you, but to help keep expectations in check. Gaming on Linux is not perfect. It’s not comparable to gaming on Windows. A LOT of games (with the assistance of Steam’s Proton) “just work,” but things are not to a point where that’s ever a guarantee. I would recommend looking up your staple games on to review Linux compatibility, if the games run or need additional run options.

I say all this as someone who runs exclusively Linux, and is a gamer and occasionally streams. It’s perfectly doable, but expect to have to get your hands dirty at some point in the venture. And don’t be afraid to ask questions!

cujo, avatar

Glad I’m not the only one with this question. Feels like it’s difficult to find up-to-date information on the performance of these Arc cards on Linux; I’d like to support Intel’s move into this space but it’s hard without knowing how drastically it’s going to affect my gaming performance. 😅

I’m glad to hear the situation seems to be rapidly improving. I may pick up an A770 yet.

cujo, avatar

UPDATE: I picked up the ARC A750. Been driving it around for awhile. Older DirectX games perform on par or often even better on Linux with ARC than they do on Windows. DX12 games had negligible performance boosts being run on Windows vs. Linux with ARC save some big exceptions…

Certain DX12 titles, one of which I own (Halo Infinite) WILL NOT RUN under Linux WITH the ARC card due to a lack of features in Vulkan. There are still some DX12 calls that have no equivalents in Vulkan, and while some games flag this feature set without using it and MAY be able to be tricked into running without it, any games that actually USE those features will not run under Linux with the ARC card, period. So… Research your newer AAA DX12 titles first.

cujo, avatar

The argument is that it’s faith that gets you into heaven, but the proof of true faith is found in works. If you claim to be faithful but do not do good works, your faith is dead.

cujo, avatar

I mean… if they’re asking for advice about a gaming rig, the gaming community seems like a pretty relevant place to ask.

cujo, avatar

The down votes are because you suggested that Gaming is not the correct community to ask about Gaming hardware, and it’s hardly a barrage. There’s nothing wrong with the advice you’re giving, especially since you seem to have regionally appropriate knowledge that many others don’t have. This is still the appropriate place to ask their question. Likely it’s because, whether you intended for it to be so or not, your opening statement comes across… abrasive.

cujo, avatar

Much better! Less aggressive. Your initial comment had a sense of reprimanding the OP for not posting in the “right place,” and I’m certain you didn’t mean to come off that way, just that you thought they might get a better, more specific answer from a more specific community, is that right?

I appreciate the civility and willingness to discuss. :)

cujo, avatar

… what are your biases against me? 😅

It’s interesting to see this in open discussion, as it’s something I hadn’t realized I did, but I do.

cujo, avatar

Wait, they defederated from us? I thought I was noticing less of their… uh… content around.

cujo, avatar

This is wonderful news.

cujo, avatar

Not here in the Fediverse, as far as I can tell… If you do find one, let me know. 😅

Meanwhile, I guess I should up my game posting in here.

EDIT: Loving the animation. Totodile is my favorite Pokémon.

Looking for a good Linux to install on a slow 2019 machine. Relative beginner with Linux.

Hello! My old laptops hard drive packed it in, so I got a new one and now need to flash drive an operating system on it. I think this is my time to give Linux a proper go. I tried it before for my gaming PC but switched for a cracked Windows key because I was young and not bothered to learn....

cujo, avatar

Linux Mint. You can’t go wrong whichever “edition” you download, but I’d recommend Cinnamon. It’s delightfully easy to setup, beginner friendly, has GUI utilities for most of the settings you’ll need to tweak, and leaves room to grow as you learn more about Linux. For YouTube and Google Docs, it’ll be more than performant enough.

cujo, avatar

You need another ~ at the beginning and end to get strikeout.

cujo, avatar

This is the only thing stopping me from getting a Fairphone. 🥲 I want one so badly. Having it re-shipped might just be worth it if 5g is the only pain point… we’ll see.

cujo, avatar

The new Avatar, Way of the Water. It wasn’t the whole plot, but it was a big part of it.

cujo, avatar

I just found out about VSCodium. Its a project that packages the MIT licensed VS Code source without all the M$ telemetry and crud. Be warned, there are apparently many plugins that don’t work with Codium, so if you rely heavily on any specific plugin I’d see if it works properly before committing.

It’s still relying on Microsoft code, but at least it’s specifically the open source bits. Lol!

What are some FOSS programs that you think are a far better user experience than their counterparts? (

I used Plex for my home media for almost a year, then it stopped playing nice for reasons I gave up on diagnosing. While looking at alternatives, I found Jellyfin which is much more responsive, IMO, and the UI is much nicer as well....

cujo, avatar

Uhh… yeah, I’m stumped trying to think of the proprietary alternative to Calibre, too. I don’t think there is one in the mainstream? Everywhere I look, the only recommendation is Calibre.

cujo, avatar

I don’t think I’ve had to reconfigure mine for different window sizes… of course, I don’t typically record individual windows I record a screen.

If I may ask, what do you use OBS for that you have to record individual windows that are sized differently each time?

cujo, avatar

I just let it index mine overnight, everything was ready to go next day. Adding new media to the server isn’t really a problem, IMO.

It’s worth it for the UI responsiveness alone, disregarding the fact that Plex just… stopped working one day for no discernable reason. No errors in any logs, my Plex server was running fine. No changes to the network, everything hosted the exact same, all my clients were logged in, running the same way, etc. Just… stopped seeing each other one day. Couldn’t access my server from any device in the home.

cujo, avatar

That’s a strong opinion. Why do you think Jellyfin sucks ass? It’s been nothing but delightful for me.

cujo, avatar

Everyone is raving about immutable OSes and it’s really making me consider giving OpenSUSE Aeon a try… but my Tumbleweed install is set up perfectly for me so I’m hesitant to migrate. 😅

I could give it a run in a VM, I suppose.

cujo, avatar

Oh, I didn’t even think of that. I’ll have to cross that bridge one day, we’re an always-on subtitles kinda family.

cujo, avatar

Right, right. I think it’s a little unfair to say OBS isn’t simple in that regard, though, as recording small snippets of screens isn’t really what it’s targeted towards. It’s more of a content streaming/recording software, IMO. I honestly don’t know what I would use if I needed to regularly record differently sized small portions of my screen to send to people.

cujo, avatar

You might want to check and see what ports you do or don’t have open to your local network. I know I had to open port 1900 on UDP to connect from the clients in the house.

cujo, avatar

Honestly, never touched the Android app. We use it exclusively on our TVs. I can see why that would be a breaking point for some people though!

cujo, avatar

Why would you have to manually set them up? Most smart TVs have a Jellyfin channel/app you can install, and failing that there should be some kind of general media server app you can get on them. There’s a mobile app for Android (though someone else here says it’s pretty trash) and probably for iOS as well. The only device to configure is the server, the app can find a local network server automatically.

cujo, avatar

I wonder what % of Linux users are using Edge, and what their reasoning is.

cujo, avatar

I am by no means a master at OBS, and I wouldn’t know where to point you to learn. Everything I know I’ve learned by either poking around in the software or googling specific questions, i.e. “how to overlay twitch chat in OBS”. As you can probably guess, I used to use it to stream to twitch. Not very suddenly, mind, but I did it. Lol!

OBS is designed for streaming out and recording video, not really for music production. I’m sure there are some FOSS music production softwares worth checking out, though!

cujo, avatar

? I serve media from… the server. All my storage is on the PC running Jellyfin. It’s movie and TV shows, not home videos of my family and photos of my pets. I keep those on my phone. 😉

cujo, (edited ) avatar

Why wouldn’t you want your home media server software running on the server that’s in charge of storing your media?

EDIT: I apologize, I’m not trying to patronize you or be argumentative, I’m just trying to understand your setup. So you have a PC (NAS) where all your files are stored, a second PC running your home media server software that needs to talk to the first PC and see what’s stored on it so it can then serve that content to clients on your local network, like a TV? Instead of just running the server software on the first PC to begin with?

cujo, avatar

I love this.

cujo, avatar

I’m afraid I’m not familiar with CPJ. For GPU acceleration, why wouldn’t you add a dGPU to your server? Or are you talking exclusively pre-built NAS solutions that don’t have a dGPU option?

cujo, avatar

Wait that’s a thing? Oh, gods. I’m almost tempted, just to see what that’s like, but… no. 😂

cujo, (edited ) avatar

You’re absolutely right, and in lots of areas I use FOSS alternatives solely because they are FOSS despite less resources and objectively worse UI/UX. Photography is a hobby of mine, a huge love. There is nothing on Linux that gives even remotely close to the ease and comfort of use for RAW image editing as CaptureOne Pro, a software I paid a pretty penny for some number of years ago. I’ve tried every RAW image editor that’s been recommended, and I dislike them all so much that I actually prefer to move my RAWs to my phone and edit them there.

Despite that, I’m still running Linux. I understand the trade offs that often need to happen to adhere to an ideal, and I largely agree. However, sometimes FOSS comes out on top in all regards, including UI/UX. And those are the apps I’m inviting everyone to share. 😉

cujo, avatar

I tried Kodi, it was nice. Biggest issue was no Roku app…

cujo, avatar

Oooh, shiny. I’ll have to give it a try! I work with SvelteKit and Tailwind presently, I’ll have to see how it handles that!

cujo, avatar

Wait, is 7zip not available on Linux? Then what have I been using??

cujo, avatar

Listen, I love GIMP. I would never try to argue that the UI/UX is better than alternatives. There’s a reason it’s not the defacto tool to use in its industry, and it’s not the name.

That said, if you take the time to learn GIMP, it’s delightful. I personally like using GIMP more than, say, Photoshop, but I also learned photo manipulation on GIMP, and didn’t touch Photoshop until well after. GIMP’s UX leaves a lot to be desired for a newcomer to the software.

cujo, avatar

p7zip. TIL it is not official! Damn.

cujo, avatar

I disagree, I think it’s still perfectly reasonable to criticize Plex. Specifically for that complacency. Just because they were an important step to getting where we are does not mean they are above reproach.

Besides, I wasn’t really criticizing Plex? All I said was that I prefer the UI/UX in Jellyfin, and that Jellyfin is still “Just Working” where Plex failed for reasons unknown. Plex isn’t bad, I enjoyed using it while I did. I just found something FOSS to take it’s place. 🙂

cujo, avatar

I agree with you in the mindset. “Free as in free beer” is not the important aspect for me, so much as the “free as in free speech” bit.

Funny that all the things you listed you wished were better than the competition falls almost entirely under the purview of artistic solutions. GIMP, DarkTable, Inkscape, etc. I’ve always heard, and I think for the most part it holds true, that FOSS software for artists is usually a worse experience because it’s primarily dominated by software designed and implemented by technically minded people for technically minded people who happen to be artistic, rather than designed by artistically minded people and implemented by technically minded people.

I know it’s probably an unpopular view, but I’ve found it to be true a lot.

cujo, avatar

It’s not… unpopular? Or it’s not true?

I find the assumption goes the opposite way. Linux, and FOSS as a whole, often assumes the user is knowledgeable and knows what they’re doing. Proprietary software often assumes the user knows nothing and will never know anything if they don’t hold your hand through the entire process and obfuscate and abstract all the decisions and work to a place you won’t see it, and then puts obstacles in your way to getting to it.

FOSS says, “you wanna pop the hood? Here you go, and here are all the tools you’ll need to do whatever you want,” and walks off.

Proprietary software says, “are you sure you don’t want to drop it off at the shop first? At least call a mechanic. Tools? No, no, you don’t need tools… don’t go find some, there’s no need, we can just call a tow truck. No, no, the nails are supposed to be there. Yeah, I nailed the hood shut. And super glued it. Well, I didn’t think you’d want in there… besides, you’re not a mechanic, you’ve got no idea how an engine works…” and once you do get in, it’s peeking over your shoulder the whole time reminding you that you really shouldn’t be doing that, there are professionals for that sort of thing.

cujo, avatar

Give us a version of our Mentor from a timeline where Claw Island DID end with death and sadness – but it was the commander instead? Mentor and student reunited after all this time.

A chance for both to have the other back, and do better by each other next time.

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