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crossmr, to kbinMeta

can't even post a thread in this magazine.

So my question: are we going to be defederating instances that don't crack down on users supporting and advocating terrorism?


This is wizards of the cost all over again. Unity learned nothing from them.


You can? We couldn't even get one to add even if we wanted to.


So if General motors was using slave labour to build their cars and feeding said labour with baby kittens, would you consider it a review bomb for someone to say 'You shouldn't buy the latest vehicle from General motors because of the way it is made'?

What if general motors came out and said that they think a great start to the day is to wake up and punch a dutchman in the face?

A review is, ultimately, a recommendation of whether or not you think other people should buy this product. If you can't recommend it because of something the company who made it did, to me, it's still a review. Because recommending that product is recommending financial support of that company. Not recommending it, is not supporting them.

For me a real review bomb would occur generally only in a case where a site like 4chan might suddenly spin a wheel of mayhem and pick a random game to just go shit on or something like that.


Are you talking about going from the landing up? I don't think those are more stairs on the left. That's the ceiling over the stairs outside the room. You go up the short stairs to the hybrid stairs/ladder to get to the loft area.


I'm old enough to remember these terms developing. I can remember when the first Diablo came out and called itself an 'ARPG'. There was some controversy over this term and simply the use of the term RPG. As video games developed, there was some prestige around the 'RPG' label. By the late 90s, you were looking at a lot of well loved and top games using the term. Gold Box Games, Bard's Tale, Ultima, JRPGs like Phantasy Star and Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, etc.

Diablo is the first game that I can recall that really prominently advertised itself as an ARPG. They did this of course because it wasn't really as deep as the rest of them. There weren't a lot of 'choices' to be made in this game. You set up your character and ran through the dungeon. They wanted to use the 'RPG' label because it was well regarded at the time and helped move units. It was a lot like calling an RV a sports car because sports cars have wheels, doors, can drive on the road. ARPGs had RPG mechanics, in that there were things like stats and you could choose abilities/spells on level up. But they really weren't RPGs.

Around that time in PC Gamer there was a great column about what made an RPG an RPG and it was clear that games like Diablo weren't it, the key from that was an RPG had players making meaningful choices that had a lasting impact on the game world. Whether you threw fireballs or lightning bolts wasn't exactly a meaningful choice that had impact on the game world.

When it came to JPRGs vs RPGs, the difference was always fairly clear. RPGs were of the D&D variety. While they featured magic, the system itself was somewhat grounded in reality. JRPGs had a distinct style. Big numbers, wild combos, certain aesthetics, etc. To me the JRPG label makes sense, because it is a different style of game. I would note that JRPGs though really didn't fit the definition of RPG for the most part, a lot of 'RPGs' didn't because there was very little decision making. They were quest style games where you had a party that levelled up, but you weren't making many decisions in the game that had much an impact.

I think the labels are absolutely important for distinguishing the type of game it is. People want to know what they're getting into when they play it. If I'm expecting Baldur's gate and get Diablo, I'm probably going to be a bit disappointed.


This reminds me of when Apple announced the iPhone and it turned out Linksys owned the iPhone name, and went through and slapped an 'iphone' sticker on all their IP telephones at the time.

What foods can last 3-4 days without refrigeration?

I’m going to be camping for 4 days at a location without easy access to fire (hence no boiled water). As such, I’m going to be packing a bunch of canned stuff for my daily meals. The place is in England, where we’re expecting a few hot days this week and maybe some rain over the weekend....


It depends on the fruit. Look at a banana funny and it'll go rotten. Apples are pretty stable.


jerky, granola, lots of vegetables are fairly stable and can be eaten raw. Carrots, garden peas, green beans, lettuce (you can eat that in the first day or two before it wilts), apples,


That's really bizarre? Which region? I'm in the UK


I have no review to update since I've never downloaded it, always used RiF.


They're telling you to check the error log to see if there were errors. For example: Many subs went private. If you posted in sub A and ran the script while it was private, it wouldn't be able to overwrite that content. If the sub stopped being private that content would come back and it wouldn't be written over.


As much as people don't want to hear this, the actions of the victim will likely lead to her getting off. At least if the initial articles are to be believed. The initial articles described the victim as being fairly aggressive in how she pounded on her door and demanded the woman come out. If that plays in court at all, you won't get a jury to convict her.

crossmr, (edited )

Because that's the way the law works. The Florida stand your ground law will let her get off if she can demonstrate that she was fearful. If the woman is aggressively pounding on the door and demanding she come out then it's very easy to use that as a defence and at least one person the jury will likely believe that and she won't be found guilty. As for being able to break down the door, you don't know. Even if she couldn't break down the door, she might have broken a window and forced the door open or gone through a nearby window. It doesn't matter how plausible it is, it's the aggressive behaviour that makes all of that a possibility and what will form her defence.

Other articles provide a bit more context here:

Dispatch: I need you to lock all your doors and windows, OK
Caller: I have
Caller: Her sons said they were going to come and kill me.
Dispatch: And did you know her?
Caller: Yes, she's come after me several times because of her children. Her children keep trespassing over here. They're bothering me and >bothering and won't (expletive" stop")

followed up by:

Caller:"Oh my God, this lady just tried to break down my door. I shot through the door. (inaudible) (heavy breathing, emotions)Yes. The >woman was screaming and yelling, and she was trying to break down my door."
Dispatch: It was a female?
Caller: Yes
Caller: "I didn't know what to do. I grabbed my gun and shot at the door cause I thought she was going to kill me...oh my God.
Caller: I shot at the door because she wouldn't stop. I told her 'get away,' and she wouldn't and (inaudible).

To be clear, I'm not defending her, or saying what she did is right. I'm only saying that with the way the law is, and with the circumstances, it's very likely she'll get off because the victim decided to be aggressive instead of calling the police and letting the police deal with it.


Ark did the same thing. The only issue I have with it is the various explorer/spawn/resource map pages for each one. Something about them just makes firefox start lagging after a bit


strange. On kbin I see the magazine, see it has 36 threads, but can't see a single submission.


still can't see anything.

crossmr, (edited )

Still doesn't work


Ah you know what it was.. this morning I woke up to a front page of 'OMG' so I turned off federation so I could actually see something to read. haha.


I'm fairly certain that isn't what that option is about.


First day?

We've already had threads in kbinmeta about a guy running an account ring to upvote his stuff, and we've already seen numerous rep farmers here.


As far as I know that doesn't work. I know I've blocked but still get it on my front page.


This is the main issue here. This whole narrative sprung from one comment in one thread that was made without any real evidence other than 'this account is obviously a bot'. Did the admin do it? Maybe. Did someone else do it? Maybe. On one hand, we know that everyone on the internet is a good honest person and if anyone is trolling it could only be the self-serving admin and absolutely no one else would ever try to troll people on reddit, on the other hand the site is run by and full of a bunch of absolutely assholes. So really it could go either way.

I've always had problems with mob justice, bandwagons, etc. though, and don't go in for witchhunts and claims made without any real evidence to back them up.

Call out post for a particular karma farmer on (

@pollodiabolo - this user is a karma whore of epic proportions and they have made a shit load (10-15+) accounts on kbin that boost and upvote each other while sometimes mass downvoting others that have posts trending towards the top - all to farm karma....


They aren't useless. They're worth a lot of money to the right person. This meme has repeated endlessly on reddit, all while there was an underground trade going on in verified, aged accounts with karma.

Right now on Kbin it may look like it's not important, but if Kbin grows and grows it's going to become a target for spammers, scammers, etc, and it's going to have to start to look for solutions on how to identify and restrict accounts. one of the simplest, and most obvious ways is the karma/rep system.

New account? Account with negative karma? May find it's rate restricted and posts are autohidden. Purchase an aged account with rep and you can at least spam for a bit until caught, then pay $5 for another account.

crossmr, to kbinMeta

How can we add moderators to a magazine? As soon as we click moderators on any magazine we get an error. It's been going on for quite some time now


I don't really see any sex positive accounts on instagram, all I see is a flood of spam accounts trying to promote their OF, and I'm happy to see those go. It doesn't matter what the topic is, they're just spam accounts and nothing else. If anything, I would expect, and hope, it's instagram cracking down on that and a few legit accounts got caught in the crossfire.


Okay. But as fun as these anecdotal stories are, do we have any actual information on what is allegedly occurring?


They only pay them for establish views. They're not going to pay them for videos on peertube until they establish the same level of audience there.


They won't pay them for uploading to peertube or anything they get there. Sponsorships are for where they have established audiences.


Anyone anywhere now if they were still there in a few years would be considered a veteran..

Does anybody feel like the quality of reddit has already dropped massively? (

I see a lot of comments from bootlickers on how the protests are dumb and stupid and dont work and engagement metrics are still holding but the quality of posts and comments has noticeably depreciated imo. So much so that whenever I visit the site Im actually shocked at how bad it is.


The quality and the traffic. At least in terms of engagement. I knew another mod there that I used to do spamhunting with and we both modded a couple big subs, we were talking about it one day and we were talking about sub traffic, and I noted about 2 years ago there was actually a big decline in traffic in /r/videos, which he modded he said he hadn't noticed it, but when you went to and compared random front pages to engagement at the time, you noticed that all posts overall had fewer comments and fewer upvotes, we started checking a few more large subs and noticed it was quite similar.

Quality is, to some extent, a mod failing. Mods can't be expected to go out there and produce top quality posts all the time, but they can be expected to keep out the low quality content, and a lot of them don't do that. By ignoring frequently reposted topics, to not bothering to properly apply the rules to keep the posts fully on topic, the subs just declined and declined.


No editorials or articles which are little more than third party editorials.

Editorials usually end up as:

Someone has an opinion, this isn't news.

Articles which are little more than:

This bloke has an opinion and I'm going to write about it! (which is often a negative topic) also isn't news and something that worldnews on reddit struggled with. The sub was constantly flooded with topics which were just: Joe Blowhard thinks everyone sucks and some other right wing nonsense.

There was no news there either than a third party stating that someone else had an opinion.


I grew up further back than some of you.

I remember enjoying the following games:

  1. Pirates! (the dos version) - Was always fun sailing around kicking ass, getting ships, building up your crew
  2. Superstar Ice Hockey
  3. Sopwith - just a quick little airplane shooter
  4. Earl Weaver Baseball - enjoyed updating the roster and playing through some seasons.
  5. All the various Sierra quest games, especially Hero Quest/Quest for Glory. Kings quest was my least favorite, Heroe Quest > Space quest > Police Quest for me.
  6. Curse of the azure bonds, was big into D&D and this was a great implementation of it.
  7. Later on quite enjoyed Phantasy Star IV

That's a challenging wank

How do we get an instance removed? (

It looks like a new spamming tactic will be to set up your own instance and then just mass spam to other instances from there. Case in point, I've been noticing spam in one magazine from a user of this. I banned them, but they can still post for some reason. Decided to visit the instance and it looks like some default...

/kbin logotype

That only works if you have a group of responsive admins who can watch that for abuse. It really hasn't taken long for someone to figure out how to abuse that for spam.

crossmr, as I said in the initial post. I think it's a single purpose instance made by that user just to spam his blog


Thanks Ernest. I definitely think if we've blocked a user in a magazine the microblog shouldn't be picking up stuff from them, and we need to be able to turn on automatic hashtag pickup or not.


Hey Ernest, not sure if you did something or not, but still picking up posts from this guy

crossmr, to kbinMeta

Why can a banned user from another instance continue to post to my magazine? He's clearly in the ban log but can still post.


@NOOBMASTER That's not the case. I've attempted to reban the account and it's the same account, it already comes up as banned. He's posting to the microblog which doesn't seem to stop banned users.

crossmr, (edited )

@cendawanita I don't know how I can tell the difference, either way, it needs to stop if we're going to effectively moderate our magazines. I know on his original instance he does have a hashtag that matches the magazine name. If that is the case, it's a great way to avoid being moderated. Just sit on your private federated instance and post all day while pretending you're not spamming.


@cendawanita Yeah it's posted on his instance and is being picked up here, either way we can't really have that because mods can't control what gets posted on their magazine.


@cutitdown And how do I do that? I was digging around but couldn't see any options for that.

Just checked, I don't have any tags set up.. the tag he's using is the name of the magazine.

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