I am an independent director and producer who likes to ride his motorcycle in dusty places.

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When looking for my last vehicle, I still needed a midsize very-light-duty truck for my business (film production), I drove the Chevy midsize truck (Colorado?) first on my checklist of trucks to drive. It was a piece of garbage (and this made me sad because I was [trying to be] open to finding an excellent US-made midsize truck). The sales guy was super-enthusiastic, of course, to the point of pushy obnoxiousness. When he asked me “HOW GREAT IS THIS TRUCK???!!!??” I was like “I wouldn’t complain if someone gave one to me, but I have other trucks to test.”

After test driving four other competitors, I ended up with Honda Ridgeline (which beat out my second favorite from Toyota), that I have now had for 4+ years and absolutely love it - it is a great midsize+ truck. It’s kind of a unicorn in Texas (so many Fords and Dodges), but I saw a ton of them in Arizona and other Western states. Great vehicle, and it has CarPlay. Sadly, it’s in the shop at the moment (I, uh, backed into a bollard, cough) and my rental is a brand-new Dodge Charger which drives like a lead brick on wheels compared to the Ridgeline. Interior finish isn’t bad though…and the UI, while not CarPlay, is polished).


Every single day, when I am out walking my dog, a jogger comes by smelling of like a shit-ton of soap/perfume/deodorant/body spray - I nearly gag. These guys (and sometimes girls) are so terrified they might smell sweaty when doing something, you know, sweaty, like jogging a couple of miles…it boggles my mind.

Who taught people we have to smell like artificial bouquets of flowers all the time, even when exercising, ffs?


Hear the AI generated narrator, tune that out immediately. Rubbish.


Just a rambling comment in general vis a vis Starfield. The loading screens mentioned in the article made me think of this.

I am a wierdo who really liked and played alot of FO4 (4 replays). My introduction to Bethesda games was FO3 and FONV just before FO4 released. After FO4, I tried Skyrim - which was ok, I was never blown away by it and have never replayed it. I have tried to play Oblivion but it was so ancient and janky I gave up. I played FO76 for about a year and generally enjoyed it to a point, but always wished the development effort had been applied towards a full-on single-player (or coop!) FO5 game.

I was looking forward to Starfield (I loved Mass Effect, replayed twice). But, I have not bought Starfield, nor am I likely to in the next year. I am going to wait for patches, mods that fix what Bethesda doesn’t, and a banging sale on Steam.

In the meantime, I am playing a game I never thought I would play because I never thought it sounded like a game I would enjoy - ELDEN RING. I am not a very good twitch-muscle player (ridiculously bad, in fact), and I play exclusive M+KB games as I never had a console growing up and don’t know how to use a control well. Am I enjoying ELDEN RING? Yes…I am with reservations, I still do not like “boss fights” (in any game really, when a boss fight boils down to a box you can’t escape with a giant thing in it that insta-kills you, I just roll my eyes in disappointment). But, I am enjoying *everything *in between (glorious seamless no-loading-screens self-directed exploration and problem/puzzle solving) and hate-playing through the bosses.

In fact, the overall seamlessness (ie, lack of loading screens) of ER has spoiled me (it has them, but only during fast travel/respawn). Unvarnished in-your-face loading screens for doing something like stepping into a cave mouth or opening a door will take a full point (out of 5) off a my private evaluation of a game from now on.


We swap between two movies each year.

Even years it is A LION IN WINTER, an amazing film with insanely quotable dialogue. (EDIT: Why? On “star power” alone, this movie is outrageously cast.)

Odd years it is A CHRISTMAS STORY, which is equally quotable (perhaps more so). (EDIT: Why? Because so many things in this film ring true to my own childhood - having to have last-minute dinner at a Chinese restaurant because of a disaster, for example, or begging for a b-b-gun…)


Isn’t it like this Bethesda’s go-to move now? I mean, it always seems like Bethesda releases a thing that people are really excited for, then people are all like “It sucks!” but then 2 or 3 years later people are still playing it and enjoying it and saying “OK, it’s not THAT bad…”


Soap: a bar of unscented oatmeal-based soap

For deodorant: I have had very good experience with “Thai stone” style salt-based deodorants. These work simply by making your skin inhospitable to odor-causing bacteria while not causing you irritations. You need to apply it liberally (after slightly wetting the stone, I just count out 8 strokes under each arm), but a single stone will last you … a very long time … and it does really work for a whole day. It has no scent, per se, so you will just smell like you smell without the sulfurous bad smells caused by BO bacteria.

Or so I gather…


I have been, up until very recently, a “Thanksgiving Traditionalist”, in that I loudly proclaimed that one should muck around with the traditional basics.

But last year, I changed my tune. We had a dinner based around Stanley Tucci’s timpano instead of turkey (yes, the famous timpano from the movie BIG NIGHT). That was a big success.

This year, because I have some very dear friends who are vegetarians and who kind of slink away when anyone discusses Thanksgiving traditional dishes, I wanted to make dinner with their needs/desires squarely in mind, so I am doing a completely vegetarian menu. I generally despise “meat analogues”, so no, we’re not having tofurkey. So, here’s the menu:

  • velouté de châitagnes (chestnut soup)
  • Spanish tortilla (the potato dish, not the Mexican flatbread)
  • my grandmother’s green bean casserole (very unique, not-what-you-expect, nod to tradition)
  • roasted root vegetables (catch-all, probably rutabagas, turnips, parsnips, etc…)
  • Jacque Pepin’s “easy” corn soufflé
  • a massive onion-mushroom tarte tatin as the centerpiece (onions, mushrooms, gorgonzola, walnuts, butter, pastry crust)
  • fresh homemade pickles (various)
  • fresh homemade bread (baguettes, sourdough boules, etc)
  • risalamande (Scandinavian rice pudding)

I am probably forgetting something. Guests are bring desserts and wine (one is a L3 sommelier, never disappoints).

Starfield group fixing Bethesda's bugs say their job is tough as mods feel an afterthought (www.eurogamer.net)

“What’s more frustrating for those working on SCP, and the wider Starfield modding community, is how difficult it is to work with Starfield’s code without official modding tools and support. This isn’t helped by the delayed mod tools from Bethesda, which the company says are coming at some point next year.”


I waited until CP 2.0 to play it. I can wait for SF 2.0 to play it. I am not a unicorn in this regard.

claycle, (edited )

Steel-cut oatmeal is super-easy, set-and-forget (1 cup water, 1/4 steel-cut oats, pinch of salt, Bring water to boil, stir in oats, salt, lower to bare simmer, uncovered 30 minutes, flavor as desired, eat).

But that can get boring. For something a little more exciting, super-nutritious, and almost zero-prep, do a sort of Norwegian-style open-face cracker (no, you don’t need “the tubes”, but if you can find them, knock yourself out). For this I take a tin of fish (usually smoked salmon or trout, but sardines, mackerel, or even tuna would work fine), a piece of cracking toast or a Scandy flatbread cracker (Wasa, knekkebrod), and some kind of “schmear” (a thin spread of cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, or - my favorite - Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Yogurt Dip/Spread). I can get all these ingredients both cheaply and well-made at Trader Joe’s (TJ Smoked Salmon in a tin, TJ Norwegian seeded flatbread, and the aforementioned dip). For a little additional oomph toss on tomato or cucumber slices.


My grandmother took me to see Liberace. Am I sure she enjoyed it more than I did.



One of the best FPS games I ever played. Marathon I and II. This was on a Mac in the early nineties, I guess.


Same, my friend and I gave up on Baldur’s Gate and will let the developer “finish” tweaking it. I like what Larian tries to do in its games, but I really, really despise the need to mash the quick save button after anything representing even minor progress because you might stumble into TPK combat while exploring. This happened to us in Divinity and when we got a whiff of the same in BG3, we wrinkled our noses and left the game.

I subsequently went on to play CP2077 v2.0 and really enjoyed myself, which I just “finished” yesterday with a satisfactory, bitter-sweet ending.


Just finished CP myself yesterday, with a 9 hour push through the “final day”. I had previously in my run rejected the (possible) helpful offer at the end of Phantom Liberty to find my own solution to my problem and, after spending far too much time debating over a single dialog choice, I settled on one that lead to a satisfactory, if bitter-sweet, conclusion.

The sense of finality was quite profound and pleasing. I have no wish to play my V anymore, as I think their story is done. While this means I may never revisit NC again (which makes me a little sad), I can live with that. I guess I can look forward to CP: Boston in 10 years :-).


True story: in the early 00s, my company was acquired by a Large Silicon Valley Company. LSVC sent a “business integration” team across the country (to Dallas, Texas where we were at the time) to welcome us into the fold. At these meetings, these Perky Northern Californian Women - they were all Perky Northern California Women, for whatever reason - opened with the following sentence:

“We’d like to welcome y…ya…y’y’y’y’y…YA UL(!) to LSVC.”

Repeated throughout the meeting, the integration team kept stumbling over “y’all” instead of just saying “you” when talking to us. Clearly, someone thought that - being Texans - we wouldn’t understand them unless the did.

At one point, one of us spoke up and said something like, “First, thank you for attempting to use our local dialect to talk to us. But, we can understand you perfectly well when you speak your native Northern Californian. Second, by way of correction, the word is just “y’all”. Also, if you want to use the plural second person, like vous in French, you may say “all’y’all”, but it is optional.”


all’y’all is the plural second person form.

Sheriff, speaking to a number of bandits: All’y’all just put yer guns down and come out with yer hands up so we can end this all peaceful like.


And here I am deliberately working my way though Origins->Odyssey->Valhalla so that I can completely ignore Starfield for a while until the hype train settles down and some bugs are fixed :-). I keep my eye on NMS (I was a Day 1ish player) but I feel it is soooo wide and soooo shallow it would just bore me to tears now.

Really enjoying Valhalla…


Yes. We just had a scoop of homemade coconut sorbet tonight, super simple to make:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 can of unsweetened coconut cream
  • 1 can of unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract

Bring the water and sugar to a boil, lower the heat to medium, and let it simmer for 10 minutes to make a simple syrup. Let the syrup cool to room temperature, then mix all the ingredients together in a blender briefly, then pour into your ice cream maker and freeze. Set the sorbet into the freezer for at least 2 hours to finish the freezing.

If you can’t find coconut cream, you can just use 2 cans of full fat coconut milk, but it will be icier.



Don’t you just know it?! I work in media and I have pitched commercial projects to business executives many times only to see them completely choke on the costs. They say things like “Can’t we just film the commercial on an iPhone, I see that on YouTube all the time?” FFS. I’ll be like “Sure, we can. What’s your budget for that? You realize I still have to pay the cameraman, the makeup artist, the writer, the producer, the director, the gaffer, and the talent. Do you want music with that, too? Oh, you want a Credence Clearwater Revival song in the background? That’ll cost you.”

I’ll pull out some sheets explaining what they see on YT that they think is so cheap… I mean, sure, it’s less expensive than other options, but crew and talent gotta eat and pay bills, too.

People have no idea…


To be fair, Wheel of Time may be one of those garbage in, garbage out scenarios.

Arc Browser: I have to ask: Why?

OK, call me an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy who just can’t get hip to the new hotness, but after trying the Arc browser for a week, I switched back to Safari with relief. While I am happy to have a not-Chrome-or-Windows-or-Cryptobros-Encumbered-Chromium-based browser in my pocket to fire up if I need to, I could not figure out...


This explicitly wasn’t a question about Firefox at all, or even about what browser to use. It was just about Arc.

And before you get your knickers twisted tighter, I use Firefox (as my primary driver on Windows and my secondary on Mac). I am using Firefox right now, in fact.


I am going to finish AC Origins (Pharaohs DLC) then start AC Valhalla (I played AC Odyssey out of release order, but in “real time” order). I’ve never played any AC games before, but I am enjoying these large open world versions.

claycle, (edited )

I’ve lived in Texas all my life and while it is far from a “shithole”, I am unapologetically disgusted by my home state’s current political climate.

When I was growing up (in DFW), I got a liberal (as in the tradition sense, not as a political spectrum) public education which I look back on to fondly. We were taught about sex (starting in 5th grade) and encouraged to be aware of racial issues and the root causes of hatred and encouraged to be friends with all our peers and egalitarian towards people of any color. Gayness was not mentioned, but also not condemned, and I definitely had gay friends and knew at least two gay couples in high school who were open, supported by students and teachers, and happy.

My own childhood outside of school was one of amazing freedom and self-responsibility. My parents’ rule was “be back for dinner”. We all had bikes, and we would range dozens of miles a day on them. We did crazy, stupid, amazingly fun things all by ourselves as children. We got in trouble, we got hurt, but we learned how to be self-reliant and entertain ourselves and we never did anything “criminal” nor were we ever threatened by anyone.

I saw my state elect a liberal female governor who was amazeballs and famously stuck George W Bush with her barbed tongue.

But what always existed, underneath, was what we called the “Old Boy Network”, which really was just code for white, wealthy, privileged, bigoted men. Clayton Williams, who infamously ran for governor, was a prime example of the type.

So, while Texas was - and I think still will be - on a grand trajectory towards being an enlightened, liberal, egalitarian state in my childhood, it got twisted up and corrupted (I point my finger at Reaganism and Religious Extremism as the starting points, at least in my awareness) until we now have a hateful little troll as governor, a shitbag full of cronies, and voters who think Donald Trump represents the ideal American who should be president (again).

I love Texas, or loved it, but now I am dismayed by it - by the hatred and the ignorance that it just seems to be oozing now. I hate the fact that this has happened to my state and after spending my entire adult life voting and speaking against this trend, I now just want to leave.

Unfortunately, I can’t think of any other state in the Union I would leave to. They all have problems. The symptom of Texas is just one of the most visible of the disease that affects our entire country.

Hatred and fear of the other, the least American value I can think of, has finally blossomed, nurtured by people who would rather see this country descend into war than dare teach that the powerful people in this country have treated the powerless people in it very, very badly for a very, very long time.

Favorite uses for cucumbers (beehaw.org)

Just inherited a bunch of cucumbers from a friend’s garden. I love them just on their own with some salt, and have made many a salad using them. I’m curious what kinds of fun things you all may use them for. Even if you feel like it’s basic please share as I will be eating cucumbers for the next several days straight lol....


Panzanella comes immediately to mind, as does gazpacho and Thai stuffed cucumber soup.


“Launch” and “Early Access” are mutually exclusive…can we collectively stop falling for this bait-and-switch?

I have nothing against “early access” - per se - but let’s not forget what it is: an unfinished product in a pre-launch state. Do not be surprised (or angry for that matter) it might really suck if you are gullible enough to pay to play-test an unfinished game.

Star Wars: Dark Forces Remastered – Official Announcement Trailer (youtu.be)

Get your first look at the remaster of the classic 1995 Star Wars first-person shooter Dark Forces, which is being developed by Nightdive Studios, the same team responsible for the recent remasters of Quake 2 and System Shock. Star Wars: Dark Forces Remastered is in development for all major platforms (PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and...


Nostalgia is a disease


I also don’t “believe” in Skyrim modding, at least in terms of mods that fundamentally alter the game.

However, I do make exceptions for eye-candy and bug-fixing mods. Perhaps start there.


While the oats (steel cut) are cooking, a take a cup of frozen mixed berries out of the freezer, put them in a small pot, add 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon of water, bring to a boil, and make a quick compote (or very slack jam). This goes on top of the oatmeal (2 people).


Though I only speak a minuscule smatter of Italian - and none is necessary to enjoy these videos - I really like anything with Giorgione in it, for example:


OR even better


Just dive down this wonderful rabbit hole.


Almost anything over Gimp?

Is a Mac more than a big iPhone? (Serious post)

So, I have an iPhone, which I like, but we use Windows and Linux computers in our household. I’d never seen a Mac boot up until the other day after a friend gave me their old Mac Mini. I was excited to check it out, got it all set up and logged in – but it really just seemed like a giant iPhone regarding what it did and...


While there is cross-pollination between macOS and iOS Macs are general purpose computers. And while it is true you cannot, like most PCs, crack open and customize a Mac and that to date most games are developed for PCs and not Macs as a side-effect of this (game development and hardware/graphics card development are incestuous), Macs are extremely capable computers that can meet demanding needs.

I have used Macs and PCs all my life. At this very moment I am playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey in full pretty mode on a PC while my Mac in the other room renders a film and I type this message in an iPhone. I prefer using my Mac over the PC for most things - and certainly the Mac is where my bread is buttered - my PC is a fancy launcher for Steam.

Without being impolite, it sounds like you looked at the Mac, but didn’t bother to actually use it for anything practical, tasks at which it excels.


30% of the general population is sociopathic. I am not shocked. :-)

claycle, (edited )

Although I delight when I hear Keith David in Mass Effect or any game, I can reach farther back in time memory: Keith David will always be this wonderful man to me:

www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN8Z7y_QcwE (slightly spoilers)


Counter-point. I have used Maps over the past 8-ish years exclusively on three thousands-of-miles cross-country (US) excursions on my motorcycle, I use it to locate unpaved/off-beaten path roads to take, and I use it regularly as my local way finder and when I am in unfamiliar cities. Not once has it lead me astray…

[Music News] Beyoncé is selling $157 “listening only” tickets for her Renaissance tour. The seats are behind the stage, so you can’t see the concert, any of the set, or dancing. (finance.yahoo.com)

Summary: “Beyoncé is selling “listening only” tickets for her Renaissance tour. The seats are behind the stage, so you can’t see any of the set or dancing, but they only cost $157 compared to the ~$900 fans have been paying for regular US tickets.”...


It is the E3 part (the Eventual Enshittification of Everything) of Capitalism that They forgot to warn Us about when They invented it.


People read their phones on the toilet - probably every single modern phone user has done it at least once. It is not inconceivable that a small, but significant, number of them have fumbled the phone and it has fallen into the bowl.

Likewise, pools, beaches, and boats are places people are very likely to go with their phones in tow and in use. It is not unlikely some of those - one can assume - millions of instances have produced some contacts between phone and water.

I ride a motorcycle and mount my phone on the handlebars for guidance. I spend a lot of effort keeping it dry and have actually lost a couple of USB cables (but not the phone, thankfully) to damp.

claycle, (edited )

A friend and I tried this game and enjoyed it up to a point, a particular fight we could not get past.

Finally looking online for a guide, we discovered that every guide we could find suggested cheesing the fight in various ways.

We both decided that any game that required the player to both know a fight was about to happen (when it was impossible from context to predict) and cheese the fight to win was a bad game. Even if this was only one fight, it was a fight that blocked all progress. We quit and neither of us have wanted to play the game again.

Note: We have, either together or on our own, completed other games - like BG 1-2, NWN, PoE, DOS1 - without resorting to guides, cheats, foreknowledge, or cheese.

We were, and remain, very disappointed with DOS2 because of this, and we’re “suspicious” of BG3 because of DOS2 (but, charitably, perhaps Larian made a mistake in DOS2 and won’t repeat it in BG3).

EDIT: Please don’t ask me what fight this was, because I really don’t remember as it was now years ago. We were pretty deep into the game, bopping along pleasantly and thinking we were succeeding. As I recall, we had no side-quests to do (so no way to level IF we were under-leveled - I remember looking to see if we had missed some corner and needed to quest there). We basically entered a room in some dungeon/temple with no other direction on the map to go and experienced TPK. Over and over until we finally gave up. Looking at Steam, it says we were 93.3 118 hours into the game.






I suspect you reflexively cheesed the game, mainly because I absolutely recall that when we gave-in and looked up guides for this fight, every single one of them that we found at the time advised us to cheese the fight. Not one simply presented a strategy or alternative. They were all like, “Oh, yeah, that fight. You gotta cheese it.” We both found the idea of having to cheese a fight to win distasteful, so we just quit with a shrug.

That was our experience. It was a bad game for us because of that, and I thought I had made that clear.

heyfrancis, to asklemmy
@heyfrancis@mastodon.social avatar

What can we do to keep the web open?





All great advice, but I personally cannot urge people towards pCloud. I have one of the permanent tiers, but I found the service frustratingly buggy and, when contacted, support was rude and unhelpful. There are so many little odd limitations on the pCloud file system it was frustrating. I also worry that their buy-once business model is not sustainable.

Sync.com provides an even more secure service (zero-knowledge across the board) with similar (better than US anyway) privacy protections in the host country (Canada) that has been, so far for 2 years of use, rock solid (I couldn’t go a week without pCloud farting out some error). The subscription model is affordable and generous and the customer-facing pages for sharing files are very professional looking (important to me, because I professionally share files and pCloud looked like a hobbyist page in this regard AND leaked private information).

EDIT: Regarding iCloud. Not only is iCloud end-to-end, but you may turn on zero-knowledge encryption now, as well (Advanced Data Protection I think is what they call it) so that Apple doesn’t even have the keys to decrypt your data, making it quite similar to sync.com now.


If I have understood your question correctly: First, in the Finder, if you view by list instead of icon, you can then use the up/down arrow keys in the Quick Look to navigate backwards/forwards through the images. Second, you can also use the Preview or Gallery mode (I forget what it is exactly called) in the Finder on image directories to quickly create fast scrolling gallery views of image directories.


Yes, but.

Overall, yes, leverage the Apple Ecosystem as far as you can - and you can quite far before “needing” alternatives. I have several Apple devices are various stripes and the integration between them is very good/nice. I have a PC (strictly for gaming) and I made some efforts to integrate it with my Apple devices, but as I don’t use it much except as a launch pad into Steam, it really doesn’t matter much.

  • I use Apple Mail and probably always will. I have tried several options, but find Apple Mail works very well “for me”.
  • I use Apple Calendar and probably always will. Works fine “for me”.
  • I use Apple Notes for quick jots of generally disconnected information. I have tried many other Notes apps, and so many are just “too much” (Obsidian, for example, is an operating system masquerading as a note app :-) /s). I am happy that Bear recently upgraded to the long-awaited Version 2 and for my heavy-duty note lifting and writing, it’s now my go-to.
  • I use Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. I have used Keynote to build mid-5-figure and low-6-figure productions (I charged) for large events. It never broke on me during a run, it never crashed, and I made some good dough with it.
  • I have used Final Cut Pro X and Motion to edit and release a feature length film. I actually migrated from pre-FCPX (8? 9?) to Adobe Premiere in 2010, used Adobe’s terrible products diligently for almost a decadebecause I thought I had to, but finally ditched that shit for alternatives (Final Cut Pro, Motion, Blender, Logic Pro, Affinity Suite, primarily). I just last month finally cut off our Adobe CC subs for the production company, although we kept the Adobe Stock sub.
  • I use 1Password for cross-platform password management, but more-often-than-not I don’t actually use it and rely on iCloud passwords, which work perfectly fine “for me”, to the point that I am wondering if when the next rev of the OS comes out if I can ditch 1Password…
  • I have iCloud+/AppleOne because 1. I wanted 2TB of iCloud storage 2. I wanted Hide My Email and VPN 3. I wanted unfettered access to AppleTV (which is great, and I am in the business anyway) and Apple Arcade (which is pretty good, awkually).
  • I used to use Dropbox for professional file sharing, but after some privacy snafus on their part, I flirted with pCloud for a while (until I learned that you couldn’t “ln -s aName aNotherName” in the pCloud file system). We now have Sync.com as a non-US-based, zero-knowledge encrypted professional file sharing service and I couldn’t be happier with it. It is cheaper and more secure than Dropbox.
  • I travel extensively and I use Apple Maps almost to exclusion. I also use apps like inRoute and Scenic (I ride motorcycle long-distances sometimes). I have Google Maps on my devices, but never use it (I have de-Googled myself in general, though incompletely).
  • I use iMessage and FaceTime extensively and have never had a problem sending or receiving messages (that I am aware of). I especially like handing off phone calls to my other devices (for example, sitting at my laptop or desktop and my phone in the other room rings and I can call or answer on my computer).
  • I use Nova (and its sister app, Transmit) for website creation (using Hugo+Bootstrap) and other low-level programming/text operations. I did use VSCode previously, but I am quite satisfied with Nova and happy to support small MacOS developers with $.
  • I use Safari almost to exclusion, but Firefox in a pinch and exclusively on Windows.

I have used Linux (at one time I would build my own boxes), Windows (professionally), and macOS for decades relatively interchangeably, but in my dotage I am more and more becoming a MacOS-only user.


I have made several sites (and maintain one) with RWC. However, I found that using Hugo (installed with Homebrew) for static sites was worth the effort learning Hugo. It’s just more fun to me to actually write HTML (et al) and watch Hugo compile everything into a site that sit so high and remote in RWC (plus, if I can pass the site off easily to anyone).


Hugo is opinionated, but fun, yes.

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