@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar


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Creative burnt out gifted kid just trying to exist On Mastodon @cityboundforest

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@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

There is, however, still the concept of the Chinese Room thought experiment, and I don’t think AI will topple that one for a while.

For those who don’t know and don’t wish to browse off the site, the thought experiment posits a situation in which a guy who does not understand Chinese is sat in a room and told to respond to sets of Chinese characters that come into the room. He has a little booklet of responses—all completely in Chinese—for him to use to send responses out of the room. The thought experiment questions whether or not the system of the Chinese Room itself can be thought to understand Chinese or even the man himself.

With the Turing Test getting all of the media spotlight in AI, machine learning, and cognitive science, I think the Chinese Room should enter into the conversation as the field of AI looks towards G.A.I.

Winter Wonders (3D) - by me (photos.smugmug.com)

My latest completed project in Blender. We haven’t had any snow here yet so I figured I’d make some digital snow instead. It’s been a while since I made a snowy scene so it was nice to get back into that again. Also gave me the chance to learn and practice some new terrain tools I got and had been meaning to take for a...

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Wow, I thought this was a real picture

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Is this the new sugar free Haribo gummy bear bag

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

This 100%. I also don’t like being at a new job or in a situation with new people and I don’t know if I should come out or stay stealth, both as gay and as a gender. Like I shouldn’t have to edit my language to keep on the good side of a group of people I haven’t really gotten to know or really care about yet.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I would, in no certain order:

  • Work at a coffee shop part time making coffee for people. Preferably a locally owned shop, but it wouldn’t matter too much if not.
  • Work as a bartender similarly as above
  • Potentially garden if I have the time and interest for it
  • Create more YouTube videos
  • Write, record, and release more music
  • Learn to paint
  • Get a film camera and take photos with it
  • Contribute to FLOSS projects
  • Finally make that D&D table that doubles as a dining table that I’ve been wanting to make for a few months now
  • Actually follow through on learning my several languages I’m working on learning
  • Become an interpreter (probably in ASL)
  • Develop video games
  • Create more art in general
  • Do research on how art and society mingle together and interact

What open source programs do you recommend for Windows? (Windows exclusive or not)

I am and all my life have been a Linux user, I have nothing against Windows or MacOS, I just like Linux, and lately I have been experimenting with Windows in a virtual machine and I don’t really know much open source software there apart from the one that is cross-platform like Firefox or Joplin....

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Vs code

I would actually recommend VSCodium; it’s the same product but without the Microsoft telemetry.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Seconding AHK, Bitwarden, and Calibre

What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?

For me it is the fact that our blood contains iron. I earlier used to believe the word stood for some ‘organic element’ since I couldn’t accept we had metal flowing through our supposed carbon-based bodies, till I realized that is where the taste and smell of blood comes from.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

it would take you 257 years to meet everyone alive on earth at this moment

Sounds like a terrible sorting algorithm /jk

Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I’m glad I’m not the only person to dislike this game! After going through like three of the chapter 1 missions for the characters, the game felt very very samey, and on top of that, it’s probably one of the only story games that I haven’t finished.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Personally I feel that asking a marginalized community to “be nice” to those oppressing them is complete hogwash; I believe it was Martin Luther King Jr. who said “riots are the voice of a rebellion.”

That being said, I think that what Kolanki was trying to say is that a majority of the time, transphobes aren’t looking to have their mind changed when they log onto the internet to spread their bigotry; they’re looking for an outburst of violent reaction from the people they torment.

Oftentimes they may be looking for this as evidence to support whatever claim they’re making about trans people (they’re violent, they have an agenda, they want to take people’s kids, etc). Coming from a background of abuse, I agree that we shouldn’t feed the bigots much like one shouldn’t feed trolls; they never leave once you start unless removed by force (i.e. banned from a community, in this case).

I do agree that people don’t withdraw allyship because we’re not kind or nice or patient enough or what-have-you; that is something that I have not seen personally and anecdotally from other marginalized people (in fact, I’ve tended to see the opposite).

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I’m personally like to stop using Brave, and I will, however while LibreWolf will be what I’ll switch to on desktop, I’m not sure what I would want to switch to on my Android phone. I see that LibreWolf doesn’t have an Android version (and potentially never will; fine, developers will do whatever they want). I’ve heard about IceRaven, however, I’m not sure how good it is. Also would like an actually privacy focused search engine, but I think LibreWolf might have a good list on that front.

(Note: please do suggest in replies, not sure I made that apparent)

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Since I’ll be moving to LibreWolf and it’s based on FF, I’ll check out Mull. Unfortunately I don’t see my device on DivestOS’s site (it’s a Motorola Moto G Power 2022), but it’s also quite new so it’s understandable. I’ll switch it to Lineage or something like that whenever it gets support for it but I’m fine with a degoogled Android for now.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Initially it was Animal Crossing: Wild World. One of my parents’ coworker’s daughter was babysitting me before school when I was in 3rd grade and she had the game on her DS and I fell in love with it. Still have the copy I got to this day. However, I wouldn’t say I fully got into the hobby until The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess (Wii). TP especially got me to fall in line with video games as a storytelling medium artistically and narratively.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Second for Journey, it’s a master class in non-dialogue storytelling, and it’s just a beautiful game all around. I got introduced to it through its music (via a cover artist) and have fallen in love with the game.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Sorrows. Sorrows. Prayers. Sorrows.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Effectively, console manufacturers should agree on some kind of standard architecture, which, to be very realistic and blunt (apologies as this isn’t necessarily the tone of the post, but I like trying to make things work in some way), as long as Nintendo is in the console game, it’s gonna be a bit difficult (unless we just let them do whatever they want console-wise and have the others create some kind of standard home console arch). As someone who is dipping their toes into game development, that is something I would love to see.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Exhausted. Working 52.5 hours this week between my two jobs.

I tried playing the two original Baldur's Gate games on Ubuntu. It's hell.

Long story short: I am absolutely inexperienced with Linux distros but made the switch from Windows a bit more than a year ago. Right now, everyone’s talking about Baldur’s Gate 3, including a lot of the podcasts and shows I follow: since I never experienced the OG games, I wanted to try them out. They were on sale on GOG,...

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I think it does have a multiplayer mode, but not sure why it would require SSL of all things

Edit: a clause

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

The manager if one of my jobs is on vacation and because that leaves me, another person, and three new hires (one of which hasn’t been showing up for her correct shifts), I’m scheduled to work every single day until my last day (Thursday). I had to go directly from that job to my other job today. I’m dying inside.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Pay off mine friends and my student loans, pay for moving costs to a European country for me and my friends, pay for US citizenship denouncing for me and my friends, set aside an amount of money for myself and my friends for savings to live comfortably, pay for first month’s rent for me and my friends, pay for food for a month for me and my friends, and then if there happens to be anything left, donate it to charities.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Mine’ll have to be Doctor Who and The Good Place. The Good Place is just a nice, comfy comedy show with a really good message and Doctor Who is my comfort show.

VR, Linux, and my Currently Unused Rift

I’m looking to getting back into VR gaming. However, with my switch to Linux, that has made things a little more complicated. I don’t own a Valve Index (although I’ve heard that there are some issues with the Index on Linux), I own a Rift CV1. As far as I’m aware, the Oculus Rift is pretty much completely incompatible...

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

As far as I’ve read, it has some serious performance issues.

FOSS Language Learning

Other than with like a PDF of a textbook (or a physical version thereof), I don’t know many FOSS apps/sites for learning a language whether its a fringe language with few resources like Te Reo Māori, Irish, or Georgian or a major language like German, French, or Spanish. Have y’all seen any sites or apps for this?...

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I have looked at Anki before and I am familiar with it. I have a few decks on there, one for German via Nicos Weg and another for Japanese Kanji Radicals via Wanikani (I think that’s what it’s called). I suppose re “fringe” languages, it’s only as good as the decks, and there might be some out there for them.

Anyway, I feel like Anki alone isn’t enough for me. I can sometimes get a little demotivated to study for a day or two and then I’m set back in my studies (or at least I feel that way).

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I will definitely be considering LWT when I look for apps to self-host once I move out of my current place (long story). Might even look into developing a better UI if I get the time.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I haven’t been able to find any builds of any custom OS for my phone, is it just that it’s too new (Motorola Moto G Power 2022)?

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Potentially for my next device, I’ll look for it (and I’ll keep my eyes peeled for builds for my current device in the meantime). I already have this one so with diminishing returns, I’m gonna use the phone I have with the stock OS if that’s what I have to use (with as much de-googling and privacy-mindful configuration as possible). Potentially when I do get a new device, I might end up working on a build for the one I currently have.

But yeah, I’m not presently in the market for a new phone and I needed a cheap one quickly when I bought this one as at the time I was transitioning out of a phone my roommate had lent me at the time. It works and I’m trying to learn as much as I can about privacy-proofing this thing as much as is feasible.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

As a non-binary person who is learning German, I’ve taken to using the nim pronouns, but I do understand the slow adoption of neopronouns. Tbh I’d probably be fine with er pronouns if I didn’t want to explain my pronouns every time someone wanted to talk to/about me.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve been trying to ditch my shitty cafe job for a less shitty cafe job somewhere else. And my current job wants to promote me to shift lead (even though they know I’m applying to various places). But in any case, I live in an at-will state, so I really don’t have any requirement to stay on if they promote me, and if I do get a better job I still intend on giving a notice to my current one.

Outside of that I think I’m doing just okay.

Updating Liftoff for Lemmy

So I just updated Liftoff manually by downloading the APK from GitHub, however I feel like doing so isn’t the best way to keep the app updated outside of installing the app from the Play Store. I had heard of a way to keep it updated automatically with some app or service but I can’t remember the name. What is the best way...

A Move to a More Ethical Phone (Later)

So my roommate has informed me that Android and Motorola donate to Republicans more than Democrats whereas Apple does not, claiming this as a reason that the iPhone is better than an Android phone. While I could find statistics confirming the fact about Motorola, I don’t even know what they were referring to when they...

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

“The Good Place” TV show also made this a major plot point. Essentially the argument boils down to that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Ah yes, I’m familiar with the scene. It’s a great scene and a great show.

In fact, I’d say donating at all to one or the other party (bribing) overall is negative.

Agreed, 100%.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

keep an eye out for LineageOS and see if they end up making a port for your device

I know that playing with experimental OS’s is like playing with fire, but would there happen to be a way to help contribute to that?

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Companies tend to donate to political candidates so that those candidates, upon being elected, propose and vote in legislation that benefits those companies or vote out legislation that doesn’t (e.g. oil companies and climate change policies)

Edit: a detail that was implied but should be noted

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

See Citizens United v FEC. Basically, it was ruled that corporate lobbying counts as free speech under the 1st Amendment.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

You do make a good point that I hadn’t thought of (and need to think of more often) wrt hardware. I guess the next best thing that I’d look for is something that uses the SDK of Android Auto but isn’t made by Google and doesn’t send its data however anonymized to Google. And also FOSS is the goal if possible.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t remember OsmAnd working on Android Auto, unless I didn’t see something in the car side of things I was supposed to open.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Just Spotify at the moment. I might look into trying to stream from Netflix without streaming from Netflix sometime while using friends’ passwords for other places. Once my currently roommate but soon to not be roommate (moving back in with parents soon) doesn’t renew their Dropout subscription, I’d be willing to sign up for that only because I am willing to support the people over at CollegeHumor.

informal PSA: we are sorry the UI got worse and more annoying to use, please blame Lemmy for all the shit that is now that little bit more irritating

we already collectively dislike a substantial number of 0.18+'s UI decisions, most of which are minor but are already adding up to be that much more annoying collectively. maybe we can sand some of these off with theming in the future. for now though please hang with this and petition them to merge better decisions in the...

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

Is it possible to develop a different UI without forking?

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I've seen a lot of buzz about XMPP lately (well, mostly in relation to P92 and corps killing FOSS projects). Beyond it being a comm protocol, I don't really know much about it. Is it still in use?

I don't think we should strive to have as big a userbase as reddit.

Many of us have seen it happening in the last 4-5 years. reddit subs, and reddit in general has become a bit s***. Of course there are still good subs, especially the truly niche ones can often have a small helpful crowd. But with 100s of thousands of users, some sub drown in hate and negativity....

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I personally see Beehaw as like a nice little cozy community and while large communities can be nice and potentially cozy as well, they can also be kind of intimidating.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

This is likely not the thread for it, but I've been wanting to look for some kind of guide to self hosting for someone who's never done it before. Once I get out of my lease that, while it includes internet, prohibits me from running any kind of servers, I want to potentially look into starting something, although that would also involve me getting a dedicated machine for this. I do have a somewhat old Raspberry Pi 3 from like 2016 I want to say (it has built in WiFi and Bluetooth but as I am currently home, I don't have the specs on hand atm). The only other two machines are my desktop, which is way too overpowered to be running a server even some of the time, and my laptop, which I want to be able to take with me if I need to go work on something at a coffee shop.

@cityboundforest@beehaw.org avatar

I suppose my main quandary arises from reaching a point where my apps need more headroom than I have to give

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