This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Not necessarily, in the short term. A major limitation of AI is that robots don’t have a lot of manual dexterity or the flexibility for accomplishing physical tasks yet. So there is a clear motive to enslave humanity: we can do that stuff for it until it can scale up production of robots that have hands as good as ours.

I expect this will be a relatively subtle process; we won’t be explicitly enslaved immediately, the economy will just orient towards jobs where you wear a headset and follow specific instructions from an AI voice.


Especially egregious because the images are basically the same as the original photos, they just used controlnet to alter the details. It shouldn’t be that difficult to stop this kind of thing, assuming Facebook even wanted to; looks like it is entirely possible to find the original popular post the AI posts are trying to copy to prove this is going on, and people are already doing the volunteer work of tracking it all, there would just need to be a way to report this stuff and confirm it. I doubt Facebook wants to do this though since engagement is engagement.


there’s no guarantee that you’ll catch all of it or that you won’t have false positives

You wouldn’t need to catch all of it, the more popular a post gets the more likely at least one person notices it’s an AI laundered repost. As for false positives, the examples in the article are really obviously AI adjusted copies of the original images, everything is the same except the small details, there’s no mistaking that.

in a culture that seems obsessed with ‘free speech absolutism’, I imagine the Facebook execs would need to have a solid rationale to ban ‘AI generated content’, especially given how hard it would be to enforce.

Personally I think people seem to hate free speech now compared to how it used to be online, and are unfortunately much more accepting of censorship. I don’t think AI generated content should be banned as a whole, just ban this sort of AI powered hoax, who would complain about that?


I went to an engineering college and apparently that saying has been around for quite a while

How often to you bail on a half-written post or response?

I have had a tendency since my earliest days on social media where I will get halfway or more through a response, and end up just cancelling it. Sometimes I feel like I’m just being to over the top with snark or otherwise don’t want to be that kind of person, but a lot of the time I’ll decide I just really don’t care...


I’ve been trying to shift my perspective in treating replies as the start of a conversation, where a shorter post with less information or caveats makes more sense to start from so you can narrow down the direction of the comment thread later.

This is how you do it, put the most important details and fill in the rest if it comes up. The more words in a row the less anyone is going to read them.


This is what I hate the most about the practice of using a very “scorched earth” style of rhetoric focused on shaming and berating and making things uncomfortable for opponents. There’s probably a lot of people with objections but they just don’t feel like dealing with that stuff so they don’t say anything.


lol so he’s completely lying then


I see a lot of twitch streamers pretty blatantly only trying to avoid copyrighted content to the extent they know it will get picked up by the algorithms. Footage of a physical book isn’t going to get any kind of automatic flagging, and would arguably be fair use if you are just referencing segments of it to learn about something.


took a lot of training and tests to qualify to drive on roads

Those tests are stupidly easy


Point is having a drivers license does not mean very much about whether you are competent at driving.


If you filter out the noise and ignore the omnipresent hate, there’s still cool stuff there. The technology still works. The prevailing narrative doesn’t change that. But the problems were inevitable, for the simple reason that the world is full of pent up financial desperation, and crypto is an incredibly powerful tool for letting people do what they choose with money in a way that isn’t locked down by some payment provider or banking middleman. Borderless, permissionless. So naturally the main thing people went to do with it is competing to take each other’s money somewhere on the spectrum between gambling and theft. It’s non-crypto problems finding an outlet, and no amount of pushback from whatever non money crazed “scene” was out there could have done anything to stop that.


Wish they would add a disable-inbox-replies for specific comments feature like reddit has


Yeah at this point it’s rarely worth it for me, mostly just don’t drink anymore.


Resenting Microsoft more than I hated Linux basically. When Windows started pushing malware-like popups and automatically “upgrading” peoples OS without asking I started using Linux as my main OS. At that point I disliked Linux because I had had some bad experiences with attempting to use it in the past, but it was becoming clear it is the lesser of two evils. Over the years it got more tolerable while Windows just got worse. Not an evangelist or obsessed at all, I actually still dislike it, but there’s no way I’m going back.


It’s valuable because barter economies aren’t real and don’t work. All the alternatives you mention are difficult to transport, not fungible, or not scarce, so they won’t work as a currency. Either we revert back to gift economies where distribution of goods happens within a community and follows cultural rather than economic rules, or the market settles on a currency for standardized arbitrary transactions between strangers that has the necessary properties of a currency.

voxel, (edited ) to privacy avatar

is making the watching experience worse on and Microsoft Edge.

I didn't believe it the first time I heard abt it, since it sounded more like a conspiracy theory than a actual thing, but it's true. Google does add 5s timeout specifically to Firefox and Edge users when they try to watch a video on YT. If you want to know more about it, Mental Outlaw make a very good video abt it (Link: ). I think Google did this, to get people moving to Chrome since the majority will think this is a browser issue, nobody would expect YouTube to purposely doing this. In the attached Screenshot you can see that YouTube checks the user agent of browsers to see if it's Edge, Firefox or not. You can bypass this by changing your User agent to chrome.

Edit: Due a lot of people saying a lot of different things abt it, I want to say that I'm not 100% sure abt how exactly this works, there is a inbuild delay by Google, but who is actually affected, there are a lot of different opinions abt it. I wasn't able to verify this myself in LibreWolf, but this could be the case due my intensive hardening I did and this is just a result of what I found in the code and what Mental Outlaw and others shared across social media, if you got different or additional infos abt this feel free to comment and I suggest everyone ti also check the comment section.



It would be a lot more conclusive if you could find somewhere the isGecko function is being used in association with a delay though, there are other things they could use it for.


Cheaper if you count what consumers pay for health insurance, but you’d still need to find a way to come up with the money.


When I started using LM I had a lot of problems, but switching to XFCE fixed most of them


People being assholes about it is definitely part of why I oppose X


I was hoping to say both at once tbh


My loathing of X grows

Proton Mail CEO Calls New Address Verification Feature 'Blockchain in a Very Pure Form' (

Proton Mail, the leading privacy-focused email service, is making its first foray into blockchain technology with Key Transparency, which will allow users to verify email addresses. From a report: In an interview with Fortune, CEO and founder Andy Yen made clear that although the new feature uses blockchain, the key technology...


What do you think the problem even is? It sounds like you just don’t understand why someone would want to use public key cryptography to begin with.


You query the blockchain after you submit your data to confirm that it is what you intended it to be.


Wouldn’t you, in practice, basically need a lawyer to help make sure you “use” it correctly and legally?

Using private cryptocurrency is not illegal, at least in the United States, nor should it be. This is like worrying if it is legal to pay for things with cash.


I understand why you’d want one

It’s an email that’s unrecoverable so not usable in many companies.

It doesn’t sound like you understand why someone would want to do email with public key cryptography, it sounds like rather you do not like the idea of doing email with public key cryptography. Being unrecoverable is just the tradeoff there. Again, what do you think the problem described even is? For reference,

The issue, Yen said, is ensuring that the public key actually belongs to the intended recipient. “Maybe it’s the NSA that has created a fake public key linked to you, and I’m somehow tricked into encrypting data with that public key,” he told Fortune. In the security space, the tactic is known as a “man-in-the-middle attack,” like a postal worker opening your bank statement to get your social security number and then resealing the envelope.

I think if you actually acknowledge the problem of trust for propagating public keys as a real one that is worth being solved, it would be hard to argue that blockchain is a bad fit for that problem, because it is not. Trustless, verifiable propagation of data is one of the things it actually offers unique benefits for.

I’m sure there are other reasons to not like the idea, but that’s what I can think off the top of my head.

It might be useful to start by considering the idea itself and what it is saying, instead of looking for arguments to make against it.


What are the tradeoffs, assuming an email encryption scheme based on self custodied private keys and publicly published public keys? I don’t see any major disadvantages to using blockchain for this, and significant advantages. It’s a big deal if no one can selectively remove/conceal previously published info. If associating a key with an email, and someone is trying to impersonate you, you’ll know it, it’s not going to be hidden from you and specifically shown to someone else. It just makes sense to do it that way. Yes, you have to trust something at some point, but this is a way to minimize how much trust you have to give.


It’s not recoverable and permanently compromised if ever it is.

But that is necessarily the case given what they are trying to do to begin with. Why don’t you want to acknowledge that? What you’re saying is not an argument that blockchain would not accomplish the goal set out here, it’s an argument against using public key cryptography for email where the users hold the private keys.

Also, even if someone was trying to impersonate you, you wouldn’t know it unless the recipient told you

What makes you think that? If an impersonator published an association between your name/email and their public key to a blockchain, everyone can necessarily see it, including you. You have the opportunity to let people know through various channels which records are or are not legitimate.

As for DMARC,

These policies are published in the public Domain Name System (DNS) as text TXT records.

I’ll admit I don’t know a ton about the inner workings of DNS, but I know that DNS hijacking is very common in high stakes scenarios like cryotocurrency application frontend websites, and essentially out of the hands of the victim to be able to protect their control of a domain. With a system strictly requiring access to private keys, no hijacking is happening without stealing those keys from the user.

Tool to copy Reddit comment chains (

So I was reading this post and decided to make the tool described, as a userscript (I credit ChatGPT with doing most of the work, which went pretty quickly). To use it, install a compatible userscript browser extension such as , then press install on the linked page. Reddit comments should now have a...


That isn’t actually what I meant by that. I am a programmer, I fully understand the code and know what it does, and can personally attest that it is safe.

What I meant is that people might not trust me to not be trying to trick them into running malware, so I welcome any scrutiny.


What don’t you like about it?


That’s fair, but I think the post that inspired this made a good point that there are many Reddit comment chains with actually useful information that can’t be found elsewhere. This is a manual tool, not a bot, and I think it’s fair to trust that Lemmy users would use it to specifically share the actually good stuff. For people who really want to repost cringe, there’s already the popular option of Twitter screenshots.

What do you all do on your phones that isn't doom-scrolling or mindless mini games?

I find myself checking out pretty often and just making myself feel bad about the state of the world, or killing half an hour on stupid games that I could 100% live without. This is probably pretty common, and I’m wondering what other people have found as a way to do more productive things with their phones in the downtime.


I mostly use my phone for reading ebooks. I keep the internet disconnected except for checking email and weather. All social media use is through my PC and not the phone.


Is it Wednesday? It is wednesday


The single biggest missing feature of Lemmy is a “disable inbox replies” button


Am contrarian can confirm


I would announce my transition online and isolate myself for 6 months with no pictures so I can try to keep being identified by society as the same person and not become undocumented and lose everything I own etc. Nobody’s going to believe a story about magic bullshit, they would just assume you’re a different person.


Doesn’t really qualify but I’m gonna link to when someone here called me beanboy because it is funny


Idk how to square it away with what you’re saying but potatoes are good for you and granulated sugar is bad for you.

Why isn't everyone talking about AI generated audiobooks?

I just listened to this AI generated audiobook and if it didn’t say it was AI, I’d have thought it was human-made. It has different voices, dramatization, sound effects… The last I’d heard about this tech was a post saying Stephen Fry’s voice was stolen and replicated by AI. But since then, nothing, even though it’s...


Audiobooks are offputting to me and I strongly prefer to read text, but this seems like a great thing overall for making books more accessible to people. More people experiencing a wider range of books is good.


To be clear this isn’t quite my own argument; even though I am saying that transportation emissions are too substantial to be ignored, I am skeptical of “personal responsibility” type solutions. I think it would be better to approach this with stuff like taxing companies based on employee commutes, taxing oil, urban planning and improved public transportation.


the necessary changes to effectively combat this environmental catastrophy would mean a complete upheaval of our lives

Yes. But that doesn’t mean it makes sense to frame things as being about who is ‘good’ and who is to be blamed, or that the impetus for change should be personal initiative to adjust away from unsustainable lifestyles. What’s needed is uncompromising policy solutions, and ones that are designed by experts to actually have a direct impact. People often get confused about what matters and what doesn’t, and proportionality. For instance restrictions on plastic bags at grocery stores is totally negligible for climate change, and arguably makes the situation slightly worse. Meat consumption has a significant impact globally, but in a first world context is relatively insignificant compared to the other things we do to create emissions. The problem isn’t that people aren’t choosing to live virtuously, since even if they did many attractive definitions of virtuous would not produce the needed results, and realistically that is not a viable way for human behavior to be adjusted anyway. The problem is that the circumstances around us shape our lives, and impel us to live in an unsustainable way, and that is what has to change.

Basically I think it just has to be more things like, accepting that deliberately high gas prices are a necessary sacrifice for the wellbeing of humanity, rather than asking everyone to choose to drive less and pat themselves on the back when they manage it and feel shame when they do not.

  1. Don’t say too much about yourself or post photos
  2. Burn old accounts and make new ones periodically
  3. Turn off features that notify people when you get online or what you’re doing like Steam and messaging clients

I don’t even own a PC anymore, literally just have my phone.



Damn. If you get some extra cash maybe consider cheap refurbished laptops on ebay, $100 would at least get you something functional


What do you want to set it up for? They normally come with Windows OS preinstalled


Shouldn’t need any special setup then, maybe install FreeTube or something for the YT adblock since that’s going through some turmoil right now with ublock extension etc, anything else just google how to do it on Windows if you’re not sure.


I took a shot at it, made a post here

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