@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar


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Bona fide idiot

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@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

In the UK here, have you guys had a cool, wet summer too? And if so have people (not necessarily you as it seems you live in a modern well insulated home) needed to put the heating on? I’m in a flat in a late 1800s building and have put it on a couple of times to take the chill off, my mum’s in a 1920s semi detached and has had the heating on most days.

charlytune, (edited )
@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

My heating is set at 21°C (70F) for daytimes and 16°C (61F) for the night time, so it doesn’t come on at all during summer, and a lot of spring (UK). During winter when it gets colder out (like below about 6°C/43F) I will usually need to whack it up by a couple of degrees, or give it a little extra blast in the morning to warm up. Its an old building (late 1800s) and my flat has external walls on three sides, and a cold empty basement below, so it can get quite cold when the outside temperature drops.

Edited to make it clear i mean my heating thermostat, because I realised most people here are talking about AC and that’s very rare in homes here.

What film, show or game that is not necessarily 'underated' didn't have the level of social impact it deserved.

What’s the antithesis of Arrested Development, Firefly or The Big Lebowski? Those may never have ‘found their audience’ but over time seemed to recognised by everyone. What are the deep cuts that you liked but it feels like everyone has completely forgotten they even existed.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I only yesterday learned that some education instituitions in the US and Canada had limits on the number of Jewish students who could attend. The European countries who practiced this weren’t so much of a surprise to me, but the fact that universities like Harvard did this was an eye opener.


@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I thought this was an early misconception of the pandemic and had since been debunked?

Sci-fi books which don't involve too much space travels and massive world builds?

Don’t really know how to explain this. I like sci fi and would love to dig deeper into it. Am avid reader and enjoyed Project Hail Mary (though set in space, this book is just amazing), Dune, short stories by Ray Bradbury and TV shows like Raised by the Wolves, Westworld, From (love From!). But e.g. Foundation I really...

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I have a massive soft spot for his stuff. I’m still hoping that someone will adapt The Kraken Wakes for film or TV one of these days.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Most of the funerals I’ve been to over the last 10 years were for heavy drinkers. At least 3 (including my dad) alcohol was the direct cause of the death.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I find sorting by ‘Top’ either 6 hours or 12 hours helps me see new posts I’ve not seen that have decent engagement

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I’m surprised there’s that many Americans tbh, I wouldn’t have thought it would be on their radar, I think of Mallorca as a package holiday destination for Western Europeans.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

ITT people who didn’t click on the article and understand that this was produced as a humourous way of promoting the campaign against overtourism, which is a significant issue in the Balearics.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Ahhh ok that makes more sense. They probably tend to go to Madrid, Barcelona, Granada etc.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

That grass is so lush and green I was convinced it was a fluffy rug and that you’d picked the mushroom and brought it indoors

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I still prefer it to Reddit. I think there was a noticeable increase in activity after Sync was released - unfortunately since then I have noticed more argumentative / defensive interactions. I guess that just goes with the territory though as more people join and become active, I wish people would just chill though. I feel like I’m having to deal with more children, but it’s still nowhere near as bad as Reddit was.

I’m still missing the diversity of Reddit as I liked lurking in (and learning from) communities I would never come across in the real world, but I hope I will stumble across them in time as I’m sure they’re out there.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I’m fairly sure the Guardian were accused of toning down human rights stories about one country (I think like Bahrain or Oman or Qatar maybe?) as they were running an advertising supplement for their tourism board. It was covered in Private Eye so I don’t know if the article will be available online. So if I’m remembering that correctly, the Guardian have got a bit of a cheek here.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Loving the clear, graphic answers in here, so can I piggyback on this to ask a question for vagina owning bidet users please:

How do you use it so it doesn’t sploosh poo bacteria into your vagina? Doesn’t the water trickle down into your bits?

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Ah! Thanks for this. I didn’t know about the water direction. This makes sense now.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

When you’re sitting the arse sits a bit above the vulva, height wise. Just didn’t like the idea of water trickling poo down between my flaps, where it could then get into the vagina.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Ewwww. I think I’d need to look into that more before trying one.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

How much practice? I’m not very good at practicing. If something is a faff I’m liable to give up quickly, particularly if it’s something that could be icky.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Many years ago when my workplace first adopted hot desking they installed a row of lockers for staff to keeping our stuff in, now we weren’t going to have our own desks. I jokingly said, because it reminded me of being in school, that I was going to cover mine in pictures of The Cure and the Pixies. This must have been overhead by the nearby PA of our senior manager because less than an hour later an email came round forbidding the decoration of lockers. She was very much a ‘make arbitrary rules on a whim’ kind of manager rather than a ‘actually manage people and get work done’ kind of manager. She also tried to introduce ridiculous rules over what kinds of food people could eat at their desks which fell apart when her favourite underling walked into the office after a week on leave and oblivious to BreakfastGate eating an unlawful bacon sandwich, and there was gleeful uproar and she had to back down. She was also hilariously fired less than a year into the job, for lying about being ill and then posting on Twitter (which we were all following because she was apparently too dumb to understand what ‘public’ means) about shopping for shoes and throwing parties.

What's a 'dirty word' that you hate hearing when it's used to describe something or someone?

I hate the word ‘Consumer’ or I mockingly call it ‘CONSOOMER’. Because that’s to imply everyone in the world is just cattle, but with wallets. We’re no longer customers. We’re consumers now. And a consumer’s purpose is to consume shit, whatever is put out there. Got money? Shut up and consume, it’s what...

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

When someone describes themselves as an ‘entrepeneur’, particularly when they say that in their dating profile, I immediately assume they’re just a grade A wanker.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I live in Liverpool, and I’m really fucking sick of them.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I get “unknown (mobile?) client” using Jerboa

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I don’t even want to know what kind of infections someone could get from using a menstrual cup they’re unable to sterilise.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

That’s quite a reach there. Of course I don’t think that. But just saying ‘duh use menstrual cups’ is a classist response. Where resources are more scarce they need to be prioritised, and so some people may not have water or fuel to spare to boil a menstrual cup, or the privacy to do it in eg if a stove is shared. Let alone access to menstrual cups’ in the first place (which cost around £30 in the UK and so are already priced out of the range of a lot of people on low incomes).

charlytune, (edited )
@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

So, bearing in mind I haven’t heard of this case before and am just going on this one article, surely this kid shouldn’t have been in mainstream education and clearly needed some specialist support. But ultimately the parents should be held morally and legally responsible for this, how THE FUCK can you not secure your gun and ammo to keep them out of the hands of your 6 year old. I hope the teacher and the kid get the support they need.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

From what I can see it’s the new Wish

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

My partner died in 2013 and I feel like the world has gone tits up ever since, in a way he wouldn’t believe. Like if it somehow turned out he’d been in a coma all this time and woke up and I had to catch him up on the last 10 years he’d tell me to fuck off out of here with this bullshit.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

QED is actually the opposite of a conspiracy theory channel or organisation. They’re very pro science and critical thinking, and spend a lot of time debunking conspiracy theories and pseudo-science.

I’ve got no skin in the debate in this thread, I didn’t watch the actual video and have no opinion on the validity of what you or the other posters are saying, I’m just pointing out that I think that you’re wrong to dismiss the channel as a source, even if you disagree with the claims made in that specific video.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Please back up what you’ve said here. There was a referendum on Welsh devolution, which only people in Wales voted for. There was a referendum on Scottish independence, which only people in Scotland voted for. Afaik there has never been a vote in Northern Ireland on independence / rejoining Ireland.

The vote on Catalán independence was held by the Catalán government, voted on only in Catalonia, Spain and it’s validity was rejected by the Spanish government. And Catalonia is not the only region of Spain to have its own language, and it’s very common for multiple languages to be spoken within a country, I’m not really sure what the relevance of that is here.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I had an ex who wouldn’t try anything, it was infuriating. I asked him once whether he liked a vegetable, he said no, I asked how it had been cooked when he had it as maybe he’d like it if it was done a different way, and he said he’d never tried it. The only vegetable he’d eat was broccoli. He got upset when I said he had the eating habits of a toddler but I stand by that.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

No-one ever lay on their death bed wishing they’d done more ironing.

On the whole (unless it’s necessary for a professional environment) it’s a waste of time. I iron nothing, and got rid of my ironing board because it was just getting in the way. I’ve kept my iron just in case, but last time it was used was about 5 years ago when a friend was staying who needed to iron a shirt for a funeral.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Oh we did have that argument. Also cereal. I’m amazed I lasted a year with him.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I just hang stuff up in the bathroom and spray with my plant mister, usually does the job.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar


God he really was a knobhead.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Currently in bed with my 5th virus within 8 months, and agree.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Great to see something from the NW! I’ve never heard of this or seen it before, are these your pics OP and if so what sort of habitat do these grow in?

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

If the 90s is cheating how about a 1980 film? With the caveat that I haven’t watched it since the 90s/00s and my opinion may change if I watched it again. But I really enjoyed Robert Altman’s Popeye film, and was quite disappointed to find out it was an unloved flop. 58% critic score, 39% audience score.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

The name isn’t new, it comes from the same place as women’s lib, afaik the concept of Mens Lib has been around since the 70s. We all want to be free of harmful and unnecessary gender stereotypes. r/menslib was a great subreddit.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

It’s a myth. For a start most people’s hayfever isn’t anything to do with flower pollen, it’s grass and tree pollen and fungal spores. Pollen and spores can be carried by air currents and travel long distances. The flowers your local honey comes from are unlikely to be causing your hayfever. You should buy local honey over commercial honey though because it supports small producers.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Someone, somewhere, is definitely making fungal honey. But I think it might be an STD.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Twin Peaks, the original run. I watched each episode twice a week when it first aired, then several times once I had it on VHS (including a 24hr marathon with my friends), and then I’ve watched it about 3 or 4 times on DVD. However this has involved fast forwarding through some of the storylines I don’t like in the 2nd season (mostly James & Evelyn,little Nicky, and a lot of the Nadine and Mike stuff). I’ve only watched the 3rd season once so far, it’s long, and quite intense, and I haven’t had the head space and time I would like to dedicate to it when I go back into it again.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

I think it’s totally understandable to be freaked out by that, it must have been totally surreal. Its not so much that you reacted badly to childbirth, you reacted that way because it was completely unexpected, and you were on your guard a bit because it was night time and strangers, and because something quite huge and momentous (for them I mean) and potentially incredibly tragic if something had gone wrong, was happening right on your doorstep, out of the blue. I think you can give yourself a break over that one. And a pat on the back.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Wtf. That’s genuinely terrifying. I’m glad someone heard you!

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Just think, there’s a kid out there that’ll tell people about the story of how they were born, and how glad their parents were that random strangers came to their aid and helped bring them into the world.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Small post it note over the sensor under the mouse.

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

Oooh. Love it.

What is your ideal ratio of fridge to freezer space? And how many people in your household use it? My freezer is tiny and it's packed like a neutron star!

My fridge/freezer is like 70/30, and I really wish my freezer was at least 50% of the space of the fridge. My fridge is empty, my freezer is packed because I’m living solo right now and everything will go bad before I can eat it all. What would your dream fridge/freezer be like?

@charlytune@mander.xyz avatar

It’s like one of those low level witch curses isn’t it. “May you never be able to fit the thing back into the thing from whence it came”

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