@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar


@[email protected]

Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast

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@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think the answer is “The city you’ve been to.” Greensboro is full of crap like this.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Are IPAs somehow cheaper to make or something? Like the whole microbrewery scene has devolved into “We make nine IPAs, whatever the fuck a cucumber lager is, and a stout.”

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

The bartender makes and sells his own line of beard balm. The waitress wears overalls and a bandanna on her head and she’s just so fucking done.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah sorta. It’s apparently an algorithm that can produce every possible page of text, given a number. So it contains a staggering amount of gibberish, plus every page of every book that’s ever been written, and many wildly incorrect, many vaguely correct and one exactly accurate description of the circumstances of your death.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Can we talk about just how cool that cartoon is? And this is in the present tense; they’re still making things. They did an entire playthrough of a text adventure, complete with added music and Powered By The Cheat graphics added, which is just sublime.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Bringing things out of “early access for developers and enthusiasts only” isn’t something Pine64 does. They’ve got a laptop, phone, watch, tablet, ereader, and probably shit I’ve missed, none are ready for prime time and never will be.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I can see making a Mario level with very player friendly tools because the game is so conceptually simple.

A Zelda game on the other hand is much more conceptually complex. The complexity of the editor you’ll need to build a Zelda dungeon is either going to be very simple, but you then get a “shuffle the pre-made challenge rooms in the order YOU want” or maybe a mediocre maze editor, or you’ll basically have to ship a copy of Godot with the tile sets and enemies and such already made.

There’s also the fact that a single Zelda dungeon isn’t as interesting by itself. Without the context of the overworld, the dungeons that came before, the overworld puzzles, a given dungeon is “solve a maze and fight a boss.” Whee.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar


The movie is set almost entirely aboard the Titanic, barring a brief couple scenes in port, and the framing device set on a research boat in the present day.

The Titanic is realized in excellent detail. The sets, costumes, special effects are all exceptionally well done.

Most of the runtime of the film is dedicated to a teenage love story between Kate Winslet’s Rose and Leonardo DeCaprio’s Jack. Honestly I think it holds up. It drags a bit here and there (spitting lessons?!) but if Romeo and Juliet is a great love story, Titanic is fantastic.

The sinking sequence holds up amazingly well. The set pieces are of extremely high quality and bring the disaster to life in ways only James “puckered asshole” Cameron can. Life-size sets that actually flooded and tilted, miniatures, and a restrained use of CGI come together beautifully.

The choice to set this fictional love story into this historic disaster setting is perhaps somewhat dubious.

The soundtrack, especially Celine Dion’s utter caterwaul of the title theme can be a bit much, and was severely overplayed in the years following the movie’s release.

The giant blue diamond was a pointless macguffin that failed to pay off. It was given(?) to her by her fiance that she hates, she decided to have her portrait drawn in the nude wearing the diamond for some reason, retrieving the diamond from the coat the fiance had put on her was the reason why the psychotic guy was shooting at them, she only realized she had it when aboard the rescue ship, and then she throws it overboard at the end…for some reason. Audiences reacted pretty poorly to the thing, didn’t stop them from merchandising it.

Overall a pretty well-crafted movie with some questionable choices, made by a canker sore of a person.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

A New Hope is solid. You can find blemishes, and they’ve torn new ones with the “special editions” that just cram more CGI shit on the screen for no reason, but as a classic Hero’s Journey movie A New Hope works rather well. It was amazing for its time; I mean, a fun Sci-Fi movie? With special effects this good? It was a cultural phenomenon for a reason.

The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie that has been made, which is why when most people quote Star Wars they’re actually quoting Empire. The characters are at their deepest, the setting feels the most magical, and the Luke/Vader saber fight is utterly gripping.

Return of the Jedi was the beginning of the “Lucas is a genius who can do no wrong, do everything he says” era. The “let’s put a funny thing in the background” starts happening. We get Jabba’s hedonism palace with the droid torture room, Bikini Leia, Ewoks, and lightning hands Palpatine. This would only get worse by the time the prequel trilogy is made, Lucas gets to make whatever he wants without question.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I gave up after Tobey McSpiderman 2.

At least the first two Tobey McSpiderman movies were legitimately good, the problem was some studio exec went “LET’S MAKE NOTHING BUT SUPERHERO MOVIES FOR THE NEXT TWENTY-FIVE YEARS!” Sometime after the second one, I lost track of how many The Incredible Hulk movies they made, and then stopped paying attention. A very few have risen to the top since, including The Dark Knight and Deadpool, both legitimately good movies.

The last movie I saw at the theatre was Inglourious Basterds. Over the years, I’ve looked at what’s playing with dates and such, and…there’s nothing I want to see.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I couldn’t sit through Pulp Fiction. By the milkshake scene I was done with these characters.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I thought the whole point was to talk about movies, with voicing unpopular opinions as a pretense/ice breaker.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m 36 now, I was probably 26 or 28 when I sat down to watch it. Hit the stop button saying “Well I don’t give a damn about this.”

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Inglourious Basterds was okay. I can’t say I’ve been much of a Tarantino fan.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

In the somewhat distant future you’re looking to switch to Linux. Okay, the question of distros can wait.

What you want to do in the not-too-distant-future if possible is start finding FOSS alternatives to the software you use. Stuff like LibreOffice and Krita have Windows versions, so in the meantime start learning and using those apps. Because that’s the real pain point.

As for distro…distros don’t really matter. Most of the user experience comes from the desktop environment, and that’s a matter of preference so personal that the real answer is “try several and use the one you like.”

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yes. Very yes. the G in GIMP stands for GNU. GIMP ran on Linux before it ran on Windows.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

streaming service has a random selection of episodes from a show

Way back when Mythbusters was on Netflix, they’d have just a random smattering of episodes and not the complete series. Suxx0red.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Genuinely answering:

A decade ago, there was like, Netflix and Hulu. Netflix you paid $8 a month and you got stuff from Paramount, Starz!, most television networks, Disney, the various permutations of Fox. You could watch Friends, Penn & Teller’s Bullshit!, Star Trek TNG, and Mythbusters for the same $8/month in one app in one interface.

Now, nearly every network or channel wants their own bespoke app on your device, they EACH cost more than $8 a month, and now you have to remember who makes what content. And still stuff randomly disappears. Or, if there’s a “purchase” system like on Amazon where you pay a price per movie/episode/whatever, some contract falling through could mean they get to unilaterally decide how long “forever” is.

I ripped my DVD collection to my NAS and I use Kodi on a Raspberry Pi attached to my (non-smart) television. I don’t pay a continuous fee (or nine), I don’t scroll endlessly through shit I’m not interested in, stuff doesn’t randomly disappear, and it’s not going to decide to start playing ads even through I paid for this.

As for torrenting? Don’t need the heat. I can buy used DVDs or blu-rays from eBay or my local pawn shop for pennies apiece and have all the content I actually want, legally and conveniently. My ISP doesn’t get mad, and everything continues to work.

Plus my NAS does a few other things not related to media consumption, for example it’s attached to my UPS and it will send signals to several devices including the UPS and itself to shut down when it’s too low on battery. It’s kind of nice to have that kind of thing.

what is a skill you wish you had, and why?

Ok, I might as well go first: I wish I could draw. Not at the level where I could make photorealistic portraits, but I’ve always been envious of those who are able to scetch something together in a few minutes that perfectly captures what they want to convey. Sometimes words aren’t enough to express what I want to say, and...

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I wish I could just decide to sleep. I wish I could go “I have to be awake in 10 hours, I will sleep now.” Nope. I can go forward but not backward. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve wrapped around the clock, staying up for 20 hours and sleeping for 10. The abiltiy to go “man I don’t need to be up at 1AM, I have shit to do in the morning” and go to bed at 11 and actually sleep. That would be useful.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think stardust meant Epic Games was very late in opening their own storefront, to become a distributor on PC.

How do I cope with my father hating me?

My father, who convinced me (16 m) at the time to move in with him instead of my mother when they moved. All 3 of the other siblings stayed with my mother. He then kicked me out the week I turned 18, a week into my senior year. Since then he stays in touch only to speak with his grandchildren (now going on 4 kids). I have never...

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

You are under no obligation to answer the phone.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think this speaks to why I have a total of 5 years of college and no degree.

Starting at about 7th grade, math class is taught to every single American school child as if they’re going to grow up to become mathematicians. Formal definitions, proofs, long sets of rules for how you manipulate squiggles to become other squiggles that you’re supposed to obey because that’s what the book says.

Early my 7th grade year, my teacher wrote a long string of numbers and operators on the board, something like 6 + 4 - 7 * 8 + 3 / 9. Then told us to work this problem and then say what we came up with. This divided us into two groups: Those who hadn’t learned Order of Operations on our own time who did (six plus four is ten, minus seven is three, times eight is 24, plus three is 27, divided by nine is three) Three, and who were then told we were wrong and stupid, and those who somehow had, who did (seven times eight is 56, three divided by nine is some tiny fraction…) got a very different number, and were told they were right. Terrible method of teaching, because it alienates the students who need to do the learning right off the bat. And this basically set the tone until I dropped out of college for the second time.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

My neighbor’s is The_Booty_Warrior.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I wish Izzy could stop eating when she’s full. If you put too much food down for her at once, she’ll eat it all and throw it up. She has to be fed by the teaspoonful about ten times a day or my world will be turned to cat vomit. “Ability to stop eating when full” would be a nice trick.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

She’d scream herself to death while I was loading it.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Doesn’t help with her wet food. We have to feed that to her half a can at a time.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

The funny thing about THHGttG is that it exists several times simultaneously with wildly different canons. The original BBC radio show was the original, then they did the TV miniseries with much of the same talent (Mostly replacing Susan Sheridan with Sandra Dickenson as Trillian), THEN the book pentology, THEN the 2005 movie. They all start pretty similarly with Arthur’s house and the pub and the Vogons, but then they go into all kinds of different directions in different orders.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s exactly what the title would be. What’s the plot? That Corben Dallas is also somehow a magical destined one? Ruby Rhod is now a monk?

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man I came here to say that. With a subtitle like “The Adventure Begins” it really does beg for a sequel. It’s a fun little movie.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I tried, and bounced off Lexx. And just went right on back to Farscape. Which…

Small band of misfit/outlaw aliens traveling in a living space ship having adventures and misadventures, both made as two-nation collaborations. And I’m not sure why I liked one and not the other.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I was going to say “How the hell didn’t Hunt for Red October” get a sequel?" But today I learned it sort of did; they’ve made like four other movies in the Clancy cinematic universe.

How about Galaxy Quest? I’m surprised they haven’t made a Galaxy Quest sequel. Not because I think it needs one, but because it was a very popular and well received movie with stuff to talk about.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah Farscape didn’t mind being sexy sometimes, but it never felt like it was trying to be whacking material.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

You know I wonder how much they spent in blank ammunition for this show.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s relevant working with microcontrollers or other resource constrained embedded systems. For example, the ESP32 series of microcontrollers have an ultra-low power processor core that can do a few things while the main core(s) are powered off, but you usually have to write a separate binary for these. It can be handy to know Xtensa or RISCV assembly for this process.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

A gun that is loaded with bullets and wielded by a soldier who is well fed and equipped is pretty effective at killing people.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

It depends on the event and the event holders.

“Ren Fairs” in the US are more likely to be put on for fun. Go hear a guy in tights play a lute, eat a roast turkey leg, etc. I think convention cosplay culture is starting to leak in.

If you want to see Americans take period costume seriously, go to a “reenactment.” You’ll find folks who are very serious about history, many of them are professional historians, archaeologists or museum employees performing for the education of the public. Probably the biggest community is the one around the American Civil War. Go watch the movie Gettysburg. Sure there’s the main cast of Hollywood actors, but then there’s hundreds and hundreds of extras. They’re war reenactors, who showed up with their own personal uniforms and equipment.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Better quote from that episode: “Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life.”

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m sorry your parents raised you to be unable to have a casual human conversation. It must be very hard for you to function.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Out of the frying pan into the toilet bowl.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I I am now sitting on nothing in the walkway through my living room. I fall on my butt on the carpet, severely swear, and then try for a bit to figure out what the hell just happened.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Are there any good left-handed scissors?

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

If I had the power to stop time, my morals would suddenly become enforced.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Especially on the internet it seems that the strategy is to beat you into submission, waterboarding you with branding until you aren’t capable of doing anything other than buying their product.

I get sick of seeing ads and then black list the company out of spite. And I do that brain surgery with a backhoe. Because of a certain marketing campaign for a Mission: Impossible movie, I’m never paying to see an action movie of any kind ever again. Because they annoyed me too much in 2015 or so. And because of Dr. Squatch, I think when I’m out of my current supply of Dial I’m going to start making my own soap.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

LIkewise. Dell has 100% made my list.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

I want to combine a Fallout game (an open-world RPG with a branching narrative and multiple ways to solve problems, and that actually presents moral quandaries to players beyond “is killing an entire town good…or bad?”) with FTL: Faster Than Light (a game in which you play as a space ship, and have to manage targeting and timing of weapons in combat along with shuffling power and crew attention between ships systems…which is also a rogue-like and the “correct” solution to most of the problems you face are randomly selected).

Instead of putting points into stats and skills, I want to hire different crewmembers and buy/upgrade ships systems. And I want to be given a meaningful choice where the consequences are apparent up front.

FTL will present you with a space station overrun by giant alien spiders, and your options are 1. Just leave (no risk, no reward), 2. Send a crewman in to help (Either save the day and get rewarded with fuel, ammo and scrap, or lose a crewmember and take hull damage, this is random every time you get this encounter) or if you have the right equipment/crew you unlock an option to get a guaranteed small reward.

No, give me the choice to send a crewmember to their deaths to save a bunch of civilians, OR keep my crewmember because as captain I’m responsible for his safety, even if it means civilians die.

Let me choose to align with different factions, build a warship or a diplomatic ship or a trade ship. Let gunning down the entire rebel fleet to the last ship be equally as valid a solution as negotiating a trade agreement with the federation or whatever.

Give me a Fallout game with the primary loop of FTL.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

That can’t be too hard in the grand scheme of things, can it? I mean, SuperTuxKart exists, surely we can make SoccerButWithCars.

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