@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar


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@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Just because people are tired of a leftist slant doesn’t make them automatically right leaning. Right wingers who are right wing because they’re annoyed by leftists are weak. Leftists get annoyed by leftists every day, and that’s the essence of Lemmy.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s still kind of a mixed bag. I’m getting tired of talking about Linux all the time.

I find comment threads to be more engaging than reddit but the hivemind mentality has definitely started to take hold here.

In terms of stability, sure, the platform has gone down way less. In terms of content? Feels more or less the same that it did when I joined - all we really talk about is tech news with a leftist slant.

I haven’t gone back to reddit to browse since I left when the API changes happened, but it’s still a way more conducive source of information on a myriad of topics that you get forwarded to through searches.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I found Alexandrite to be my favorite front-end on the browser.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

The main problem is new players can’t come in and figure out what the fuck they’re doing because Bungie literally removed all the starter content and the on-boarding is literally nonexistent. I had a veteran player try to help me get into the game and it was still nearly impossible, I was just so lost because there’s nowhere to start, and it’s not obvious what content is worth doing.

I can’t get hooked on the story, I don’t know where it starts.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

FFXIV was overwhelming at first but once I got into the groove around the second expac or so I really started to love it, and felt like the story was all worth experiencing.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Apparently he’s been integral in the whole growth process, I had heard that he personally interviewed most folks that are currently part of the team.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve seen this in a number of threads but I’ve never seen direct proof?

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Every day it’s just new lows for Starfield to hit so people keep reporting on it so MS can feel they got their money’s worth out of the media deals.

What more nonsense are they going to focus on just to keep talking about this slop of a game?

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I could see it working for a fighting game but it feels like they’ve whiffed them recently. Wasn’t Multiversus supposed to be a pretty big game? I remember it lasting a few weeks of hype and then going into hibernation, something about an early access release and then a season 2? I don’t remember honestly.

Mortal Kombat easily fits into live service bullshit, sadly, with all the skins and cosmetics that could be applied to battlepasses instead of cosmetic stores.

All the great WB games in the past have never had this kind of monetization. All the Arkham games, Harry Potter; it’s kind of sad seeing them take this approach in the future but it’s just a cash cow even with a few whales.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

They pushed it back. They’ve done so several times with Manifest V3.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Crypto bro, wants to scan everybody’s eyes with AI, has this weird startup that puts eye scanners in orbs and places them around the world where people are curious and stare into them having their eyes scanned.

He’s just a weird dude in general.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Does it also mention that he basically deployed it exclusively in the third world, in places that the regulations were/are lax?

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Nothing about this is safe. It’s easily the worst misinformation tool in decades. I’ve used it to help me at work, GPT-4 is built into O365 corp plans, but all the jailbroken shit scares the hell out of me.

Between making propaganda and deepfakes this shit is already way out of hand.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s already easy to self host and we’ve optimized LLMs to run locally on not much serious hardware after we’ve trained them; I have GPT4ALL set up on my machine and it runs everything locally with my processor, no GPU or anything. Some of those datasets are uncensored, and I’ve seen what Stable Diffusion can do for image generation.

I tend to use the GPT-4 built into Edge with my O365 corporate plan, because it suits my needs better for day-to-day challenges. It can still audit code and summarize things, which is all I really need it to do here and there.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

His return deal totally capsized, he’s out as CEO still. The old CEO of Twitter, Emmet Shear, is now in charge.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Stuff without the guardrails, stuff that’s been designed to produce porn, or totally answer truthfully to queries such as “how do I build a bomb” or “how do I make napalm” which are common tests to see how jailbroken any LLM is. When you feed something the entire internet, or even subsections of the internet, it tends to find both legal and illegal information. Also the ones designed to generate porn have gone beyond that boring shitty AI art style and now people are generating human being deepfakes, and it’s become a common tactic to spam places with artificial CSAM to cause problems with services. It’s been a recent and long-standing issue with Lemmy - people like Exploding Heads or Hexbear will get defederated and then out of retaliation will spam the servers that defederated from them with said artificial CSAM.

I like copilot but that’s because I’m fine with the guardrails and I’m not trying to make it do anything out of its general scope. I also like how it’s covered by an enterprise privacy agreement which was a huge issue with people using ChatGPT and feeding it all kinds of private info.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

OpenTTD is great with a bunch of mods or a bunch of rules. My friends and I used to do yearly games and we outright banned air travel because it’s just too overpowered and makes you have endless money.

Trains though, thems the ticket. Really satisfying.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

We’ve had some crazy things happen when you make a large map with ~10 people coming in and out.

One of our friends focused on bus service in these few towns, set up a bunch of lines, and then logged off for a few days - his area grew to become basically four or five contiguous cities, it was pretty rad.

Our endgame goal was to build maglevs hitting every single player’s main city, and it took a while, but it was really fun when we finished it.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Lower Decks is my favorite.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

When I knew it was Mike McMahan who ran the TNG S8 Twitter account, I had total faith. He’s a true fan, he wrote the show with reverence for the material despite it being jocular in tone, which is impressive and what made me fall in love with the show.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

He was literally schizophrenic.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

After two months everybody literally saw all the game had to offer, so no surprise there.

It’s getting dumb what spins they’re putting on all of this Starfield coverage. Yesterday it was getting stiffed for Game Awards nominations, today it’s low playercount on Steam. I wonder what it’s going to be tomorrow, because Microsoft paid for coverage, good or bad.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Forbes is such dogshit.

You know why Starfield didn’t get more nominations? It sucked. This article doesn’t need to exist, yet has eight different iterations all saying the same thing, which is ultimately nothing but “Starfield launch so big why no award?”

Fuck you, Microsoft, stop paying the media to hype up your slop.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Is Dune finally out of Early Access?

I heard it was a passable RTS but it was in EA and unfinished when it launched a few months back.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

The problem is how disjointed everything is. Skyrim and Fallout, I can literally walk across the entire map. I can run into a random plot, some fun environmental storytelling, anything really - there’s no sense of discovery for a game so vast as Starfield. Everything is a known quantity which is why you can fast travel to and from basically every area.

All these other functions built into the game are superficial and/or incomplete at best. Ship building is basically pointless, as you can carry a massive crew in a tiny freighter, regardless of crew capacity or passenger capacity of your vessel. Modding weapons is more or less the same as it was in Fallout 4. The environments that are available to explore are all dead with fuck all, and all the tunnels and mines are filled with the same bullet-sponge spacer enemies. You would think with smaller, chunked zones we’d have some very detailed environments that make use of the fact that they are relatively small spaces, but instead everything is truncated with a loading screen and entirely lacking in depth.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

The reason for that is because, yet again, for the three hundred thousandth fucking time, Bethesda is using, still, a modified creation engine.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Everything is way better and more detailed in Cyberpunk.

It feels like everybody is so generic in Starfield. They don’t feel like they have personalities.

You travel 10KM in any direction in Cyberpunk and you’ll be dealing with an entirely new set of gangs with their own slang and their own backgrounds and their own heritage.

You travel 10KM in any direction in Starfield and you’ll either find nothing or an entrance to another procgen cave with the same spacers as everywhere else.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

A lot of those physics-y space games like Empyrion and Space Engineers are a way more fun way of interacting with custom ships and space than Starfield is, for sure.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m sorry but Bethesda doesn’t deserve three years to make a game work. They should make it work on launch and delay it until it’s worth launching. They have billions of dollars and ownership from a major tech conglomerate. It’s entirely unacceptable for them to release an unfinished product.

Games are never finished now with the internet. The whole industry has agreed to say “fuck it, we’ll fix it in post” for basically every single project.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

NMS was purpose-built to be a space game.

Starfield was built on an ancient engine that’s always been for ground-based games.

It’s such a huge sunk cost fallacy that keeps Bethesda using the same dogshit engine. “We’ve used it for years!” Yeah but it’s been fucking garbage for years too.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

It really got nowhere, and then started charging premium subscriptions to cover most of the mechanics that have sucked since day 1. Repair kits? You got em. You’re not constantly locked in the treadmill of deciding to do something and giving up halfway to go farm screws from office fans because your weapons have degraded to useless conditions. You pay to avoid bullshit like that.

Doesn’t sound like it got there, sounds like they might have improved their netcode, which was spaghetti to be perfectly honest so easy to have improved upon, and maybe the engine use for things not T-posing and floating around. I’m sure those bat fuckers are technically internally still dragons though. The core gameplay loop still sucks. Pick a direction, veer off to fix your shit, and ultimately get annoyed because there’s only so many fucking times I can go to the adhesive shed or the fucking office with all the fans before I’m just done with the worst mechanic ever invented.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Skyrim also had immediate recognition, spun off memes, and people were riffing on it from day 1.

Who is Starfield’s best girl? Everybody basically crushed on Aella and Lydia.

What’s the most gimmicky saying? Arrow to the knee, you’re finally awake, etc

Starfield just has no life, no joie de vivre - wide as a lake but shallow as a puddle.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

If you have a newer Nvidia card, Wayland works just fine, and more optimally than X in multi-monitor scenarios, as X locks the refresh rate to the lowest monitor’s setting across the board.

I have a 3090 and Wayland lets me use all three of my monitors at their native refresh rates.

It’s funny that you’re bitching about the game being bad because it doesn’t run on an OS it wasn’t designed to run on. That’s kind of a silly thing to get up in arms about. Linux gamers are lucky that Proton works as well as it does the majority of the time, and I think you’ve taken that aspect for granted.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Nobody has ever respected Bethesda for their quality work on engines.

Larian also has not been famously known for the last three decades as the studio with the most bugs on AAA titles.

Modding will kick off more next year when they release the official kits and tools. Surprised that wasn’t priority number 2 after ironing out the bugs.

Also, what distro are you running? I didn’t have problems getting it to work on Endeavour, once I got a Steam copy. You can’t run the Xbox launcher games properly AFAIK and they’re markedly worse for modding anyways.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah EOS uses Dracut, that’s probably the issue there.

I’ve had success using the Nvidia-DKMS package on both a laptop (with a 1650) and the aforementioned 3090 machine.

I’ve never had to manually rebuild initramfs, whenever a major enough system upgrade happens the package manager is designed to automatically rebuild the file, which typically happens every time you update the Nvidia drivers.

Does Garuda have the option to use the DKMS package? I think that’s what made the difference for me.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Sorry, I am running the 3090 on a rig running an Intel 12-7000KF. I haven’t had much experience with Optimus configuration, since I don’t think the 1650 has Optimus either.

I haven’t gotten Starfield to run on the 1650, but that was a spec issue. What kind of card are you trying to run it with? Might just be that Starfield is too intensive to run, which was the case for me.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Rock on my friend.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Car manufacturers are not tech companies.

Let the tech companies handle the tech and let the manufacturers handle building a solid vehicle.

I’ve never seen an OEM interface solution that was nearly as good as CarPlay or AndroidAuto.

I like my Mazda, and I like the knob and physical buttons. I don’t like the interface over AA though.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Did this guy not say, live on international television, that the United States needed to annex Canada because of Trudeau being a “dictator”?

Why the fuck is he allowed in our goddamn borders? Get these people out of here, all they do is make it worse. Stop fucking importing garbage religious conservatism from the States you stupid fucks.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m sure XDA forums has something for your tablet. Most Samsung devices are pretty well supported by the open source community because they’re popular and decent. The subforums for Samsung devices is pretty thorough.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Can’t wait for a generation or two when Bethesda does this themselves.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

C’mon, use real space words, Rick!

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Huh, it’s almost like when you make the same game 12 times, force shitty DRM, and then outright disable access to content, people are not going to support your business.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Nah, people know individual dev studios, they just don’t know which major tech organization owns and publishes their titles these days.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

People still remember the old, good AC games. And FarCry, I guess.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I remember seeing it the first time as a kid on AC2 and I was like “wooooooaaaaah look at this kick ass view and sick spin around” and then I saw it for the next 10 games and I was less impressed.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Steam’s big picture does a lot to remediate some of the challenges of working with a controller in a desktop environment. The ROG Ally additionally has switchable modes between desktop and gamepad and it allows for mouse movement with the thumbsticks and stuff in addition to the touch screen.

It also has this app called Armory Crate SE which is basically an Asus-branded game launcher like GeForce Experience where you can fine tune settings on each game.

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