@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar


@[email protected]

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@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

COD is on like 5 consoles and TOTK is on one? It’s not a surprise?

Fucking Kotaku, garbage all around.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I never really got the point of these conferences. Initially before gaming became as big as it has, it was originally a circlejerk for company executives to hash out deals on supply for video games. In Canada, for example, you dealt with a guy who had access to Sony or Nintendo’s stuff by proxy as compared to dealing with the publishers individually.

Back in the early aughts it still took some convincing for buyers to put certain games on the shelf. It was a bit of a gamble and E3 was a way to market the games to try to take up shelf space. As time went on and the digital marketplace evolved and matured, it became more of a social circlejerk - but the thing is, it stopped being necessary. There’s no competition in the digital marketplace for visibility or stock limits.

I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you. (kbin.social)

A few days ago I downvoted someone's comment, and the next day I happened to notice every single comment I've ever made had at least one downvote. All from the person I dared to downvote the ONE time. I straight up asked why they did it, and they seem to think I'm an "obvious" troll account that "apparently just exist to...

/kbin logotype
@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

stop caring about votes like they mean anything.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

It doesn’t change the behavior if you can verify who did it or not. It literally doesn’t matter that you can see who downvoted you when it’s always been the case that anybody can go into your history and downvote all of it.

How are you going to call viewing a post history on the public facing internet “stalking”?

Jesus you guys play some gymnastics up in your domes.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah but it’s a non-issue, because they’re describing a behavior that cannot be prohibited regardless of if you can see who did it or not. It’s not like there’s a hard archive timer on votes disallowing comments to be interacted with; people can go down the whole history of any of our accounts and downvote all of it.

It’s literally a non-issue, this guy is freaking out because he can just see who did it, like it makes a difference. It’s the ostrich syndrome, if you bury your head in the sand (can’t verify) then it matters less.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

You make downvoting over and over sound like a cybercrime lol

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I just don’t get how anybody doesn’t understand how user voting works, regardless of the ability to identify who did which votes.

Are you just now learning that on the internet people are just randomly dicks? Like it hasn’t been that way for the last 20 years?

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I am here to express agreement with this.

I am sick of bots. I am sick of reddit. I am sick of reddit content being mirrored. If you want to read reddit comments go to reddit. Lemmy is not reddit, it should not aspire to be, and it is a unique and interesting place full of great conversations with quality users. Reddit is a wasteland, and I am tired of people trying to import it to our new space.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Yep, this project is pointless because reddit will absolutely not let it exist.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

0.19 is not going to be the magical fix everybody is hoping it to be. Yeah, you’ll be able to block an instance from federating to your feed, but the posters from the instance will still show up.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Don’t you know? Nobody reads articles, we just make judgements based on the title!

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Gonna take a break Disney? Nah? Then we’ll keep being fatigued.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Netflix also made a killing by creating the ad-supported tier, because the ads more than cover the cost of lowering the subscription. My folks pay for Netflix with ads but you can block them with a DNS sink like AdGuard or a Pi-Hole.

I think it’s a scam honestly. Netflix’s library has shrunk with all the other streaming services coming into the market. It was convenient when it was the only game in town but now it’s just one of a dozen services feeling more like cable than streaming.

I just saw an article where Apple TV+ was going to bundle with Paramount+ for a lower rate.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

There’s nothing coming out AAA these days that’s worth the price of admission or pre-ordering. Blizzard hasn’t made anything worth playing for years, I don’t give a shit about the yearly reskin of Call of Duty, Starfield was a try before you buy with Gamepass - it really feels there hasn’t been anything in years worth getting at full price. Even Baulder’s Gate, which I would consider worth the full price, I picked up below average price prior to official launch.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

And another step towards, what is effectively, yet again, a cable package.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Season of Discovery launched and I was so upset this morning when I couldn’t log in. I had to install everything through Steam, even though on this machine I’ve been using Lutris.

How can I block posts from all bot accounts of specific instance? (alien.top)

I do not want to block all bots. I only want to block bots from specific instance. More specifically, the @alien.top instance is using most, if not all, bot accounts with random usernames. It uses that instance to post in communities of other instances. I thought about blocking other instances. But the main issue lies with...

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I had the same problem with lemmit.online, and with lemmit.online the owner said “yeah this is a bot, this whole instance is for reddit reposts, if you don’t like it defederate from me” - which .ca did.

I can’t stand bot instances or bots in general that are reposting from reddit, because it’s not valuable content for the fediverse - the OP doesn’t see what we’re saying and if we’re troubleshooting something that’s been crossposted it’s literally just on deaf ears.

The only bot I actually like is the ITNBot which is for ImproveTheNews - it posts neutral, pro-, and anti-stance information relevant to the article being posted, showing you all sides of the issue.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Fediverser looks like a project that’s supposed to ease the onboarding process from reddit, looks like you can sign up with a reddit account to have access to Lemmy, but I am not entirely sure.

I don’t really mind the size of the community these days; I feel like if we start getting more and more people from reddit we’re going to get the people we wanted to avoid by leaving the place. Right now it feels like there’s not a ton of content, but there’s a decent amount of discussion, and it’s of high quality. I feel like an easier entrance to the platform is going to degrade the experience, as shitty as that sounds.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I like talking here more than reddit, because it doesn’t feel like being a drop in the ocean.

I’m sure people recognize me across instances for being a garbage shitposter. A smoothbrain, with cold takes.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

We already fucking hate hearing our own voices on recordings or in Discord with feedback. Why does anybody think this is a good idea?

Not to dismiss people who are fine listening to their own voice but this feels like mega narcissistic at the very least and just plain weird to everybody else.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Augment virus!

Long Live Phlox!

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

How is this current news? This has been the strategy for the last 3 years with Gamepass. Who cares about consoles and exclusives when you just provide a rental service across-the-board.

Their strategy is to curate a good rental library and just deploy it everywhere there’s a screen and internet connectivity.

Right now the block on mobile which the EU just obliterated was store exclusivity taking a percentage, but even Apple will have to allow other storefronts on their devices.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I always heard that consoles were sold at a loss and made up for with services. Sounds like the logical continuation of this saga is for MS to give up the hardware game so long as Gamepass generates more income due to being on virtually every platform.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

FFXIV runs well on Linux with the equivalent hardware you would have used for Windows. Maybe less, actually.

Only thing that doesn’t work, which you wouldn’t have used on console would be a shader mod, but that’s splitting hairs.

I’ve run FFXIV on Arch (EndeavorOS) and Fedora (Silverblue) and they both perform on par or better than running the game on Windows.

Proton has done wonders. It’s legitimately incredible, the explosive growth of Linux gaming through Valve’s work.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah I have a T480S and it barely runs WoW Classic. I’ll sometimes do light games the iGPU is capable of. Most of the time I use my desktop to run games, and if I want to play it on this machine, I’ll use Moonlight and Sunshine to stream over to it from the desktop. That machine is a 3090 paired with a 12700KF though. It runs whatever I want it to.

I don’t have off-LAN game streaming working entirely just yet, but with ZeroTier you can theoretically run everything remotely - my upload speed is probably the limiting factor there, but the internet works well enough otherwise for Plex streaming off-LAN.

A Deck would probably run FFXIV pretty well, and with the form factor of a controller that you’re used to playing with.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

The thing stopping them from putting it on iOS devices was probably the fact that Apple would take a chunk off the top through App store fees. EU just ruled that they can fuck themselves and alternative storefronts must be made available on the platform.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s what Google wanted to do with Stadia.

Fire Sticks can already Bluetooth connect to controllers and I have Moonlight installed on mine so I can stream games from my desktop to my TV downstairs. It’s not even that intensive on hardware.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Well, they will probably just avoid this entirely likely by launching an MS store. It would likely have a lot of Progressive Web Apps since those are pretty universal.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

All the first party developer acquisitions are the way MS are fighting against the rotation.

ABK games gonna be crown jewels.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah but the Sony games are not gimped in any way when they launch on Steam.

I would probably bet MS would give up the major hardware game and shift to streaming sticks, basically.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I have Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War and I fucking love God of War. It’s so goddamn good and I love Christopher Judge as Kraatos.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

When I was in college I had heard upwards of a third of the visas they were accepting and processing were at the very least questionable, but they accepted them anyways - a local student will pay maybe 5k a semester, while with international students it’s upwards of 30k. It’s a no-brainer that schools want internationals coming in.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

In the 60s, even a hippie could afford a Microbus.

What’s the base cost of even their lowest priced model?

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Sounds like you want to play Deep Rock Galactic more than Starfield :)

canis_majoris, (edited )
@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Worse mechanics than games that are dedicated to each function.

Ship building is janky, it doesn’t actually make any kind of difference, and there are other games with better, cooler customization that allow you to do more granular things. The ship stats don’t actually matter, because you can carry your crew of flunkies around the galaxy with any kind of setup, regardless of the actual stated crew stations and passenger capacity. Fuel exists but is inconsequential, it’s a number that goes up and down as you travel independent of your interaction with it. Space Engineers and Empyrion Galactic Survival are two games off the top of my head that kick the shit out of Starfield’s ship building and exploring.

I feel like the gunplay is worse than it was in Fallout 4. That might not be because of how the guns fire so much as it’s probably directly related to how much everything is a pointless bullet sponge. You can have a pimped out Orion and shit still takes a bunch of hits to go down, and they’re all the same sets of enemies: renegade spacers in random mines and outposts.

The only new thing on top of all the mechanics culminating from Skyrim through Fallout 76 that they added was a research system, which is perfunctory at best and super annoying and artificially limiting at worse.

So to answer your question? Nothing. There’s nothing they improve upon that hasn’t been done elsewhere - the gimmick functionally just is that all these elements exist in the same game in a very disjointed fashion.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

They hyped it up as being as expansive as NMS. It’s not that we set ourselves up it’s that we bought into the marketing.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s such a joke how disconnected everything is.

Jemison is at least three separate zones, Neon is cut in half, and this is in an age where we have city-scale games that have absolutely no loading screens during traversal - Cyberpunk and Spider-Man to name a few. That’s like a New Vegas-era problem from a decade ago, where we had to cut Freeside in half. Made sense then, unacceptable now.

Everything is behind a loading screen, usually triggered by fast travel.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

They have to rebuild the entire game to make it fun. Every mechanic is poorly implemented.

Shipbuilding? Inconsequential.

Gun modification? Same as it ever was.

Food and drink? Why do I give a shit?

Base building? Just as janky as FO76.

Research? Annoying progression block.

The map? So spread out that everything is behind a loading screen.

Everything from stem to stern is just…bad. Stop using the fucking Creation engine you dumbasses! That’s why nothing fucking works! You don’t have an engine that’s even capable of supporting a large space game. Why did they think it could? Sunk fucking cost fallacy out the ass.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

What made Bethesda games decent was how dense the maps were, but there is no density here.

Skyrim and Fallout are games where you can pick a direction, go, and probably find something weird or interesting - a side quest, a fun environmental story, etc. Starfield literally cannot have this by design because everything is on a different planet, in a different system - the density of the map is gone, and scattered across a giant cosmos that can’t be navigated without loading screens.

What happens on a procgen planet if I pick a direction and go? The same thing, every time - a boring cave or outpost filled with the same bullet sponge spacers as literally everywhere else.

There needs to be actual stuff to do outside of quests to make the game fulfilling. There’s so much nothingness.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I just think it needs a ton of work before it has a Cyberpunk-level renaissance.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Sunak only respects his funders.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

So what’s the global response if Russia deliberately causes a nuclear accident?

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I agree with tapes if the data is large and not accessed frequently. Magnetic tapes are still one of the most information-dense mediums, surprisingly. WORM tapes are Write Once Read Many and are used by serious large enterprises for long-term archival storage.

HP says I should have known its £399 laptop bargain was too good to be true (www.theguardian.com)

[…] Parcelforce texted the delivery slot. No delivery. Parcelforce and HP’s tracking systems then claimed I had refused the parcel. I scheduled a redelivery for the next day. Parcelforce then rang me and the agent acknowledged a delivery had not been attempted and that the tracking information was false. It claimed HP had...

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

They have awful support. They build machines that are prone to overheating, their servers are second to Dell (who have considerably better support), there’s a lot about HP not to appreciate.

As a friend of sysadmins I hear horror stories of HP server racks and I hear most shops running with Dell enterprise plans both for laptops and servers.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

I have my share of issues with Dells, but the last HP machine I had killed itself through fan failure and overheating.

My Dells tend to break to wear and tear from me being not so gentle with them - I think I’ve had two Dells that had hinge issues, but that’s not as major as an overheating problem.

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