This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


It makes sense if you want to e-mail several files or a folder structure. You can attach a zip, but you can’t attach a folder.

And sometimes it just makes sense for the comprehension of the recipient. F.i. if I want to send an account statement and all invoices. Instead of sending 20 pdf files of which one is the account statement, I can actually send 1 account statement and 1 folder containing all 19 invoices.

If I want people to understand my reasoning, I’d better make it reasonable to them, right?

We should have something like federated communities

Communities on different instances about the same topic should have the option to essentially federate so a post on one appears on all of them and opening any of them shows you the comments from all of them. This way when is down its not a big deal because posting to any news community federates to all of the...


Maybe the solution is more on the client side. An app should be able to let the user add communities from different instances and present them as one, maybe even merge comments from identical posts etc. Then if the user gets fed up with some instance not moderating or spamming, the user could then just remove that from his multi list.

Technically there’s no way to please everyone on this, but there’s also no reason why the apps couldn’t present a meta-view of what is actually happening across instances, if that’s what the user prefers. Most users don’t want to see the gears turn.

In addition to the user experience it would also minimize any “damages” from any instance going down, because the multi list would remain active as long as any of the instances are up.


It’s difficult to avoid them, but you can obviously make an insurances against some undesirable consequences, like house fire or illness.

Also keep a buffer of money to solve sudden stuff. Like, don’t travel without having enough cash to get a return ticket, or if you rely on a car, you should always have enough money to make a down payment for a new one when it inevitably breaks.

In general you shouldn’t have to be afraid of irreversible consequences. You have to break an egg to make a cake. Changes are most often for the better.

Some things are obviously more serious than others and sometimes you just can’t know everything up front. Like having a child. That’s a leap of faith that you just have to do if you want to. Changing jobs can also be nerve wrecking, but you can probably insure your income or make savings in case things don’t work out.

Is there anything in particular you’d like to be able to undo?


Or just not having available bullets.


Their cover band is called Printer. It’s a Paper jam.


All apps require some customization for my preference. Once I’m done with customizing, there’s hardly any difference between apps. I’m currently using Connect, because it’s very customizable. I like the list view and the option not to preload pictures to save on data.

Voyager is also pretty good, but the webapp seemed to conflict with my browser. Maybe that’s fixed in the native app.

I don’t understand why anyone likes card view at all. It’s pretty much the reason why I was locked to using a third party app for Reddit in the first place when they “updated” the site back in 2018.


Are you using windows? Then you don’t need software. You can do that in the command prompt.

The command is literally called “sort”

Step by step tutorial:

Right click somewhere, select “Create New/text document”. Type or paste your list there. Save it. Right click the file, select properties and copy the location. F.i. “C/user/desktop/”

Press windows key. Type CMD. Open the the command prompt. Go to the place where the file is by typing "cd " and paste the location.

Type: sort [your filename.txt] > [new file name.txt]

You now have a sorted copy of the file.

Otherwise use a spreadsheet to do it.


I think the bots for news makes sense.

I don’t particularly like all the link fixers and stuff like that in the comments. It’s mostly noise, even if the intention is good.


I don’t see that a lot, because I’m only subscribed to the most populated communities whenever there are multiple.

Anyway, I don’t know much about bot programming, but it seems possible to make the bot check the community for similar URLs in the last couple of days so it could skip the ones already posted.


It’s already past the point where only rich people have them. It’s currently one of those things where it’s actually more expensive to be poor.

I bought an EV because it’s cheaper over a few years than getting the cheapest gasoline beater car. It’s a bigger cost up front, but the total cost is smaller over few years.

If anything, only rich people will be able to afford keeping the gasoline cars. Similarly to todays vintage lead fueled classics.


I am in Europe. You have to look past the purchase price.

What I did was to compare the price of buying €3k beater cars throughout the next ten years versus getting an only slightly used EV for €21k that I expect to drive for the same period.

The purchase price is 7 times higher, yes, but the savings on fuel, taxes and financing makes up for it it less than 6 years in my case.

So in short, I had a pretty easy choice in getting an almost new EV instead of continuing buying and repairing scrap cars as I’d previously done for the same reasons.


Yeah well, I’m absolutely not saying that EVs are always the cheapest option. In my case it was.

There are many variables to account for when making the decision. I’d just advise people to do the calculations whenever they need a new car. Generally, It’s still not that much cheaper that it pays off to get an EV if you already have a functional car, but whenever you need a new one.

I’ve been thinking about making a webpage to compare car purchases with all kinds of variables, but it’s quite a big project to do.


It’s a cycle, but it’s not in balance.

There is a lot of water on earth. Most of it is salt water which is not usable for crops or consumption etc.

The graphics on this Wikipedia will give you an idea of the distribution:…/Water_distribution_on_Earth

The water we use for food production, watering lawns, bathing and toilet flushes is pumped from the fresh ground water, which is only about 0.76% of all water on earth.

When we use water, it will eventually, one way or the other, flow into the sea, where it turns into salt water. The evaporation from the sea will create clouds that will rain and seep down to become fresh ground water again.

The problem is that we are basically taking the tiniest bit and turning it into the largest faster than it can be replenished.


Good thing the labour union comes to the rescue.

SAG-AFTRA has strict guidelines about the use of cigarettes on set. Auditions must state whether smoking is required, and every employment contract includes a section that indicates whether an actor will be working in any kind of environment with smoke, including the artificial kind. Union contracts guarantee actors additional daily compensation for working with smoke. Producers must also provide every performer working around prop cigarettes with a Material Safety Data Sheet. Because of these regulations, many productions use prop cigarettes and prop smoke to create the illusion of real smoking.…/do-actors-really-smoke-75370/


Maybe posts were deleted or defederated.


Sounds like an expensive way to work with little reward. I’m all for making work as pleasant as possible, but paying to stay in a hotel just to work seems like a bad idea. It could be interesting in some ways in certain positions.

Could you resist a true virtual reality and should you?

Lets assume we develop the capacity to create virtual worlds that are near indistinguishable from the real world. We hook you up into a machine and you now find yourself in what effectively is a paraller reality where you get to be the king of your own universe (if you so desire). Nothing is off limits - everything you’ve ever...


I think it would be great to try out things that are impossible in the real world without any risks. Not necessarily crazy things, but things that are just not available to me irl. Like designing stuff without any limits of ressources or money. That way we could improve the real world by testing things in the virtual.

It quickly turns into a philosophical question of what you really want to do in the real world and why. It doesn’t make much sense to better your real world for things that could be easily done in the virtual. However, since your life even in the virtual world depends on your real survival, there would still be things to do.

Then there’s also the thing that your virtual world would be limited to your own imagination. At some point, that will get boring even with virtual people around. It would still make sense to exchange ideas with actual people in order to expand your own virtual world.

Why would my parents always enter the BIOS when booting when I was younger

Basically around the 2000s we had a WinXP computer and each time I wanted to use it, either my mom or my dad had to turn it on. However they had to strike the key to enter the BIOS. Everytime when booting the PC. Then they would exit the BIOS and so Windows XP would boot normally....

bstix, (edited )

That is the answer.

Some boards will prompt you to press the key to enter the BIOS as the only option when the CMOS battery is flat. Whether or not you set the clock, you still have to enter the bios to boot.

The battery is a standard CR2032, so it’s easy to replace, but it’s not something that most people experience, so it’s not common knowledge.

Personally I went about 6 months doing the same thing before I even bothered googling “how much does a CMOS battery cost” because it was an old pc anyway.

my Bluetooth thermometer kind of works in my microwave oven – is this a problem?

So I have one of those Bluetooth thermometers for meat and other foods. I heard it wasn’t supposed to work in my oven, because it’s a combination of a regular oven in the microwave. Since microwaves are supposed to be a faraday cage, it was my understanding that no radiation should be able to get out....


Well, you should definitely not microwave any kind of electronics, but it should be safe to use the convection oven though reception would be bad.

Personally I prefer the simple non-digital roasting thermometers. That’s a cheaper option than getting a new oven.


There’s a big hurdle in communicating something like that to the religious people in the middle east, versus informing a domestic population.

The issue is that both the senders and recipients of the “message” seem to believe that the actions are representative of the nation even when it is clearly not. Especially because both parts have an interest in believing that it is.

It ought to already be illegal for individuals to deliberately interfer in international relations. It’s not like they can plausible deny that they’re aware of the consequences.

Personally I think that if they really believe they have a message to the Muslim priests that they should then go to the Muslim priests in the middle east and burn the books, instead of hiding behind “freedom of speech” in a safe country. They won’t do that because they know of the consequences. They just don’t want to deal with the consequences of their own actions, but by doing it this way, everyone else has to deal with their shit.


The message was clearly intended for the countries of the embassies. It didn’t even make the news locally until the outrage against it was in the world news. The issue with book burnings should be addressed in the countries that have issues with book burning, not here. No one here cares.

If people want to fight a book that’s their private decision and should be without consequence for the rest of the society.


Reddit grew alot when it got known that they did AMAs with celebrities and world leaders. All the tabloids would report on it. It’s difficult for Lemmy or even Reddit to repeat that without having someone in a paid full-time position to arrange and facilitate the interview.

Another thing is the size of the userbase. It got to the point that the sources for specific news were on Reddit, making it the first to have details on the stories, so it was often referenced in actual news outlets.


Circular references make it impossible to count generations.


You can pinky swear to lie on a testimoy, but you can’t testify to lie on a pinky swear.


That’s country dependent due to legal differences. It’s not possible where I am.


No, that’s not what I said.

It’s the speed limit that isn’t shown in certain countries. The speed is shown.

There is obviously not any specific law against showing the speed limit. The legal issue is that the Google’s software for showing the limits is tied in with the speed control software, which is illegal some places.

Google just haven’t bothered make a custom version of maps for those places.

Also, they have had technical issues with the speed limit data being so wrong in some places that they rolled back the function shortly after it was implemented.

I’m sure they hate dealing with this kind of question: ……/how-do-i-prove-that-google-maps-sho…


They move the goalposts.

“It’s going to be a problem in Africa”

“It’s going to be a problem in 50 years”

"It’s futile to do anything unless China stops polluting "

“Electric cars pollute more than ordinary cars”


Potion of Perkele

Duration 3:33


I don’t think it’s an instinct, because it can absolutely be taught.

I encourage my kids to get along with everyone, but at the same time I can see how some of their peers are taught to be racists and other clique behaviours from home by parents who are just like that and don’t even think about it when they pass it on.

But by default, nobody is like that from birth. Babies aren’t racists or afraid of different kinds of people. The fear of others is taught.

It will take many generations to change.


Most of the Lemmy apps are better than the official Reddit app. For Android I’d Currently recommend Connect or Voyager. Both are fine. Connect is more advanced, and it took me a while to customize it to my liking. Voyager is more simple. Coming from RiF, I’m really impressed with both, because not only do they do exactly what I expect, but they even do it better.


Damn that’s a good question.

Depends on the stretchiness of the material. Even without a confined space, but in a theoretical magically fixed balloon tower, I’m going to say that they’d bounce forever. The reasoning being that at some point the bottom balloon would be fully stretched but since it can push against the second balloon, which is not yet fully stretched, it can make that stretch, so it wouldn’t necessarily burst. Continuing this feedback effect upwards it would mean the average balloon only needs to hold its own weight.


I miss written tutorials. I hate how every tutorial is a YouTube now. I don’t want to watch 15 minutes and forget to pay attention for the second that has the detail that I am missing or it just doesn’t show. Even short tutorials are 3 minutes when it could have been a ten second read. I want to skim a page and go directly to the point. Has writing really become that hard to do?


Yes, video absolutely works well for some things like crafts, DIY projects etc. where the things might not be easily described in text.


I mean written on a webpage, not published in book. The early Internet had lots of pages where people would write tutorials about their hobbies and tech instead of filming themselves mumbling into a headset.


Personally I prefer to go at my own pace when I have to learn something. Videos just aren’t good for that.


I get what you’re saying; but it often feels like a “bears favour”. The content creator wants to help and promises to help, but end up just wasting my time and not helping at all. It’s a lot easier to glance a document or webpage to see if it contains the thing you’re interested in, whereas in a video you’ll have to sit through it all before you can tell if it even contains the information.


Yes. Unfortunately many comments are the same, because the mastodon users can’t see each others replies. This comment somehow got trendy over there.

My inbox has about 200 replies telling me about video monetization and 100 just tagging my username.


I can’t see any of the responses (must be a mastodon thing)

This explains a lot. Most of the replies to this comment here on Lemmy are from Mastodon users stating the same thing about video monetization.

There’s a few good comments from people who actually do need video tutorials for crafting, sports and DIY, or from being dyslexic, but most don’t like the YouTube format.

One big hurdle for written blogs is to attract readers when Googles search engine has a preference for videos that makes them more money.


Oh man, I could totally use this right now. My inbox is glowing from all the mastodon users finding a post on asklemmy. A lot of the replies are just boosts or “This!!” and I think that any actual conversation is long over.


The nude banana is probably fake.


Of course it’s related. It’s a tautology. Conservatives wouldn’t be conservative if they didn’t fear everything and hate everyone. It’s all they have.

bstix, (edited )

All religions are partly based on fear. Doesn’t matter if it’s orthodox Jews, orthodox Christians or orthodox Muslims or any other religion.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with being fearful. It might even be a valid approach to life in many ways.

However it does become a problem when it turns political. That’s the moment when fear turns to hate.

This topic is about conservative politics. And my comment is on conservative politics. Not American Republicans, but conservative politics in general. The problem of hateful conservative politics is present everywhere in Europe and probably everywhere world wide regardless of religion. I find it quite disgusting that conservative politicians are abusing the religious fears to fuel their own hate.

All religions are also about peace, acceptance, love and respect. None of which are present in conservative politic.

Fixing my drain required breaking laws, pissing off IRC users, breaking tools…

It was taking around 24 hours to drain just ~1—3 liters of water in my kitchen sink. Probably comparable to IV drip speeds. After a huge effort and expense, I finally fixed it without demolishing the kitchen – which would have been my next and final move¹. Sequence of events:...


You need to find the drain outside. Also, your main line might be damaged.

When it clogs up again in 6 months you should call a professional to blast it from outside and do a TV inspection


Whatever the issue is, I think you should clean it from outside and towards inside, instead of going outwards from inside.

This usually requires a sewer truck. Or you can put a hose up the Y clean out. That can also be done with a power washer snake attachment, but at that point it’s easier to call the sewer truck, because these consumer gadgets aren’t really that great. I’ve tried everything and in the end I had to call the truck anyway. You’re already hundreds of dollars into gadgets and chemicals. Stop it. Cut your losses and call a professional next time.

bstix, (edited )

It’s a garbage truck now. Everyone bring out your garbage.


Fox News is garbage.

While I’d love to have a discussion about the environmental impact of EVs vs ICE vehicles, I’d rather not start on this background, where first we’d have to shovel through the false talking points until we get to a point where it makes sense to compare the two.


The island has a population of about 131 (according to the 2009 census), mostly fishermen and fish traders, who are served by four pubs, a number of brothels, and a pharmacy on the island

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