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Are people angry at Neil Gaiman? Because American Gods sure has a few Jesuses.

And Good Omens has a bunch of biblical VIPs too.


Probably considered “killing”, though one may wonder where the limit is.

If someone is alone in a row boat in the middle of the ocean and I wish away their boat, did I wish for their death?

Who gets to decide that? Is there a court of genie law? In that case is it the genie or the master who’s being sued?


The (admittedly kind of terrible) sequel disagrees with that, because Jafar as a genie can’t kill anyone either.

Though he can use his powers to make people’s life hell, wish or no wish, and abuses that quite a bit.


Again, if we’re only talking about Disney canon, according to the sequel and series (because really that movie was just the pilot for the animated series), the genie is supposed to have lost a lot of his power after being freed. It’s not obvious how much of it really.

It’s also not obvious how “bound” the genies are to begin with.

Genie is tricked into getting Aladdin out of the cave of wonders without using a wish, and he looks a bit annoyed but not that much (and it worked). He also basically forces a wish on an unconscious Aladdin to save his life, saying he can’t do it without a wish.

Whatever magic contract is used there looks quite open to interpretation…


C’est quoi l’expression équivalente à “manger l’oignon” en français? Pas facile de trouver un truc avec gorafi aussi…


Apprend leur aussi que le chat masque automatiquement ton mot de passe si tu le rentres dessus.

Comme ça :


And some spell it out and make it a main feature, like Rimworld and its “storytellers”.

They’re actually rather basic, but they check how well the player is doing and adapt the threat level accordingly.

Well, if they’re not Randy, anyway.


I don’t disagree. Not much of a Randy player myself, but I see the point.


He’s from the 80s. I generally despise sweeping generalisations about generations, but I don’t think I’ve seen “millennials are sexual predators” before.


France TV don’t les “spécialistes” de l’histoire restent Stéphane Bern et (surtout) Lorant Deutsch, on la sent bien l’extrême gauche…


A small update to AWS and now your installer is broken, with no hope of updating it?

Ok Molyneux, tell us again about your new game based on cryptobullshit, I’m sure it’ll work out.


They’re talking about “pushing data to new users”. I suspect for some reason their game works like those mobile games that only have a basic installer on the store and then need to download a whole bunch of extra data from their own servers.


It “launched” (early access of course) on Android a few months after PC, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they anticipated that and made it so all versions work in the same way.

Maybe it was a way for them to get rid of the update submission process on the different platforms.


I played the Wii game, there was a EU version as well.

It was… not very good from what little I can remember. Very slow paced with nothing much happening, and not even a lot of puzzles, some of which felt very similar to puzzles that were already in the DS game. I mostly remember being very bored through it.

Whereas I have very good memories of the first one. That double mirror puzzle felt so good when I got it.


Yeah, the whole shtick of the game was using the DS hardware in clever ways. It was a bit short, but good.

And then Legend of Zelda : Phantom Hourglass just blatantly stole some of those puzzles… Shame on them.

The big problem with this was that if you know the trick to them, you’d know instantly what to do, and it’s just boring. They’re clever puzzles because they make you think a bit outside the box. That doesn’t work twice.


Funnily enough, I think the people at Nintendo of Europe must have thought it was boring too, because they announced it with a first trailer that was very obviously sped up.

Like, lots of clips of Ashley running absurdly fast. Someone at the gaming forum I was in back then joked about the R in “Another Code R” meaning “Racing”.


Les pincettes qu’ils doivent prendre pour éviter une autre réponse scandalisée du lobby du vin, c’est hallucinant quand même.


Once I read a guy who got into an argument about that on Reddit.

The people there were upset at the idea that a bunch of crazies would just go there leaving literal trails of garbage behind them for a stupid challenge.

Basically the guy told them :

_ who cares, there’s nothing alive at this altitude

_ it’'s so extreme there is no way to attempt this in a clean way

_ even people who go there don’t care about the vistas being ruined by shit, because they’re too busy trying to stay alive

_ yes indeed, he wanted to do it himself one day and “you’d better believe I’ll drop all my shit over the place”

So yeah, they believe it’s okay to pollute a place for sports because that place is “useless” anyway. Or at least that’s their excuse.

brsrklf, (edited )

The game is a financial failure… after a week of early access? And it was supposed to stay in early access for at least 6 months?

What did they expect exactly?


Being from somewhere where everyone learns cursive and most use it in handwriting, I was very surprised when I learned a lot of (mostly American?) people can’t make any sense of it at all.

I remember a guy posting an old handwritten letter on Reddit, just asking for a transcript. And while I agree many people have terrible handwriting that is absolutely undecipherable for anyone but themselves (if at all), this was not the case at all here.

I understand why that would be a problem if someone never learned it or only in passing and never used it again, but it’s so weird being able to read something naturally with no effort while others treat it like a mysterious cryptogram.

brsrklf, (edited )

There is a space whale in the original Star Fox on SNES too (along with a couple other creatures, notably space rays).

Also there are three named sky whales in the Legend of Zelda canon. Some think the whale fossils in Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom could be them. It’d be a bit dark.

[DIY] fabriquez un jeux pong avec une guirlande de Noêl ou presque: D1-Pong — Wikidebrouillard ( French

C’est un jeu que j’ai découvert durant la hacker space factory à toulouse. Et en voyant toutes ces guirlandes de Noêl j’avoue que j’ai envie de hacker la ville et en faire un ping pong géant :P


Si on en met suffisamment côte à côte, on doit pouvoir faire un pong en 2D!

…et on a réinventé l’écran LED matrix, je suppose.


My guesses :

  1. someone’s really horny
  2. it’s hip

le Ministre évoque un « logiciel souverain »

En ce qui me concerne, j’accueille nos nouveaux dirigeants logiciels.

Valve needs to step up on Anti-Cheat

So yeah, I want to discuss or point out why I think Valve needs to fix Anti-Cheat issues. They have VAC but apparently its doing jackshit, be it Counter Strike 2 (any previous iterations) or something like Hunt: Showdown the prevalence of cheating players is non deniable. For me personally it has come to a point that I am not...


Yeah, I agree with that. Installing freaking rootkits on people’s personal device, with the express purpose of identifying them and knowing what their machine contains, is not OK. A multiplayer client should be as lightweight as possible and shouldn’t be able to fuck with a game.

Even if they agree not using your data for anything else, the next security breach on their servers will make that promise useless.

And I am not sure why one would trust big publishers to have any kind of ethics anyway. Do you remember Activision’s patent to manipulate matchmaking? That would specifically match players to reward those who buy microtransactions and create pressure on those who don’t?

Yeah, totally trusting those manipulative snakes with my private data with a big “do not watch” sticker on it.


That actually sounds like a good way to do this. Not sure how practical it is.


Je ne sais pas, Super Mario Odyssey a aussi pas mal contribué à la technologie avec l’incroyable réalisme de sa physique de pif.


Definitely. And absolutely needed too.


I was not aware of Rosalina’s Odyssey concept, but really if that was a concern at that point they’d have to veto anything vaguely woman-shaped. It’s super casual.

Also, while checking that I saw she’s got a buttload of costumes in Mario Kart Tour compared to most characters, including one of the two swimwear costumes in the game (the other being Mario). So…


There was a joke a bit like that in the Order of the Stick webcomic.

The hydra they were facing was supposed to be a test of wit. Fighting it mindlessly was supposed to be a bad idea, since it would just grow more and more heads in response.

Except one of them noticed there didn’t seem to be any limit to the number of heads and had an idea, so he let the violent bastard in the team go cut heads like crazy anyway.

After a while the hydra just fainted because it couldn’t supply oxygen to so many brains.


I didn’t go far into it. I remember it had a rather boring start.

Also I was already a bit pissed at those few doors in Fable 2 that mostly only opened in co-op (except one or two) and had weird stuff hidden behind them that I wanted to see, and I got to one again in 3. It’s a minor thing but it may have played a part in the “fuck that game” sentiment.

Seriously, talk about tacking on and forcing a multiplayer mode into a game that is absolutely not made for it.

brsrklf, (edited )

Only way an old game is worth something is if it’s rare enough it needs to be preserved and its content extracted and shared, just so it’s not lost to time.

Speculation on retro gaming is bullshit. Games are meant to be played.


In retrogaming’s specific case though, it’s been completely manufactured in the last few years. A few famous or semi-famous idiots got in touch with con artists, and made some bogus transactions with massive media coverage. They engineered a speculative bubble.

And they managed to fuck up the retrogaming market for everyone, even those actually just looking for a bit of nostalgia to plug into their old consoles. Suddenly it was all assholes trying to scam each other and even common cartridges in a subpar state had their prices skyrocket.


A bunch of cryptobros who don’t really have an interest in playing video games started to think “what if everything in a game was a cryptocurrency, and what if instead of playing for fun, you invested in the game to earn more money?”

Seriously, “play-to-earn” is the thing they want to make happen. They took all those boring trends that make shitty microtransaction-fests feel like a job, and they saw a future where stuff like this would actually be your job.


Difference I can see with traditional gambling (e.g. Texas Hold’em) is that it’s not in the instant, they actually want you to speculate on virtual “ownership” and spend now while it’s “cheap” to earn later in a totally happening glorious metaverse future. Yes, it’s very pyramid-y in nature.

Some of these “games” are empty shells of of a virtual world where you buy plots of land and then expect it to become more valuable, maybe build a virtual store or boring asset-flipped “resort” on it, rent part of it to someone to do the same, etc. They’re landlord fantasy. Except some may really believe in it.

If you’ve got the time, Dan Olson made a pretty good video about that stuff :


20th reboot of said development is likely at that point. We’re never getting it (and if they want to turn it into another procedurally generated open world with thousands of meaningless tasks, I don’t mind not having it).


The sub average ubi game will be 10 bucks in a few years anyway. Just in case it was somewhat good by accident.

The last ubi game I got at release was the first Mario vs Rabbids. It was great, and yet I still regretted getting it so soon. Because let me tell you what happened next : for 2 years, the cost of getting the season pass for that game was more than buying the full gold edition. They just didn’t offer any discount on DLC, just the gold edition.

And for more bullshit, the season pass included stuff that could only be obtained through it (or in gold edition, of course). So until the full content was available, you had the choice of getting a season pass of content that didn’t exist yet and on which you had zero guarantee , or getting individual DLCs when they drop, and already know that some stuff will never be available to you.

Of course I didn’t get the second game on release. I haven’t got it yet in fact. Guess what, exact same pattern regarding DLC pricing. Gold is already cheaper than individual DLCs. I’m sure it can go lower, I am not in a hurry.


Also laser is pronounced “lamb - ser”, hard S of course.


I remember the official Bethesda word on that back then was “whatever, Oblivion should have been rated M to begin with anyway”.

However, Morrowind has stayed ESRB T and has an assassin group you can join too. it’s technically legal in-universe, but they’re assassins nonetheless.


Bethesda doesn’t take user fixes into account, not even as suggestions, they just never fix anything. New releases of ten year old games are still as broken as they were back then.

So yeah, they suck too. I used to like their games, they’ve always been broken but at least they were pretty unique. But they never got their shit together, and now their formula is stale, and others do what they do a lot better. I would never have imagined around Morrowind/Oblivion that one day I wouldn’t even care about the current or next Bethsoft game, yet here we are. It’s a total waste.


They kind of had their store. Wolfire games created Humble Bundle, then it became its own company and now belongs to IGN.

If they kept going for the initial spirit of HB instead of letting it become just another way to buy on Steam, maybe they’d be that competition.


Also denying shootings happened and harassing the families of their victims so the idiot customers consuming said supplements have something to rage about.

I hope the trials are successful at fucking up the rest of his life.

brsrklf, (edited )

Because it’s so much better when Tencent and the UAE do that without any kind of transparency…

This kind of funding has been integral to the development of some of my very favorite games, and quite different ones (shout-out to the CNC in France for example). They’re just optional subsidies, and the organisation doesn’t intervene in the project itself. They’ll probably care if you are making something illegal, but you know, justice will have something to say about it anyway.

Also as always, “political” is not a thing you can end a discussion on if you’re honest about what you mean. There are not “political” and “apolitical” things, everything touching society at one point or another is “politics”. Yes, even getting your game funded through a bank or private company has implications, probably more than what is presented in that proposition.

Most of what these guidelines say is about local resources, reach and accessibility. Yes, it’s a political choice. Not caring about that is another.


Also Portal 2 gets its gel mechanics from Tag : the Power of Paint, another Digipen student project.


Les éditions Deluxe ne sont pas des éditions limitées.

Ça, c’est cool. Et si ça peut faire chier les parasites qui tentent de se faire du pognon en bouffant tout le stock pour le revendre à prix d’or, tant mieux.

Ils veulent acheter? Parfait, ils auront l’air bien con si ça conduit juste à en faire produire plus.


Good news if you ever spend Thanksgiving in Hyrule, they have actually edible (and mostly harmless) birds, including big juicy Eldin and forest ostriches.

Also, if they’re not extinct and you’re looking for very big game, you could always try loftwing.


J’ai découvert Backpack Hero la semaine dernière qui était dans le direct indie de Nintendo. C’est pas mal du tout.

Un genre de deckbuilder, mais avec un sac à dos qui grossit à chaque montée de niveau au lieu d’un paquet de carte. Et beaucoup, beaucoup trop de loot pour pouvoir tout embarquer.

Grosse inspiration Slay the Spire pour ceux qui connaissent (combat au tour par tour où on connaît les intentions exactes des ennemis, les effets fonctionnent exactement de la même façon) mais c’est pas un clone contrairement à certains jeux auxquels j’ai pu jouer, la gestion des l’inventaire en fait un truc vraiment unique.

Au delà de juste être limité par la taille et la forme du bordel, les objets intéragissent, ont une efficacité variable selon où ils se trouvent, voire bougent tout seuls. C’est un vrai puzzle game pour tout optimiser, et c’est assez jouissif de trouver une bonne combine qui marche. Ça m’est déjà arrivé plusieurs fois, et à chaque fois avec des mécanismes complètement différents.

J’ai pu tester 3 des 5(?) persos pour le moment, et en plus chacun ramène un style de jeu un peu différent.

L’interface déconne un peu (en tout cas sur Switch) mais rien de bloquant, ça accroche juste un peu pour certaines actions. C’est surtout sur la partie hub du jeu où on utilise juste les ressources remontées du donjon, donc c’est pas ce qui va ruiner une partie.

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