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Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish (

Youtube let the other shoe drop in their end-stage enshittification this week. Last month, they required you to turn on Youtube History to view the feed of youtube videos recommendations. That seems reasonable, so I did it. But I delete my history every 1 week instead of every 3 months. So they don’t get much from my choices....


Youtube ads don’t just pay creators though, they also pay for video hosting, discovery, and streaming, which aren’t cheap. A lemmy for video streaming would be great, but there’s a reason it hasn’t really happened yet, you’d need a much larger portion of viewers to pay than what it takes lemmy to run, and you’d need a bigger community of developers to build it, which is why most youtube alternatives are strictly paid products. None of that is criticism of the idea, I think it would be great if we could wrench away some of youtube’s monopoly, but at the same time we need to understand why it’s a challenging concept

Whole Foods argues it can ban BLM masks because the Supreme Court let a Christian business owner refuse same-sex couples (’s Whole Foods Market doesn’t want to be forced to let workers wear “Black Lives Matter” masks and is pointing to the recent US Supreme Court ruling permitting a business owner to refuse services to same-sex couples to get federal regulators to back off....


In the legal sense, “personhood” just means an entity can appear in court and defend themselves, not that it’s made of people. It doesn’t even give the corporation any human rights, it mostly just means that you can sue them

I don’t know why anyone would be mad about than


The base iPhone 15 is still a “premium” phone, it costs 2x as much as Google’s A series phones, and google never had a problem putting USB 3 on those. Maybe most people won’t do this, but it’s obviously important enough that they didn’t do the same on the pro version. It’s so weird to see people defending a company purposely gimping their phones just to give them upsells.


See, you’re assuming that this would have taken time and money to develop. Usb3 is ubiquitous at this point, it probably doesn’t even cost any more to include, or if it does, it’s a trivial amount. This isn’t apple “not adding a feature” this is apple purposely removing features to push people to the more expensive versions


Ok, but how did the perimeter go from 4 to 24??



And for reference, X AE A-XII is meant to be pronounced “ex ash archangel”. Which I’m sure is obvious to everyone that reads it lol


They’re saying that someone that makes $250,000 today lives the lifestyle that would have been considered middle class 20 years ago, not that that salary is at all a median


The distribution of that pie is also being skewed. Technology has brought prices slightly down (relative to income) for a lot of things that we buy, meaning that we get better prices and more variety on things like food, clothes, travel, and obviously electronics, but a couple of unavoidable things like housing prices and college tuition have exploded so dramatically that it totally overshadows the modest gains that we get. Both are things that only need to be paid for once, so anyone that went to school and bought a house before prices exploded now gets to enjoy cheap housing and cheap commodities, while anyone unlucky enough to come after is just screwed. I think that’s part of why older generations are so unsupportive of how much of a struggle it is for millenials and gen Z, the economy has gone to crap, but so far its only really hit the young


Yeah, it certainly isn’t everyone in the older generations, no group is ever a monolith. I was generalizing the general sentiment that I’ve seen, but I’m also in an ultra-conservative area that tends to be very “pull yourself up by your bootstraps”, so my perspective is probably skewed too.


I wasn’t saying that I thought that, I didn’t give my take at all, I was trying to be helpful in explaining what the other commenter meant. But since you’re calling me crazy…

To give my take on it, you’re right, there’s all sorts of ways that the lifestyles aren’t at all comparable, many things haven’t had the insane inflation that real estate has, so a person making 250k can obviously take a lot more vacations, go out to dinner more, buy more tech, etc than a middle class person from a few decades ago. But when it comes to buying homes, it gets a lot more comparable. Homes where I grew up have increased 4-5x in price over the last 25 years, so a family with a household income of 60k-ish (which is solidly middle class) buying a house that’s 3x their annual income would have been pretty typical in the early 2000’s. Now, if those same houses are being bought by households making 250k, it would be basically the same ratio of 3-4x their income.

So in home purchasing power (and that area only) low 6 figures is absolutely middle class, and anyone making under 6 figures has the home purchasing power of what used to be lower class


For me it’s just the fact that people have delved so deep into their echo chambers that they’ve lost all sense of what regular people think. Like I’m fine with someone being an extreme communist, they can have that opinion, but it seems like a lot of people on here talk to other extreme communists so much that they think more nuanced communists are somehow right wing. It doesn’t matter how much you try to concede to acknowledge their viewpoint, their personal Overton windows have shifted so far that they exclude everyone but people exactly like them, and it just makes conversations impossible.


Yeah, they all download files in a proprietary format so you can only watch using their app, it’s not just a .mp4 that you can use whenever


It’s still rational if you don’t care about those people though

bric, (edited )

I guess it depends on your definition of “rational”. From a pure logic perspective (i.e. the math definition) being rational just means making optimal choices in pursuit of your goals. I can be perfectly rational, understand that others have feelings, and simply not care about them unless they benefit me. Being perfectly rational basically makes you a sociopath, only considering other factors or people when they further your goals. Emotions and feelings are irrational to begin with, but sometimes it’s better to be a little bit irrational

USB-C confirmed for the iPhone 15 in new leaked images - Macworld (

We’ve known that the iPhone is switching to USB-C for a while now, but there was always a possibility that Apple would stick with Lightning for one more year. Based on the latest leaked images, however, Apple is all-in on USB-C for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models, with USB-C parts for the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, and...


Honestly, the fact that apple used usb-c on it’s “pro” iPads but not the regular iPad is all the proof we need that even apple thinks usb-c is better


Terf stands for “Trans exclusionary Radical feminist”, which is a type of feminist that pushes for women’s rights, but doesn’t support transgender rights, and thinks MtF transgender people don’t count as women.

A lot of people have boycotted Hogwarts legacy because of her political views. Personally, I think it’s a bit extreme to boycott a great game made by a studio and developers that have nothing to do with her views just because she gets royalties on it, but that’s a matter of personal opinion


Isn’t this meme format usually used with text that’s supposed to be absurd and over the top? Usually when I see this it’s with text that the author wouldn’t actually agree with, or at least not when taken to the extreme the meme implies. Maybe I just got lost in the layers of parody, but isn’t the format kind of undermining the point you’re trying to make here?


Just to prioritize download in limited bandwidth cables. Like a neighborhood might get 2Gbps total, but instead of doing 1 down 1 up they instead do 1.8 down and .2 up, then split that amongst a bunch of houses.


This is innovation though, an internet wide DRM would be quite an impressive technical feat. It’s just not innovation built to benefit you and me, it’s built to benefit Google’s true customers, advertisers


Unfortunately, iMessage’s proprietary format is far more common than RCS in the US, it works better than RCS, and apple makes a lot of money using it to keep people tied to their ecosystem, so it’s unlikely anything is going to change without government action


I think it’s funny when people act like the store brands are way worse than name brand, as you said it usually comes from the exact same factory. It’s just a false sense of choice so stores can look like they’ve got options


This. There an infinite number of ideologies that you could have, but our first past the post voting system (in the US) only allows for two candidates, so an infinite spectrum gets funneled into two camps.


Yeah, that’s why I specified US, there are plenty of places where it’s more of a gradiant, or where left and right are just two of many options. although unfortunately fptp is the norm in most of the world. The US is unusually polarized even among fptp countries, but countries that have better voting systems that allow for more than two parties are the exception, not the norm.


Nevada and Utah too. I think it’s mostly the western block of states


On iPhone? I doubt it, I’m pretty sure that only applies to Android


Are contractions inherently painful just because they’re contractions though, or is it all the stretching that hurts? Because if it’s the latter, contractions might just feel like a muscle twitch


iirc they haven’t connected to anything yet, and nobody is actually quite sure what it’ll look like when they do. A few instances have defederated from threads already, but they’re totally just guessing because nobody actually knows what url they should be defederating from.


Oof, that’s relatable. I can’t explain how many dating app conversations go stale like that.

<1hr after I get a text: pretend I didn’t see the notification because I can’t deal with it right now

1-5 hrs after: read it, and stress constantly about what to say

2 days after: realize I didn’t respond, get stressed because it’s now long enough to be awkward, and I have to change what I say

1 week after: realize it’s really too late now, the conversation sits for eternity


Can I ask what other factors tired light doesn’t explain? It sounds like an interesting idea, and at passing glance sounds a lot simpler than the universal expansion we’ve settled on, so I’m curious what makes that not the case


It’s a really cool technology, but the main problem is that letting people around the world inspect and verify just isn’t needed in most use cases. It does a great job at removing the central source of truth, but rarely does anyone explain what the problem with a central source of truth was. Especially when you’re talking about a company setting, startups don’t want to build open source software without a source of truth, they want to be the source of truth


This. It’s also not accurate to say it’s the warmest we’ve been in the past 10,000 years, it was likely warmer during the roman warm period, and potentially a couple of other points. So we can only really say it’s the warmest we’ve seen in the last couple hundred years.

That’s not to say this isn’t concerning, we’re on track to smash the roman warm periods average temperatures within our lifetimes and make the earth the hottest it’s been since the paleoscene, which would have massive ramifications. But we’re not there yet, the problem is that we will likely get there in the next few decades.


If you want some more optimism, we actually have slowed the rate of warming from what was predicted 20 years ago. The reality we are living in would have been considered an “optimistic prediction” at one point. We are still warming, things are still going in the wrong direction, but the changes that people have been making to mitigate global warming are making an impact. We might still be going over the cliff, but at least we’re doing it with our brakes on instead of full speed ahead. So yes, I do think it will be decades before we truly break temperature records that have been seen by humans, maybe even several decades. That doesn’t downplay the significance of the need to stop it though


The Roman warm period was about 2 degrees F warmer than today when you’re measuring global average temperatures, not just in europe, although it was more pronounced in europe. At current rates though, we’ll break that bar in 40 years or so though


Paleocene was the time right around when the dinosaurs died, so about 65 million years ago. you’ve heard of Jurassic, and maybe you’ve even heard of cretaceous, this is the one that comes right after those two. Right now we’re in the Holocene. The reason I mentioned it though is because (as far as we can tell) it was the hottest period in earth’s history, with average temperatures 8 degrees Celsius higher than today (which is a ton, the fact that it’s an average makes it seem less insane than it actually is). we’re nowhere close to getting as warm as it was then, but even if we got half that hot in a relatively fast amount of time (like we are) it could still cause mass extinction.

Which learning path makes the most amount of sense?

I just found out about The Odin Project, a self-paced online course to learn full stack web development. There are two paths: one is Ruby on Rails and the other is full JavaScript and nodejs. I am leaning more towards Ruby but I wanted to get some more opinions from folks in the field.


Yeah, which makes Ruby one of those languages like COBOL, you can make a lot of money if you’re in that world, but I wouldn’t ever recommend that someone should try and join that world, it’s going to be too hard to get in to and it might not stick around for long. I know some people that make a lot of money working in Ruby, but that doesn’t mean that anyone can, unlike javascript which will be valuable anywhere


tbh from what I’ve seen of her, I’m not sure that she has the temperament for a corporate job. Like, despite having the technical skills, she would probably be wholly unable to function in a typical white collar environment.


And those people can continue to do it for nothing, but there’s no requirement that she should need to. It’s her choice if she want to do it for nothing or not, and it’s everyone else’s choice whether they want to support her with their money


kind of. It has “view context”, which doesn’t show the parent, but it also has “more context”, which will. So between the two you can get what you’re looking for in 2 clicks


It’s pretty nice, definitely prettier than jerboa. I still haven’t found an app that will let me swipe between post comment sections like Joey (for reddit) could. Heck, even the official reddit app could do it, it’s like the only feature it had that all of the 3rd party apps don’t. Once I find an app that can do that, I’ll probably stick with it


I feel like if regulators are going to intervene, we should be expecting something better than RCS though. Most of RCS’s problems have happened because there was nobody with enough pull to get anyone to agree to anything more extensive, so we ended up with a slightly upgraded MMS. iMessage is a lot more than just upgraded MMS, it has payment options, polls, games, interactive applets, and anything else that someone wants to make a plug in to add on to it. And the gap goes beyond messaging, Apple also has proprietary standards for airdrop, video calls, ultrawideband, location tracking (although that’s getting slightly better), and basically any other way that two devices can communicate with each other.

I don’t want regulators to force apple to adopt RCS, I want a cohesive standard for all of the ways that apple has broken device communications, and RCS doesn’t even start to cover that. The only things that do really cover everything is IM apps like facebook messenger or whatsapp, so what we really need is for phones messaging apps to become IP based IM apps. Maybe even something where each IM app can federate with all of the others


Picture quality is a constant arms race and both sides have been better than the other at some point. It also varies from phone to phone, my fold3 takes much better pictures than my sisters iPhone SE2, but is comparible with my dad’s 13 max. The main reason that people think iPhones take better pictures though is because when you text a picture from an android to an iPhone it ends up horribly compressed, because apple doesn’t support RCS, but a picture sent from iphone to iphone or android to android will look a lot better


The problem is that most americans don’t use SMS as their main messaging system, they use iMessage, which is an IM app so long as it’s between iPhone’s. So when android users complain about apple not using RCS, what they’re really complaining about is that they can’t use the IM app that everyone else settled on.

Like, imaging living in the UK, but you have a phone that couldn’t use WhatsApp at all. I’m sure that people would be telling you to download whatsApp instead of messaging them on SMS, but you literally couldn’t without buying a new phone


Regulators don’t even necessarily come up with the standards themselves, they just need to enforce that companies need to make their services interoperable. Actually creating the standard should probably be up to a collaboration of apple, google, and other relevant parties, but regulators should just enforce that it needs to happen


ah, yeah that honestly explains a lot.


yeah, this is the norm for lemmy, it's balanced political takes that are the new look as more of the general populace come in.


From a design perspective it still has a lot of friction on signups though, we're asking users to make a server choice before they even remotely understand what that entails. That simple decision made me spend a week understanding the fediverse before settling on, but the average user won't do that, they'll get confused and then leave.

From a more traditional UX standpoint the general feed is also fairly bad, reddit has built in feeds for the things people care the most about (trending and subscribed) that pop up by default when opening the app or website, and gives the advanced controls off to the side. Lemmy on the other hand defaults to a feed that shows basically nothing, and only gives the advanced controls to fix it. For a new user that isn't tech savvy, the fact that the feed defaults to local is enough to make Lemmy seem completely dead if they happened to join a small instance.

These aren't major issues for us, but they are major issues for widespread adoption. It needs to be so easy that you can use it accidentally, and the UX isn't there yet. I'm sure we can fix issues with the feed and the app, but I do worry that the server choice problem isn't going to get a good solution


Did it have the option to swipe between posts instead of needing to click on each one? It was a basic feature of the official reddit app that I’m surprised more 3rd party apps didn’t emulate. Joey was the only android app that I found that had it


Data mining can happen without any of that, everything you post in the fediverse is literally available for anyone to see. Realistically, the most harm they can do is build controlled communities that grow so huge that they drown out all of the fediverse's open communities.

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