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Fuck I wish I could, but it’s US only. I was ready to take on debt when they announced that they’re quitting a decade ago, but a trip to the US is just way too fucking much. I’d probably end up staying homeless there. So jealous. Enjoy! I can’t even imagine what their shows are like, it just doesn’t transfer through video.


Peanut butter is going too far but american fucking cheese is fine? I don’t even wanna know what they put in that shit to make you call want to eat it so much.

Peanut butter is used in noodles and asian cooking plenty and it’s great.


Again, peanut butter is used plenty in noodles and noodle soups and it works great. Each to their own though. Just saying. Abomination is literally exaggering it. Literally learned to use peanut butter with noodles from Asian people.


Nokia N95 and I’d probably still be using it if I didn’t decide it was a great idea to go swimming with my clothes on.

What is good to eat when you have no appetite?

I am super sick right now and haven’t eaten much in a few days. It’s getting to the point where I am gonna need to force myself to eat something to keep my strength up but everything just sounds terrible to me right now. I have been subsisting mostly on small glasses of milk and the occasional packet of instant oatmeal....


If taste isn’t a concern, I’ve gotten by with chlorella and cocoa chia pudding for longer than I care to admit. I don’t mind the taste of chlorella, but most people apparently don’t find it and other seaweed all that appetizing, but it’s a drink so you can just chug it like a beer or something and neutralize the taste with like a splash of lemon juice or water with lemon juice. Won’t fill your stomach all that much, though.

Miso soup (with wakame and maybe tofu and veggies cut down to tiny pieces?) is also a great addition to that.


No judgement, ceramics is for everybody!

Honestly a latex body suit seems easier to clean too, though I have no experience with that. Just seems you could rinse yourself with a hose after.


Not really commenting on whether Altman got paid enough or not, but “well he’s not fucking homeless” isn’t really a sensible argument in any conversation about compensation.


To add to the other commenter about cleaning walls, clean your drains, like especially sink drains. There are flies that live specifically in drains. You also gotta nuke them for a while until it helps with drainflies.


People literally come bitch about whatever and troll because it hit all or whatever, that they chose to scroll, instead of just scrolling past it or blocking the community they don’t want to see like a sane person, because their world revolves around their ass.



Off the top of my head: Parliament Funkadelic - The Mothership Connection, Live In Houston 1976.

That’s my go to. An amazing show and never fails to get me in a good mood or cheer me up. Parliament Funkadelic is magic.


Ooh I really like this one and the Le Lab Virgin Radio one, especially Opposite Ways. So much better than the album versions.



Quieter than Silence are sublime, they have several shows on Youtube and they’re all different with different guest musicians and they’re all amazing.


Özgür Baba - Dertli Dolap, Çay Taşıand this full show: at the Franciscan Church.


It’s not even that it’s completely different - text emojis are more expressive. Less is more. And I’m not arguing that you can’t use emoticons in more than one way to convey different emotions or intentions, but you just can’t use :D and 😀 in the same way. Where you can use :D to be anything from snide, trolling, taking the piss, happy, excited etc you need a whole lot more emoticons to cover all that the :D can cover.


Sorry for the dumb question, I’m thick in the head - since federated content is, well federated, does this mean potentially anyone who makes an instance can see practically everything?


Thanks for the thorough reply. I’m just wondering, in general, about privacy and shit. Like it’s a big talking point here, how lemmy is so much safer and privacy focused, but then there are these huge oversights regarding some things. Sure it’s great my shit isn’t being monetized for bullshit reasons and ends and ads, but, if all this kind of decentralized thing doesn’t come without it’s own problems. It’s fairly new territory for most people and people easily lull into a comfort you know?

I’m paranoid rambling, but thanks for the reply.


I mean that’s my point. I’d trust Reddit more than some completely random dude to handle my data you know? Why wouldn’t I? At least with a centralized datamining piece of shit I know a part of what the data is used for and they’re not just stalking me waiting to murder me or something. Blindly sharing whatever with some rando who just comes up to you like “hey you want some privacy” is just fucking weird. Some random dude could be any weird fucked up person you know? Maybe I’m over/underthinking this, but sometimes all of this just seems weird.


Here’s the full album: Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne/Evangels of Satan. Whole album is just great from start to finish, one of my favorite black metal albums.

brewbellyblueberry, (edited )

And the original/official final track without the two bonus tracks, also just a fucking banger, maybe even more-so than the opener: Kuoleva Lupaus (“The Dying Promise”)


I mean the correct order is the tip with a bite of the crust from one side, then continue to go along that side biting a piece of the crust along with the base pizza. Unless you have something like curry on the side, then you can just not eat the crust at all and use it as breadsticks for the curry.

I’m confused by this comic, because she’s literally eating it crust first, which is not the side. And crust first is a 100% qualified way to eat pizza.

Also pineapple is one of the best toppings

brewbellyblueberry, (edited )

Oooh garlic butter is gonna be my next one to try. Pizza and spiiicy spicy curry is my hangover special - leftover curry and make or order pizza and then eat the crusts with the sauce. Garlic butter sounds like heaven though.

E: Tomato soup is also another great one for dipping crusts.

brewbellyblueberry, (edited )

Eating crust first is a war crime.

To me it’s like eating your least favorite candy in a mixed bag first - you’re left with the best part last. You have to leave just a bit of it so you can still grab it.

E: Also, if you eat all the crusts last they usually go dry and hard instead of nice and warm when you eat them first or as you go along. Depends on whether the dough is good really.


I agree, if you are. Never said anything about force feeding though.

A good dough is just good bread, but anyone who has ever eaten bread will know it’ll dry and get hard if it sits out in the open for long enough. And even then, it can make for good breadsticks for sauce or soup or whatever if it’s a good dough. Like I said, it all boils down to how good the dough/crust is. I don’t really eat shitty pizza with shitty dough though so I don’t really have the problem of “force feeding” the crusts. The dough, along with the tomato sauce is one of the most important parts of a good pizza IMO.


Oh my god I love this song I’m losing my fucking mind

brewbellyblueberry, (edited )

Whispers in the echo chamber of my mind

In the void they come alive and intertine

In the void I saw all I ever wanted

Beyond reality, beyond the binary

Bathing in the blood of who I used to be

Offering up all my imperfect offerings

Become my own fantasy

Twist the old self into poetry


Cut the chords

Cut ties

To yours

This world was not designed for us

And I’ve been punished, I’ve been blessed

Surrounded by living ghosts, you see

I thought I had to swallow them bеfore they swallowed mе

But you only know the one I’ve been

I’ve shed a thousand skins since then

A curse upon the monster of more

That shit does not define me anymore


Cut the chords

Cut ties

To yours


Cut the chords

Cut ties

To yours

I’m done

Cut the chords

Cut ties

To yours




I can’t get over how awesome this song is.


Sorry, that’s fucking weird. Didn’t even think to link alternatives.


I didn’t even notice it’s his official channel for both, that’s even weirder. What.


I mean that’s usually the answer.

brewbellyblueberry, (edited )

I think Venetian Snares. Some guy spit his snus-bag at him at the end of the show and he just said “fuck this and fuck you” and left the stage and left his stuff screeching this unbelievable noise on the stage for at least 15 minutes. It seemed like he was gonna go on for a while longer. Sorry Aaron that my fellow countrymen are mentally challenged.

The other possibility is Mark Lanegan (I really don’t remember when these shows were) at his peak after Bubblegum. You could feel his voice resonating in your fucking lungs and it was absolutely magical. RIP Mark.


That’s the point, like, read a book, dork!


Yeah I wouldn’t even agree with the depth, it’s not like all the braindead yet-another-american-high-school-dramas with no substance ever went anywhere, no plot, no nothing, just the same regurgitated melodrama and idiocy dressed for yet another generation. Even shows that would be actually great apparently need to have some bullshit drama and gratuitous sex in it for absolutely no reason at all.


Goddamn it now I want a couch with pockets. For snack, beer/cup holder, all kinds of tiny things. I’d never have to leave again.


Yeah well dumb people will try dumb ways to magically make their dumb kids smart. Wicked smaht. We played them Mozart 24/7 so they’d be smaht and look at him. So smaht. And the kid grows up to be an insomniac serial killer who grew dissecting any animals they got their hands on.


If she ever expresses an interest, maybe even without, buy a guitar and learn with her. Like you’re teaching, but you’re actually learning with her. Bonding x1000. You can both sing or take turns if it’s too difficult to play and sing from the get-go.

brewbellyblueberry, (edited )

Oh haha, perfect. You have a ukulele? I highly recommend one even just for you if you want to learn. There’s something weirdly inoffensive and less threatening about a uke that it’s easier to approach while it’s literally just a mini guitar with four strings. I’ve played guitar since I was under 10 years old and I have half a dozen guitars, but I find myself playing most on these tiny, cute guitars. Like you have a minute till the water’s boiling, you can just grab it for a second and chuck it back on the corner of the sofa. Like you’re not “really playing” - you’re just killing time, but you actually are.

Also just the fact that it has less strings literally makes it less difficult and you can still play it like a guitar. I kind of hate this trend that everyone plays it like they’re on vacation in Hawaii, because it literally is just a tiny guitar. It’s the perfect starter guitar.


I’d say it’s easier, already because there are less strings so the amount of fingers needed and frets to press are less. Like you can play an E minor chord with just one finger on one string. The standard tuning is like the highest 4 strings of a normal guitar. I’d say the size can make it softer on the fingers as well. Other than that it’s literally just a tiny guitar. Plus you van get one for pocket change or even a decent one for less than a 100€/€. Also because it’s so small you can take it literally anywhere.


Haha perfect. Glad she can hear now. But lol yeah, maybe a little early to start.

Honestly I wouldn’t know really, I think it’s all kind of subjective. My nephews started expressing interest anywhere from 4-12 years old. Exposure can/will help though usually. The nephews and nieces that saw and heard me or my BIL play more got interested earlier. A ukulele is kind of automatically in an open tuning so you can just strum or pick the strings without even doing anything with the fret hand and it sounding nice can encourage them to learn more - when you can just make something that sounds nice with minimal effort it will make it easier to apporach. I didn’t even teach them any chords at first. Just kind of show like, how much you can do with just going up and down one string with even just one finger can make something that sounds nice. Kids are still developing the muscles their fingers and motor functions, just like adults who don’t play or use their fingers in such a way, but I think it might be even harder for kids. I can remember a hundred times I almost gave up be cause it was just too hard physically to hold the chords, especially on an oversized classical guitar for tiny child hands.

Like you can even try for yourself. You don’t even need to tune the uke differently, just strum the open strings and then go up and down a basic scale on the highest pitched (E) string (on the bottom of the neck): 0-2-3-5-7-8-10-12 frets, in different variations and find a melody. You don’t need to do anything with any other string, just strum the open strings along with that one string. Just as an example. From there just expand the same mentality to other strings and start using more fingers. Too much theory can kill any interest very quickly and personally I think it’s such an ass-backwards way to approach music. Like learning grammar and how to write before learning to speak.


Sounds like she’s already off to a better start even before starting then! Hope you both have fun learning and sharing the love for music.

I didn’t even have a teacher, I just had a couple of books, and thought that was the only way to learn so I pushed myself to strain my hands and my head to figure it out because I really wanted to learn and it really fucked my hands up for decades leading to further and further problems with advancing. After over two decades I finally corrected my hand position and well, ergonomy and everything became so much easier. Problems I wouldn’t have had if I’d had proper teaching or even a proper instrument for my tiny hands. Carpal tunnel is no fun, especially when the number one thing you want to do is play. If only someone had told me the things I know now.

brewbellyblueberry, (edited )

Oh it’s hard to explain through text but definitely don’t hold your thumb on/over the neck. Your fret hand should be same or similar as playing guitar. Your thumb should be usually pretty much “on the spine”/middle of the neck. If that feels uncomfortable, you might be holding the guitar awkwardly/wrong. Check out how people instruct you to hold classical/Spanish guitar, because that’s literally like guitar ergonomy 101.

My problems with my fret hand were mostly related to having too wide a neck for my hands which led to over stressing my fret hand, pressing too hard and having my wrist at an awkward angle. Which led to pressing even harder which led to wrist pain and overall difficulty reaching everywhere I was supposed to. Things you should take into consideration but not necessarily stress if you’re just playing to chill, but I was ambitious from the get go.

The way you describe “crab claw” sounds about right, but you can check out classical/Spanish guitar + wrist + ergonomy on YouTube or something if you want to. Your wrist should be fairly straight and you definitely can’t do that if you’re having your thumb over the neck. As little as your nerves and tendons and shit need to stretch unnecessarily, that’s the sweet spot. Look at how classical guitarists play. They have the guitar at an angle for a reason, because they’re kind of going to the extremes of the mobility of the fingers and tendons etc, and even if you aren’t, a more ergonomic stance is only going to do you good

E: almost forgot. It might do you good, especially for something as small as a Ukulele, to get a strap. It can be difficult to hold and fret and do all of that at the same time. A strap can make it a lot easier/automatic for the instrument to stay in a good position so as not to strain your wrists

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