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Cashier is one of the worst job you can. If machines can replace us for hard work, it’s for the best.


J’ai hâte de voir ce que ça va donner avec le rgpd. Ils ont exploité le travail de tous les utilisateurs pour entraîner leur IA et maintenant ils ferment les vannes pour toucher le jackpot. C’est très douteux comme méthode de conception et développement, et très flou vis à vis des droits d’auteur et des données personnelles.

Alors, leur stratégie est de concentrer les richesses. Mais l’enjeu est si grand que j’ai du mal à croire que ça va juste se passer comme ça.


Why shouldn’t you have to use heroic launcher or lutris? The whole point of drm free is that you don’t need a specific launcher connected to Internet.


Galaxy works fine on windows. It’s far more stable than steam btw.

In the meantime heroic or lutris work very well. So why is there even a need for something else? I’d argue it’s better if a company don’t hold your game hostage for you to play them.


It does crash regularly, or it stops working and you need to restart it, and it always did this kind of thing. The obnoxious “I need to update before you’re allowed to play” is hardly a selling feature. The videos and the adds are both obnoxious and intensive on resources.

Galaxy has its ups and downs, but overall I feel its lighter and much more responsive. The interface is much less cluttered, much more logical and clear. And it’s not a fucking drm.

I thank vavle for what did for Linux gaming. Proton is brilliant and incredibly useful and valuable. But I also despise them for steam being litteraly a DRM. So I will forgive cdpr if they need time to develop galaxy on Linux and I’ll use lutris and heroic game launcher in the meantime.


The definition for intelligence changed over the last 2 centuries because we keep discovering how an animal can fit the definition, and intelligence was used to separate humans from animals. Now it’s even worse because people are trying to separate AI from humans.

I like the concept laid out by Delany: in a novel he describe 3 levels of intelligence based on the understanding of various point of views, but it’s not a ranking.

The first stage is simplex: people don’t understand the science of the world, so everything is kind of magical but this concept of magic make the world hold itself and they can grasp everything and use everything with this conception of magic.

Second stage is complex: people have an understanding of science and they can explain many things, but not everything. And when they can’t explain something, they can’t cope with it, because they don’t have the conceptual tools for it. Thus they will either deny this thing existence of plug it into their existing concepts by ignoring the feature that can’t fit.

Third and last stage is multiplex : people can accept that there are theories different than the ones they know, ideas also. Point of views can shape the way you see the world, and even the scientific theories you have to explain the world can be seen as a point of view on the world, so changing this point of view can bring a new or different understanding of a phenomenon or thing or person. These points of view all coexist at the same time, none of them is more true than the other. Like the concept of magic, this allows to grasp, use or accept even the ununderstandable and the unknown, but with a better ability to understand than the simplex stage.

I like this model. But it’s more a model for open-mindedness than intelligence. But maybe that’s the thing.


IQ of someone is not stable: it changes depending on how much you train to do it or the mental/psychological state you are in when you pass it. Thus it is not a sound scale to measure anything.

The fact that it is merely a ranking of people further push it in the realm of straight bullshit.


CP77 was already a great game at launch. I am sad that so many games are barely in beta state at launch, but CP77 wasn’t an offender.

I consider this new launch a 2.0 or remastered edition. It didn’t need it, but it’s good it got it.


Technology doesn’t bring disconnect. I’d argue liberalism does, and individualism.

Liberlism glorifies individualism: it is the individual who shall be responsible for itself, for its successes and failures. This makes people center on themselves.

But humans are social creatures, so when society tells you that can only rely on yourself, you simply ignore society and focus on your relatives, your family, and maybe your extended social group, which is far, far smaller than the whole society.

Liberalism is basically a doctrine that tells people that the state will abandon them and they shouldn’t rely on it. People will mechanically fall back on a fascist regime that tells them that they will be taken care of and granted the privileges they deserve.

Ergo, liberalism builds fascism.

Another way I see this is that fascism is the fail state of societies. A society always fall back to some sort of fascism. And there liberalism comes to tell you that the state, the organisation that structure the society, should disappear or do nothing.

The solution is dirty easy: the government needs to be a government and do something for the people. Fund the schools, the hospitals, public transports. Take the money where it is. Forbid the financiarisation of the housing market, so house can house people instead of being another kind of gold. Ensure people have enough money to eat and shelter. And there you go. People don’t need fascism when they’re being taken care of.

But the only things liberals do is pretending that there is no money for this shit. Of course, they’re hard at work so the state can get the least money possible.


I know this thesis of simplisme, but I don’t buy it. Or rather, there’s nothing around it. People are xenophobe or racist since the dawn of humanity. As you put it, the problem is disenfranchised people, but the solution is how to avoid to disenfranchised them.

Fascist leaders naturally arise when people are looking for solutions to their basic problems. These basic problems are housing, food, security, health,…

In some way we are indeed fighting some instinct of racism, an instinct that has us focus on a smaller group of people we care or understand. The bigger the problems, the smaller the group we focus on.

As for the technology, I firmly disagree still. The disconnect to me would be from the bullshit jobs (a lot of work doesn’t serve society but the holy growth). That is one disconnect. The feeling that the rich have the society work for them and the people have to work for that and then find what they need to live is another disconnect. The intensity of work that prevent socialisation in the name of productivity is a disconnect. The lies and advertising for things you don’t care much. The philosophy that every activity must cost something.

As for technology, people are saying what you’re saying at least since we invented books. Don quichotte is exactly about this.


It actually succeed, and it has an effect later.



So I succeeded the DC99 check with a crit success (it was my only success in these checks). Later, at the end, in the very final fight, the netherbrain started with about 60 less hp and a debuff that said that it was very surprised I could succeed this check (not the exact words but you get the idea).

Iirc it started with 246hp instead of 300. I don’t remember if the debuff did something else.


You’re perfectly right. But those who decide, sales or decision makes, don’t understand that. So it’s easy to sell them some shitty thing and empty promises. They trust another salesman a lot more than their own tech guys anyway.


I feel like public transports are never good in the hands of private companies anyway. It always needs to be heavily subsidised, and it’s never better than publicly managed. And competition makes things even worse.


Je suis pas complètement d’accord avec l’auteur de l’article. Il argue en gros que les petits patrons font office de leader d’opinion dans les campagnes, et qu’ainsi le discours de la gauche y sera difficile à entendre. Il oppose cette idée de façon hypocrite je trouve à l’idée du livre qui prétend que les ruraux ne sont pas fondamentalent racistes mais délaissé par les discours de la gauche, qualifiant cette thèse d’un peu condescendante (j’ai plus les mots exacts, je l’ai compris comme ça).

A mon avis les deux thèses se rejoignent : les campagnes sont effectivement abandonnées par les discours de gauche, et les petits patrons ont effectivement un rôle dans l’appréciation que les gens peuvent avoir des discours de gauches, mais je ne les appellerais pas des leaders d’opinion.

Il manque à mon avis l’impact des médias sur cette culture des campagnes. Ce n’est que mon impression, mais dans les campagnes les grosses chaîne d’info (tf1, m6, bfmtv, etc) et facebook ont plus d’impact. Y a ptêtre un lien avec l’âge de la population aussi (les jeunes préfèrent les villes et s’informent différemment).


On a bell curve the average and mean are the same. Your example isn’t a bell curve. Many things will be a bell curve.


It is still one of the best games. It didn’t work on outdated consoles, that was the only flaw to complain about. Oh and it wasn’t gta, but that’s a positive in my book.


Notably the missile also has antibunker capability. Which is why Russian command centers are blowing up regularly.


The degree of success couldn’t be predicted, sure. But larian is not a new studio, BG is a big ip, DOS2 was a big success, the witcher 3 was a tremendous success, and the game was in early access for 3 years so you could very easily gauge how it was going.

If a decider can’t see that coming at least as a significant possibility, they’re all clowns who don’t deserve more than the lowest wages.


There is a difference between misjudging the success and betting on the failure.

Did you read the paper? BG3 was assessed far below just dance or let’s sing ABBA! It was at the very bottom of the list!

I bought the game blind a year before release. Not to test it but because I knew were I was going. Of course I had big fears about it because many games pretended to be BG successors and I didn’t want to get my expectations too high. But I didn’t know anything about it because I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

The information was there. I don’t know why journalists to whatever didn’t saw it coming but I was prepared for it being a big thing for me. It is litteraly their job to assess whether a game will work or not. They bet on failure. They couldn’t be more wrong, and I don’t think there was any sign of failure.


There are hints of the cult of Bhaal and Gortash taking over all over acts 1 and 2. I just found a note in act 1 in the entry to the zent basement talking about Gortash. The goblins talk about their 3 leaders, and you quickly understand that they’re not the goblin, the drow and the hobgoblin.

Ketheric was merely the first step, and saving the duke comes in act 3. There are many pathes to save him or not. Really that’s not railroad that’s happening, that’s vilains having more in their bag that you’d hope for.

These are good vilains, and it is a good story. Far better than a story that doesn’t move forward and has its vilains protected by scenarium.


You have pictures and visions of the 3 leaders from the goblins. In the ruined town and in the goblin fortress. They are hints for gortash and orin in various other places too.


It is the only one that can hold my hundreds of tabs. It’s also ooensource, but that’s a bonus. Recently addblocker is a very good feature too.


Oh yes so much! My exact reaction everytime I hear a machine talking to me!


Magic users in dnd are far from that powerful. Most dm though are not experienced enough to deal with it.


They’re not game breaking if you correctly read the rule and prepare a bit against them.


Only an idiot needs anti-magic fields to fight magic.


Simulacrum. Lvl7 spell. Extremely long casting time and very expensive. Once you got this, you’re an archmage.

Your problem in this case is the scope of the story. At this stage, you cannot think merely of an encounter by itself. How you get to the encounter is the whole game. And you cannot be passive either.

You are mistaken on one point: the dm doesn’t deal with a player, a vilain deals with a character. That’s a significant difference.

Which goes back to the archmage bit: if a pc is an archmage, a vilain can’t ignore it. It’s like Sauron can’t ignore Gandalf. The story becomes about the vilain versus the players’ characters. Exactly like in any comics where it more often goes into tier3 than the classic fantasy.

As for the fighters, there is one discrepancy in dnd 5e between martials and spellcasters : spellcasters are given their tools in their class progression while martials need to seek their strategic power into the game.

But this is unfairly putting things actually : a wizard needs a lot of things in the game too. Like the materials for your simulacrum. This means that spellcasters merely have more guidance on what they should seek in the world than martials. Martials players should merely look at the downtime activities to know what they can look for.

Sure, you can add an enemy to counter the martial, but what will you do against the army he recruited?

That is what tier3 is about. That is what 5e rules do to the game. You may not like that. Then pf2e is certainly better for your table as far as I understand.

The problem with 5e is that people don’t understand what tier3 and 4 are about.

If you want to see what tier3 is about, you should have a loot at what kind of humanoid are still in this tier in the monster manual.


Haha it’s very easy now: I have an os with no adds.

I am the one telling the os when it updates or not and when it reboots or not.

I have a working terminal so I don’t need dozens of shady softwares to do basic stuff like transferring a file on a local network.

And the biggest ones: I can disable my firewall and no defender will erase files from my computer without my consent.

Video games work surprisingly well today. Recent ones at least.


Ils avaient fait le cadeau à total sous prétexte que total redistribuait le bénéfice de cette façon. Maintenant ils font la même chose avec les grandes surfaces.

Une hypothèse serait que ça permet à ces grosses entreprises de garder un gros chiffre d’affaire même s’il y a des pertes dedans, et ça stimule la consommation.

En gros, si les gens s’arrêtaient d’utiliser leur voiture à cause de l’essence trop cher, ils n’iraient pas dépenser leur argent ou en gagner la ou leur voiture les emmène. Du coup, les gens peuvent dépenser leur argent pour faire tourner l’économie. C’est mieux pour tous ceux qui peuvent se le permettre. Mais les petites stations vont en effet crever.

Comme d’hab le gouvernement déploie des solution de court-terme au dépend du long terme. Si la stratégie était de saboter le pays pour que ce soit la crise pendant le prochain mandat pour pouvoir revenir en sauveur en 2033 ça m’étonnerait pas, ça donnerait de la cohérence et de l’intelligence a une collection de politiques de merde, mais je crains qu’ils soient juste des imbéciles.

N’oubliez pas le razoir d’occam : si une décision peut s’expliquer par la malice ou par la bêtise, il s’agit généralement de bêtise.


Je sais, mais pour moi le razoir de Hanlon est un cas particulier du razoir d’occam :p


As said, put stuff on the ground and the mage hand can throw them. Potions and grenades are especially handy.


Fly and invisibility both take concentration :p

I somewhat disagree with you overall, because almost all magic have countermeasures. Invisibility for example is good to bypass humanoid, but you still need to be stealthy, because creatures with good ear or smell don’t care about seeing you. And the time constraints is the biggest limit.

Sure, you can use spellslots, but you only have so many of them, and if you take a day to recover them, evil has its plans going forth too. Which city will you sacrifice to Sauron while you sleep to recover your spellslots?

Usually spells are far less potent than people think they are. But it’s hard to be accustomed to them to easily prepare or think about all the countermeasures. It’s not hard usually though. A dog will do a lot against any kind of infiltration for example. And there are far worse creatures than that.

Another note is that Gandalf is only a tier3 sorcerer. Between lvl11 and 16. And you can see how the character is treated in the story: he has the eye of Sauron on him, unlike the hobbit.

Ironically Larian is doing far better for countermeasures and time pressure than most dm I feel.

For mage hand, it’s a programming constraint I feel. Summons don’t have inventory you can access, so it’s easier to prevent you from stealing with the hand than having players lose items because they pick them with the hand. It’s a limitation of the game engine.


You can move a whole barrel of powder to your character. You merely need to move them on the screen rather than trying to grab it in the hand.


How do you lace shoes with only one hand?


Ok, second part is to take a step back, and instead of trying to counter the players, just make the world a living one. Have the enemies be smart. Think in terms of factions and resources instead of individuals and encounters.

Even the wildest monsters can be smart predators, not because they’re smart, but because they’re predators.

Another question you’re bringing is wilderness survival. With this, you’re trying to make dnd 5e something it absolutely isn’t: a survival game. Survival in dnd is abstract and easy up to lvl5. After that, it’s not supposed to be a difficult, which is why you have spells like create food and water.

But these spells are not free. A party with this spell and leomund’s tiny hut means two spellcasters are down one spell when the day begin. At level5 that means only 1 of the important lvl3 spells. And if they can’t cast it, they can’t rest, because I doubt they will have provisions and camp if they rely on this. And if they don’t have comfortable enough rest or no ration, they can’t benefit from a long rest.

Time is usually the resource you need to constrain. For each day that passes, the vilain should have something going. This way the players will have to manage their rest properly.

Back to the resources of the enemies. A big mistake many seem to do is to give the monopoly of magic to the players. But it is ridiculous to do it. Enemies should have available magic one way or another. No an infinite supply of it, but they would have some. How many sorcerers, warlocks and clerics in a colony of goblins? Certainly quite some. Below lvl5 is apprentice level. Lvl5 to 9 is expert level. You can have a bunch of apprentices and a handful of experts in a colony. And then dispel magic, counterspell and everything is also available to you, the dm.

Before tier3, you have easy solutions for each and any trick a spellcaster can come up with. If they use their spells for utility, they will very quickly run out of them, and they won’t have them for combat.

Usually people who prefer PF2 will have a bias against 5e balance. It’s a bias because both games have different philosophies about it. It’s perfectly valid to hate one and love the other, or the opposite. PF2 is more about the encounter and the tactic. 5e is more about strategy and finding ways around the obstacles.


This is very true. And it’s ironic because when I saw BG3 I thought that bioware paved the way for it. They had everything to make a BG3 since kotor and nwn2, they successfully kick-started their own IP with ME and DAO, but they went on the path of ME3 and DAI instead.

They mistakenly thought the kotor and neverwinter nights ways were different. And then they failed at adapting to the openworld era.


There is a big failing in ME2 that made me sad: the shift to a human centric story and universe.

ME3 I don’t see anything interesting in the scenario right from the start. It’s very similar to DAI btw.

Is there a way to convert radiation from atomic decay into energy directly, the same way we do sunlight with a solar cell? (

Couldn’t we have a lead box lined with these radiation to electricity converters with a small amount of radioactive material in the center, and have an energy generating device that would last for thousands or even millions of years? Imagine putting the sun in a box lined with solar cells, but on a much smaller scale....


Looking into it, it should be theoretically possible to get a material that decay into beta particles trapped in sphere that would gather these particles and thus electrically charge the sphere.

I don’t see how you turn it on or off though, which might be a problem.


Bikes are cool and all until it rains or it’s crazy cold or crazy hot outside. I’d rather have public transport than bikes everywhere.

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...


I think copyrights are a heresy, a cancer for humanity. So I don’t care about pirating.

But I don’t pirate much these days because it became more difficult with torrent and I can easily pay for video games and support the studios I like.


I drink hot-chocolate-milk. I’m perfect.


From my perspective the center became extreme right this year… It’s actually the extreme right that choose to vote their laws because they are exactly what they like.


I’d rather see it as having Internet, the backbone of a technology we profit a lot from, runs on free softwares.

That companies use it to make profit is the same as those using anything to make profit.

Companies are also using paper and pencils, desks and seats and all sort of things.


With the climate change we need more than net neutral. Net neutral is plain bullshit, greenwashing for those who don’t want to see the reality of the problem. We need to fully stop ejecting co2 in the atmosphere, full stop.

Hydrogen engines are much more promising. They could be ready by 2035.


Physics likes dicks. The universe is telling something there for sure!


Of course! I was reacting to the idea of Russia withdrawing. Wouldn’t that mean they leave Ukraine? That would be devastating to them.

I bet Russia is indeed betting on time. Well, actually they need to hold until Ukraine settle for a cease fire, or supplies from the west stop coming.


I would imagine Ukraine would not stop the war of they withdraw anything. Each victory of Ukraine is a powerful moral boost for them.

What Russia is doing right now is the right move for them: making the advance of Ukraine as slow and painful as possible. Until they get discouraged or west support falls out. But they need to make each km of progress difficult, or both the west and Ukraine will see that it is actually possible to make Russia withdraw its forces.

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