@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar


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@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not that people don’t think women have the capability. There is just a general assumption that they’re smart enough not to waste their time with it and they have better things to do, like actual hobbies and friends/family to see.

When I have time to kill I dick around online and usually ignore anything else I could do. Every woman I know is making scrapbooks, knitting her own hats and some more for others, taking care of some kids, building and maintaining relationships with people in the real world, cooking amazing food just because they want it, getting involved in the community, working some extra side jobs, and generally doing stuff to make their world and the world around them better.

Why do you assume the assumption that everyone is a guy online is somehow the result of a negative view on women?

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I’m projecting, but also, I said it was an assumption that’s generally held, not a hard fact that everyone does or should believe. We all know different people and that will color or views.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I have. The most recent woman I saw was my sister, who does literally all the things I mentioned, and has probably never been on reddit. She might not even know what it is.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I guess… maybe I just know a bunch of really motivated women. None of them spend time one sites like this, They do shit.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I wasn’t aware you wanted a list of everyone woman I’ve ever met. I’m not going to provide that, as it’s insane. That’s why I simply mentioned just the most recent. I also didn’t say anything about the entire female population in the world, that’s a bunch of spin you made up in your head. Stop being so sensitive and trying to make things out to be worse than they are. I don’t know you, nor was I thinking about you when I made the post; you don’t need to take it personally.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Cooked using monster extract.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Everyone thinks it’s the other person that needs to change their mind when presented with the new information. Both sides feel like they are right and the other side is stupid for not understanding.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t see a point of constantly shifting the words. It’s the meaning that matters. I’ve heard people use “mentally challenged” the same way people used idiot and retard. Now if I look up “mentally challenged” it’s directing me to “Intellectual disability”, which still means in the same thing, so it’s only a matter of time before people start using that and the words have to change again. It all seems so pointless. No one likes being called an idiot, but it’s there will always be a word to cover that meaning. We might as well just use the words we had.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, this stuff isn’t really slang though. They’re replacing the slang with ever more technical replacements in an effort to make something non-offensive, when the idea behind the words is inherently offensive. Then shame is used to drive adoption. Slang I get, this other stuff… it’s just annoying.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Ford has plans to build a battery plant in the US which will bring about 2,500 jobs with it. Not doing anything and letting the rest of the world make and deliver the cars to the US would be much worse for the economy than doing nothing at all.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

To be fair, the F150 has been the best selling vehicle in America for something like 40 years. If the Lightning can hold on to that market, that will be a lot of vehicles, even if all it does is that one.

That being said, I’d rather we invest in better infrastructure and transit that reduces the dependance on cars. I don’t know exactly how many jobs that would create vs the auto industry. But across infrastructure, bikes, trains, potentially getting people back into retail shops and out of online everything… It’d image it would be a lot of jobs.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. They do have some interesting utility. They can be used of power tools directly off the battery. The front trunk can allow for tool storage when the bed is full of whatever. They can be hooked up to your home to provide power during a grid outage. These are all pretty cool, but there will still be a lot of anxiety around running out of power, and the things you mention.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know if I’m on the spectrum or not, but I always focus on the details (if not ignoring the ads completely), because my first question is always, “how are they trying to fuck me this time?” The more obvious the emotional appeals and other tricks, the more I think they’re trying to screw people. If they are too over the top I write them off completely without even looking any further into it. If if they have to use that much manipulation, the product probably sucks.

I had a lot of math problems in school that were all about ignoring all the superfluous information to pick out what was needed to answer the actual question. I’m sure stuff like that helped too.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I really hate software where you go to the website to learn about it and it’s all artistic graphics and nonsense, and doesn’t show the actual product at all. Business software is the worst for this.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I hate them passionately, and will often note the brand in the advert so I can avoid it.

I’ve been getting a letter from State Farm Insurance every week (sometimes multiple per week… sometimes multiple per day) for over almost 20 years. I’ve moved 15 times and they still follow me. All this has done is guarantee I will never sign up for their shitty insurance. I’ve been thinking about calling them just to try and get the letters to stop. I had to do this with XM… it worked, until I got a new car and another free 3 months. Now I guess I need to call and yell at them again.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I get all beef hotdogs. They do not taste like bologna.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

That guy’s story made no sense. He wanted a hotdog with a flat side, so he made a giant hotdog that’s still cylindrical to cut off chucks from?

I feel like there are infinitely better solutions to his, hotdogs rolling off the grill, problem. A couple of skewers, for example.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Is this a thing?

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Interesting. I’ll have to look next time I’m at the store. It’s been a long time since I had bologna.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I remember when other people printed the news out everyday and a kid would ride around on their bike to drop it off at the various houses.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I thought we were making jokes here… like the wooden stick with markings on it, instead of saying ruler, a few comments up in the thread. I was just trying to keep it going. Relax.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Or better yet, buy from your local independent bookstore, if you have one.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

With the student loan forgiveness I think it’s also about it not being fair to those who chose not to go to college, because they didn’t feel like they could afford the loans, so went to work instead. Blue collar workers paying for white collar workers to get their degrees.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

They aren’t doing anything to fix the underlying issues with the loans. So they forgive stuff, cool, how about all the loans they are continuing to issues? Are we going to have a big forgiveness event every few years when it’s politically convenient to win some votes?

If they want to actually fix the problems, I’m all for it, but they aren’t doing that. Their trying to bail out a boat that’s still leaking, when they cause the leak and have the power to patch it. It makes no logical sense.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

We don’t need to force the metaphor.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Two people are going for the same job, one has a degree while the other doesn’t, who is more likely to get the job, all else being equal? Who, on average, gets paid more, those with degrees or those without degrees?

Those who are getting the degree get a boost above those without one, so those who chose to forgo the degree, who would have chosen differently with loan forgiveness could argue pretty effectively that it hurt them.

The government is funded by tax dollars. Everyone who works, including those in the trades, pay taxes. White collar workers who were self taught or went to a boot camp are also at play here. There are many companies that only let you move up so high without certain degrees. So Sam’s tax dollars pay for Alex’s degree, and now Sam works for Alex.

And all of that isn’t even the biggest issue. They aren’t fixing the system. Loan forgiveness today simply kicks the can down the road a couple years. If they want to fix the problem they should fix the problem and stop tying people to the tracks in the first place.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

They can and should do both, but if they aren’t going to stop tying people to the damn track then they should stop pretending they’re doing anyone any real favors by telling them they will loosen some knots. This is a political move to buy votes with tax payer money. That’s it. If they gave two shits about people with crippling student loan debt they’d change how the system works to stop with the predatory loans, which would in turn force universities to cut their bloated administrative costs, and lower tuition to a reasonable level where a degree and actual be worth getting.

Until they do that, this loan forgiveness stuff is just a dog a pony show.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Education doesn’t have to be as expensive as it is, even if it isn’t free. These people give college students blank checks, because the loans are backed by the government. Knowing that the kids have an unlimited supply of debt, the universities have become bloated and wasteful, letting administrators get rich on the backs of these kids.

Even if it’s made free, the out of control spending of these universities has to be reined in, as it will lead to taxpayers paying the inflated costs, but just not being able to see it so clearly.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

My issues with it is we’re going to have to keep doing it every other year as new debt gets created. Does it happen on a schedule or do we do a little forgiveness here, then wait until people are in crushing pain again in 5-10 years and try to do it again… how many massive student loan forgiveness programs can we do before we fix the actual problem.

Was this even a problem created by the wealthy? This seems like a monkey paw situation, where the government was like, “we want everyone to be able to get a degree. We’ll back the loan so no one gets rejected… tell us how great we are.” Then time passes and people get $80k loans to get degrees in shit that will never get them a job which will allow them to pay it back. Now the government is like, “we’ll forgive the loans… maybe… someday… if we can… just vote for us again… we promise we’ll totally do it next year…” They tried something, it didn’t work, undo it. This shouldn’t be hard. Like applying the scientific method to government.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Without doing anything to fix the system that created the debt burden, they’re simply kicking the can down the road. It’ll start building right back up again. This isn’t a sustainable solution to the problem. It’s like we’re attaching a few balloons to the top of the trolley so it’s a little lighter when it runs over a few people, but then the balloons pop and we keep throwing on weight. Fixing the issues that have led to the current price of college will likely save future students more than they would ever get from a debt forgiveness program. This isn’t a real solution, it’s a ploy to win votes and apparently it’s working.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

What? That’s not what’s happening. They are doing student loan forgiveness, for only some of the current loans. Nothing is become free under the current plan. People are still going to take out massive loans, they are still going to go into massive debt, and they will still be crippled. Which is why this is a stupid plan.

If school is free, they wouldn’t need to take out loans, correct. However, we’d still want to get the costs under control so it’s not the government writing a blank check to the colleges, funded by tax dollars, instead of students writing blank checks with debt dollars. The current government can’t afford to make this free, the budget is upside down as it is… there is a $1.5T deficit for 2023. Somehow we’re going to pay for college too? The deficit is out of control; we can’t just say the government is going to pay for all this new stuff when they can’t even afford the current stuff. I’m all for providing stuff like healthcare and college, but we have to get the house in order first. Doing it when things are in their current state would be a disaster.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I’m going to assume this is a joke…

There are people (it seems semi-common with dentists) to have over $1m in student loan debt. So we give $1m to everyone in the US and that’s a $340 trillion dollar program. That doesn’t fix the problem, as the next generation will have to take out loans again, because they didn’t get any of that money, so we’ll be right back here in 20-30 years.

The GDP of the entire world is $105T, so we’re talking more than 3x the GDP of Earth. Not so “easy”. We’d have to print so much money it would all become worthless, go into hyperinflation, and the global economy would take a shit as the world’s reserve currency becomes garbage overnight.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

That’s what I want and have been saying in other comments. If the government stops backing these loans and the loans need to make actual sense, they would be much smaller. And when the loans are smaller the colleges have to trim the bloated administration so it becomes affordable again, ideally to the point where some people can work while going to school and cash flow it, if they get a decent enough job… or save up during high school.

Do that and they fix the problem for all the new people and loan forgiveness or not, it will all work itself out in time.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

If they do nothing the pressure will stay on them until they do something real. If the loan forgiveness actually happens they will declare victory and pat themselves on the back, and then nothing will happen for another decade or more.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

If that’s the best they can do they should be removed from office. People who are unwilling or unable to work with others should not hold public office where that is a basic skill required for the job.

As for the ploy to win votes, the issues is both the timing and the way it which it was done. Biden announced the first forgiveness stuff going into the midterm elections and they were just promises from an executive order. It likely gave them a boost in votes during the midterms even though nothing happened yet, and ultimately nothing happened, because he didn’t have the authority to do that according to the courts. But the election already happened, so he just gets to say, “my bad, we’ll try again next time”… Now they’ll dangle this BS carrot in front of people through 2024 to try and prop them up in the 2024 elections. Will anything meaningful actually happen? I’m not holding my breath.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Is it really a personalized touch, or are they just randomly matching clients up with other clients, no differently than a machine would do?

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I think the monkey paw is somewhere in who or what decides good and evil, and what the punishment is for evil. It could very well be that 99% of the population instantly drops dead.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I think it’s supposed to be a pun, but it’s written like hell and falls apart at the end.

Of-in reads like oven. So sticking it in the oven would be of-in.

So you of-in the cold food and of-out the hot food.

Even piecing that together it still feels like having a stroke to read.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

QR codes as menus are a security risk. A bad actor could make up some stickers and put them on the table in place of the menu QR code. The code could then take the user to a malicious site, that they think they should be able to trust.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

If I was forced to stay in a place that said that by family, I’d start getting really petty judging all the things they’re doing which have a bigger environmental impact than some menus.

Like how about the data center running the website to host the menu? Are they using paper napkins? Is anything disposable on the plate I get with my food? How does the bill arrive, is it paper? Is there food waste in the kitchen, what happens to it?

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Alternatively, they could stop manipulating their prices so much.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

No one working at the restaurant is analyzing the pixels in a QR code to see if they are in the right spot. A QR looks like a QR code. Show someone 10 QR codes and ask them to pick the one from their restaurant, no way anyone is getting that right based on anything more than dumb luck.

The fake one could even forward on to the normal menu after it does the nasty bits, assuming it’s just installing something that will run in the background. This seems like a great way to get some malware out into the wild, especially if it can’t self-replicate.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve seen places with generic QR codes, and at best most would just have a logo in the middle the sticker could easily go around, if that particular target would lead to a big enough pay off. I don’t know what the ROI would be. I don’t know how these hackers make money, but they seem to make enough to make it worth their time.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Other than gasoline and expensive fish, we don’t really pay true market price for anything. That would be chaos and I’m not sure why any consumer would want prices to fluctuate that often.

If anything they will use corrections to drive the price up, not down. The only way prices would come down is pressure from competition, without that a reduction in business costs would just mean more margin for the owner.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

They don’t want any of the girls to mistake one of the boys for Jesus and accidentally sin trying to do his will.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

Everyone on this bus is my family.

@bob_wiley@lemmy.world avatar

How has no one brought up A Kid in King Arthur’s Court. Am I the only one old enough to remember this?


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